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1、三年级下学期语法、句法期末冲刺专项练习一班别: 姓名: 学号:PAGE PAGE 7语法(yf)句法综合一 用have, 或者(huzh)has 填空。I _a book .Mary _a brother .Jack and Linda _an uncle .They _two sheep .She _some apples .The dog _two big eyes .my uncles _a table .My father _a pet .It _a small nose .The sheep _a big mouth.The geese _some feet .The fish _a

2、 small tail The goldfish _two long tails .He _two aunts .She and I _a bed .The mice _long tails .We _a good teacher .My father and mother _two children .The child _ a good friend .The children _a rabbit .二 用适当(shdng)的be 动词( am , are , is ) 填空。I _a tall girl .The boy _from China .Those children _cute

3、 .My father _ so strong .My uncles _over there . How many sheep _there ?These sheep _are white .It _ in the box .That _a slim woman .The children _Japanese .This turtle _so small .She _my daughter .Jack and Tom _brothers .The mice _white .The goose _very big .Andy and I _good friends ._there any she

4、ep in the farm ?How many geese _there ?_she a teacher ?_you a tall boy ?There _one apple in the box .22. There _an orange over there .23. There _some bedrooms in my house .24. There _two chairs by the window .25. There _a book and a ruler in the pencil case .26. _there any windows in your bedroom ?2

5、7. _there a study in your house ?28. _there two stool on the floor ?29. _there five boys in your family ?30. There _only one teacher in the room .31. There _any doors in the house .32. There _any desks in the classroom. 33. _there three stamps on the book ?34. There _a cow and four bulls in the farm

6、 .35, There _any sheep in the farm.36. There _some geese .37. There _any children in the classroom. .38. No , there _any mice .39 . _there any fish ?40 .Yes , there _only one .三 用some 或者(huzh)any 填空。 1.I have _pets .2. Do you have _stamps ?3.There are _oranges in the box .4. I dont have _sheep. 5. D

7、o they have _dogs ?6. There arent _geese in the farm .7. She has not _uncles .8. Her uncles dont have _cows .9. Does she have _birds ?10. The children have _toys .四 用both 或者(huzh) all 填空。The two boys are _from Britain.Tom and Jack are _good boys .Those four children are _from Japan .My father and mo

8、ther are _very slim .His father and uncle are _from Germany .Her three friends _from America .五 用a , an , the , / 填空(tinkng)。This is _apple .I have _American stamp .That is _strong man ._girl is so slim .I dont like _cat .It is _Australian toy .They are _apples .It is _orange .He is _old man _old ma

9、n is my grandfather .That is _English book 。She is from _USA .We are all from _PRC .They are both from _the UK .I have _ exercise book . I have _idea .Come and have _look .There is _office beside our classroom .There is _chalk in the box .There is _tissue.六把下列的句子补充(bchng)完整。It is _( my , me ) family

10、 tree .They have _( three , tree ) children ._( She , Her ) is my aunt .David is _( they , their ) son .They are my father _( but , and ) mother ._( Who , What ) is that woman ? She is Janet ._( She , He ) is my uncle ._( She , He , It ) is a book ._( She , He , It ) is a tall lady .Mary is _( he ,

11、his ) wife .Jim is _( her , she ) husband .Who is the lady _( has , with ) black hair .What _( about , is ) that beautiful woman ?Who _( are , is ) the children ?Lucy _( is , / ) very tall .What about _( those , that ) children ?He is _( Sam , Sams ) uncle .She is _( Mike, Mikes )daughter .Look _( i

12、n , at ) the short man .It that baby _( you , your ) ?That is _( you , your ) desk .That cute baby is _( I , me , my )_( She , Her ) hair is very long ._( Are , Do ) you have any cows ?It _( has , have ) ten fingers .Here they _( are , is ) Here it _( are , is ) ._( He , His ) name is Ben .I have so

13、me _( sheep , sheeps ) Do you have any _( goose ,geese )?That is _( a , an ) old duck .I _( am , dont ) have any pigs .I have _( many , any ) stamps .It is a postcard _( from , for ) China .Look , this _( one , ones ) Japanese ._( This , These ) are I like _( this , these ) apples . _( Are , Is ) th

14、ose French trains ?Yes, they _( is , are )No , it _( is , isnt .) No , they _( are , arent .)This one has a goldfish _( in , on ) the picture .I like these stamps _( to , too ) Andy and Ben are _( both , all ) French .She is from _( Japan , Japanese .)I have some _( Japan , Japanese ) books .That is

15、 _( a , an ) Australian desk .Do you have any _ (America , American ) books ?I am from _( German , Germany )_( What , Where ) are you from ?I _( are , am , is ) from China ._( We , I ) are both from Canada .He is from _( UK , the UK ) .The PRC is _( China , Chinese .) The UK is _( Britain , America

16、) The USA is _( Britain, America) .Those are _( Canada , Canadian ) cars .Do you have _( a, an ) British toy bus ?Are _( you, your ) from Britain ?A horse has a_( long , short ) tail .A rabbit has a _( long , short ) tail .A guinea pig has _( two , four ) legs .A bull has two big _( horn , horns , h

17、orse ) The goldfish has a big _( mouse , mouth .)Uncle Tim has a big _( from , farm ) That is _( left , right .) I have some _( fish, a fish ) I have a dog , _( and , any ) you ?What is that _( on , in ) English ?I dont have any _( mouses , mice ) .This is _( we , our ) school .How many _( classroom

18、s , classroom ) are there ?The library _( opposite , is opposite ) the toilet .Please put the books _( in , on ) the shelf .Is _( it , there ) a chair over there ?All the bedrooms are _( upstair , upstairs ) Come and _( has , have ) a look .Heres _( your , you ) juice .Come and sit with _( I , me )

19、on the sofa ._( That , Those ) are our classrooms . 七. 根据(gnj)固定搭配填空(tinkng)。Please look _my family tree .They are my father _mother .Who is the lady _black hair ?What _that beautiful woman ?_you have any pets ?Yes , here _are I _have any pets .It is a postcard _the UK .Where are you _?Sally and Jan

20、et are _from Britain.The ten children are _from America .Here it _.Do you have a window _your bedroom ?My bedroom _a ceiling and a floor .Yes , of _._wall ? This one or that one ?Put the table _the corner .Let _put the bed there .Please put the bed _the window .There are _many books on the floor .Pu

21、t the books _the shelf .The spider is _the ceiling .The stool is in front _the bed .Come and sit _me _the sofa ._is your juice . Thank you .You _welcome .This is our garden _England .She is a teacher , he is a teacher _.Come and _a look .There _is .The pen is _the box and the desk .How _classrooms a

22、re there in your school ?There _only one .There _four classrooms .Let _watch TV in the living room .come and sit _me on the sofa .They are on the table _the kitchen .Here _ your juice .This is our garden _England .The tape recorder is _that corner .Please put the books _the shelf .Put them _the book and the pen .I am _. Lets go to the canteen .There _some chalk in the box .There _some hair on the floor .There _any books on the shelf .八. 判断题:判断句子的正误(zhngw),正确写T , 否则(fuz)写F .1. Family tree is a tree .( )


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