




1、百度文库-让每个人平等地提升白我附录1中文译文柔性制造系统介绍对制造系统和先进的制造业的技术的讨论,对定义制造系统 这一术语是用的。一个制造系统可以被定义为一系列的把原材料转换成有用的形 式和最终产品的增值的制造过程。柔性是现代制造业的一个重要特性,它的意思就是制造系统的工艺 范围广、适应生产的能力强,有时候也能相对地提高生产率。柔性 制造系统能很快地调整生产线以适应不同零件的加工。柔性制造系统是由一个或一组机床,在计算机控制系统和自动化物 料运储系统的协调控制下工作的。之所以把它叫做一个柔性制造系 统,是因为在计算机控制下,这个系统能够根据零件的不同进行多 样性、广泛地调整。典型的FMS包括
2、:-处理设备,例如:机床、工作站、和机械手-物料运储设备,例如:机械手、运送装置和AGVs(自动导向运 输装置)-一个交换系统-一个计算机控制系统柔性制造系统业主要向着集成制造的目标发展。它包括自动制 造过程的集成,在柔性制造业系统,那些数控机床(例如,车床, 钻床)和自动化的物料运储系统经由计算机网络控制系统进行共享 和及时的协调。这就是一个小规模的集成。柔性制造业系统向着能够完全集成的制造目标逐步形成了一些 自动化制造的观念:-计算机对机床的数字控制(CNC)-分配数字控制制造系统(DNC)-自动物料运储系统-成组技术(部份的组合)当这些自动化程序,将机器和人的思想进行集成在一起成为一 个
3、系统,带来了这些自动化的过程,这就是FMS结果。人和计算机百度文库-让每个人平等地提升白我 是FMS的主要的角色。当然,在这个系统中人的劳动量要比用手工操 作的制造系统少的多。但是人仍然在FMS的操作中扮演着一个重要 的角色。人所从事的工作主要包括以下几项:-修理和维护设备工具更换和安装-装载和卸货系统数据输入部分计划变更计划的实施柔性制造系统的设备,像所有的制造业的设备一样,也一定能 被检测出严重的故障,和被破坏。当有问题被发现的时候,一个人修 理时必须认清楚它的来源,并且能够制定解决问题的措施。人也可 以根据那些制定的措施来维修那些发生故障的设备。即使是所有的 系统都能正常的运作,也必须进
4、行周期的维护工作。操作员应也能够调整机器和工具,并且给工作系统配置必需 品。增加工具能提高FMS的能力,但是不能除去人在工具变更中的 作用。FMS的装载和卸货是相同的。一但原材料已经被载入自动化 物料运储系统,它将以被规定的方式由系统控制运动。但是,在完成 的产品卸货之前进行新材料的的载入。人和那些计算机的也是相互作用的,人必须通过计算机来控制 FMS的程序。当再重新配置FMS,生产另外类型的零件的时候,他 们也必须改变原来的程序。人在FMS中扮演着小而且重要的角色, 但是这个角色在关键时候仍然是十分重要的。在FMS的所有控制系统都是由计算机提供。个别的机床在 FMS里面被CNC控制。全部的系
5、统被DNC控制。自动化物料运储 系统就象数据收集、系统监听、工具控制和交通控制的其他功能一 样,也是用计算机来控制的,人/计算机的相互作用这就是FMS的 柔性。一、柔性制造业的发展历史柔性制造业最初是有英国的莫林公司在1960年提出的,24小 时无人值守自动运行。这个24小时的无人值守的系统就是真正的 FMS。但是,由于自动化,集成化和计算机控制技术仍未发展到可以百度文库-让每个人平等地提升白我 能够支撑系统,所以它一开始就有很多局限性。 首先FMS是在支 撑系统发展完善的时间之前发展的。它发展到最后被丢弃也是再所 难免的。在1960年到1970年间,柔性制造业的概念还只是存在与一些大 学里。
6、然而,在1970年后期和1980年早期由于复杂的计算机控制 技术的出现,柔性制造业发展迅速的概念。在美国柔性制造业主要 使用者在汽车,卡车和发动机的制造业中。二、柔性制造业的原理在生产制造过程中制造的生产率和柔性之间总是存在着一定的 不协调的关系。一方面是生产线中有很高的生产率,但是柔性非常 低。另一方面是独立的CNC虽然生产率低,但是能提供最大的柔性, 但是有能力的机器。在这两方面之间是柔性制造业发展最合适的方 面。当仍然维持柔性制造的情况下,能够制造出在保持较高生产率, 在以上两方面总折中的制造系统制造吗?生产线能够以高的生产率生产大量的零件。这种生产需要采取 很多的装备,但是可以把这些大
7、量的设备的相同的部分关掉。它的 主要缺点就是在任何一个部份中,哪怕甚至十分小的设计的变化也 能够引起整个的生产线的停工或者是重新再配置。这样的生产线最 主要的弱点就是在没有宝贵的时间进行重新配置的情况下,不能够 生产制造同一部机械的各个不同的部份的零件。传统地CNC机床已经开始用来生产那些在设计中微不足道的各 种不同的的部份零件。因为这些设备可能被很快地就被重新调整、 规划,以适应较小的或是甚至更主要的设计的改变,所以这些机床 对这一个目的是十分理想的。但是,这些机车设备不能够独立地或 以较高的生产率来生产体积大零件。FMS能够生产体积大的和生产率高而优越于独立的CNC机床。虽 然这些机床和柔
8、性十分不相配,但是它们也是闭合的。对于柔性制 造系统特别地重要的、大概是最集中的能力就是在现在的生产制造 形式下,能够以很高的生产率、很大的柔性,为了生产另外的零件 或产品快速地重新配置生产设备。柔性制造业就填充这一持续很久 的制造业的空缺。柔性制造业凭借自己的特有的能力,给生产者带来了很多的便百度文库-让每个人平等地提升白我利:柔性可以加工一系列的零件-加工零件的任意性同时制造不同的零件减少装备时间和调试时间高效率地应用机床减少直接的和间接的劳动成本能够对不同的材料进行识别处理如果一部机床损坏,不影响零件的制造三、柔性制造系统组成FMS主要有四个部分来组成:机床工具控制系统材料处理系统操作人
9、员机床工具一个柔性制造系统和任何其他的制造业的系统一样,使用的是 同一类型的机床工具,它们是自动化或用手操作的,用工具工作。这 些机床包括车床,磨床,钻床,锯床,等。在FMS中所使用的机床的类型实际上是靠这些机床各自的用 途来设定的,一些FMS需要被设计成符合定义明确要求的特性。在 这些情况下,包括在系统中的机床的操作计划都是必须的。一个这 样的系统就是一个能够很好提供服务的系统。在一个车间的配置设定中,真实的请求不能被及时地识别任何 其他的设定,或一定必然要有很高的可靠性、可能性,机器系统会 至少能够包含标准的制造业的操作。这样的系统就是一个用途一般 的系统。控制系统控制系统是为FMS的其它
10、系统提供了许多的不同控制功能:规划零件的运储和分配控制和监听工作流程控制加工过程百度文库-让每个人平等地提升白我-系统/工具控制/监听在FMS的控制系统中运行的计算机控制区域能够对任何一个FMS 的部分的所有的活动进行控制和检测。FMS控制软件是相当复杂和 烦琐的,因为它必须同时地执行许多不同的任务。不管曾经在这一 区域中实行的什么样的研究,都没有和FMS软件一样的设计方案功能 和结构。调度程序功能包括计划该如何生成FMS的命令通用的容量,考虑 机床工具的现在工作状态,工作进程,工作工具,工作夹具,等等。行 程能够自动地安排,也可能在一个操作员的协助下进行工作。也有 很多FMS的控制系统是联合
11、自动机械和手工操作员操作的。发送功能 包括实行程序调度和协调车间内各部分的动作,也就是说,能够决 定何时何地传送一个货盘,什么时候该开始在在加工中心中处理, 等等。监视器的功能与监听工作进展,机器状态,警报信息等等, 有关系,而且能够给调度进程和发送者提供输入所产生各种不同的 制造报告和警报信息。系统里面处理部份原料的运输由一个传送控 制模块来管理。用多点控制的运输工具由一个AGV系统控制,控制 逻辑就变的相当地复杂,并成为FMS控制软件的一个十分重要的部 份。当在载入区域的部分为它收集做好准备时,在一个终端机中的 一个装载/卸载模块能够在载入区域分别告知操作者进入到系统, 并且使他或她能够更
12、新控制系统的状态。一个储存控制模块能够中 保留一个部份被储存的帐户在AS/RS中的精确位置。工具管理模块 维持所有的有关工具的账户数据的并保持工具在FMS中的真实的位 置。工具管理模块能够管理远远胜过正常的数目,而且此外,模块 还能控制工具的准备和流程。DNC功能是在生产车间中为FMS控制 程序和工作机床和各种装置之间提供接口技术。对FMS来说,生产 车间的装备中DNC功能和作用是很重要的;一个功能齐全的DNC通过 通信的条款能够控制在远处的机械的请求。关于以前的DNC讨论的 片段)事实上有很多机器工具的制造商已经发展了专有的通信条款, 这些条款是很复杂的,因为在FMS中包含中很多设备的的发展
13、和集 成。除此之外,那些多设备的物理的集成实际上是十分困难的;举 例来说,在托盘中各种各样的装载/卸载的机械装置都是应用很复百度文库-让每个人平等地提升白我 杂的机械工具,它们来自各种不同的生产厂商。因此,仅仅可取的 方法就是从主要的机械工具制造商中购买一个比较接近用具的关键 系统,工具购买实现FMS的唯一适当的方式要购买来自主要的工作 母机制造业者之一的一个关键系统。这个系统必须是可靠的和能很 好地进行测试,并且应该由多个厂商负责帮助这个系统进行故障的 处理。物料运储系统自动化的物料运储系统的是一个的能够协助独立的CNC机床 形成一组,并加入到全面的FMS之内的基本的成分。系统必须能让 那些
14、安装在托盘上的工件从一个工作站移动到另外一个工作站上。 当工件等待着去一个指定的工作站被处理的时候,这个系统必须尽 可能地给它提供适当的位置。物料运储系统必须能够卸载在工作站上的工件,并且能够装载 另外一个运输到下一个工作站上的零件。它还必须能够适应计算机 的控制,并且完全地与柔性制造系统中的其他的成分相容。最后,在 FMS中物料运储系统必须能够承受车间的严格环境。一些FMSs配 置的自动化引导小车(AGVs),如物料运储就是一个重要的方法。在FMS中自动储存和取回系统(AS/RS)常常集合在一起的。这 使系统能在无人操纵的情况下正常地运行,降低了劳动强度。在白 天班将那些未加工的零件固定在货
15、盘中,载入系统并且储存的AS/RS 中,等待着机器可能的需要时的命令。当工序完成的时候,运输机 就把零件运回到AS/RS,在AS/RS里等待下一个工序或者被从FMS被 卸载,FMSs的完全无人值守的操作非常少见的;在大部份的情形下 一或较多的操作员将会总是不在长场的,他们很少在重要的情形下 干涉系统,(这个被计算机控制系统正常地自动地工作),但是系 统能够纠正那些较小的错误,并且能让系统高的效率运行。人类的操作员FMS的最后成分是人的成分。虽然柔性制造的观念是尽量减少 制造过程中人的参与次数,但是它还不能完全不用人参与。而且,人 在柔性制造业中所扮演的角色仍然是十分重要的。包括规划,操作, 监
16、听,控制,和维护系统。2.3.4制造控制阶层的性质当描述和讨论制造控制和在先进制造系统自动化工厂中应用FMS百度文库-让每个人平等地提升白我 和CIM(计算机整合的制造业)技术的时候,它对于安排许多计划 和在透视阶层的控制活动是很方便的,全部的策略计划在顶部,和制 造程序的操作控制在底部。那两个最重要的组织,NBS(国家标准局)现在被叫做NIST(国家标 准和技术的学会),美国的(NBS模型)和ISO(国际的标准化组 织),提议为先进的制造系统的控制水平的定义了一个国际的标准 (ISO-模型)。NBS模型识别五个层次,即工厂层,车间层,单元 层、工作站和设备层。ISO-模型增加了一层,在它的模
17、型中包括 六个层次,即企业,工厂层/制造厂,部分层/区域,车间层,工作 站,设备层。这些阶层的模型在计划和执行计算机集成制造系统中 主要地被当作叁考的框架使用,但是他们也是可适用于讨论生产计 划和大概的控制活动。这对讨论制造业的控制水平的定义是有关系的,因为在文学和商 业产品的描述中常常会用到一些自动化工厂的专业术语。不同的级 的典型的工作和职务在如下列各项:1)企业控制包括全部的企业的战略计划。这是产品的需求计 划,市场策略,和区分企业内部的各分区的工作。制造业控制被 运用在企业的标准,就是负责的完成企业的使命;这些年来规划的 水平在应用中得到了衡量,并没有常常发生变化。2)设备控制负责实现
18、企业策略。它在制造设备控制和运行方面 有这样的功能例如加工制造和产品工程学,数据管理和其他的长期 活动。3)区域控制负责在车间内的资源配置和制造的协调。这一个典 型的操作控制水平能够在好几个天或数个星期维持同一个状态。这 一个层也经常被称为命车间层,“车间控制层”术语包括区域 控制和下一层的控制,在美国的著作中,车间控制经常被称为制 造活动控制,在柔性制造系统中FMS控制软件将会对区域实行控 制。4)单元控制负责在制造单元里工作站间的作业调度。这包括资 源分配,作业指令的发放,工作路线的确定,分配给个别的工作站, 对工作和工作站的工作情况的监听。5)工作站控制负责协调工作站上被实行运行分配到工
19、作站的一 个工作,这一个功能操作可以在几秒到几小时的时间内完成6)设备层是在一部机器上执行具体的工作。在一个工作机床上,这 一层的特点是局部地的控制机床的主轴速度,冷却等等。百度文库-让每个人平等地提升白我附录2外文文献Flexible Manufacturing SystemAs an introduction to the subsequent discussions of production system and advanced manufacturing technologies it is useful to present a definition of the term ma
20、nufacturing system .A manufacturing system can be defined as a seriesofvalue-adding manufacturingprocessesconvertingthe rawmaterials into more useful forms and eventuallyfinishedproducts.In the modern manufacturing setting , flexibility is an important characteristic It means that a manufacturing sy
21、stem is versatile and adaptable ,while also capable of handing relatively high production runs. A flexible manufacturing system is quickly modified to produce a completely different line of parts.A flexible manufacturing is an individual machine or group of machines served by an automated materials
22、handing system that iscomputercontrolled andhasa tool handingcapability .Because of its tool handing capability and computercontrol,such asystemcanbe continuallyreconfigured to manufacture a wide variety of parts. Thisiswhy it is called a flexible manufacturing system.A FMS typically encompasses:Pro
23、cess equipment e.g., machine tools, assembly stations, and robotsMaterial handing equipment e.g. , robots, conveyors, and AGVs(automated guided vehicles)A communication systemA computer control systemFlexible manufacturing represents major step toward the goal of fully integrated manufacturing. It i
24、nvolves 9百度文库-让每个人平等地提升白我 integration of automated production process. In flexible manufacturing, the automated manufacturing mach ine (i.e. ,lathe mill, drill) and the automated materials handing system share instantaneous communication via a computer network.Flexible manufacturing tales a major st
25、ep toward the goal of fully integrated manufacturing by integrating several automated manufacturing concepts:Computer numerical control (CNC) of individual machine toolsDistributed numerical control (DNC) of manufacturing systemAutomated materials handing systemsGroup technology (families of parts)W
26、hen these automated processes, machine, and concepts are brought together in one integrated system, an FMS is the result. Humans and computers play major roles in an FMS. The amount of human labor is much less than with a manually operated manufacturing system, of course. However, humans still play
27、a vital role in the operation of an FMS. Human tasks include the following:Equipment troubleshooting maintenance, and repairTool changing and setupLoading and unloading the systemData inputChanging of parts programsDevelopment of programsFlexible manufacturing system equipment, like all manufacturin
28、g equipment, must be monitored for bugs, malfunctions, and breakdowns. When a problem is discovered, a human troubleshooter must identify its source and prescri be corrective measures. Humans also undertake the prescribed measures to repair the malfunctioning equipment. Even when all 10百度文库-让每个人平等地提
29、升白我 system are properly functioning, periodic maintenance is necessary. Human operators also set up machines, change tools, and reconfigure systems as necessary. The tool handing capability of an FMS increases, but does not eliminate human involvement in tool changing and setup. The same is true of
30、loading and unloading the FMS. Once raw material has been loaded onto the automated materials handing system, it is moved through the system in the prescribed manner. However, the original loading onto the unloading of finished products. Humans are also needed for interaction with the computer .Huma
31、ns develop part programs that control the FMS via computer .They also change the programs as necessary when reconfiguring the FMS to produce another type of part or parts .Humans play less labor-intensive roles in an FMS, but the roles are still critical. Control at all levels in an FMS is provided
32、by c omputers. Individual machine Tools within an FMS are controlled by CNC. The overall system is controlled by DNC. the automated materials handling system is computer controlled, as are other functions including data collection, system monitoring, tool control, and traffic control, Human/computer
33、 interaction is the flexibility of an FMS. 、 Hisorical Development of Flexible ManufacturingFlexible manufacturing was born in the mid -1960s when the British firm Molins, Ltd. Developed its System 24. System 24 was a real FMS. However, it was doomed from the outset because automation, integration,
34、and computer control technology had not yet been developed to the pont where they could properly support the system. The first FMS was a development that was ahead of its time. As such, it was eventually discarded as unworkable.Flexible manufacturing remained an academic concept through the remained
35、 of the 1960s and 1970s. However, with the emergence of sophisticated computer control technology in the late 1970s and early 1980s, flexible manufacturing became a viable concept. The first major users of flexible manufacturing in the United States were manufacturers of automobiles, trucks, and tra
36、ctors.二、 Rationale for Flexible ManufacturingIn manufacturing there have always been tradeoffs between production rates and flexibility. At one end of the spectrum are transfer lines capable of high production rates, but low flexibility. At the other end of the spectrum are independent CNC machines
37、that offer maximum flexibility, but arecapableonly of low production rates. Flexible manufacturing falls in the middle of the spectrum. There has always been a need in manufacturing for a system that could produce higher volume and production runs than could independent machines, while still maintai
38、ning flexibility.Transfer lines are capable of producing large volumes of parts at high production rates. The line takes a great deal of setup, but can turn out identical parts in large quantities. Its chief shortcoming is that even minor design c hanges in a part can cause the entire line to be shu
39、t down and reconfigured. This is a critical weakness because it means that transfer lines cannot produce different parts, even parts from within the same family, without costly and time-cinsuming shutdown and reconfiguration. Traditionally, CNC machines have been used to produce small volumes of par
40、ts that differ slightly indesign. Such machinesare ideal for this purpose becausethey can be quicklyreprogrammed to accommodate minor or even major design changes. However, as independent machines they cannot produce parts in 12百度文库-让每个人平等地提升白我 large volumes or at high production rates.An FMS can ha
41、ndle higher volumes and production rates than independent CNC machines. They cannot quite match such machines for flexibility, but they come close. What is particularly significant about the middle ground capabilities of flexible manufacturing is that most manufacturing situations require medium pro
42、duction rates to produce medium volumes with enough flexibility to quickly reconfigure to produce another part or product. Flexible manufacturing fills this long-standing void in manufacturing.Flexible manufacturing, with its ground capabilities, offers a number of advantages for manufacturers:Flexi
43、bility within a family of partsRandom feeding of partsSimultaneous production of different partsDecreased setup time and lead timeMore efficient machine usageDecreased direct and indirect labor costsAbility to handle different materialsAbility to continue some production if one machine breaks down三、
44、 Flexible Manufacturing System ComponentsAn FMS has four major components:Machine toolsControl systemMaterials handling systemHuman operators1、Machine ToolsA flexible manufacturing system uses the same types of machine tools as any other manufacturing system, be it automated or manually operated. Th
45、ese include lathes, mills, drills, saws, an so on. The type of machine tools actually included in an百度文库-让每个人平等地提升白我 FMS depends on the setting in which the machine will be used. Some FMSs are designed to meet a specific, well -defined need. In these cases the machine tools included in the system wi
46、ll be only those necessary for the planned operations. Such a system would be known as a dedicated system.In a job-shop setting, or any other setting in which the actual application is not known ahead of time or must necessarily include a wide range of possibilities, machines capable of performing a
47、t least the standard manufacturing operations would be included. Such systems are known as general purpose systems.Control SystemThe control system for an FMS serves a number of different control functions for system:Storage and distribution of parts programWork flow control and monitoringProduction
48、 controlSystem/tool control/monitoringThe control area with the computer running the FMS control system is the center from which all activities in the FMS are controlled and monitored. The FMS control software is rather complicated and sophisticated since it has to carry out many different tasks sim
49、ultaneously. Despite the considerable research that has been carried out in this area, there is no general answer to designing the functions and architecture of FMS software.The scheduler function involves planning how to produce the current volume of orders in the FMS, considering the current statu
50、s of machine tools, work-in-pocess, tooling, fixtures, and so on. the scheduling can be done automatically or can be assisted by an operator. Most FMS control systems combine automatic and manually by the operator. the dispatcher function involves carrying out the schedule and coordinating百度文库-让每个人平
51、等地提升白我 the activities on the shop floor, that is, deciding when and where to transport a pallet, when to start a process on machining center, and so on.The monitor function is concerned with monitoring work progress,machine status, alarm messages, and so on, andprovidinginput to the schedulerand dis
52、patcheras well asgenerating various production reports and a larm messages. A transport control module manages the transportation of parts and palettes within the system. Having an AGV system with multiple vehicles, the routing control logic can become rather sophisticated and become a critical part
53、 of the FMS controlsoftware. A load/unload module with a terminal at the loading area shows the operators which parts to introduce to the system and enables him or her to update the status of the control system when parts are ready for collection at the loading area. A storage control module keeps a
54、n account of which parts are stored in the AS/RS as well as their exact location. the tool management module keeps an account of all relevant tool data and the actual location of tools in the FMS .Tool management can be rather comprehensive since the number of tools normally exceeds the number of pa
55、rts in the system, and furthermore ,the module must control the preparation and flow of tools. the DNC function provides interfaces between the FMS control programand machine tools and devices on the shop floor. the DNC capabilities of the shop floor equipment are essential to aFMS; a “ full ” DNC c
56、ommunication protocol enabling remote control of the machines is required (see the discussion on DNC in the previous section).The fact that most vendors of machine tools have developed proprietarycommunicationprotocols is complicatingthedevelopment and integration of FMSs including multi -vendor equ
57、ipment.Furthermore,the physical integration ofmulti-vendor equipment is difficult; for example, the百度文库-让每个人平等地提升白我 differences in pallet load/unload mechanisms complicate the use of machine tools from different vendors.Therefore, theonly advisable approach for implementing a FMS is to purchase a tu
58、rn-key system from one of the main machine tool manufacturers. there systems are reliable and well tested and should the system not function satisfactorily a single vendor responsibility will facilitate remedy of malfunctions.Materials Handing SystemThe automated materials handing system is a fundam
59、ental component that helps mold a group of independent CNC machines into a comprehensive FMS. The system must be capableofaccepting workpieces mounted on pallets and moving them from workstation to workstation as needed. It must also be able to place workpieces on hold as they wait to be processed a
60、t a given workstation.The materials handing system must be able to unload a workpiece at one station and load another for transport to the next station. It must accommodate computer control and be completely compatible with other components in the flexible manufacturing system .Finally, the material
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