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1、道德类动物类核心词汇1句子翻译2在家庭和工作之间寻找平衡的职业妇女会感到进退两难。 career women be caught in a dilemmaCareer women who try to find a balance between their family and career will be caught in a dilemma.3家长必须教育孩子不要模仿某些是负面榜样的明星。 educate sb. to do imitate negative role modelParents should educate their children not to imitate s

2、ome stars who are negative role models.4有孝心的孩子不会让自己的父母住到敬老院去。 with obedience nursing homeChildren with obedience will not allow their parents to live in a nursing home.5众所周知,安乐死是让病人和他们的家人迅速摆脱痛苦的方法。 euthanasia get rid ofIt is well known that euthanasia is the way for patents and their families to get

3、 rid of pain quickly.6知道真相的病人可能会失去活下去的勇气。 truth the courage to survivePatients who know the truth are likely to lose the courage to survive.7我们应该好好对待野生动植物,因为它们是生态系统中不可缺少的一部分。 the wildlife indispensable ecosystemWe should treat the wildlife kindly because they are an indispensable part of the ecosyst

4、em.8如果一个孩子学会友善、耐心地对待宠物,那么他也会学会这样对人。 treat in the same wayIf a child learns how to treat pets kindly and patently, he will treat people in the same way.9人类生活严重危害动物的栖息地,所以如果动物继续呆在栖息地,就会面临灭绝的危险。 human activities impair animal habitats extinctionHuman activities impair animal habitats seriously, so anim

5、als will face extinction if they keep staying in the habitats.10自从达尔文提出了适者生存这一原则,剥削动物的人就找到了借口。 Darwin the principle of Survival of the Fittest exploitSince Darwin proposed the principle of Survival of the Fittest, people who exploit animals have found their excuses.11虽然在动物园里保护濒危物种有些问题,但是我们已经尽力了。 the

6、re are some problems with conserve endangered speciesAlthough there are some problems with conserving endangered species in zoos, we have tried our best.12词汇大串联13是否应该废止死刑成为了一个有争议性的话题。我个人认为,从伦理和道德的角度来看,死刑是错误的,因为没有人有权力剥夺其他人活着的权利。死刑也不是有效抑制犯罪的办法,因为有死刑的国家的犯罪率比没有死刑的国家高。14是否应该废止死刑成为了一个有争议性的话题。 capital puni

7、shment abolish controversial issueWhether capital punishment should be abolished has become a controversial issue.15我个人认为,从伦理和道德的角度来看,死刑是错误的,因为没有人有权力剥夺其他人活着的权利。 morally and ethically wrong deprive sb. of sth.Personally, I believe that the death penalty is morally and ethically wrong because no one h

8、as the right to deprive others of their right to live.16死刑也不是有效抑制犯罪的办法,因为有死刑的国家的犯罪率比没有死刑的国家高。 effective deterrent to crime executionIt is not an effective deterrent to crime, either, since countries with execution have a higher crime rate than those without.17我认为保护濒危物种是没有必要的。弱势物种必定会被强势物种所替代。保护濒临灭绝的物

9、种会违背大自然“适者生存”的原则,破坏生物平衡,影响进化的进程。很多证据证明在历史上出现过很多次大规模的灭绝。18我认为保护濒危物种是没有必要的。 endangered speciesI believe that it is unnecessary to protect endangered species.19弱势物种必定会被强势物种所替代。 weaker species stronger speciesWeaker species must be replaced by stronger ones.20保护濒临灭绝的物种会违背大自然“适者生存”的原则,破坏生物平衡,影响进化的进程。 violate the Natures principle of Survival of the Fittest evolutionary processSaving species on the brink of extinction will violate the Natures principle of Survival of the Fittest, destroy biological balance and influence


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