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1、福建省三明市2013-2014学年高二英语下学期期末考试试卷(扫描版)三明市2013-2014学年第二学期普通高中期末质量检测高二英港试题(考试时同:20口隼7月H日上午8:30-10:3。满分:150分)本试卷分第一卷(客观性试和第二卷(主观性试题)两加分今第一卷1至10页,第二卷 11至12页。考试鳍束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一卷(客观性试短;三部分,共115分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做比小匕先辨答案标在此卷匕址自内容绪期3 .你将仃网分蚌的时间将求得上的答案牯泳 到特收卡上.第一节(扶5小通;每小题15分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话.每段耐话后由一个小题.从均中所给

2、的A小又一个选项中逸出最佳选 项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完越段对话后,你都右10秒朴的时间来同芥布关小题和阅读F 一小织。每4对活仅读一遍, 例:How much is the shirt ?A. 115.ir 9.15.C, 9,18,答案是B,I, How does the woman usually get to work?A. On foot.B By bus.C. By car,Whit time show will the speakers most probably see ?A. 7:00.B.7J0.C. 930.WTui has the woman got ?A. A s

3、kirt.B. A scarfC. A jacket.What is the con versa hurt about ?A. Kite flying.B.SeasoC. Parks.What does the man mean ?A- He only know i what Tom told him.B. Tom didnt lell him about the axxiident,C. He doesnt know anything aboul llw accidenl.第二节供15小厨;每小通1.5分,满分22 5分)听下面5网对话或按白。解段时话或拽白后有几个小时.从题中所给的kR C

4、二个选项中选 出最佳选项,并标在诚卷的相应仪置。所每段对话或鸵白他.你将市时间阅读各个小题.每小 眇钟;听完后,各小两将给出5秒书的作答时间。捶段对话或独白选两遍.听第6段材料,回玉第6*7题口What docs the woman want to buy online ?A. A suitcase.B. A handbag.C. A plane ticket.What will the wcunan do in Zurich ?A. Gd skiing.B. Do some shopping.C. Visit her relative!.How docs the woman feci abo

5、ut her rwmmatc ? /X.Satisfied.B. Annoyed.What does the man suggest (he woman do flN ? A. Hase a talk with her roommate.Ask her roonmute(o move out.Require her roommate to pay the bill.听第8代材料.田芬第10 i 12 C. Worried.10. What i$ the probable relationship between the speakers ? A. Teacher and student.B.

6、Schoolmates.1L What docs (he woman mainly ask the man about ?A. The department.B. The courses.What docs the man offer What does the speaker think of nuking the dish ?A. Its difficult.B. It s interesting.What should be put after the onion ?A. Wine.B. Salt.Where are the vegetables from ?A. The ncarbv

7、farm.B. The local market.How many kinds of vegetables are cooked in the pan ?A. 3.B. 4.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 殷项填空(共15小每小敏1分,满分15分)C. Father and daughter.C. The major.C. On Sunday.C. At Marios restaurant.C. The woman will pick him up.C. A leather suitcase.C. ICs time-consuming.C. Pepper.C. The sp

8、eaker s garden.C. 5.从A JLCJ)四个选项中选出可填入审白处的坡住选项,并在齐庖卡I.将该项沆黑.例:It is generally considered unwise to give a childhe or she wants.A. howeverB. whateverC. whichever D. whenever答案是南二英语试题第2页(4 12 I)The Chinese government has formally allowed couples to have second child if either parentisonly child.A. a;/

9、B. the; anC. the; theD. a; an Do you remember the first time youwith a foreigner ?Of course, I was (oo nervous to say a word in English then.A. talkedB. had talkedC. have talked D. arc ulking Must I do some reading in English every day to improve comprehension ?一 Well, you can never read much while

10、learning a foreign language.A. soB. tooC. thatD. veryThe Chinese warship Mianyang has begun searching the sea where a Beijing bound Malaj-siaAirlines flight.B. mav lose contactA. should have lost contoctC. might have lost contactD. would lose contactLife is like a long race we compete with others to

11、 go beyond ourselves.A. whyB. whatC. thatD. whereUS First Lady Michelle Obama promised to keep peopleabout her trip in China by updatingher blog every day.A. informingB. to informC. informedD. informIts impossible for me to finish such a dangerous and task.A. annoyingB. sufleringC. demandingD. delig

12、htingOn the lop of the mountain with a history* of more than 1500 years.A. docs an old pine tree standB. an old pine tree is standingC. an old pine tree standsD. stands an old pine treeOn the last Saturday of March every year, from 8:30 to 9:30 pm, lightsaround the world ina show of support for rene

13、wable energy during Erth Hour.A. go offB. turn offC. cut of!D. switch off一 Have you got the results of the final exam ?一 Not yet. It will be a few days we know the full results.A. beforeB. afterC. untilD. when-you speak English so well ?By imitating and reading every day.C. What is it thatD. How is

14、it thatA. How is itB. What is itin trouble made him telephone me many times for help.D. Having trappedA. TrappedB. Being trapped C. TrappingThe president called for a nationwide moment of silence the students killed in the sunken ship,A. in praise of B. in place of C. in honor of D. in charge ofDuc

15、to (he widespread of wcchat. more and more young people are addicted to the use oftelephones.A. presentationB. applicationC. adaptationD. appreciationWe don t need to wait in line for hours for a ticket now because we cantickets on line.A. releaseB. relieveC. reserveD. review高二关港试题第3页(共】2页)(竹面还行试眼)第

16、二节 完形填空(共20小即;每小181.5分,满分30分)阅读F面短文.从如文后各代所给的四个选项(A中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项,并在答此卡上将该项涂出, Dear Daughter .I want to write this letter to tell you all that is on my mind.First. I want to tell you how 36 we are. Getting into Columbia University is a real testament (证明)of 37 a great well-rounded student you are

17、. Whether it is gening the highest 38 in math, completing your elegant fashion design, or 39 selling your painied running shoes, you have become a talented and 40 young woman.College will be the most important years in your life. It is in co.legc that you will truly discover what 41 is about. Here I

18、 want to tell you that education is what you have left after all that is 42 is forgotten. What 1 mean 43 that is the materials Uught as importune 33 you 44 the ability to learn a new subject, and the ability to analyze a new problem. So do 45 each subject seriously, the skills of learning will be 46

19、 you treasure forever.Do your best in classes, but den” let pressure 47 you. Your mother and I have 48 expectations for your grades. The only thing that 49 is that you learned. Grades arc just silly letters that give the people something to show off. and the lazy people something to 51 . You are too

20、 good to be 52 .Writing this lettert 1 asked your mother what she wanted me to say. She thought and said. 53 ask her to take care of herself. Simple but deeply 54 - this is because your parents love you so much, and that if you arc well, they will have 55 . So please listen to your mother and ukc ca

21、re of yourselfMay Columbia become the happiest four years in your life!Love.Dad & Mom35. A. wonderfulB. niceC. proudD. comfortable37. A. whatB. howC. whenD. why3s. A. classB. lessonC. gradeD. reward39. A. successfullyB generallyC. steadilyD. naturally40. A. braveB. brilliantC. awesomeD. outspoken41.

22、 A. workingB. learningC. playingD. thinking42. A. askedB. metC. taughtD. chosen43. A. withB. byC forD.in44. A. searchingB. makingC. admiringD. gaining45. A. lookB. haveC. takeD. learn46. A. everythingB. somethingC. nothingD. anything47. A. get onB. gt upC. get offD. get to48. A. manyB. noC. littleD.

23、 some哥二英语试题 第4页(共12页)49. A. mattersB. happensC. worriesD. occurs50. A. honestB. positiveC. modestD. vain51. A. fearB. noticeC. seizeD. understand$2. A. bothB. neitherC. eitherD. none53. A. SntlB. AlmostC. EvenD. Just54. A. interestingB. caringC. inspiringD. boring55. A. wealthB. healthC. comfortD. f

24、avor第三部分 阅读理策(共20小题;每小!82分,淌分40分)阅读下列组文,从每批:所给的四个选项(A、B.C和D)中.选出我佳选项.并在齐度斤上将该 顶涂黑一A飞lummy ! Mummy 厂 shouted little Muma racing from the front door through to the kitchen. “Theres a parcel. The postman s brought a parcel !MHer mother. Savni. looked at her in surprise. She had no idea who could have s

25、ent them a parcel. She hurried to the door to find out. Sure enough, the postman was there, holding a parcel about the size of a small brick“From America, madam J he said. *See ! American stamps “Wellsuppose it must be from Great-Aunt Pasni/ said Savni to herself -Although it must be twenty years si

26、nce we heard anything from her. I thought she would have been dead by now/Savni 飞 husband Jomas and her son Annas were just coming in from the garden, where Muma had run to tell them about the parcel. Putting the parcel on the table, Savni carefully began to (ear open the paper. Inside, there was a

27、large silver container, shut. There was also a letter.“What is it ? What is it ?” demanded Muma impatiently. e,Is it a present ?-1 have no idea, said Savni in confusion. Perhaps the letter will tell us/ She opened (he folded page cautiously* then looked up in dismay. Well, this is no help !0 she sai

28、djh s written in English ! How does she expect us to read English ?”At last, the whole family decided to open the container anyway. To their surprise, the pot was about one-third full of a kind of light-grey powder.think it s coffee/, Muma stared into the pot and announced finally. American coflee.*

29、s the wrong color for coffee, darling/ said Jomas thoughtfully. Mbut it must be some kind of food.* Muma, by now, had her nose right down into the pot. Suddenly, she lifted her head and sneezed loudly.“Thals it !* said Arinas. It must be pepper ! Let me try some/ Dipping a finger into the powder, he

30、 licked it. Yes/ he said, “ifs pepper all right. Mild, but quite tasty. It s American pepper.”*AII right/* said Savni. we ll【ry it in the soup tonight. We* have /jncrican-style M)up 厂That evening, the whole family agreed that the American pepper had added a special extra laste to ihcir usual evening

31、 soup. They were delighted with it.南二关港试题第5真(* 121)After dinner, their neighbor Doctor Smith came to visit. Having been told about the whole thing, the doctor said bnskly (杼快地), “I speak English ? I can translate it for you/Savni brought the letter, and the family waited, fascinated, as the doctor b

32、egan to translate.Dear Savni, I am the son of your old Great-Aunt Pasni. My mother died two weeks ago. She once lold us that after her death, she wanted her ashes to be sent back home to you. So please spread them over the ground near where she was bom. Your cousin, George Leary.wWhere does the slor

33、y take place ?A. America. B. England.C. India.D. The passage doesn*t mention.The underlined phrase -in dismay in the passage means 二A. with a feeling of discouragemcnlB. with a feeling of prideC. with a feeling of happinessD. with a filing of gratitudeWhy don t the family read the letter ?It is miss

34、ing.1( is in English.It is addressed to the doctor.They arc too impatient to look in the container.Why does Arinas think that the powder is pepper ?A. It ustes very hot.C. It makes Muma sneeze.60. What is really in the pot ?Special American pq)per.C. Dust.It is written on the pot.D. The letter says

35、so.B. Great-Aunt Pasni s ashes.D. Coffee.BIt s one of the most famous names in the world, up there with the Eiflel Tower and the Statue of Liberty - but now London , s Big Ben clock tower is to be renamed Elizabeth Tower to mark the queens 60th year on the British throne (.4:位),The announcement on T

36、uesday followed four days of celebrations earlier this month to mark 86-ycar-old Queen s Elizabeth s Diamond Jubilee (60周年纪 念).The famous building, part of Britain $ Houses of Parliament, is officially called the Clock Tower but is commonly known as Big Ben. the name of the giant bell in the tower t

37、hat makes the fanxus sounds in (he capital.Prime Minister David Cameron welcomed the name change. *Thc renaming of the Clock Tower to the Elizabeth Tower is a fining recognition of the Queens 60 years of service/* he said.Reactions among the public were mixed, however. Big Ben is so old and famous,

38、what is the sense in changing its name ? Al! over the world people won t understand what the Elizabeth Tower is said Romanian tourist Mars Ciotescu.Banker Richaronte Labonte said, *lt s not a bad idea. Ben is a strange name for a tower anyway ard the Queen deserves it.”由二关语试卷 第6负(共12页)The 96-metre h

39、igh tower has tour clock faces and was completed in !859. There are 393 steps to the top of the tower, sited on the bank of the River Thames in the heart of London * s Whitehall government district.The name change was proposed by Conservative Parly(保守党)lawmaker Tobias Ellwood and accepted by parliam

40、entary authorities.“The House of Commons (parliament) Commission welcomed the proposal to rename the Clock Tower Elizabeth Tower in recognition of Her Majesty the Queen s Diamond Jubilee and will arrange for this decision to be carried out in an appropriate manner in due course J a House of Commons

41、spokesman said.However, many Britons were opposed to the name change. A research last month (bund almost half the people who were questioned opposed proposals to rename the Clock Tower. And only 30 percent supported the idea.The first paragraph talks of the Eiffel Tower and the Stotuc of Liberty in

42、order toB show Big Ben is famousD. introduce the topic of the passageB. is specially used fbr celebrationD. is in fact the name of a giant bellA. praise the two buildingsC. go against renaming Big BenAccording to the passage. Big Ben.A. is Britains Houses of ParliamentC. is die name of all the clock

43、 towersFrom the passage we can infer that Prime Minister David Cameron supported the name change because .most Britains welcomed the proposalthe Elizabeth Tower sounded beautifulthe Queen has contributed greatly to the country,D parliamentary authorities had accepted the name changeWhich of the foll

44、owing is TRUE according to the passage ?Big Ben has a clock face on each side.Big Ben has a hislory of 1859 years.The tower is officially called Big Ben because it is big.Half of the Britons opposed the proposals to rename Big Ben.Who first put forward the idea of renaming Big Ben ?A. Tobias Ellwood

45、. B. Queen Elizabeth. C. David Cameron D. Richard Labonte.CAs Mother s Day draws near, we remember everything that our mothers have done fbr us. As infants ( 儿).they held us in the middle of the night; as children, they watched our sports games; and as teenagers, they put up with all our tricks. On

46、this special day, its a time to remember and say thanks.A has created customized (定做的)Our Name in History a book to give your family a look into their history by learning about iheir last name. By visiting this website, you can高二英油试抬第7页(共12英) check if information is available for your last name and

47、by ordering a book, you can leant about the origins of your family s last name. A researchers have collected more than 5 billion names from records such as passenger lists, immigration records, birth, marriage and death records. Collected information is then used for each customized book.Our Name in

48、 History is available for nearly 200,000 last names, accounting for 85 percent of all US homes. The collected information is a great way to learn about your family roots. This book will not only surprise Mom. but become a treasure memory to pass down through generations. It can also be an inspiratio

49、n for her to talk about all the special women in her life. So instead of just giving her flowers or jewelry, give her a special family book and share your favorite memories of her.After learning the general history of your last name, you might be inspired to continue your exploration. The Our Name i

50、n Hislor/e includes a special software product for building, searching and sharing your family history.To learn more about *Our Name in History, visit HYPERLINK .Thc .Thc deadline to order in time for Mother*s Day is April 30lh.According to the passage, the purpose of the first paragraph is to.tell

51、readers Mother s Day is comingshow that all the mothers work very hardshow that children owe their mothers a lotencourage children to buy gifts for their mothersThe book -Our Name in History.is cheaper compared with flowersis in the best-seller list this weekmay (ell you about the histoty of your fa

52、milycovers the last name of every home in AmericaWhat will happen to mothers if they get “Our Name in History ?They will pass it on to other families.They may be inspired by special women.They will feel worried about their relatives.They will have to explore their own ancestors.The writer wrote this

53、 passage in order to.celebrate Mother s Dayintroduce Our Name in History,point out the importance of Mother s Dayadvise readers (o buy Our Name in Hisior The passage probably comes from.A. a newspaper B. a magazine C. a websiteD. a guidebook高二英谕议题 第8页(* 12 )(行面还有试照)DAmerican scientists have for the

54、first time taken stem cdk (干细袍)from human embryos (胚 An) that are genetic copies of living people. The goal is to create better treatments for disease. But the work has led to heated discussions about making genetic copies or cloning.Cloning a human being is not allowed in more than 12 stales in Ame

55、rica. Most scientists have rejected it. but some medical researchers arc performing what is called - therapeutic cloning to try to fight disease. Still, that method is banned in 7 stales.One state where -therapeutic cloning is not banned is Oregon, that is where researchers at Oregon Health & Scienc

56、e University in Ponland were able to put human DNA into human eggs. They produced embryos that were genetically the same as the people who had donated their DNA. The researchers then took stem cells from (he embryos, these cells are called -master cells. Scientists know how to use chemicals to cause

57、 master cells to develop into any (issue in the body.The idea is that doctors could use (issue created this way to replace diseased organs. The new body tissue would be a genetically match of the person receiving it, and there would be no danger that the pacient s body would not accept the new tissu

58、e, which can happen with normal transplants.Alta Charo. a researcher at the University of Wisconsin Law School, believes it is too soon to say whether the use of embryonic stem cells for personalized medicine would become common. Scientists could in fact find other less questionable sources of stem

59、cells, however, she supports the use of stem cells to treat disease.According to the passage, therapeutic cloning.A. is aimed at cloning human beingsB. is not le9il in twelve statesC. is not accepted by most statesD. is legal in the state of OregonThe advantage of using the new tissue created by clo

60、ning is that the new tissue 一will be so good that everyone can use itwill certainly be accq)tcd by the doctorwill cost little money and become common soonwill be suitable for the person receiving it geneticallyWhat s the correct order of the steps in therapeutic cloning* ?to take stem cellsto replac


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