1、2009-05-07 | 美丽中国(Wild China)第三集中英文对照文本字幕(一)100:00:00,100 - 00:00:02,900200:00:02,900 - 00:00:06,960高原的陆地面积约国的四分之一Thean plateau is a quarter of China.300:00:08,900 - 00:00:12,860其中的大部分极度偏远荒无人烟Much of it is extremely remote and inhospitable.400:00:14,420 - 00:00:18,940南部边界贯穿了世界上最高的山脉Its southern bord
2、er runs through the worlds highest mountain range,500:00:18,940 - 00:00:21,730望而生畏的喜马拉雅山the formidable Himalayas.600:00:25,850 - 00:00:28,960中部是在风中的寒冷荒地Its central part is a windst and freezing700:00:28,960 - 00:00:31,330其面积与西欧相似wilderness the size of Western Europe.800:00:35,200 - 00:00:40,350难以置信这
3、个具有性的地方竟然是野生动物的家园But this challenging place is home to incredible wildlife.900:00:40,350 - 00:00:44,710这里的大型生物比中国其它任何地方还要多There are more large creatures heren anywhere else in China.1000:00:55,660 - 00:00:59,490加入到这个大家庭五十多年来has been a province of China for moren 50 years,1100:00:59,490 - 00:01:02,45
4、0有着 1000 多年悠久历史的的藏传yet is a unique character,1200:01:02,450 - 00:01:05,690依旧保持着她独特的风貌shd by over 1,000 years ofan Buddhism.1300:01:10,360 - 00:01:14,190这个鲜为人知的散发着古老气息的This obscure and archaic-looking religion1400:01:14,190 - 00:01:18,630孕育了上最开明的文化has produced one of the most enlightened cultures on
5、Earth.1500:01:18,630 - 00:01:22,820在这里人们与自然界Here,people have a long tradition of co-existing peacefully1600:01:22,820 - 00:01:26,620和谐相处的悠久传统with the creatures and landscaround them,1700:01:26,620 - 00:01:31,900促进了对脆弱自然环境的保护a relationship which has helped to protect their fragile environment.1800:01
6、:35,500 - 00:01:40,360在这个中展示这块承载着古老文化的厚重土地his programme we will discover why this harsh land with its ancient1900:01:40,360 - 00:01:45,090对的地球来说是重要culture is vitally important for much of our planet.2000:02:24,280 - 00:02:27,400初冬Its the beginning of wer,2100:02:27,400 - 00:02:29,920高高的青藏高原之上high up
7、 on the22an plateau.00:02:33,750 - 00:02:38,470气温会骤降到零下 40 摄氏度The temperature will soon drop to minus 40 Celsius.2300:02:52,250 - 00:02:58,010在这里生命中只剩下唯一的念头求存Out here,life is reduced to a single imperative - survival.2400:03:08,840 - 00:03:12,750对于这只盘羊世界上最大的羊而言For the argali,the worlds largest sheep
8、,2500:03:12,750 - 00:03:16,470这就意味着寻找几簇草丛it means searching for a few tufts of grass.2600:03:32,250 - 00:03:35,720从山顶到更低一些的地方Descending from the hilltops to lower altitudes,2700:03:35,720 - 00:03:38,250盘羊为了安全而团结在一起the argali band together for safety.2800:03:40,960 - 00:03:45,070如果顺利的话 在这里能找到足够的食物Hop
9、efully, down here,theyll be able to find enough food2900:03:45,070 - 00:03:47,760以帮助它们熬过残冬to last them through the rest of the wer.3000:04:01,540 - 00:04:05,170尽管冬的大地是如此的贫瘠与荒凉Although this wer landsclooks barren and forbidden,3100:04:05,170 - 00:04:10,850偏远的草地却养活着种类多的令人吃惊的生物s remote grasslandpport a
10、 surprising variety of creatures.3200:04:10,850 - 00:04:15,050尽管每年的这个时候难以寻觅它们的踪迹Though at this time of year, they can be hard to track down.3300:04:39,700 - 00:04:44,860相比之下的首府却熙攘异常s capital,Lhasa,is a hive of activity.By comparison,3400:04:48,130 - 00:04:51,960是众多朝圣者的地Lhasa is a focus for large num
11、bers of pilgrims3500:04:51,960 - 00:04:54,570他们每天在市内的庙宇相聚who congregate at the citys temples each day.3600:04:59,870 - 00:05:04,110供养着超过 250 万的is hover 2.5 million people,3700:05:04,110 - 00:05:06,960其中大部分都是虔诚的信徒most of whom are deeply religious.3800:05:15,900 - 00:05:20,770尽管的徒倾心于精致复杂的庙宇、雕塑以及Though
12、an Buddhist worship centres on elaborate temples,sues and images,3900:05:20,770 - 00:05:25,940他们的信仰却和its befs are40的野生环境密切地交织在一起imay linked with the wild landscs of.00:05:45,070 - 00:05:48,900这种关系于The starting pofort relationship is the mountain range4100:05:48,900 - 00:05:51,860蜿蜒在南部边界的山脉t runs alo
13、ngs southern border.4200:06:03,610 - 00:06:06,640喜马拉雅山脉的长度超过了 3000 千米Over 3,000 kilometres long,4300:06:06,640 - 00:06:10,570真正意义上的the Himalayas are Chinas real Great Wall.4400:06:15,630 - 00:06:20,550有上百个山峰的海拔超过了 7000 米 其中十三个的海拔超过了 8000 米Withdreds of peaks over 7,000 metres and 13 peaks4500:06:20,5
14、50 - 00:06:25,430是地球上最高的山峰highern 8,000 metres,they are the highest mountains on Earth.4600:06:39,650 - 00:06:44,640地区有 3 万 5 千个以上的冰川Thean region contains over 35,000 glaciers4700:06:44,640 - 00:06:48,410覆盖了超过 10 万平方千米的土地t cover over 100,000 square kilometres.4800:06:51,070 - 00:06:56,470组成了除去极地之外的最
15、大的冰区They comprise the largest area of ice outside the polar regions,4900:06:56,470 - 00:06:59,110接近世界冰区总面积的六分之一and nearly a sixth of the worlds total.5000:07:04,180 - 00:07:07,820冰川是这个地区大部分水流的These glaciers are the source of most of the waterhe region.5100:07:11,410 - 00:07:15,810青藏高原上镶嵌着众多冰冷的湖泊And
16、thean plateau is studded with glal lakes.5200:07:15,810 - 00:07:20,640坐落在遥远西部海拔 4500 米处的玛旁雍错湖At over 4,500 metres up,Lake Manasarovar5300:07:20,640 - 00:07:25,730是世界拔最高的淡水湖he far west of,is the highest freshwater lakehe world.5400:07:28,680 - 00:07:32,870晚春时节 寒冷的湖水吸引了很多繁衍的鸟儿In late spring,the chilly
17、 lake waters are a magnet for breeding birds.5500:07:42,380 - 00:07:46,380这只冠毛 给它同伴衔来了杂草以此示爱The crested grebe woos his mate with offerings ofd for her nest.5600:08:07,310 - 00:08:11,190最终爱巢为它们圆房做好了准备Finally the honeymoon suite is ready for action.5700:08:31,690 - 00:08:35,800除了 这里还有世界上飞的最高的鸟The greb
18、es are joined by the highest flying birdshe world.5800:08:35,800 - 00:08:38,320斑头鹤在喜马拉雅山的南面过冬Having spent the wer south of the Himalayas,5900:08:38,320 - 00:08:42,880每年春天都要飞越巅峰bar-headed geese make the hazardous mountain crossing each spring6000:08:42,880 - 00:08:44,920到高原的湖泊繁衍生息to breed on the plat
19、eaus lakes.6100:09:07,930 - 00:09:10,850为了安全它们在一起筑巢The geese nest together for safety.6200:09:10,850 - 00:09:16,440但如此多的小鸟同时孵出也就意味着找到亲生父母是一个很棘手But so many chicks hatching at the same time means your parents.6300:09:26,230 - 00:09:29,310幸运的是一旦到了水里t it can be tricky findingFortuna64y,once down at the
20、waters edge,00:09:29,310 - 00:09:31,950就能够找到足够的食物theres enough food for all of them.6500:09:38,220 - 00:09:40,250凭借着高山冰川Fed by the mountain glaciers,6600:09:40,250 - 00:09:43,670青藏高原甚至形成了自己的内陆湖thean plateau even has its own inland sea.6700:09:52,480 - 00:09:55,480青海湖This is Qinghai Lake,6800:09:55,4
21、80 - 00:09:57,130中国最大的内陆湖Chinas largest.6900:10:04,190 - 00:10:08,940经过百万年的蒸发 矿物质浓缩了在湖中Millions of years of evaporation have concentrated the mineralshe lake,7000:10:08,940 - 00:10:11,870使水变得咸了turning the water salty.7100:10:14,220 - 00:10:18,420湖中丰富的鱼资源吸引了成千上万的鸬鹚Rich in fish,its waters attract thou
22、sands of cormorants.7200:10:39,770 - 00:10:44,130的湖泊不仅是野生动物的家园But its not just wildlife73t valuess lakes and seas.00:10:44,130 - 00:10:47,530其间的水也使得人类的生命得以延续Their life-giving waters are also important to people.7400:10:51,160 - 00:10:55,470的是与曾经在此地广为流传的an religion is a unique mix of Buddhism and muc
23、h older7500:10:55,470 - 00:11:00,590古老的独特的混合体Shamanic befst were once widespread throughout the region.7600:11:00,590 - 00:11:06,150这种混合信仰了他们与自然独特关系的基础This hybrid religion forms the basis of an extraordinary relationship with nature.7700:11:08,700 - 00:11:14,260在义中这片土地被赋予了魔力In Shamanic bef,the land
24、is imbued withal properties7800:11:14,260 - 00:11:17,020使之能够帮助与精神世界进行交流which aid communication with the spirit world.7900:11:23,290 - 00:11:28,960在这里动物的头骨被装饰起来 岩石也刻上了神圣的曼特拉(传统的颂歌)Here animal skulls are decorated,and rocks are carved with sacred mantras,8000:11:28,960 - 00:11:33,040人们认为那些音节拥有精神的力量gro
25、ups of syllables81t are considered to have spiritualer.00:11:37,110 - 00:11:40,540人们相信诵读这些曼特拉能够产生魔音The reciting of the mantras is beved to create aal sound8200:11:40,540 - 00:11:43,150在宇宙中回响t reverberates through the universe.8300:11:46,060 - 00:11:49,450大地被分别代表了金木水火土五种元素的The landsc84is decorated wi
26、th multi-coloured flags which00:11:49,450 - 00:11:56,740多彩的经幡装饰着represent the five elements - fire,wood,earth,water and iron.8500:11:57,730 - 00:12:02,800经幡上印着祷文用以净化空气 安抚神灵The flags are pred with prayers to purify the air and pacify the gods,8600:12:02,800 - 00:12:06,320而风会把这些祈祷带向and the wind blows
27、the prayers to heaven.8700:12:12,390 - 00:12:17,590印着祷文的经幡所装裱的 番杆经常会被换上新的经幡The poles on which the prayer flags are mounted are regularly replenished withfresh flags.8800:12:17,590 - 00:12:22,580而旧的经幡很是珍贵 那些最接近番杆顶部的The old flags are treasured. Those nearest the top of the pole8900:12:22,580 - 00:12:2
28、8,420经幡更是象征着吉祥如意 所以经幡的争夺可能会很激烈are the most auspicious,so competition for these can get fierce!9000:12:45,880 - 00:12:50,270番杆顶部的金顶The golden dome,which is mounted righthe top of the prayole,9100:12:50,270 - 00:12:53,590是所有物体当中最神圣的is the most sacred object of all.9200:12:54,750 - 00:12:57,830至少 一旦它被降
29、下来之后是这样。Or it will be,once its retrieved.9300:13:10,370 - 00:13:15,170把魔法的力量归功于这片土地.古老的The old Shamanic befs ofascribedalers to the landsc.9400:13:17,760 - 00:13:20,760但这里还有的可以感知的力量But theres a far more tangible source ofer here9500:13:20,760 - 00:13:24,560却和魔法没有一丁点关系whies nothing at all to.9600:13:
30、28,230 - 00:13:31,750散布于高原上的是滚烫的温泉Strewn across the plateau are boiling thermal springs,9700:13:31,750 - 00:13:35,340这是在这里有百万年历史的the evidence of mighty natural for9800:13:35,340 - 00:13:39,140浑厚的自然力量存在的which have been at work over millions of years.9900:13:39,140 - 00:13:42,820在深处巨大的亚洲板块和Deep below
31、the surface,the vast continental plates10000:13:42,820 - 00:13:47,010板块互相冲击of Asia andare crashingo each other.10100:13:47,010 - 00:13:50,970的状态使大量含硫的蒸汽喷薄而出The turmoil below erupts in clouds of sulphurous.10200:13:55,680 - 00:14:01,270由滚烫的矿物泉来孕育生命听起来并不太可能It seems unlikelyt scalding mineral springs s
32、hould support life.10300:14:01,270 - 00:14:05,360但确实有种不寻常的生物因之而繁衍兴旺But one unlikely creature thrives here precisely because of them.10400:14:15,420 - 00:14:19,210这种温泉蛇是所特有的The hot spring snake is unique to10500:14:19,210 - 00:14:22,650人们把它在高原艰苦环境存的原因and is beved to have survived the inhospitable con
33、ditions up10600:14:22,650 - 00:14:26,370主要归功于这里的天然地热on the plateau principallynks to this natural central heating.10700:14:29,690 - 00:14:34,120这些冷血的蛇在由温泉形成的溪流中游弋These cold-blooded snakes hang out in streams and rivers which are fed10800:14:34,120 - 00:14:39,200在温泉中它们无忧无虑的生活着by the hot springs,where
34、 they enjoy a surprisingly productive lifestyle.10900:14:47,860 - 00:14:54,460滑进温暖的水中耐心地等待 脑袋在水面上下疾动静等鱼儿上钩Slipo the warm water,they wait patiently,bobbing their heads on thelook-out for fish.11000:15:13,440 - 00:15:18,510正由于与形成喜马拉雅山的火山的不寻常关系nks to its unlikely relationship with the volcanic for Hima
35、layas,which built the11100:15:18,510 - 00:15:21,470温泉蛇才得以生存在the hot spring snake is able to survive.11200:15:21,470 - 00:15:25,140海拔 4500 米的地方at altitudes up to 4,500 metres,11300:15:25,140 - 00:15:28,620这使它成为了世界上过着最奢侈的生活的蛇making it the highest-living snakehe world.11400:15:37,170 - 00:15:40,650亚洲和板
36、块之间的缓慢运动The slow-motion crash betn Asia and11500:15:40,650 - 00:15:43,610已经持续了 3 千万年之久。has been going on for 30 million years.11600:15:46,280 - 00:15:52,430喜马拉雅山脉就是这两个大陆板块撞击后的结果The Himalayas are the crumple-zone created by these two colliding landmasses,11700:15:52,430 - 00:15:55,510它是一个山峦和山谷的迷宫a be
37、wildering maze of mountains and valleys,11800:15:55,510 - 00:15:57,640也是各种难以捉摸的野生动物的家园home to elusive wild creatures.11900:16:02,860 - 00:16:06,220在这个的恶劣环境中his rugged and unf120iving terrain,00:16:06,220 - 00:16:09,340散落着各种碎石和冰冷的河流littered with fractured rock and ice cold rivers,12100:16:09,340 - 00
38、:16:13,580极微小的也可能导致致命的the slightest miscalculation may have fatal consequen12200:16:18,370 - 00:16:22,570雪豹是世界上居住的海拔最高的猫科动物The snow leopard is the worlds highest-living big cat.12300:16:24,160 - 00:16:28,320但这里还有一种更小的食肉动物 它居住在海拔更高的地方.But theres another,smallredatort ranges even higher,12400:16:28,32
39、0 - 00:16:31,000几乎是在世界之巅almost to the roof of the world.12500:16:39,500 - 00:16:44,540在令人目眩的海拔 8848 米的高度看At a mind-numbing 8,848 metres high,12600:16:44,540 - 00:16:49,500珠穆朗玛峰是地球上最的地方之一Everest is one of the most hostile plafor life on Earth.12700:16:50,490 - 00:16:53,770数百人在试图征服它的尝试中死于非命dreds of pe
40、ople have died trying to conquer it.12800:16:55,410 - 00:16:59,130但当攀登者们第一次完成登山的四分之三的之时But when climbersreached the ice fields three quarters of the way12900:16:59,130 - 00:17:02,850有种生物早已在这方面打败了他们。up the mountain,something had already beaten them to it.13000:17:06,110 - 00:17:10,950这种跳蜘蛛是地球拔最高的居住民T
41、his jumser is the highest permanent resident on the planet.13100:17:10,950 - 00:17:14,270在珠穆朗玛峰的冰川之中Totally at home amongst the glaciers of Everest,13200:17:14,270 - 00:17:18,220它在斜坡上四处搜索靠风飞行的猎物 比如弹尾虫。it scours the slopes for wind-borne prey such as springtails.13300:17:18,220 - 00:17:23,310把这种小而凶猛的
42、猎食者成为“飞虎”Chicall this fierce littleter the fly tiger.13400:17:26,540 - 00:17:29,170跳蜘蛛在世界各地都有分布Jumsers are found all over the world.13500:17:29,170 - 00:17:32,410他们的八对眼睛中有一对很大Their eight eyes include an oversized central pair,13600:17:32,410 - 00:17:37,050像双筒望远镜一样四处搜寻潜在的目标which act likeerful binocul
43、ars to spot potential victims.13700:17:41,080 - 00:17:44,830他们利用水压使腿像活塞一样They use hydraulic prere to work their legs likstons,13800:17:44,840 - 00:17:47,760可以弹跳到 30 倍于他们体长的高度catapulting up to 30 times their own body length.13900:17:49,350 - 00:17:52,470这是在山地中行走的理想方法The ideal way to get around in roc
44、ky terrain.14000:17:54,620 - 00:17:59,790但像其他的登山者一样 他们也总是先确认哪里是“安全线”But like all mountaineers,they always secure a safety line.14100:18:08,930 - 00:18:12,010一个弹尾虫正盯着碎A springtail grazes on detritus,14200:18:12,010 - 00:18:15,280对这个耍杂技般的掠夺者的潜行浑然不觉unaware143t its being stalked by such an acrobatic pre
45、dator.00:18:38,980 - 00:18:42,570们把珠穆朗玛峰称为“Qomolangma(珠穆朗玛)”Theans call Everest Qomolangma,14400:18:42,570 - 00:18:45,170意为“大地之母”meaning mother of the world.14500:18:45,170 - 00:18:49,660这象征着他们对山的热爱 而不管山看起来冷酷无情Its a mark of their affection for the mountain,however brutal it may appear.14600:18:52,32
46、0 - 00:18:56,280从高山一直到广阔的平原都充满Venture further from the mountains and out onto the open plateau,14700:18:56,280 - 00:18:59,640在这里活下去并不容易and life doesnt appear to get any easier.14800:19:01,670 - 00:19:04,470风在大地上急速穿过High winds scour the landsc14900:19:04,470 - 00:19:07,950气温也可以从酷热难当骤降到冰冷入骨and tempera
47、turescan drop from baking to freezing15000:19:15,940 - 00:19:20,570这里是羌塘或叫北部草原This is the Chang Tang or Northern Grassland.oments.15100:19:20,570 - 00:19:23,900它远离人烟 被称为“世界第三极”Its so remote152t its been called the Third Pole.00:19:27,170 - 00:19:30,090这里海拔超过 5000 米Its about 5,000 metres above sea le
48、vel,15300:19:30,090 - 00:19:33,770远远超出了人们会有高原反应的高度way above the poat which altitude sickness starts to affect humans.15400:19:35,120 - 00:19:40,310在这个高度下 大部分人都要不停地喘气At this height,most people are gasfor breath.15500:19:40,310 - 00:19:44,030但缺少氧气却对这种生物没多大影响But lack of oxygen hasnt cred this creatures
49、 style.15600:19:50,030 - 00:19:55,100长角羚或叫藏羚羊已经到了冬季的期Chiru,oran anope,have arrived for the wer rut.15700:20:02,610 - 00:20:06,400在这样耗能的稀薄空气当中 雄性还必须经常地围着成群的雌性跑he energy-sapthin air,the males must try to control groups of females15800:20:06,400 - 00:20:10,970以使她们在自己的控制之下。by constantly rounding them up
50、 and corralling them.15900:20:20,950 - 00:20:22,910但是藏羚羊也有优势But the chiru have an advantage.16000:20:22,910 - 00:20:26,300他们的红血球数量是的两倍Their red blood cell count is twice as high as ours,16100:20:26,300 - 00:20:29,940即使在如此高的纬度 也足以为他们的sufficient to supply their muscles with oxygen16200:20:29,940 - 00:
51、20:32,180肌肉输送氧气even at this extreme altitude.16300:20:43,210 - 00:20:47,000然而 想要控制住这么一大群家眷并不容易Nevertheless,its hard work keng his harem in check,16400:20:47,000 - 00:20:50,480甚至有时雄性的生活会更加艰难。and the males life is about to get even harder.16500:20:52,430 - 00:20:55,990另一只雄性垂涎于它的家眷们Another male is gear
52、ing up to steal his females.16600:22:16,700 - 00:22:22,780除非 不得已雄性一般不会用它们剑一样锋利的角搏斗。With their rapier-like horns,the males wont risk fighting unless they really have to.16700:22:22,780 - 00:22:26,420但如果双方都不退让 大战就不可避免。But if neither backs down,is inevitable.16800:22:39,320 - 00:22:41,250有时甚至不死不休Some o
53、f these fighd in death.16900:23:07,460 - 00:23:11,530在雄性抵抗的时候 雌性就在一旁。While the males fence,the females look on.17000:23:34,340 - 00:23:38,300虚弱受伤者很容易成为在荒原上游弋的Injured and weakened by the battle,the loser will be an easy17100:23:38,300 - 00:23:41,620食肉动物和食腐动物的目标for the predators and scavengers17200:23
54、:44,810 - 00:23:48,130在这里生存不容许有任何t patrol the wilderness.Out here theres little room for mistakes.17300:23:49,170 - 00:23:51,600从高空俯视着广袤无垠的高原Wiclear view ofless plateau below,17400:23:51,600 - 00:23:55,130秃鹫们不会放过任何一个机会vultures are quick to spot any opportunity.17500:24:02,550 - 00:24:06,400一头死牦牛吸引了一
55、群秃鹫前来A dead yak has drawn a crowd.17600:24:15,220 - 00:24:17,860秃鹫的就餐礼仪并不好Vultures arent famous for their table manners.17700:24:27,650 - 00:24:33,520但在这里秃鹫们却表现的很好 因为广阔的荒原有足够多的大型生物The vultures do well here,as the vast creatures.17800:24:42,430 - 00:24:47,260an wilderness is home to many large居住在高原偏远
56、角落的野牦牛群居的数量甚至可能达到 200 只Living in herds of up to 200he remoter corners of thean plateau,17900:24:47,260 - 00:24:52,430他们走过遥远的距离来到高山上的冻土地带寻觅食物wild yaks travel large distan,grazing on the alpine tundra.18000:24:54,660 - 00:24:58,570依靠着山口和河流 牦牛在这里强大而安全Strong and secure over mountain passes and rivers,18
57、100:24:58,570 - 00:25:01,450它们于这个海拔的环境是如此地连为一体The yak is in its elemenaltitude18200:25:01,450 - 00:25:06,300以至于如果他们到达海拔 3000 米以下 身体就会变得虚弱。so much sot it gets sick if it goes below 3,000 metres.18300:25:08,920 - 00:25:12,150牦牛身高 2 米 体重超过 800 千克Standino metres tall at the shoulder and weighing more184
58、00:25:12,150 - 00:25:17,480不仅自身强大还很好斗n 800 kilos,the wild yak is both formidable and aggressive.18500:25:20,430 - 00:25:26,260但若没有这种看起来吓人的生物 人类就不可能在这里生存。But without this fearsome creature its unlikely here.18600:25:31,460 - 00:25:34,650一旦被驯服 牦牛会让人惊异万分t humans would have survived upOnce domesticated,
59、the yak is an amazing animal,18700:25:34,650 - 00:25:38,170它为提供providing theans with transport,18800:25:38,170 - 00:25:41,210食物做衣物和帐篷的毛food,wool for clothes and tents,18900:25:41,210 - 00:25:42,700还有可以做的粪便and manure for fuel.19000:25:50,080 - 00:25:52,070牦牛很受如此器重以至于Its held in such high regard19100:
60、25:52,070 - 00:25:56,630人们用它的皮来装饰神圣的经幡番杆t its fur is even used to decorate the sacred prayer flag poles,19200:25:56,630 - 00:26:01,190它的脂肪也被用作敬奉神的贡品and yak butter is used as an offering to the gods.19300:26:08,420 - 00:26:12,030牦牛甚至还帮助找到了地上的宝藏The yak has even led theans to buried treasure.19400:26:2
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