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1、PAGE PAGE 17启东市小学英语备课专用纸 学科 英语 年级 四 执笔 黄莉莉 第 4 单元 课题 Unit 4 I like 第 1 教时 总第 19 个教案教学内容: Unit 4 Part A Read and say教学目标:1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:a puppet、puppets、a puzzle、puzzles、a kite、kites、a doll、dolls.2、能听懂,会说和会读日常交际用语 I like puzzles. Me, too. I love dolls. Thank you very much.3、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型。Whats th

2、is / that in English? Its a / an. Do you like ? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.教学重难点:1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:a puppet、puppets、a puzzle、puzzles、a kite、kites、a doll、dolls. 2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型。Whats this / that in English? Its a / an. Do you like ? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 3、Do you like ?及I like句型中的名词要使用可数名词的复数形式。课前准备

3、: 录音机、磁带、实物,卡片等教学过程: Step 1.Preparation A. Free talk.1、(出示梨的图片)T: Whats this?S1: Its a pear. (教师引导复习3A水果单词, 渗透单复数,a pear, two pears, pears并配合手势。)2、(出示苹果图片)T:Whats that?S: Its an apple.( an apple, apples)3、Learn the words a mango, mangoes, a peach, peaches, an orange, oranges, a watermelon, watermelo

4、ns in the same way.Step 2. Presentation and practice ( 1 )A(1)图片 T: Whats this in English? S: Its a dog. 多问几个学生。(2)出示“in English”.( 3 ) Read and spell in English . (Write on the blackboard)( 4 ) 图片 T: Whats that in English?S: Its a bear.( 5 ) Read the sentences: Whats this / that in English? Its a /

5、 an(6) 拿出自己喜欢的学习用品、水果、玩具 师生互相对话,生生对话操练。B(1)出示图片 T: Whats this in English?S: Its a puppet.T: Can you spell puppet?S: P-u-p-p-e-t, puppet.Ss: Read and spell together.T展示复数“puppets”,Ss read the word.(2)Learn a puzzle, puzzles, a kite, kites, a doll , dolls in the same way.( 3 )展示单复数: a puppet puppetsa

6、kite kitesa puzzle puzzlesa doll dolls ( 4 )Read the words.Step 3. Presentation and practice ( 2 )A(1)出示图片T: Boys and girls. I like puppets very much. Do you like puppets? If you like you can say Yes, I do. If you dont like you can say No, I dont.T: Do you like puppets?S1: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Re

7、ad the sentences: Do you like? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. (Write on the blackboard)T: Do you like puppets?S2: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. T: Me, too. I like puppets. 利用对话引出(2)Learn Me, too.(3) Puzzles, kites, in the same way.(4) 图片T: Do you like dolls? S: Yes, I do.T: Me, too. I love dolls.(引出love) (5) L

8、earn love .B Work in pairs( 1 ) 师生操练(2)学生拿出自己画的画及准备的东西进行操练。Step 4 Production1、Work in pairs.(1)出示图片,教师引导并示范 T: Whats this / that in English?S: Its a / anT: Do you like.?S: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.(两组)(2)学生表演,并给予一定奖励,巩固Heres a for you.2、Say a rhyme.(1) Learn: fly sky(2) Read and do.3、Play a game: Do

9、and act. Guessing game.Step 5 Progress 联系上下文补全对话。Do and check A: Lets to the zoo, B: . A: Look, is that English? B: Its bear. A: How ! Do you like ? B: Yes, I . A: , too. 二次备课课堂作业: 家作布置:教学后记:(第 次)启东市小学英语备课专用纸 学科 英语 年级 四 执笔 黄莉莉 第 4 单元 课题 Unit 4 I like 第 2 教时 总第 20 个教案教学内容: Unit 4 Part B Look, read an

10、d learn Part C Work in pairs G3 Say a rhyme教学目标: 1. 能正确听、说、读、写单词a car ,a bus ,a bike ,a kite.2. 能正确听、说、读单词a balloon3. 能正确听、说、读、写句子Whats this /that in English ?及其回答Its a 4. 能诵读歌谣Fly ,fly my kite .教学重难点:能正确听、说、读、写单词a car ,a bus ,a bike ,a kite.能正确听、说、读、写句子Whats this /that in English ?及其回答Its a 课前准备: 教

11、学挂图 录音机 磁带 黑板教学过程: Step 1.Preparation 1. Greetings2. 2. Sing a song Perhaps3.Free talk.利用图片、玩具等让学生运用A中所学句型进行练说。Step 2. Presentation and practice 1. 1. 新授单词a balloon .T师出示实物: Look,Whats this in English ?Oh, its a balloon. Its my balloon. Its red. Its a nice balloon. Do you like balloons? Ss: Yes.T: N

12、ow read the word balloon after me twice.2. 2. T: (出示一张小汽车的图片)T: Look at the picture. Whats this in English? S: Its a car .T:( 出示词卡) Now lets read and spell the word car.Ss: Car. C-A-R, car.T: Very good .(让学生读读,写写a car两遍)3. 3. 同法教词a bike, a bus, a kite.4. 4. Play a game: Whats missing ?利用图片进行游戏,进行单词的

13、巩固。Step 3. Production 1.(学生看黑板上的挂图)T:What can you see in the picture ?Ss: I can see a car (a balloon, a bus, a bike )2. T: Wheres the car? What colour is it? Do you like cars?3. T: Now work in pairs, please. You should use these sentences on the blackboard.先放手让学生同桌对照图自由练说,随后再指名几组板前操练。Step 4 Progress

14、Say a rhyme.T: Now open your books. Look at Part G: Fun house. Lets say a rhyme: Fly, fly my kite.1. 1. 听录音,欣赏歌谣。2. 简单介绍大意,朗诵歌谣。朗读童谣时,可加上动作,增加学生朗读兴趣。3. Say the rhyme together. 二次备课课堂作业: 家作布置: 教学后记:(第 次)启东市小学英语备课专用纸 学科 英语 年级 四 执笔 黄莉莉 第 4 单元 课题 Unit 4 I like 第 3 教时 总第 21 个教案教学内容: Unit 4 Part D Work in

15、 groups Part E Read and act Part F Listen and repeat教学目标: 1、通过复习,能熟练掌握本单元词语和句型 。2、进一步掌握句型Do you like?及答语。3、能初步了解字母j和k在单词中的发音。教学重难点:1、能初步了解字母j和k在单词中的发音。2、进一步掌握句型Do you like?及答语。课前准备: 录音机 磁带 图片教学过程: Step 1.Preparation 1.Greetings 2.Say a rhyme 3.Free talk. 让学生充分利用本单元单词、句型进行练说,交际,培养学生口语交际能力。4. Review 复

16、习单词及有关的日常交际用语。可采用小组抢答形式进行。T:Now lets review some words and sentences. Whats this in English?S: Its a pen.T: Do you like this pen? S: Yes, I do.T: Me, too.T: Whats that on the desk?S: Its a book.T: May I have a look?S: Yes, here you are.T: Thank you.T:(用同法依次练习、复习a bike , a bus, a puppet , a balloon .

17、a kite ,a doll等)可以变换复习方式,如“Touch and guess ”等形式。Step 2. Presentation1.出示风筝图片,引出对话。在对话引出时,可利用人物头饰进行角色区别。2.听录音,跟读两遍。3.分角色表演。4. 出示一些含有字母j和k的词,以便学生能更好地了解这两个字母在单词中的发音。如:jacket, jogging, kite 5. 学生听录音跟读单词及句子。Step 3. Practice Do a survey教师与学生之间展开调查,教师填写表格。学生按照教师的师范调查并填写表格。全班交流。How many students like dolls?

18、Who are they?Step 4 ProductionPlay a game.1 教师先介绍游戏规则,然后老师与学生做示范。请六位学生上台,在这里教师不必拘于书上只备有颜色的牌子,而可以随意准备动物、文具类单词,从而扩大练说面,全面进行单词的复习。由老师先发令说I like red挂红色牌子的同学就将牌子交给教师,然后由这位学生接着发令I like 听懂的学生就将自己的颜色牌子给发令员。如果发令员说了句子,学生没有反应,该生便失败了,大家就说You are out .请另一学生代替失败的学生。2 分小组,请学生在组内做游戏。3 失败的学生朗诵Fly ,fly my kite .Step

19、5 Progress 1 背诵并表演Read and act .2 创设情景自编对话。 在学校的新年聚会上,新来的同学本对什么都很好奇,他看到布置教室的气球,洋娃娃,风筝等东西与同学大卫展开了一段对话,试着设计他们都说了些什么。3 全班交流。集体评议。二次备课课堂作业: 家作布置:教学后记:(第 次)启东市小学英语备课专用纸 学科 英语 年级 四 执笔 黄莉莉 第 4 单元 课题 Unit 4 I like 第 4 教时 总第 22 个教案教学内容: Unit 4 Part G 1. Look and read 2. Play a game教学目标: 1. 通过复习,能熟练掌握本单元词语和句型

20、 。2. 进一步掌握句型Do you like?及答语。教学重难点:进一步掌握句型Do you like?及答语。课前准备: 录音机 磁带教学过程: Step 1.Preparation 1. Sing a song “Perhaps”2.Say a rhyme “Fly ,fly my kite”3.Free talk. 对本单元的交际用语进行综合练说,培养学生的交际能力。Step 2. Presentation1.利用简笔画复习单词。师可先画出半边物品,让学生说单词,再完成所画物品。2.利用图片进行对话操练。Whats this / that in English?Its a / an D

21、o you like ?Yes, I do. / no, I dont. 3. Show the pictures. 1) 仔细观察画面,并结合全文了解趣味故事大意,体会其中的幽默含义。2) 学生先听录音,再读故事。 3) Read after the tape. 4) Read and act in the whole class. 5) Read and try to recite together.Step 3. Practice 默写本单元的单词与词组。Step 4 Production 当汤反馈Step 5 Progress 根据中文提示完成句子。我想要这只玩具老虎。我能看看吗?李老

22、师,我能为苏阳要两本书吗?这个用英语怎么说? 是一个风筝。他的钥匙在哪里?可能在床上。二次备课课堂作业: 家作布置: 教学后记:(第 次)启东市小学英语备课专用纸 学科 英语 年级 四 执笔 黄莉莉 第 4 单元 课题 Unit 4 I like 第 5 教时 总第 23 个教案教学内容: Unit 4 教学目标: 1、总结动物类、水果类、玩具类单词及部分动词。 2、能了解like后面跟单数、复数和动名词的三种情况,并能熟练运用。教学重难点:1、动物类、水果类、玩具类单词及部分动词。2、 like后面跟单数、复数和动名词的三种情况课前准备: 玩具等教学过程: Step 1.Preparatio

23、n Greetings and free talk T: Good morning. How are you? Nice to meet you. Ss: T: Whats this / that in English? S: Its a / an Step 2. Presentation and practiceA The pronunciation1、T: Whats this? /b/ /k/ / d / S: Its /b/. T: Which letter is pronounced /k/? S: Kk, Cc. 2、领读齐读音标。3、Chant. b-b- /b/ c-c- /k

24、/ d-d-/d/ g-g-/g/ f-f-/f/,/f/,/f/ h-h-/h/,/h/,/h/4、练习:判断下列每组单词的划线部分的发音是否相同。当堂反馈P 31B The words 出示音标 /fru:t/ fruit水果 T: Can you say some words about fruit? Ss:(说出有关水果的单词) T:(课件出示有关水果的单词,齐读。) 同法复习动物类、玩具类单词及动词。C The sentences: 1、T: Youre so clever today. Ill give you a gift. Look!(拿出一个漂亮的西瓜娃娃模型。) S: Wh

25、ats this in English? T: Its a toy watermelon.Do you like this toy watermelon? Ss: Yes, I do. T: This toy watermelon is for you. 同桌两人模仿对话。 板书:like + this/that(单数) 2、T: Do you like that toy monkey? S1: Yes, I do. Its nice. T: Do you like monkeys?(着重复数的读音) S1: Yes, I do. I like monkeys. T: What about y

26、ou? Do you like monkeys? S2: No, I dont. I dont like monkeys. T: What do you like? S2: I like 板书:like + 复数 (表示喜欢一类东西) 同桌两人根据提供的句式结构模仿对话。 3、T: Boys and girls, do you like running? Ss: Yes, I do. T: Lets go running. Ss: OK! 同桌两人模仿对话。 板书:like + 动名词(表示喜欢做某事) 4、根据板书总结 like + this/that(单数) like + 复数 (表示喜欢一类东西) like + 动名词(表示喜欢做某事)Step 3. Production 1、 四人小组创编对话,要求用到板书中三种情况。 2、 表演对话,集体评论和纠正。Step 4 Progress 一、 判断下列每组单词的划线部分的发音是否相同


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