1、务翻译实Chapter 4International E-commerce & Logistics Customer Service 商务Knowledge LinkingTranslation skills Translation Practice Case Study About the topic Translation ModuleContents1234675Warm-up Learn more 掌握国际电子商务翻译的常用词汇与句型掌握常见的汽车英语词汇熟悉倒置法翻译策略了解3D打印机英语的常用词汇掌握基本的国际电子商务知识能够翻译常见的汽车灯及汽车外饰中英文名称能够运用国际电子商务
2、中英文翻译的技巧及句型结构差异来翻译句子知识目标能力目标 Learning Objectives Warm up B2C型网购平台亚马逊B2B型电子商务平台中国制造网 Do you know the B2B or B2C companies below? What are the Chinese names of them?B2B型电子商务平台阿里巴巴国际站B2C型网购平台全球速卖通B2C/C2C型网购平台敦煌网C2C型网购平台亿贝B2B型电子商务平台环球资源Warm-upAutomobile ProductsWarm-up1Please translate the following Eng
3、lish automobile words and phrases into Chinese.1. car light 2. parking sensor 3. air-filter4. car-charger5. car electrical appliance_汽车充电器停车传感器_空气过滤器汽车电器_汽车灯Automobile ProductsWarm-up1GPS 跟踪器 车漆护理 汽车电子产品车膜外部装饰 6. GPS tracker 7. paint care _8. auto electronics 9. car sticker10. exterior decoration_E-
4、commerce TermsWarm-up2Please write the English meaning of the terms below. Use a good dictionary or Internet to help you.1. 跨境电子商务 2. 利润率 3. 报关4. 海关总署5. 结汇_cross-border e-commerce_settlement of exchangeprofit margin_customs clearanceGeneral Administration of Customs_E-commerce TermsWarm-up26. 海关监管系统
5、 7. 自由贸易区 8. 原产地9. 中小型企业10. 贸易额_customs supervision system_trade volumefree trade zone_place of originSEM (small and medium enterprises)_ About the Topic About the Topic Cross-border e-commerce can be defined in both broad and narrow senses. In a narrow sense, cross-border e-commerce is almost equal
6、 to cross-border retailing, in which transaction in different countries reach agreements and settle accounts through the Internet and deliver/receive the goods via cross-border logistics. About the Topic In a board sense, cross-border e-commerce equals electronic foreign trade. Its a kind of interna
7、tional business, in which the product display, negotiation and transaction are done via the Internet, and goods are delivered through cross-border logistics. In terms of the export flow of cross-border e-commerce, producers or manufacturers display their products on cross-border e-commerce platforms
8、. After the products are selectedAbout the Topicand paid by customers, they will be sent to logistics companies by cross-border e-commerce operators for delivery. The products will finally reach the customers after two inspection procedures at customs (for export and import). Some cross-border e-com
9、merce operators cooperate with third-party comprehensive service platforms and entrust them with logistics,goods inspection and other procedures alike.About the Topic Due to excessive dependence on the traditional sales model,long transaction duration,relatively narrow profit margins and problems al
10、ike,traditional foreign trade is being increasingly unfavorable to the business development of small-and-medium-sized foreign trade companies. As a business model based on the internet,cross-border e-commerce is rebuilding the international trade chain of SMEs. By breaking the monopoly of foreign ch
11、annels such asAbout the Topicimporters,wholesalers,distributors and retailers,which exists in traditional foreign trade,cross-border e-commerce enables companies to contact with individual wholesalers,retailers and even consumers directly,which effectively simplifies the transaction and saves goods
12、circulation costs. About the Topic There were basically no traditional foreign trade companies and manufacturing companies in the e-commerce sector prior to 2012.They began to set foot in this area since 2013. Cross-border e-commerce is gradually becoming a significant choice for traditional compani
13、es. ( From 2014 China Cross-border E-commerce Report by iResearch ) About the Topic: Notes1. broad and narrow senses: 广义和狭义 2. in which: 用于定语从句,做关系副词,在句子中不做成分 in which = where 3. in terms of : 就而言 4. export flow : 出口流向5. third-party comprehensive service platform: 第三方综合服务平台,例如“阿里巴巴出口通”。6. entrust sb
14、. with sth.: 把委托给 7. transaction duration: 交易时间8. profit margin: 利润率9. small-and-medium-sized foreign trade company: 中小型外贸公司10. SMEs: Small and Medium-size Enterprises 中小企业11. circulation costs: 流通成本12. manufacturing company: 制造企业About the Topic: Notes13. set foot in: 进入About the Topic: Notes 1. Wha
15、ts the definition of cross-border e-commerce? Please put it into Chinese.2. Please explain the export flow of cross-border e-commerce.About the Topic: Discussion 1 Cross-border e-commerce can be defined in both broad and narrow senses. In a narrow sense,cross-border e-commerce is almost equal to cro
16、ss-border retailing,in which transaction parties in different countries reach agreements and settle accounts through the Internet, and deliver/receive the goods via cross-border logistics. About the Topic: Reference for Discussion 1 In a board sense,cross-border e-commerce equals electronic foreign
17、trade. Its a kind of international business,in which the product display,negotiation and transaction are done via the Internet and goods are delivered through cross-border logistics.About the Topic: Reference for Discussion 1 跨境电子商务可以在广义和狭义上加以界定。 从狭义上说,跨境电子商务几乎等同于跨境零售,其中不同国家的交易各方通过互联网达成协议和进行结算,通过跨境物
18、流交付/接收货物。 从广义上说,跨境电子商务等同于电子对外贸易。这是一种国际业务,其中产品展示、谈判和交易都通过互联网完成,货物通过跨境物流交付。About the Topic: Reference for Discussion 1Product (producer/manufacturer) cross-border e-commerce platform/self-run cross-border e-commerce website payment domestic logistics customs overseas logistics customer (consumer/compa
19、ny)About the Topic: Reference for Discussion 1About the Topic In China,cross-border e-commerce is highly important from an economic growth point of view,so the government is directly involved in allowing international players to access the Chinese market. Compared to relatively slow traditional trad
20、e,cross-border e-commerce is booming. Overseas sales reached 76.7 billion RMB in 2013 with growth of 58.8%; the number exceeded 100 billion in 2014.With such great market potential and a hugeAbout the Topicpopulation base,along with increasing consumption power and taste,Chinese domestic products ar
21、e far from meeting the consumers growing need. More and more customers are looking at imported products. Western e-commerce companies entering the Chinese market will not only drive the Chinese domestic consumption need but also accelerate the development of relevant industries such as international
22、 and domestic logistics,and training of skilled people withAbout the Topice-commerce knowledge. This forces domestic companies to take action on internal optimization in order to achieve sustainable growth. Cross-border e-commerce is still at its very early stage in China,and it only takes up a smal
23、l share of the whole foreign trade industry. However, companies such as Tencent predict that in two to three years,there will be a breakthrough due to increasing market pressure. Nowadays ,there is a hugeAbout the Topicconsumer base seeking quality overseas products or products unavailable domestica
24、lly. So,the expected change will be driven by such needs,along with increasing numbers of overseas purchasing platforms and cross-border e-commerce solution providers. As a result,there will be fewer but bigger platforms providing overseas products of the best quality and service.About the Topic Its
25、 also interesting to analyze Chinese consumers buying power and the forecast for the coming years. In China,the saving rate is very high,representing a tremendous opportunity to boost consumption and domestic demand. The savings are forecasted to continue increasing as capital flows become easier th
26、anks to the bold initiatives of the Chinese government such as Free Trade Zone in Shanghai and six other cities in China. About the TopicThere is still a long way to go to develop cross-border e-commerce in China. However,the future is bright! ()1. access: kses vt. 进入;到达;使用e.g. The loft can be acces
27、sed by a ladder. 搭梯子可以上阁楼。 2. boom: bu:m vi. 迅猛发展e.g. By the 1980s, the computer industry was booming.到20世纪80年代时,计算机行业迅猛发展。 3. exceed: ksi:d vt. 超过(数量)e.g. The price will not exceed 100.价格不会超过100英镑。About the Topic: Notes4. consumption power and taste : 消费力和消费品味5. accelerate: kselret vt. 加速,加快6. take
28、 action on: 对采取行动 7. internal optimization 内部优化8. sustainable: sstenbl adj. 持续的9. consumer base 消费群About the Topic: Notes10. expected change: 预期的变化11. solution providers: 方案提供商12. saving rate: 储蓄率13. tremendous: trmends adj. 巨大的 tremendous opportunity 巨大的机会14. capital flows: 资本流动 About the Topic: No
29、tes15. bold initiatives: 大胆的举措About the Topic: NotesWhat will cause the expected change in cross-border e-commerce?About the Topic: Discussion 2 Needs of seeking quality overseas products or products unavailable domestically and increasing numbers of overseas purchasing platforms and cross-border e-
30、commerce solution providers.About the Topic: Reference for Discussion 2About the Topic eBay today released consumer insights that outline the strong opportunities for Malaysias automotive industry to boost sales of auto parts and accessories via retail exports on the global marketplace. According to
31、 the survey, 47%of U.S. vehicle owners have purchased automotive parts and accessories (P&A) online, and that 23% are likely to do so in the future. This is a promisingAbout the Topicopportunity for Malaysian P&A vendors to come online and embrace e-commerce as a means of growing a global revenue st
32、ream. Auto-parts is one of the top category for Malaysias retail exporters on eBay with the U.S. as the number one destination market. This presents a huge opportunity for Malaysian P&A vendors to set up their online presence and to focus onAbout the Topiccross-border trade. According to the Export-
33、Import Bank of Malaysia,the total export of automotive products have grown steadily for the past 5 years. The survey also revealed that 67% of consumers have conducted research on vehicles via their mobile devices,with one in five saying that they “always” or “very often” do so. This is an opportuni
34、ty for Malaysian automotive retail entrepreneursAbout the Topicand vendors to use eBay as a platform for their business. eBay also provides local entrepreneurs access to foreign markets with low entry barriers making it easier for them to tap into these markets. “Auto-parts export is a fast growing
35、category on eBay. Together with eBays seller education and development programs,the time is right for local auto-parts sellers to startAbout the Topicventuring into exports to drive more revenue. It gives opportunities to auto-parts retailers,from entrepreneurs to manufacturers to penetrate the glob
36、al market,” said Mei Inn Wong,Malaysia CBT Country Head,eBay Malaysia. Additionally,eBay allows commercial sellers to export their products worldwide through its business and consumer online sales services. Jdm-motorparts is an example of a MalaysianAbout the Topiccompany that has leveraged eBay as
37、their business platform to expand globally. From its business premises in Selangor,the company specializes in selling new and second hand car parts to countries like the U.K., U.S. and Australia. “We have been selling on eBay for five years now,” said Jdm-motorparts. “eBay has helped in promoting ou
38、r products to clients all over the world. With the help of eBay,our salesAbout the Topic1have gone up 30-40%.” “eBay is committed to working together with the Malaysian government to encourage SMEs participation in export business via e-commerce,” said Ms.Wong. With the help from eBay,Malaysian entr
39、epreneurs can design their online shop front to appeal to not only men,but also to women,and provide instructions to aid them with installing the parts. (From )1. release: rli:s vt. 发布2. consumer insights: 消费者洞察消费者洞察可以发现消费者真实的需求和偏好,并将之应用于企业的营销,它是发现新的市场机会、找到新的战略战术,从而提高营销成效和摆脱市场肉搏的有效途径。3. outline: atl
40、an vt. 概述 4. automotive industry: :tmutiv 汽车制造业About the Topic: Notes5. boost: bu:st vt. 增加,促进6. auto parts: 汽车配件7. accessory: ksesri n. 附件8. promising: prms adj. 有前途的9. vendor: vend n. 供应商10. revenue stream: 收入来源11. category: ktgri n. 类目About the Topic: Notes12. the Export-Import Bank of Malaysia :
41、 马来西亚进出口银行13. entrepreneur: ntrprn: 企业家;创业者14. entry barrier: 进入壁垒15. tap into: 利用,开发16. together with : 与一起17. seller education: 卖方教育(很多电商平台会给卖方做一些销售培训,例如如何利用平台卖产品,销售规则,销售策略等)About the Topic: Notes18. penetrate: pentret vt. 逐渐进入19. motorparts: 汽车配件20. leverage: li:vrd vt. 利用21. business premise: pr
42、ems 营业场所22. Selangor: 雪兰莪,是 马来西亚十三州之一,位于马来半岛西海岸中部,首府莎阿南是一个新兴城市。吉隆坡和布城两个联邦直辖区就在雪兰莪境内。雪兰莪为马来西亚经济最发达的州,马来西亚几个主要的工业区均位于雪兰莪州内。About the Topic: Notes23. specialize in: pentret 专门从事24. be committed to (+名词或动名词): 致力于25. participation: p:tspen n. 后面常常接介词in,意为参与,参加26. instruction: nstrkn n. 操作指南;用法说明27. insta
43、ll: nst:l vt. 安装 About the Topic: Notes1. Why do Malaysian auto parts enterprises prefer to sell products on eBay?2. List some other cross-border B2B,B2C and C2C at home and abroad.About the Topic: Discussion 3Most customers purchase auto parts online:According to the survey,47% of US vehicle owners
44、 have purchased automotive parts and accessories (P&A) online,and that 23% are likely to do so in the future.Auto-parts is one of the top category for Malaysias retail exporters on eBay.(3) eBay provides local entrepreneurs access to foreign markets with low entry barriers.About the Topic: Reference
45、 for Discussion 3A,AliE,W,IKEA.com,A,M,JD.com etc.About the Topic: Reference for Discussion 3 Case Study 阅读下面材料,完成以下练习12标记出中英文句子结构的不同之处,并讨论原因。标记出国际电子商务常用的中英文词汇。Case StudyCase StudyInternational Trade Through E-commerce International trade is the trade made between two different countries or regions.
46、 Because its more difficult and complicated than domestic trade,people need to learn more skills before they get started. Its more convenient for buyers and sellers to know and see each other in domestic trade than in international trade. For example,if a buyer is at doubt aboutCase Studya sellers c
47、redit in domestic trade,he/she can inquire about it easily at a very low cost. But in international trade,he/she has to spend more time and energy at a much higher cost. On the contrary,international trade through e-commerce can be more cost-effective. Through e-commerce,people can save much in term
48、s of flights, accommodations and time. Besides,peopleusually choose their business partners face to face inCase Study1international trade fairs at the beginning. Different trade fairs aim at different regional target markets. When people choose business partners through e-commerce,they can aim at th
49、e markets all over the world without territorial restrictions. That means more markets and partners to choose at a lower cost. With the development of e-commerce,more and more people prefer to do international trade online. Undoubtedly,InternetCase Study1will affect international trade deeply and he
50、lp the two parties save a lot of costs. So,we think international trade through e-commerce will have a brighter future!Case Study: Notes1. region: ri:dn n. 地区,地域2. complicated: kmplketd adj. 复杂的3. domestic trade: dmestik treid 国内贸易4. be at doubt about: 怀疑5. credit: kredt n. 信誉,信用6. cost-effective: 划
51、算的,合算的7. territorial restriction: 区域限制Case Study: Text Translation1通过电子商务做国际贸易 国际贸易是在两个不同的国家或地区间进行的贸易。因为它比国内贸易更加困难和复杂,所以人们在开始做国际贸易时,较之做国内贸易需要学习更多的技巧。国内贸易的买卖双方互相认识和见面要比国际贸易的买卖双方更容易。举例来说,如果国内贸易中的一位买家怀疑一位卖家的信用,他/她可以用非常低的成本来询问。但是在国际贸易中,买家就需要花费更多的时间和精力,以更高的成本去实现它。相反地,如果国际贸易可以通过电子商务来做,它节省的成本就比国内贸易要多,人们可以节
52、省Case Study: Text Translation大量的航班和食宿费用,也可以节省时间。此外,国际贸易中的人们通常选择国际贸易展会面对面地选择商业伙伴,而且不同的贸易展会只能针对不同的地区目标市场。当人们通过电子商务选择商业伙伴时,他们可以毫无地域限制地针对全世界的市场。这意味着以更低的成本寻找更多的市场和伙伴。随着电子商务的发展,越来越多的人倾向于在线国际贸易。毫无疑问,互联网将极大地影响国际贸易,帮助双方节省费用。因此,我们认为通过电子商务的国际贸易将会有一个更加光明的明天!Case StudyRunning a Business on the Internet There is
53、no doubt that Internet business is thriving. E-business has lower costs than traditional stores as rental expense,manpower salary and operating costs are lower. ABC Automobile Component Co., Ltd opens an e-shop on A,headquartered in Seattle,Washington,is a U.S.-based multinational electronic commerc
54、e company. ItCase Study1is the worlds largest online retailer and one of the major cross-border e-commerce platforms. ABC Automobile Component Co., Ltd. sells its items directly on A,utilizing the “Sell on Amazon” program. Its main products are car lights,car covers,wind deflectors and window tints.
55、 ABC Company can pay $39.9 per month for additional administrative and selling tools,plus a platform commission based on salesCase Study1volume or at a fix commission rate,which may vary between different product types, but the maximum rate is 15 percentage and $1.35 per item respectively.1. Seattle
56、: stl n. 西雅图,位于美国华盛顿州 (Washington State)。在航天、计算机软件、生物信息科学、基因科学、远程医疗、电子设备、医疗设备、环境工程等先进技术处于领导地位。Case Study: Notes2. Washington: wtn n. 华盛顿州(State of Washington)是位于美国西北部的一个州。该州首府为奥林匹亚,最大城市为西雅图。华盛顿州的农业和林业极为发达,制造业和高科技产业也是其重要产业。该州不仅拥有波音公司的生产线,微软和亚马逊公司也均将总部设在了华盛顿州。华盛顿州在美国所处的地理位置Case Study: Notes3. utilize:
57、 ju:tlaz vt. 利用,使用4. car covers : 车罩5. wind deflector: 汽车挡风板Case Study: Notes6. window tint: 汽车窗膜7. platform commission: pltf:m kmn 平台佣金大部分(跨境)电商平台会对卖家收取销售佣金,即每卖出一单平台会从中抽取占交易总额的5%-15%不等的费用,这就叫做平台佣金。所以,卖家在计算销售价格的时候要把这部分佣金计入,否则会亏本。Case Study: NotesCase Study: Text Translation在互联网上做生意 互联网经济的兴盛是毋庸置疑的,电子
58、商务与传统商务相比,在租金支出、人力支出和运营成本等方面大大地降低了。ABC汽车集团零部件有限公司在亚马逊上开设了网上店铺。亚马逊总部设在华盛顿州的西雅图,是一家美国跨国电子商务公司,是世界上最大的在线零售商及主要的跨境电子商务平台之一。 ABC汽车集团零部件有限公司在亚马逊上使用“亚马逊卖”应用程序直接卖产品,其中包括汽车灯、车罩、挡风板及窗膜。 ABC公司可以使用额外的管理和销售工具来经营管理店铺,但它需要每月Case Study: Text Translation为此支付39.9美元,另外还有平台佣金,平台佣金为每次销售额的百分比或固定金额。 百分比和固定金额因产品类别而异,最高费用分别
59、为15和1.35美元/件。Case Study: Notese-commerce 电子商务 complicated kmplketd 复杂的convenient knvi:nint 方便的doubt dat 怀疑inquire nkwa(r) 询问save 节省accommodation kmden 住处partner 搭档;伙伴;合伙人Case Study: Notes9. regional target market ri:dnl 目标区域市场10. territorial restriction tert:ril rstrkn 区域限制11. undoubtedly ndatdl 无疑地
60、12. Two parties 双方13. Thriving rav 欣欣向荣的,兴旺发达的14. Traditional 传统的15. Rental expense 租金16. manpower salary 人工工资17. Operating cost 运营成本18. e-shop 网上店铺/商店19. headquartered hedkw:td 将总部设在20. Multinational mltinnl 跨国的21. online retailer 在线零售商22. platform pltf:m 平台23. item atm 商品24. administrative dmnstrt
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