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1、媒介是企业的战略性资源Media is the strategic resources of an enterprise中国市场特色条件下的品牌传播之道The Secret of Spreading Your Brand Name Under the Circumstance of Special Feature of China Marketplace Dr. He Haiming , Deputy Director of CCTV Advertising Dept.Shanghai提要Outline一、媒介是企业的战略性资源几个广告观点Media is the strategic reso

2、urces of an enterprise, Some of my viewpoints on Ad to be shared with you二、企业与媒体要深度互动,建立战略合作伙伴关系Enterprises and media should have in-depth interactive communications and establish strategic partnership对企业而言营销是企业经营的核心广告是营销的重点媒介策略是广告的关键媒介是企业的战略性资源基本观点Media is the strategic resources of an enterpriseTo

3、 an enterpriseMarketing is the core of business operationAdvertising is the focus of marketingMedia strategy is the key of Ad.蒙牛抓住了“神五”事件Mengniu took the event chance of the launch of SHENZHOU V神舟五号发射成功后,来自央视媒介研究、央视索福瑞媒介研究和AC尼尔森三家调研公司的数据都表明:After the successful launch of spaceship SHENZHOU V, statis

4、tics from AC Nielson, CCTV Media Research and Sofarie Media research showed that:蒙牛现在已经成为乳品行业的第一品牌! Mengniu has already become number one brand name in the milk industry.蒙牛: 4年增长115倍Mengniu: Increase 115 times in 4 years亿元海尔集团7.13申奥广告July 13, 2001, Beijings Bid for 2008 Olympic激情时刻,与消费者共同喝彩At the ve

5、ry moment with great passion, Haier is cheering and celebrating together with consumers韩日世界杯,全体中国人的期待Korea-Japan World Cup 2002, Expectations of all Chinese 观众对海尔场景变换的 LOGO切换广告形式记忆犹新The Logo switch Ad of Haier is very impressive步步高决赛期间加时赛广告独 具慧眼Bubugaos sponsorship for the overtime match of the fina

6、l is a good choice 韩日世界杯的收视份额是达到45%, 当数据出来时,错过机会的只有遗憾!The rating share of Korea-Japan World Cup reached 45%, when this number comes out, for those missing the chance, only to regret!伊拉克战争Iraqi War统一润滑油:和平的声音Monarch Lubricating Oil: Voice of Peace 广告:就像是购买期货,购买的是未来。 数据:表现的是过去,并不能准确预测未来。Media purchase

7、 is something like buying future stock, it is for the future. Survey statistics represents past , not for future.未来,比过去更重要!Future is more important than past2004年的重大机会:雅典奥运会The biggest and most important chance in 2004: Athens Olympic Games2004年3月21日起,CCTV-1晚间19:57推出由高露洁特约播出的“千秋奥运”特别节目。千秋奥运From Marc

8、h 21,2004, a special Olympic sports show entitled Olympic Stories sponsored by colgate is on air at 19:57 on CCTV-1 海尔:Haier2004年5月5日开始,雅典奥运会倒计时Starting from May 5th 2004, Haier sponsored 100 day countdown for 2004 Olympic Games in Athens雅典奥运会:2004年企业宣传和推广的契机!Athens Olympic: best chance for an enter

9、prise to promote their products现在启动的不仅仅是雅典奥运会2008北京奥运会已经拉开帷幕你准备好了吗?Today, The 2004 Athens Olympic Games is ready to start very soon, in fact the curtain of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is already open also, are you ready?广告向谁传播是一个战略性的问题To Whom Ad being distributed (target)is a strategic issue 中国消费者受广告

10、影响大Chinese consumers are deeply influenced by advertisement. 广告培育市场 Ads. foster the market. 广告撬动市场 Ads. start up the market. 广告教育消费者 Ads. Educate consumers.背景一:中国市场的特色Feature of China Marketplace“宝洁相信广告的力量!”2002年9月25日,宝洁全球媒介总经理到中央电视台广告部交流。“P&G Trusts the power of Ad”On September 2002, Mr. Bernard Gl

11、ock,GM of Global Media, P&G, exchanged ideas with CCTV Ad Dept. 2004年2月5日,高露洁公司全球副总裁拜会中央电视台高露洁:“我们更相信广告的力量!”Colgate believes more the power of AdOn Feb. 5, Vice president of Colgate paid a visit to CCTVEmllo Alvarez-Reclo & Peter GuoRobert Kirkpatrick消费者重视他人和社会的评价,被评价的意识强,从众化倾向明显 Chinese consumers h

12、ighly value the word-of-mouth from other people and society. They show great interests in being evaluated by others, and they have an obvious tendency in staying within the mainstream.背景二:中国市场的特色Feature of China Marketplace99%的人不是消费者但他们会影响到消费者,形成一种“势”99% are not consumers, but they will influence th

13、e decision of consumers, and we call it “tendency”.消费主体受消费环境的影响大,消费者周围存在一个影响消费者的势场Consumers are highly influenced by consuming environment, and there is a “Tendency Market” around consumers. 消费者consumers消费环境consumers消费势场Consuming Tendency Market在中国,不能过分强调目标受众细分化品牌的传播要充分影响到消费者周围的环境,必须使用大众媒体。目前,在中国还缺乏

14、具有足够影响力的专业媒体。You cant over-emphasize target consumers theory in China- The spread of brand shall effect consumers surrounding sufficiently, mass media At present, there is a shortage of professional media with enough force. 统一润滑油:专业用品上最大众化的电视时段Monarch Lubricating Oil: niche products are aired on TV

15、time slot, a very mass media.2004年12月,平均每月销售额超过2个亿,预计年销售额将达到25个亿。In January and February 2004, its average sales monthly is over 200 million.And it is estimated that its annual sales will reach 2.5 billion喜之郎果冻:青少年小众产品也上招标时段。XIZHILANG Jelly: a niche product for kids, it is aired on the prime time bi

16、dding slot已经成为行业代名词,年销量达到20亿元左右。 XIZHILANG is becoming a symbol name for jelly products, and its sales yearly reached around 2 billion.3、策略创新比被动购买更有效 Strategy innovation is more efficient than purchase only 很多广告主在媒介购买时,简单地参照媒体既有的广告产品做计划,这属于“被动式购买”,缺乏创新,影响效果。Lack of innovation when advertisers purcha

17、se media Ad 在目前复杂的媒体环境下,更需要加强与媒体的互动,进行创新式策略投放。 To reach Ad innovation, interactive communication with media is a must2003年底,宝洁与央视半边天合作推出“飘柔女性记录”,备受关注。By the end of 2003, a cooperative program titled as “Rejoice Womens Memory” between P&G and Half the sky, a women show of CCTV, is very successful当然,创

18、新决不止于此,还有很多很多,如重要时段的垄断性占有、指定位置等。Of course, there are other innovative measures such as monopoly occupancy of important time slots and Designated Slots(DS) 海尔、宝洁:招标段和CCTV-1的整体集团购买Haier, P&G: prime time bidding slots and CCTV-1 whole group purchase 步步高:中央电视台黄金时段指定位置;中央电视台重大活动BUBUGAO: CCTV-Prime Time S

19、lot-DS;CCTV- Big Events 喜之郎、江中制药:重要时段的常年购买XIZHILANG and Jiangzhong medicine factory: buy important slots all the year round 中国移动 :焦点访谈后常有购买。China Mobile: often buy slots after Focus Interview创新是永远的主题Innovation is a theme forever4、要把货铺在消费者心里To spread your products in the mind of consumers据调查,44.3%的人在

20、进药店之前,就已经决定了买哪个品牌的药 According to a survey, 44.3% people has decided to buy which brand name medicine before they enter into the pharmacy用品牌传播拉动消费者心目中的品牌占有率,品牌心理占有率与市场占有率成正比To rise your brand identity in the mind of consumers will promote the market share of your products5、品牌在行业中实际排第几不重要 在消费者心目中排第几最重

21、要The rank number of your brand name in the industry is not important, instead the rank in the mind of consumers is the key.由于信息不对称,弱势品牌要通过强势媒体进行突围,而强势品牌则也要通过强势媒体来稳固地位Due to imbalance of information, a weak brand name needs a strong media to rise its identity,and a strong brand name also needs a stro

22、ng media to maintain its competitive and stable position 中国目前正处于消费结构升级阶段,消费者 由过去的不注重品牌到今天的非常注重品牌 In China the consumption structure is on the stage of upgrade currently. consumers concept is changing, from not paying attention to brand in the past to attaching great importance on brand today. 2003年消

23、费调查数据:70%的购买力流向“名优”产品。2004 survey shows that 70% of the purchase flows to brand name products背景:中国市场的特色Feature of China Marketplace6、领导品牌在传播上要采取 对高端媒体资源的垄断性占有The spreading of a Leading brand name should use monopoly purchase of high end media resources 宝洁的媒介压制策略7、构筑媒介策略的战略高地 把好媒介资源的战略要塞Build strateg

24、ic heights of media plan, keep strategic fortress of media resources媒介策略:支撑 + 补充Media Strategy: Support+ supplement支 撑 点:战略要点Support point: strategic plan 中国消费者的权威、正统、主流意识很强 Chinese consumers have a strong belief in authority, legitimacy, and dominance. 背景:中国市场的特色Feature of China MarketplaceSame new

25、s story with different versions, Which TV station do you prefer to trust, CCTV or local TV?由谁说将直接影响到所说的内容是不是可以被受众所接受Who is speaking will directly affect whether the content to be said could be accepted by acceptors or not.媒体的品质也是传播力这不是用数据简单能够量化的The quality of media is also communication power, it can not be measured with data.招标段CCTV专业频道省级卫视省级地面频道城市电视台县(区)电视台CCTV-1中国媒体的层级分布鲜明,在美国有几个全国电视媒体网,而在中国只有中央电视台完全覆盖全国 The pyramid structure of Chinese TV stations, in China CCTV is the


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