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1、人教版英语七年级上同步辅导1unit 11What time do you go to school?2教学目标掌握本课重点词与短语初步学习双宾语动词学习本课课文3词 汇4time (n)时间不可数What time is it?几点了?time (n)次数;2 times两次go to school去上学get up起床shower (n)淋浴;阵雨show (v)展示;显示Take a shower洗澡usually (ad)经常地usual (a)通常的;普通的unusual (a)非同寻常的work (v; n)工作(不可数)A piece of work一份工作job (n)工作(可

2、数)Work out算出;解出hour (n) 小时An hour注意 “一小时”brush (v)刷tooth-teeth (n)牙(单-复)after (prep)在后(时;地)go to work上班get to someplace到达某地bus (n)公交车5hotel (n)旅馆all (pron)全部;所有night (n)晚上;深夜at night在夜里evening (n)黄昏;晚上In the evening在晚上love (v)爱;喜欢listen (v)听listen to sth听东西home (adv)家at home在家homework (n)家庭作业do home

3、work做家庭作业noon (n)中午At noon在中午afternoon (n)下午In the afternoon在下午letter (n) 信write a letter写信around= about大约;大概start (v)开始write (v)写tell (v)告诉tell sb sth 告诉某人某事tell sth to sb某事告诉某人6soon (adv)快best (adj)最好的wish (v)希望;祝福Best wish to you最好的祝福送给你I wish to do我希望做survey (v; n)调查go to school去上学go to work去工作g

4、o home回家go to bed上床睡觉get up起床Brush teeth刷牙Tell sb sth告诉某人某事Listen to听Start to do开始做某事In the afternoon在下午In the evening在晚上In the morning在早晨At night在深夜get to到达Take a bus乘公交Take sb to带某人到某地Take a shower洗澡;淋浴7重 点 词892、usually (ad)she usually buys all kinds of pens.She usually goes home after school.考点:注

5、意usually的位置:-动词之前Too / also/ very/well/often/usually103、tootoo (adv) 太、也1、太、非常: too +adj;例: It is too cold.2、也:用于句尾-also句中It is cold tomorrow, too.I also like it.114、tell告诉我告诉他这个故事-.句型1: tell sb sth告诉某人某事I tell him the story我把这个故事告诉了他句型2: tell sth to sb把某事告诉某人I tell the story to him考点:注意人和事的位置练习:他告诉

6、了我这个消息He tells me the newsHe tells the news to me.125、get to 到达get to 到达例:He gets to the station.他到达了车站例:He gets up at 6:00, then he gets to the stop at 6:30, then he gets on the number 11 bus.(请判断这几个get的短语)get up 起床 get to 到达 get on 登上车136、wish希望,祝愿一、口语用法-“ best wish to you!” 祝福你-thank you 谢谢二、wish

7、 to do希望做例:他希望能去上海He wishes to go to Shanghai.1415Scott works very long hours. He usually gets up at 17:00. He brushes his teeth and has a shower. Then he eats his breakfast. What a funny time to eat breakfast! After breakfast he plays his guitar, then he goes to work. To get to work, he takes the n

8、umber 17 bus to a hotel. The bus usually takes him to work at 19:15. He works all night. People love to listen to him! He gets home at 7:00, and he watches morning TV. He goes to bed at 8:30. Can you think what his job is? 16Scott works very long hours. He usually gets up at 17:00. He brushes his te

9、eth and has a shower. Then he eats his breakfast. 翻译:Scott每天工作很长时间.他经常下午5点起床.刷牙,洗澡,然后,他吃 “早餐”.一:词汇与短语Work long hours工作很长时间eat ones breakfast 吃早餐二:重点词的用法:then然后. 连接句子用.写文章避免总是简单句堆积,中间要用then; next; after that等连接词把句子连起来,从而形成文章Usually通常 :注意位置-主语和谓语之间17请区别,分析下列4个what都有什么不同What a funny time to eat breakfa

10、st! What do you like to play?What time is it?Can you think what his job is?吃早餐是多么好的时光啊!(感叹句,what做感叹词,意思变为:多么!)你喜欢玩什么?(what做特殊疑问词)几点了?(what time做特殊疑问词)你能想到他的工作是什么吗?(从句,what做连接词,意思不变)18感叹句感叹句表现汉语中的:某物/人多么.啊!基本结构:what+名词+陈述句.(此结构只能是what +n,并且名词必须紧跟what!It is a very hot day.今天很热.What a hot day it is!今天多

11、热啊!You are a good girl.你是个好女孩.What a good girl you are!你是个多么好的女孩啊!19强调句与特殊疑问句的区别结构不同What +名词+陈述句特殊词+一般疑问句意思不同表强调What a bad job he gets!他得到的是多糟糕的工作啊!表疑问What job does he get?他得到了什么工作?20After breakfast he plays his guitar, then he goes to work. To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to a hotel. 翻译:

12、早饭后,他弹吉它.接着他去工作.为了到达工作地方,他乘17路公交车到达一个旅馆.一:词汇与短语After breakfast早餐后Before breakfast早餐前At breakfast在早餐时Play the guitar 弹吉它-复习play其他用法The number bus 几路公交车二:重点词的用法:To get to work.请区分两个to的用法,并翻译此句To动词不定式前置于句首-为了Get to work介词.到达工作处Take the number 15 bus to乘公交车到21The bus usually takes him to work at 19:15.

13、He works all nigh. People love to listen to him! 翻译:公交车通常晚7:15分带他到工作地方.他整晚工作.人们喜欢听他!一:词汇与短语All night整晚Take sb to someplace带某人到地方二:动词不定式与介词分析:takes him to workPeople love to listen to him22He gets home at 7:00, and he watches morning TV. He goes to bed at 8:30. can you think what his job is? 翻译:他七点到家

14、,接着看早晨的电视节目.8:30上床睡觉.你能想出他是什么工作吗?一:词汇与短语Get home到家(可否get to home?为何)Watch TVGo to bed二:语法复习:can you think what his job is? 情态动词是哪些?陈述疑问否定句结构是什么样子?23Dear Mona:Thanks for your letter. Do you want to know about my morning? Well, I usually get up at around six-fifteen. I do my homework at six-thirty, an

15、d then I eat breakfast at around seven-thirty. At around eight oclock, I go to school. School starts at nine oclock. Please write and tell me about your morning.24词组Thank youThanks for you!Thank sb for sthThank you for your helpKnow aboutAt about six-thirtyTell sb sthTell sth to sb谢谢谢谢因某事感谢某人感谢你的帮助了

16、解在大约6:30告诉某人某事告诉某人某事251. it is my first _ to visit the Great Wall.second/ time/ times2. Do you read the very famous magazine “_”.time/ Times/ two times3. Excuse me, _?When is it nowWhat time is it?When it is nowWhat time it is4. It is an exciting film, I watches it _.second time/2 time/ 2 times265.

17、He usually _ school at 7:00, _ school at 7:30.goes to; goes to/ goes to; gets to/ gets to; gets to6. We _ home in dark多.go/get/ go to/ get to解析:见到home,前面去to7. The train _ at 8:30.gets/ gets to/ goes to解析:8. He tries to _, he sees a bird in the sky.look/ look at/ sees/ looks 大279.He _ very hard. He u

18、sually works at night.work/ works/ job/jobs10. It is a good _. So he likes it very much.work/ works/ job11. You must _ before next month.Work it out/ work out it/ out it解析;Work 不可数名词(工作量). A piece of workWork 动词 工作 背; work hard努力工作/ work out 做出;算出区别: work hard努力工作-hard work很难的工作例: Do you work out the question?你算出这道题没有?Job可数名词 例:a job 一份工作背; work it outwork out the question2811You are mad! Why do you tell _?多the sad news her/ her the sad news/ to her the sad new/ the sad new to her12.please giv


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