1、商务英语综合教程第四册Unit 1Managment SkillsLearning objectivesBy the end of the unit, you are supposed to:know the definition of management and the importance of managerial effectiveness;promote the awareness of risk management;know the importance of management skills to retain staff.Text 1. Boards Must Take
2、On Risk ManagementPre-reading questions:What is risk management? Is it important for every company?Do you think inadequate risk management would be accountable for financial crisis? And why?Background Information Risk managementRisk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of
3、 risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities.Background InformationSubprime crisis background information: Subprime lendinga large influx of
4、 money to U.S. banks and financial institutions + low interest rates it easier for Americans to get credithome values declined +adjustable rate mortgage payment amounts increased borrowers defaulted on their mortgagesInvestors serious lossesInvestment banks severe financial troublethe gears of the A
5、merican financial system a haltDetailed Study of Text The passage can be divided into three parts.Part One (para 1- Para 4)Part Two (para 5- Para 9)Part Three (para 10- Para 16)Part One (para 1- para 4)The first part is an introduction. In this part, the writer introduced the reasons for the financi
6、al crisis facing American today. Q1: What is the main reason for the downward spiraling economy?Q2:What are the solutions to the problems of failed risk management? Suggested answer to Q1Failed risk management is the main reason for the downward spiraling economy.Suggested answer to Q2The Fed has al
7、ready suggested stricter regulatory oversight. And the corporate leadership also need to consider a disciplined approach to risk management at the highest level: the Board.Part 2 (para. 5-para. 9)In this part, the writer explains the role directors played in risk management.Q1: What role should dire
8、ctors play in managing risk? Suggested answer to Q1It is important that now the boards need to take a more aggressive stance as they face the yet undefined challenges of today.Part 3 (para. 10-para. 16)In this part, the writer explains the importance to have risk management leaders.Q1:Who will be th
9、e ideal “Qualified Risk Expert”?Q2:What are the consequences if there is no QRE directors in the firm?Suggested answer to Q1The ideal QRE should be a former senior executive in a sophisticated financial organization such as an investment bank, commercial bank, or insurance company. He or she should
10、have a deep understanding not only of the entire spectrum of financial instruments and trading strategies but also of the asset-liability management process. And they had better have already run a large-scale risk management operation or served as a chief financial officer. Suggested answer to Q2If
11、there is no QRE directors in the firm, there will be no one to question and stop the practice of the firm which will result in their financial crisis and affect the firms reputation. And there will be no one in the firm can understand or be held accountable for the toxic combination of balance-sheet
12、 concentrations, plummeting asset valuations, and vanishing trading liquidity that has created an ocean of red ink.Language pointsbailout n. financial help given to a person or a company that is in difficulty紧急救助 e.g. The director were hoping for a government bailout to save the company.e.g. Obama a
13、nd McCain also want to prevent Wall Street executives responsible for the financial crisis from benefiting from the bailout plan.fallout n. the results or effects of a particular event, especially when they are unexpected. 负面影响,负面作用e.g. The political fallout of the Iran-contra affair cost him his jo
14、b. e.g. The crisis in Europe “may cause the Chinese policymakers to wait a bit and watch for clearer signs of fallout on the global economy .Language pointsLanguage pointswritedown n the reduction of values in financial statement减记e.g. Since the onset of the crisis , the writedown of assets in the U
15、S has exceeded the provision of new capitale.g. It is not just a $1 trillion writedown; the whole economy has suffered because of that.Language pointsoverleverage n incurring a huge debt by borrowing funds at a lower rate of interest and utilizing the excess funds in high risk investments in order t
16、o maximize returns. 过度举债,过高财务杠杆作用e.g. The company was severely overleveraged.Language pointsoutrage n. a feeling of great anger and shock骇人听闻的事件e.g. The injustice of the situation filled him with a sense of outrage.e.g. In response to widespread outrage from customers , it reverted to the original f
17、ormulation within three months .Language pointsoversight n. management by overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group 负责,照管e.g. The works manager will have general oversight of the project.e.g. But in practice , SEC officials know they will need to share some oversight functions wit
18、h the CFTC .Language pointsindustry-specific adj. pertaining or relating to a specific industry行业相关的,特定行业的 e.g. Vocational courses that develop industry-specific skills will also see a surge in applications .e.g. Nuclear energy sector for example needs industry-specific regulatory protocols.Summary
19、The definition of management Boards role in risk managementQualified Risk ExpertListening exercisesListen to the following passage twice and fill in the blanks with what you hear.1. afloat 2.healthy 3.leadership 4.delegation5.vision 6. chief7.initial 8.organizing 9.Supervision 10.experiencesListenin
20、g exercisesListen to the following passage twice and choose the best answer to each question.1.A 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.BAssignmentsComplete the exercises after the main text.Preview the supplementary reading text.Text B Keeping Employees Happy in a Post-Recession WorldRead the passage and tell the main idea
21、 of it.The article introduces the ways to keep employees happy in a post-recession world.Discussion: What do you think will make employees happy?Translate the following sentences 1. As layoffs increased throughout the workforce, employees became more engaged.随着职员中失业人数的增加,员工们变得更敬业了。Translate the foll
22、owing sentences2. Like so many organizations, we asked our men and women to make financial sacrifices and take on extra work that helped us weather the worst of the downturn.很多机构一样,我们要求我们的员工在经济上做出牺牲并承担额外的工作,以协助我们渡过最困难的时期。Translate the following sentences3. That striking disparity reminds us how cruc
23、ial it is to develop effective leaders at every level of our organizations. 这一巨大反差提醒我们在各级组织中培养高效的领导是多么的重要。Translate the following sentences4. Beyond giving specific, timely, on-target feedback, we should also be coaching the people we are privileged to lead.除了要提供详细的、即时的和目的明确的反馈信息,我们还应该培训那些我们有幸可以领导的人
24、。Translate the following sentences5. As leaders, we can get so busy dispensing advice and providing feedback that we forget to look at our own behavior and the impact it has on colleagues.作为领导,我们可能忙于给予建议并提供反馈意见而忽略自己的行为以及这些行为带给同事的影响。Unit 2Business EnvironmentLearning objectivesBy the end of the unit,
25、 you are supposed to:know the definition of business environment;know the importance of a business to adapt to the changing environment;know how the Internet influences the business environment.Text 1. How Has the Internet Affected the Business Environment?Pre-reading questions:How has the Internet
26、affected your life?What do you think is the impact of Internet on business world? Background Information Business environmentIn simple terms, the state in which a person remains busy is known as Business. The word Business in its economic sense means human activities like production, extraction or p
27、urchase or sales of goods that are performed for earning profits.On the other hand, the word Environment refers to the aspects of surroundings. Therefore, Business Environment may be defined as a set of conditions Social, Legal, Economical, Political or Institutional that are uncontrollable in natur
28、e and affects the functioning of organization. Business Environment has two components: Internal Environment and External Environment.Background InformationDot ComsA dot-com company, or simply a dot-com (alternatively rendered or dot com), is a company that does most of its business on the Internet,
29、 usually through a website that uses the popular top-level domain, “.com” (in turn derived from the word “commercial”).Detailed Study of Text The passage can be divided into three parts.Part One (para 1)Part Two (para 2- Para 19)Part Three (para 20- Para 21)Part One (para 1- para 4)The first part is
30、 an introduction. In this part, the writer introduced that the internet has had a great effect on the business environment. Q1: How can the Internet affect business environment?Suggested answer to Q1The Internet has had a big effect on the business environment. Especially the use of Internet sites h
31、as changed business and life immeasurably. Part 2 (para. 5-para. 8)This is the main body. The writer explains how the internet affected the business environment in various ways.Q1:What business environment has the Internet changed?Q2:Why did the Dot coms in business rise steadily?Suggested answer to
32、 Q1The Internet has changed:The way people communicate with each other and where and how they work.The way businesses sell their products.The availability of data and information about business.How business do everything from order goods and materials to file taxes or hire employees.Suggested answer
33、 to Q2The development of internet helped the steady rise of the Dot coms in business. For example, at the very beginning, the internet was used mostly as a means of communicating tool. But then e-commerce-selling goods and services online began to attract peoples attention. And later take credit car
34、d payments online really boosted the rise of the dot coms.Part 3 (para. 9-para. 15)This is the last part of the article. It summarizes that the rise of the Internet has a huge impact on the business environment. Language pointsimmeasurably adv. Too large, great etc,. to be measured不能测量地,无限制地e.g. Hou
35、sing standards improved immeasurably after the war. e.g. Stress has an immeasurably more serious effect on our lives than we realize.Language pointsmanifestation n. an event, action or thing that is a sign that sth exists or is happening表现;显示;示威运动e.g. Some manifestation of your concern would have be
36、en appreciated.e.g. These were manifestations of the darker side of his character.Language pointsoutpace v. to go, rise, improve, etc. faster than sb/sth赶过;超过速度 e.g. He easily outpaced the other runners. e.g. Demand is outpacing production.Language points inexorably adv. (of a process) that cannot b
37、e stopped or changed无情地;冷酷地,不可阻挡的 e.g. Everyone knows that the weight of global power is moving inexorably towards the Asia-Pacific region. e.g. Monetary inflation spirals inexorably on. Language pointsovercapitalized adj. to provide an excess amount of capital for (a business enterprise); to estima
38、te the value of (property) too highly; to place an unlawfully or unreasonably high value on the nominal capital of (a corporation). 对之资本估价过高;过分投资于e.g. But I believe that more needs to be done in Europe as it is better to be overcapitalized at this stage than to run with only a slim capital layer.e.g
39、. Many market sectors such as online retail, stock trading and advertising were significantly overcapitalized relative to near-term market demand. Summary business environmentthe development of the internetthe influence of the Internet on the business environmentListening exercisesListen to the foll
40、owing passage twice and fill in the blanks with what you hear.1. possibilities 2. expand 3. Constraints 4. assessing 5. Strengths 6. resources 7. structure 8. threats 9. external 10. legalListening exercisesListen to the following passage twice and choose the best answer to each question.1.D 2.B 3.D
41、 4.B 5.DAssignmentsComplete the exercises after the main text.Preview the supplementary reading text. Text B Enterprises and Environment Read the passage and tell the main idea of it.The article tells the startups and small businesses how to market themselves in the notion of environmentally-friendl
42、y.Discussion: Do you think all businesses can do something for the environment? And how can a company become more green and sustainable? Translate the following sentences 1. Green consciousness has finally arrived and your customers could be cussing out whether you are doing your “bit for the enviro
43、nment”.人们终于开始有环保意识了,你的顾客会对你是否在“环保方面有所作为”进行评判。Translate the following sentences2. What is critical is to not be exposed for being a green cheat.最重要的是不在环保方面欺骗消费者。Translate the following sentences3. How you treat your environment when going about running your business says a lot about you as a business
44、.在经营公司的时候如何处理与环境之间的关系可以反映你公司的很多内容。Translate the following sentences4. Employees can be a goldmine of environmental common sense, and more often than not they already have an opinion on what you should be doing.雇员可以为你提供珍贵的环保常识,通常他们对你应该做些什么已经有了自己的认识。Translate the following sentences5. Helping your cus
45、tomer to use your products/services in greener ways will give you opportunities to talk to them in a different way than you might normally. 帮助你的顾客用更环保的方式来使用你的产品或服务将为你提供一个机会来和他们进行与以往不同的对话。Unit 3FinanceLearning objectivesBy the end of the unit, you are supposed to:know the definition of financial mana
46、gement and be aware of the importance of debt management;learn some business terms related to finance;know the trends of green investing.Text 1. Are Investors Still Lining Up for Bonds?Pre-reading questions:What do you think will happen if a country can not pay off its debt?Will you invest your mone
47、y in bonds? And why?Background Information FinanceIt is the study of funds management. Finance includes saving money and often includes lending money. The field of finance deals with the concepts of time, money, risk and how they are interrelated. It also deals with how money is spent and budgeted.C
48、orporate (business) financePersonal finance Public financeBackground Information BondIn finance, a bond is a debt security, in which the authorized issuer owes the holders a debt and, depending on the terms of the bond, is obliged to pay interest (the coupon) to use and/or to repay the principal at
49、a later date, termed maturity. A bond is a formal contract to repay borrowed money with interest at fixed intervals. Detailed Study of Text The passage can be divided into three parts.Part One (para 1- Para 2)Part Two (para 3- Para 13)Part Three (para 14- Para 21)Part One (para 1- para 2)The first p
50、art is an introduction. In this part, the writer introduced the power of the bond market. Q1:What is James Carvilles attitude towards the bond market?Suggested answer to Q1James Carville thought the bond market is really intimidating and very powerful.Part 2 (para. 3-para. 13)This is the main body.
51、The writer explains the present situation of the bond market.Q1:What does the phrase “this picture” in Para.10 mean?Q2:What is the present financial situation of the other part of the world?Suggested answer to Q1The prices of the Treasuries have risen while yields have plummeted. And the yields of t
52、he TIPS is less than the rate of inflation and it is negative.Suggested answer to Q2Due to the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster, Japan experiences a recession. And there are many problems existed in some European countries which need bailouts. Meanwhile, growth in red-hot emerging market cou
53、ntries like China has begun to slow.Part 3 (para. 14-para. 21)The last part of the article is the prediction of the future bonds market in the United States.Q1:Why did William H. Gross, compare investors in Treasuries to complacent frogs sitting in a pot of slowly heating water?Suggested answer to Q
54、1Bond investors slowly get used to receiving almost nothing from their money. It just like the frogs which get used to the slowly heated water. Before they realized the situation, theyll be cooked.Language pointsintimidating adj. discouraging through fear 吓人的,令人生畏的e.g. The intimidating bulk of Mt Ev
55、erest rose up before the climbers.e.g. This can be intimidating, since it means telling him things he might not want to hear.Language pointspristine adj. in its original condition 原始状态的e.g. It is a pristine copy of the books first edition.e.g. But the area is largely visited for its pristine beaches
56、, scenery and archaeological sites.Language pointscite v. mention sth. as an example or to support an argument, refer to引用;引.为证;举出e.g. She cited the high unemployment figures as evidence of the failure of government policy.e.g. The lawyer cited a previous case to support his argument.Language points
57、dither v. to be unable to decide, or hesitate about what to do. (因不知所措)慌张, 犹豫不定e.g. Stop dithering about which film you want to see or youll miss them both.e.g. She was dithering and wouldnt make up her mind unless forced to .Language pointsrally v. increase after a fall, return to a former conditio
58、n重整;恢复e.g. The stock market will soon rally.e.g. There was a huge rally in treasury bonds on October 19, 1987.Language points alternative n. choice of two or more opportunities可供选择的事物、方式等e.g. Caught in the act, he has no alternative but to confess.e.g. What alternatives are there?Language pointsbols
59、ter v. support and strengthen援助, 给予必要的支持e.g. It is necessary to bolster up your claim with new evidence.e.g. The high interest rates helped to bolster up the economy.Summary financial managementdebt managementbonds, treasury, debt ceiling Listening exercisesListen to the following passage twice and
60、fill in the blanks with what you hear.1. aspects 2. acquisition 3. risk 4. wealth 5. investment 6. capital 7. bond 8. equity 9. rights 10. institutionalListening exercisesListen to the following passage twice and choose the best answer to each question.1.A 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.BAssignmentsComplete the exer
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