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1、A trip to space 教学设计 模 块: Module 3 Travels单 元: Unit 5 Visiting the Moon课 型: Reading A trip to space一、课标分析新课程标准提出“通过英语学习使学生形成初步的综合语言运用能力,提高综合人文素养”的总体目标。在教学中,我们应该培养学生以能力为主,注重语言学习的过程,强调语言学习的实践性,提倡学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和运用英语。二、教材分析 本课取材于上海教育出版社义务教育教科书英语七年级上册。本书以(Module-Unit)为构架,以话题为主线。共四模块,每个模块包含两个

2、单元,同一模块下的两个单元围绕相同的主题展开。每个单元集中讨论一个话题,单元内各部分内容都围绕该话题展开。这些话题是结合课程标准中关于初中段学习内容的要求而选出的,涵盖面相当广泛,对初中学生有较强的吸引力。本单元的话题是探访月球。通过阅读Jerrys diary,激发学生对未来太空旅行的兴趣,进而激发学生对未来美好生活的期望,培养他们的科学探索精神。 同时学习一般将来时的用法,了触中国人的航天梦,通过谈论未来的打算和可能性,培养爱国主义精神和民族自豪感。因为本单元的话题需要幻想,教学本课时之前,我提供相应的图片,使学生既能利用脑海中已有的“图式”进行合理配对,又能够通过图片直观、形象、色彩丰富

3、的特点,形成新的“语言图式”。另外,还布置学生上网查找有关太空的一些知识和图片,为学习本课作好铺垫。三、学生分析 本班学生共30人,是七年级学生。在教学中,慢慢培养学生思维方式向抽象、发散的方面发展,培养合作的团队精神和创新能力显得十分重要。农村学生听说能力差,课堂上注重口语交流练习。四、教学目标(一)、语言知识目标:通过学习Jerry的日记,学习和掌握一般将来时的用法。(二)、语言技能目标: 1.通过阅读文章,了解文章主旨,利用图片调动学生学习积极性,掌握阅读技能。 2. 尝试用小组合作学习的方式,完成学习任务。 3. 学生能根据主阅读篇章的内容,以第三人称转述Jerry的日记。(三)、情感

4、态度目标: 激发学生对未来美好生活的期望,培养他们的科学探索精神。五、教学重难点(一)、教学重点:1. 通过阅读课文了解文章主旨,掌握寻读、略读等阅读技能。2. 通过学习Jerry的日记,学会谈论未来的打算和可能性。3.学习将来时的用法。(二)、教学难点:学生能根据主阅读篇章的内容,以第三人称转述Jerry的日记。六、学生学习方法和教师教学方法(一)、学生学习方法:合作学习法、发散思维学习法(二)、教师教学方法:循序渐近教学法;小组讨论教学法。七、教具:多媒体八、教学过程(一)、教学结构:1. Pre-reading (3 minutes )Before class, I have searc

5、hed lots of pictures of the moon and space.Students watch them, and then share the information they have got from them. This will raise the students interest, cultivate the students divergent thinking and stress the topic of this unit. 2. While-reading (24minutes)(1). Presentation (2 minutes)Suppose

6、 we live in the year 2053. Lets take a trip to space! (2). Lets talk about the space. (3 minutes)(3). Lets talk about the plan. (3 minutes)(4). Read aloud and find out the main idea of the diary. (P59) (5 minutes)(5). Comprehension. (5 minutes). The title and the first paragraph. The second paragrap

7、h. The third paragraph. I use mind maps to help the students understand the diary. (具体的思维导图见下面教学过程思维导图)(6). Practice(具体内容见下面的Students worksheet 1)(4 minutes)(7). Lets retell Jerrys trip to space by looking at the mind map. (2 minutes) (具体内容见下面的Students worksheet)Step3. After-reading17mins)Group work

8、:In groups, discuss and draw a mind map about what other things Jerry will do on the Moon, and then report the discussion. The class is divided into eight groups, they form in groups and discuss. At last, choose one of the students in each group to report their discussion. Step 4. Homework (1 min)1.

9、 Listen to the recording of the text twice, and then recite it.2. Writing “Jerrys trip to space”.(二)、教学过程思维导图(三)、板书设计 Topic: A trip to spaceplan to travel to space When and how to travel there.Group something about the moon 1 far 2 no gravity 3. What to do -exercisespace3 what to wear 4why5no air6ac

10、tivity-take photos(四)、Students worksheet.Unit 5 Visiting the Moon Reading A trip to space(学案)Step 1. Pre-reading Take some notes while watching the picturesStep 2. While-reading 1. Presentation. 2. Talk something about the space.3. Talk something about the plan.4. Read aloud and find out the main id

11、ea of the diary. (P59) Main idea: _5. Comprehension6. Practice: Do the following exercises. (1). Choose the correct answer according to Jerrys diary. ( ) . Jerry is going to travel into space on _. A. 10 October 2012 B. 11 October2012 C. 10 October 2053 D. 11 October 2053( ) . In the sentence “Itll

12、take us to the Moon.” (Line 3) “It” refers to _. A. The Earth B. The spaceship C. the spacesuit D. the bed( ) . Jerry will be able to float around in the spaceship because _. A. he is so happy B. theres no air there C. theres no gravity there D. his body gets weak( ) . When Jerry gets to the Moon, h

13、e will do the following things EXCEPT _. A. having a walk on the Moon B. wearing a spacesuit C. floating around on the Moon D. taking photos(2). Read Jerrys diary and judge the statements True (T) or False (F). Then write down the facts from the diary to support your answers.StatementsT / FFactsJerr

14、y is the only student to travel into space.Jerry is very excited about the trip.Jerry will not be able to breathe on the Moon without a spacesuit.7. Retell Jerrys trip to space by looking at the mind map.Step Step3. After-readingGroup workTopic: What other things will Jerry do? And talk about your f

15、uture plan.Step 4. Homework1. Listen to the recording of the text twice, and then recite it.2. Writing “Jerrys trip to space”Jerrys trip to space_九、教学后记 我对本节课总结三大亮点: 亮点一:整堂课程,基于一个中心和条主线展开教学。 一个中心: a trip to space 两条主线: some knowledge about the space and the plan of the trip.本课小结时,使学生对本课所学内容更深入和巩固的同时,学生潜移默化地掌握一种新的学习方法,而且做到一堂课首尾呼应,浑然一体。 亮点二:坚持由易到难,简单到复杂的循序渐近教学法。这节课的重点是使学生通过学习Jerry的日记,学会谈论未来的打算和可能性。首先,老师展示大量的图片帮助学生理解和掌握关于太空的一些基本常识,然后引导学生根


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