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1、学习情境二: 欧洲游领队服务 子情境2.2English for Tour Leaders领队英语Hebei Tourism Vocational CollegeUnit II On the Plane第二单元 在飞机上飞行途中领队的工作协助游客调换座位照料游客机上用餐熟悉机上救生设备解答游客提问协助游客填写入境卡协助填写海关申报单Teaching ObjectivesTo understand how to order drinks and meals.To know how to show care for sick tourists. To know how to offer in-fl

2、ight services.To know how to deal with facilities.To know how to use useful expressions.Warm-upPassengers receptionSeat arrangementLuggage arrangementAnnouncement explanationSafety instructionSpecial serviceSpecial passengers service (sick, disabled, etc)Meal and drink serviceIn-flight entertainment

3、 serviceTransfer serviceDuty free sales Form-filling (entry) introduction Preparation for emergency situationFirst aidUnit II On the Plane第二单元 在飞机上Lesson One: Having Meals机上餐饮Warm upLook at the following picture on the plane. Can you speak out the name of each part? And say something about the funct

4、ion of each part.Ladies and gentlemen: We will be serving meal with tea, coffee and other soft drinks. Please put down the table in front of you and take what you like. Hope you enjoy your meal!In-Flight Facilities机上设备Beverage and MealBeverage 饮料1. coffee White coffee with sugar or notBlack coffee w

5、ith sugar or notIrish coffee爱尔兰咖啡Cappuccino 意式卡布其诺Espresso 意式香浓咖啡(小杯)Moka Coffee 摩卡咖啡Mexico Coffee 墨西哥咖啡Turkey Coffee 土尔其咖啡American Coffee美式咖啡Royal Coffee 英国皇家咖啡Chocolate Coffee 瑞士巧克力咖啡Caf au Lait 法式牛奶咖啡Soybeanccino 中国泡沫咖啡2. tea Green tea 绿茶, Black tea (fermented tea) 红茶Wulong tea (dietdait tea) 乌龙茶

6、White tea (silver needle) 银针茶Scented sentid tea 花茶Tightly pressed tea 砖茶3. JuiceOrange juice 橙汁Pineapple juice 凤梨/菠萝汁Apple juiceTomato juice 番茄汁Lemonade 柠檬水Peach juice 桃汁Cucumber juice 黄瓜汁4. Soft drink /soda water 碳酸饮料Coke, Coca-cola 可口可乐Pepsipepsi 百事可乐Sprite 雪碧Seven-up 七喜汽水Mineralminrl water 矿泉水Alm

7、ond a:mnd milk=apricot eiprikt seed milk 杏仁露Tonic 奎宁水5. Alcoholic beverage 酒精饮料Bear 啤酒Red wine红葡萄酒white wine白葡萄酒Brandy白兰地酒Whisky威士忌酒Spirit 白酒=alcoholLiquor 烈性酒 Vodka 伏特加酒 Cocktail 鸡尾酒 Dry Martini 干马提尼酒6. Light Meal 便餐Bread 面包Snack 小吃Instant noodle 方便面Noodle 面条Biscuit biskit=cracker 饼干Cake 蛋糕Chocolat

8、e 巧克力Chips=French fries 炸薯条/片Sandwich 三明治(夹心面包)Rice米饭Chicken 鸡肉Beef 牛肉Fish 鱼肉Hamburger 汉堡包Ham 火腿Sausage 香肠Curried Chicken with Rice 咖哩鸡饭Stewed Beef with Noodle 红烧牛肉面Strawberry Sundae 草莓圣代Cream 奶油Butter 黄油Sugar 糖Green Salad 蔬菜色拉Strawberry jam草莓酱Yogurt 酸奶Unit II On the Plane第二单元 在飞机上Lesson Two: Showin

9、g Care forSick Tourists第2课 照顾不适游客Questions?Imagine what kinds of situations will be happen on the plane? Situations:1. A Tourist Feels Airsick 游客晕机时2. A Tourist Feels Cold 游客怕冷时3. A Tourist has Heart breakUnit II On the Plane第二单元 在飞机上Lesson Three: In- flight Safety Demonstration第3课 安全设备演示 In- flight

10、 Safety DemonstrationLadies and gentlemen, Id like to direct your attention to the television monitors. We will be showing our safety demonstration and would like the next few minutes of your complete attention. Questions?Match the sentences (a-g) with the following pictures. a. A flight attendant d

11、emonstrates proper usage of a seatbelt b. A flight attendant demonstrates proper usage of the oxygen masks. c. A flight attendant demonstrates proper usage of an inflatable life jacket.d. A flight attendant shows the safety manual to the passengers.The flight attendant in the picture is demonstratin

12、g how to use the life jacket ( life vest). Look at these pictures and match them to the following sentences.a. The life vest is located under your seat or under the arm rest between the seats. b. To put the vest on, pull the life jacket over your head and attach the strap(系上皮带).c. Fasten the buckles

13、(带扣).d. Pull the straps tightly around your waist (or pull the strap until the jacket is properly adjusted.)e. To inflate(充气) the vest, pull down firmly on the tabs(跳格设定). But do not inflate it in the cabin.f. If your life jacket does not inflate or needs more air, you can pull out the mouth-pieces(

14、吹气孔) from either side of the upper part of the vest and blow into the tubes.g. Infant infnt婴儿life jackets will be distributed, if required. (If you carry a young child, the child should also put on the life jacket.)Demonstrating how to use the oxygen maskIn case of loss of cabin pressure, oxygen mas

15、ks will be required. Then how do you use the oxygen mask? Please read the following passage carefully and find out the basic step. If there were an emergency decompressiondi:kmpren(减压), and oxygen is required, a mask will drop automatically from a compartment above your head. For your safety, please

16、 pull the mask firmly toward you and cover your nose and mouth to start the flow of oxygen. Place it over your nose and mouth, pull the elastic ilstikband(松紧带) over your head and adjust from the side of the mask, and then breathe normally. Put your mask on first, then help children and other passeng

17、ers requiring assistance. There are also masks located in the lavatories. Beverage and Meal(资料库)Beverage 饮料1. coffee White coffee with sugar or notBlack coffee with sugar or notIrish coffee爱尔兰咖啡Cappuccino 意式卡布其诺Espresso 意式香浓咖啡(小杯)Moka Coffee 摩卡咖啡Mexico Coffee 墨西哥咖啡Turkey Coffee 土尔其咖啡American Coffee美

18、式咖啡Royal Coffee 英国皇家咖啡Chocolate Coffee 瑞士巧克力咖啡Caf au Lait 法式牛奶咖啡Soybeanccino 中国泡沫咖啡2. tea Green tea 绿茶, Black tea (fermented tea) 红茶Wulong tea (dietdait tea) 乌龙茶White tea (silver needle) 银针茶Scented sentid tea 花茶Tightly pressed tea 砖茶3. JuiceOrange juice 橙汁Pineapple juice 凤梨/菠萝汁Apple juiceTomato juice 番茄汁Lemonade 柠檬水Peach juice 桃汁Cucumber juice 黄瓜汁4. Soft drink /soda water 碳酸饮料Coke, Coca-cola 可口可乐Pepsipepsi 百事可乐Sprite 雪碧Seven-up 七喜汽水Mineralminrl water 矿泉


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