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1、牛津译林版高中英语单元复习学案Unit 1The written word词汇导练1The company suffered_ (财政的)difficulties and could not survive any longer.2The beauty of the West Lake is beyond _(比较)3Mum and dad didnt seem to approve much of my new _ (同伴)4. You can improve your writing just by_(缩短)some of these long sentences.5If Im not _

2、 (搞错),thats the man we saw on the bus.6As I walked through the town,I was c_reminded of my childhood.7In spite of all her s_,shes still the best teacher the school has.8It is g_of you to share your food with me.9. P_against black people is common in many parts of America.10Jack was not allowed to le

3、ave the city until he paid off his d_.11The place is a firm_(remind)of the past civilization.12Anger is often expressed as_(violent)1.panions4.shortening5.mistaken6.constantly7.shortcomings8.generous9.Prejudice10.debts11.reminder12.violence短语汇集1_以为背景2_ 宁肯而不3_ 把加入到4_ 对有偏见5_ 一心想要,决心要6_ 和相识,结识7_ 被分成8_

4、令某人注意9_ 发出(叫声);放长10_ 看到,一看到11_ 泄露;出卖12_ 从头至尾1be set in2.would rather.than3.add.to.4be prejudiced against5.be bent on6.make the acquaintance of7.be divided into8.draw sb.s attention to9let out10.at the sight of11.give away12.from beginning to end语句试译1(回归课本P2)I_think that these classic novels_be made

5、into films if they had nothing to do with life today.我想,这些经典小说如果与现代生活没有任何关联的话,是不会被改编成电影的。2(回归课本P3).,but Joe is a kind and simple man,who_die_see any harm come to Pip.,但乔却是一个淳朴善良的人,他宁死也不愿意看到皮普受到任何伤害。3(回归课本P3)Pip dislikes_Joe comes to visit him in London.当乔来伦敦看他时,皮普并不喜欢。1.do not;would2.would rather;th

6、an3.it when核心知识1receivedadj.被承认的,被认可的,公认的(回归课本P2)They are novels,plays and poems that were written a long time ago and were so well written and well received that people still read them today.它们是很久以前创作的小说、戏剧和诗歌,写得很好,很受欢迎,直至今日人们仍然在阅读这些作品。归纳拓展【注意】be well received表示对建议、想法或消息作出好的反应、回应等,不可将well换用very,但若表

7、示“很好的反应”,即“非常受欢迎”,可用be very well received。例句探源(牛津P1655)The play was well received by the critics.这部戏受到了评论家们的好评。(朗文P1703)Police received calls from residents who heard the gunshots.警方接到了听到枪声的居民打来的电话。易混辨析receive,accept receive强调客观上收到;accept强调主观上接受。I received an invitation to the party yesterday,but I

8、refused toaccept it.1完成句子(1)他在车站受到热烈欢迎。He_ _ _ _at the station.答案:received a warm welcome(2)他在大学没有受到良好的教育。He didnt _ _ _ _at university.答案:receive a good education(3)这本书一出版就受到读者的欢迎。The book_ _ _by readers as soon as it came out.答案:was well received2. Mary finally_Bruce as her lifelong companion.Arec

9、eivedBacceptedCmade Dhonoured解析:选B。句意:Mary终于接受了Bruce作为她的终生伴侣。accept主观上的接受,所以选B。2harmn伤害,损害,危害;邪恶,恶行 v伤害,损害,危害(回归课本P3)Pips sister seldom has a kind word to say,but Joe is a kind and simple man,who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.皮普的姐姐几乎没有什么善言好语,但乔却是一个淳朴善良的人,他宁愿死也不愿意看到皮普受到任何伤害。归纳拓展例句探源(

10、朗文P946)A little wine wont do you any harm.一点葡萄酒对你没坏处。I know he meant no harm,but it was a very personal question.我知道他没有恶意,但这是个涉及个人隐私的问题。He would never harm anyone.他永远不会伤害任何人。3完成句子(1)倘若我们进行干预,那可能弊多利少。If we interfere,it may_ _ _ _ _.答案:do more harm than good(2)试验显示抽烟对人体有害。The trial shows that smoking

11、will_ _ _ _.答案:do harm to people(3)他可能看上去很凶,但并无恶意。He may look fierce,but he_ _ _.答案:means no harm4.Drinking too much can_ones health.AharmBhurtCinjure Dwound解析:选A。句意:过度饮酒对健康有害。harm vt.“损害”,常用来指各种有害物质或状况对人体及各种生物造成的“伤害”。hurt多指肉体或情感的伤害;injure多指事故中受伤;wound多指战争中所受的刀伤或枪伤。3fortunen财富;运气,好运;大笔的钱;个人的前途/命运(回归

12、课本P3)Pip is about eighteen years old when this happens,and the fortune sets him free from financial worries.当时皮普大约18岁,这笔钱使他不用为经济问题担忧了。归纳拓展例句探源(牛津P803)I have had the good fortune to work with some brilliant directors.我有幸与一些卓越的主管人员共事。(朗文P814)The guy who invented PostIt notes must have made a fortune.发

13、明报事贴便条的那个人肯定发财了。They moved there to try their fortune.他们搬往那里去碰碰运气。5根据句意完成句子:(1)He dreamed of_a fortune.答案:making(2)Hes_in having a good job.答案:fortunate(3)_,when I got to her flat,she was just leaving,so we had only time for a few words.答案:Unfortunately4settlevt.& vi.使定居;安顿,安放;解决(问题等);安家,停留(回归课本P5)H

14、e settles there so he can become an educated gentleman.他在那儿定居下来,并变成了一名有教养的绅士。归纳拓展settle in/into(使)适应(新的家、工作、环境等) settle down(使)安静下来;定居,过安定生活settle down to.开始专心于,着手认真做settle on/upon.决定,同意(某事);栖息/停留于例句探源(牛津P1825)How are the kids settling into their new school?孩子们在新学校习惯了吗?(朗文P1867)Would you kids just s

15、ettle down for a minute?你们小孩子安静一会好吗?Tonys parents looked forward to the day when he would settle down and start a family of his own.托尼的父母期望他有一天安顿下来,开始拥有自己的家庭。6完成句子(1)他们友好地解决了他们的争端。They _ _ _in a friendly way.答案:settled their quarrel(2)大家安静下来,好让我们听故事。Everybody_ _so we could hear the story.答案:settled

16、down(3)他们还没有决定给婴儿取什么名字。They havent_yet_a name for the baby.答案:settled;on(4)让我们专心工作吧。_答案:Lets settle down to our work.5abusevt.& n虐待;辱骂;滥用(回归课本P9)Oliver is abused by his new master.Oliver受到了他的新主人的辱骂。归纳拓展例句探源(朗文P8)Some nursing home patients were neglected or abused.一些护理中心的病人被人忽视或遭到虐待。(牛津P8)She abused

17、her position as principal by giving jobs to her friends.她滥用自己作为校长的职权,把工作安排给朋友们。He was arrested on charges of corruption and abuse of power.他因被控贪污腐化和滥用职权而遭逮捕。7完成句子The journalist covering the case_ _ _(遭到了谩骂)答案:suffered from abuse8.It has been revealed(揭露)that some government leaders_their authority a

18、nd position to get illedal profits for themselves.AemployBtakeCabuse Doverlook解析:选C。句意:“一些政府领导滥用职权为自己取得非法利益这件事已经被揭露出来了”,abuse“滥用”。A.采用,B.拿走,D.忽略。6resistvt.抵抗,反抗,抵制;抗(酸),耐( 热等)(常用于否定句)忍耐,忍住( v.ing) vi.抵抗,反抗,抗拒;(常用于否定 句)忍耐,忍住(回归课本P9)They force him back into a life of crime by pressuring him with the t

19、hreat of violence if he resists.他们恐吓他,如果他反抗就要对他施行暴力,迫使他回头过犯罪的生活。归纳拓展例句探源(牛津P1697)He couldnt resist showing off his new car. 他忍不住炫耀起了他的新车。(朗文P1741)Its pretty hard to resist Jacobs smile.雅各布的微笑让人难以抗拒。I put the phone back down,resisting the urge to call her.我放下电话,克制住想给她打电话的冲动。9完成句子(1)他失去了对疾病的抵抗力。He los

20、t the power to_ _ _.答案:resist a disease(2)我经不住诱惑。I can never resist_.答案:temptation(3)看到他穿那些衣服,她禁不住想嘲笑他。She couldnt resist_ _ _in those clothes.答案:laughing at him10.I have some_with Japanese,but I dont speak it fluently.AResistance BacknowledgementCacquaintance Daccess解析:选C。句意:我对日语了解一些,但说得不流利。acquain

21、tance with sth.“对某物的了解”。A项“反抗”;B项“承认”;D项“通道,入口”。7tendv趋向,倾向;有助于;照料,照管;接待(店铺、酒吧等的)顾客(回归课本P14)The poetry of this period is not only about love,although Romantic themes tend to be more emotional.尽管浪漫主题往往更易感染人的情绪,但这个时期的诗歌不仅仅是有关爱情的。归纳拓展例句探源(朗文P2122)Bill tends to talk too much when hes nervous.比尔紧张时往往话太多。

22、(牛津P2081)His views tend towards the extreme.他的观点趋于偏激。11完成句子(1)萨利经常会干涉别人的事情。Sally_ _ interfere in other peoples business.答案:tends to(2)查尔斯有肥胖的趋势。Charles_ _ _ _obesity.答案:has the tendency of(3)救护车上的救护人员在照料受伤者。Ambulance crews were_ _the injured.答案:tending to8stressvt.重读;强调;加压力于;使紧张 n压力;紧张;强调;重要性; 重读;重音

23、(回归课本P14)The first and third lines of each section have four stressed syllables.每部分的第一和第三行都有四个重读音节。 归纳拓展例句探源(牛津P1997)Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress.人在压力之下,办事情就容易出差错。(朗文P2040)Grandmother put a great deal of stress on the importance of proper behavior.祖母非常强调行为得体的重要性。In recent

24、interviews,he has stressed the need for more housing downtown.在最近的访谈中,他强调需要在市中心增加住房。12完成句子(1)在这个时候开始强调运动的重要性是最合时宜的。It is timely to_ _ _of sports.答案:stress the importance(2)他们太看重金钱了。They_ _ _ _ _ _.答案:lay too much stress on money(3)这件事是在迫切需要的情况下而做的。It was done_ _ _ _the necessity.答案:under the stress

25、of9have prejudice against对有偏见,对有成见(回归课本P3)Money and education have changed him,and before long he develops the shortcomings of being shallow and having prejudice,even against his old companions.金钱和教育改变了他,不久他养成了浅薄、偏见的缺点,甚至歧视昔日的同伴。归纳拓展例句探源(朗文P1601)There still is a lot of prejudice against single mothe

26、r.仍然有很多对单身母亲的公开歧视。(牛津P1558)They are prejudiced against older applicants.他们对年长一些的申请者抱有成见。13介词填空(1)This decision was based_ignorance and prejudice.答案:on(2)Theres little prejudice_workers from other EU states.答案:against(3)The lawyers have been trying to prejudice the jury_her.答案:against10be bent on (do

27、ing) sth.一心想要,决心要(回归课本P3)Pip is bent on becoming a gentleman and winning Estellas love.皮普决心成为一名绅士并且赢得埃斯特拉的爱。归纳拓展例句探源(牛津P170)She seems bent on making life difficult for me.她似乎专门和我过不去。He tries to bend the public to his will.他努力让公众随他的意志。You should bend your mind to study.你应该专心致志地学习。14完成句子(1)他专心致志于语言学研究

28、工作。He_ _ _linguistic studies.答案:is bent on(2)有可能让大自然服从人类的意志吗?Is it possible_ _ _ _human will?答案:to bend nature to(3)不要屈从于压力。Dont_ _the pressure.答案:bend to15He is_learning English well.Abent toBbent onCbending to Dbend on解析:选B。be bent on.“决心要做”。11make the acquaintance of和相识,结识(回归课本P5)The best part of

29、 the story is when Pip makes the acquaintance of the man who gives him his fortune.故事最精彩的部分是皮普结识那个给他财富的人的时候。归纳拓展例句探源(牛津P16)I made the acquaintance of several musicians around that time.大约在那段时间,我结识了几位音乐家。(朗文P17)Mrs.Nichols is a writer of my acquaintance.尼科尔斯女士是我结识的一位作家。All our employees are fully acq

30、uainted with safety precautions.我们所有的雇员都非常熟悉安全预防措施。16完成句子(1)那个男孩在网吧里结识了一些不三不四的朋友。The boy _ _ _ _ some dubious friends in the Internet bar.答案:made the acquaintance of(2)我略懂些英语,但并不精通。I_ _ _ _ English,but I am not good at it.答案:have some acquaintance with17.Mary is not a_,just a(an)_Afriend;acquaintanc

31、esBacquaintance;friendCfriend;acquaintance Dacquaintances;friend解析:选C。考查词义辨析。本句译为“玛丽是一个熟悉的人,但不是朋友。”再由第二空前冠词,可知选C。18.(2010年福建福州一中质检)I have_the language.Aan acquaintance with Bacquaintance withCsome acquaintances with Dacquaintances with解析:选A。考查名词用法。本句译为“我懂一点这种语言。”acquaintance可与不定冠词连用,但此时是一个不可数名词,不能变复

32、数形式,故选A。12at the sight of.一看见就,一看到(回归课本P11)Kevin was filled with sorrow at the sight of his old soccer ball,and he let out a sad sigh.一看到他的旧足球,凯文内心充满了悲伤,他发出了一声悲伤的叹息。归纳拓展(1)sight的常见意义视力,视觉看见,目睹眼界,视野风景,景色名胜(通常用the sights)(2)sight的常见短语,catch sight of看见lose sight of看不见within/in sight看得见,在视野之内out of sigh

33、t看不见,在视野之外at first sight初看,乍看起来例句探源(朗文P1906)She recently underwent an operation to restore her sight.她最近做了恢复视力的手术。(牛津P1803)I have been known to faint at the sight of blood.大家都知道,我看到血就会昏倒。There was no one in sight.一个人也看不见。Were going to Paris for the weekend to see the sights.我们打算去巴黎过周末,参观那里的名胜。19The

34、thief ran away _ the police,so the police didnt catch him.Aat the sight ofBin the sight of Cat the thought of Din sight解析:选A。句意:小偷一见到警察就跑,因此警察没能逮住他。由句意知A项正确。20.The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common _ in many parts of the city.Alook Bsign Csight Dappearance解析:选C。句意:在城市里的许多地方在大

35、街上挂衣服很常见。look“表情,样子”;sign“迹象”;sight“景象”;appearance“外表”。句型解析1【教材原句】I_do_not_think_that these classic novels would be made into films if they had nothing to do with life today.(P2)我认为这些经典小说如果与今天的现实生活没有什么联系的话,它们也不会被拍成电影。【句法分析】I do not think that.我认为不(1)主句谓语动词是think,believe,expect,imagine,suppose,consid

36、er等且主句的主语是第一人称后面接否定意思的宾语从句时,否定词要移到主句谓语动词的前面,否定主句相当于否定从句,这一现象在英语中被称为否定转移。(2)常见的句型结构Im sure/afraid.;I dont think/suppose/believethat.其后反意疑问句要和从句主语、谓语相一致。I dont think it is necessary.我认为这没必要。I dont think he is right,is he?我认为他不对,是吧?(3)当陈述部分带有宾语从句,而此时主句的主语是第二或第三人称时,反意疑问句的主语、谓语应和主句的主语、谓语保持一致。He said that

37、 he would come to my birthday party,didnt he?他说会来参加我的生日聚会,不是吗?21先写出下列句子的反义疑问句,再将其译成汉语:(1)I dont believe he will succeed,_?_答案:will he;我想他不会成功的,对不对?(2)He doesnt believe she will succeed,_?_答案:does he;他认为她不会成功,对不对?2【教材原句】Pip_dislikes_it_when_Joe comes to visit him in London.(P3)当乔来伦敦看他时,皮普并不喜欢。【句法分析】i

38、t用在不能直接跟宾语从句的动词或动词短语,尤其是表示好恶的动词及动词短语后,如enjoy,like,love,dislike,resent,hate,dont mind,be fond of,feel like,see to,即这些动词及动词短语后面的宾语从句前要加it。I take it that you dont agree with me.我的理解是:你不同意我的见解。I hate it when I have to speak in French on the phone.当必须得用法语打电话时,我感到很厌恶。I like it when she sings a song for me

39、.我喜欢她为我唱歌。I cant help it if he is always late.如果他总是迟到,我也没办法。I will appreciate it if you can help me.如您能帮忙,我将不胜感激。Please see to it that you bring enough money when you go out.你出门时,请务必带足够的钱。You can count on it that he is very smart.你就相信吧,他非常聪明。As someone puts it,practice makes perfect.像某人所说的那样,熟能生巧。22

40、(2010年陕西宝鸡教学质检)How can I help_if people dont read the instructions?AthatBitCwhat Dthem解析:选B。考查代词。句意:如果人们不看说明,我有什么办法呢?此处it用于谈论某种情况。23.Can I ask you a few straightforward questions about yourself?No problem.I like_when people are open and direct.Athat BthisCit Dthem解析:选C。考查代词it的用法。I like it when.是固定句式


42、议论,则要把握好论点的设立,论据的选择和论证的拓展等。3文章的过渡词、过渡段在图画类的书面表达中起着关键的“润滑”作用,可见,如何串点成文,整体划一,关联词必不可少。4如何开头才能做到“先声夺人”,怎样结尾才能令人“回味无穷”,也是要通盘考虑的问题。【写作示例】请仔细观察以下五幅图,根据图中信息用英语写一篇有关第三中学优秀学生方芳的短文。要求:1.要点齐全,适当增加细节; 2.条理清晰,行文连贯; 3.词数:150左右。【写作要领】本篇书面表达属于看图说话类。写作时,首先看清要求,认真审题,确定文体、人称和时态。这是一篇故事性的记叙文,主体时态应为一般过去时,应用第三人称来写。其次,通过对五幅

43、图的认真观察,得出故事的主要情节:一天夜里,风刮得很大。方芳凌晨两点钟起床,赶到学校,把窗户关好后回家。然后仔细观察每一幅图,注意图画之间的内在联系,不放过每一处细节,如图画中钟表的时间为两点钟。最后,根据以上的观察和分析,开始用英文进行写作。写作时注意不但要把每一幅图的信息表达出来,还要注意图画之间的衔接,注意使用必要的连接词并照顾到首尾呼应。【金点模板】第一幅和第二幅图(两幅图可根据需要放在一起进行描述)One night,at about 2 oclock,it began to blow outside./It was at 2 oclock in the early morning

44、that it began to blow.The wind was so strong that the noise woke up Fang Fang.The wind stuck the window open,and she felt a bit cold.She knew a heavy rain would soon arrive.She thought of her classroom.She wondered whether the students on duty had closed the windows properly.She got up and put on he

45、r clothes.第三幅图She decided to go out right away and get to the school before the rain came.She opened the door and rushed out into the dark to the school.On the way,the strong wind made it difficult for her to go forward quickly.In spite of this,she ran as fast as possible,and finally she got to the

46、school.第四幅图She hurried to her classroom and opened the door.She turned on the lights and found that all the windows were open.The strong wind made it difficult for her to shut up all the windows.It was difficult for her to ./She made great efforts to.She made sure that all the windows were closed pr

47、operly.第五幅图 She turned off the lights and left the classroom.As soon as she got home,the rain started to pour down.No sooner had she got home than the rain began to pour down.Hardly had she got home when the rain began to pour down.Upon/On getting home,she found the rain began to pour down.【范文点评】It

48、was nearly at 2 oclock in the early morning that the wind began to blow outside.It was so strong that the noise woke up Fang Fang.The wind blowing through the windows that were struck open made her feel a bit cold.She realized that a heavy rain would soon arrive.Suddenly she thought of the windows i

49、n the classroom and wondered whether the students on duty had closed the windows properly or not.Withouthesitation,she began to put on her clothes,opened the door and rushed out into the dark to her school.On the way,the strong wind made it difficult for her to go forward.In spite of this,she ran as

50、 fast as possible and finally managed to get to the school before the rain came.She hurried to her classroom,turned on the lights,and found that some of the windows were open.She made great efforts to shut up all the windows one by one,fighting against the heavy wind.After making sure that all the windows were properly closed,she turned off the lights


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