人教版八年级下册英语 Unit9 Period 5 Section B (2a-2e) 习题课件_第1页
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1、 人教浙江专版 八年级下Period 5 Section B (2a2e)Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?12345wheneverThousandsfearWhetherfox基础巩固过关练一12345naturalIndiansimplyJapanesehave learned/learnt二温馨提示:点击 进入讲评答 案 呈 现12345more thanwake upall year roundOn the other handbe able to三基础巩固过关练答 案 呈 现12345anlongestplanneddiscussionto

2、 go一678910butwithourselves comfortablybored综合能力提升练答 案 呈 现12345DCBAC二678910ADDAD综合能力提升练答 案 呈 现1112131415CBBCA123BCA三综合能力提升练答 案 呈 现一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1. Help others _(无论何时) you can, and youll make the world a nicer place to live in. 2. _(成千) of birds are flying from the north to the south in this season.

3、wheneverThousands3. That film was so frightening that most of the audience(观众) kept screaming in _(害怕) while watching it last night. 4. _ (是否)you like it or not, you have to do it. 5. The little _(狐狸) is running fast. fearWhetherfox二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1. At the Night Safari, you can watch these animal

4、s in a _ (nature) environment. 2. Have you ever tried _(India) food?naturalIndian3. This poem is_(simple) a description of a spring scene in Hangzhou. 4. She can speak _(Japan) as well as English. 5. We _ (learn)English for more than two years. simplyJapanesehave learned/learnt三、根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词1. 这

5、个城市人口超过一百万。This city has a population of_ _1, 000, 000. morethan2. 在你醒来的时候叫我。Call me when you _ _. wake up3. 汤姆的爸爸很忙, 全年不在家。Toms father is very busy and isnt at home_ _ _.all year round4. 一方面这所房子太小, 另一方面它离学校太远。On the one hand the house is too small. _ _ _ _, it is too far from the school.Onthe other

6、 hand5. 我害怕不能找到好东西吃。 I am afraid I wont _ _ _find anything good to eat.Be ableto一、语法填空 阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入一个恰当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Last month, we had _1eightday National Holiday. For many people, it was the _2(long) vacation in a year. anlongestMany of them went out for a trip and I _3

7、(plan) to have a trip, too. I had a _4(discuss) with my parents. Finally, we decided _5(go) to Shanghai. We went there some times, _6this time we did something different. We visited a place called Tianzifang. It is a wonderful place _7many different kinds of small shops along the streets. planneddis

8、cussion【点拨】4.动词discuss的名词形式为discussion,空格前为不定冠词a,故discussion应用单数形式,故填discussion。【点拨】6.根据前后句意可知,此处存在转折关系,故应用表转折关系的连词but。to gobutwithWe walked slowly and enjoyed _8(we). When we felt tired, we sat _9(comfortable) and had nice coffee in a small coffee shop. It was really relaxing and didnt make me feel

9、 _10(boring). ourselves【点拨】8. enjoy oneself为固定搭配,意为“玩得开心”, we的反身代词为ourselves,意为“我们自己”,符合句意,故填ourselves。comfortablybored二、完形填空 In fact, it all began from the half a _1 basic training, which I will never forget. ()1. A. days B. weeks C. months D. yearsD【点拨】根据下文“To me, the basic training was a lifetime

10、 of challenges that lasted six months. ”可知,这种基础训练持续了半年时间。The training included midnight swims in the cold water, days without _2 and long painful runs in the soft sand.()2. A. water B. sleep C. food D. airCThe training also needed to find those who could _3 in an environment of stress, mess, failure

11、 and hardships.()3. A. doubt B. lead C. separate D. hurryB【点拨】考查动词辨析。句意为“这种训练也需要找出那些能在压力、困难、混乱和失败环境中起领导作用的人”。doubt怀疑;lead领导;separate分开;hurry 赶快。And today, Id like to talk about one little thing, which I think is one of the most important points leading to great _4. ()4. A. success B. support C. pain

12、 D. pityA【点拨】考查名词辨析。句意为“今天,我想谈一件小事,我认为这是取得巨大成功的最重要的一点”。success 成功;support支持;pain痛苦;pity同情。Every morning in the training, my instructors (教官) would _5 in our rooms.()5. A. rest B. exercise C. appear D. relax【点拨】考查动词辨析。句意为“在训练期间,每天早上教官都会出现在我们的房间中”。rest休息;exercise锻炼;appear出现;relax放松。CThe first thing th

13、ey did was to _6 our beds.()6. A. check B. clean C. mend D. makeA【点拨】考查动词辨析。句意为“他们做的第一件事就是检查我们的床铺”。check检查;clean打扫;mend修补;make制造。It was a(n)_7 task. ()7. A.exciting B. interesting C. simple D. difficult【点拨】考查形容词辨析。句意为“这是一项困难的任务”。exciting令人兴奋的;interesting令人感兴趣的;simple简单的;difficult困难的。DBut every morni

14、ng we were required to make our beds _8.()8. A. softly B. messily C. slowly D. perfectly【点拨】考查副词辨析。句意为“但是我们每天早上都被要求把床铺整理得很好”。softly 轻轻地;messily 乱糟糟地;slowly慢慢地;perfectly 完美地。DIf you make your bed every morning, you will have completed the_9 task of the day. ()9. A. first B. only C. same D. last【点拨】句意

15、为“如果你每天早上整理床铺,你就完成了一天中的第一项任务”。first第一;only唯一的;same相同的;last最后的。DIt will bring you a small sense of success, and it will _10 you to do another task, and another and another. ()10. A. need B. warn C. invite D. encourage【点拨】考查动词辨析。句意为“它会给你带来一种小小的成功感,它会鼓励你去完成一项又一项的任务”。need需要;warn警告;invite邀请;encourage鼓励。D

16、And by the end of the day, one task completed will have _11 into many tasks completed.()11. A. thrown B. put C. turned D. divided【点拨】考查动词辨析。句意为“到一天结束时,一个已完成的任务将变成许多已完成的任务”。throw扔;put放置;turn转向;divide划分。CIf you cant do the little things right, you will _12 be able to do the big things right.()12. A. a

17、lways B. hardly C. almost D. easilyB【点拨】考查副词辨析。句意为“如果你不能把小事做好,你就不可能把大事做好”。always总是;hardly几乎不;almost几乎;easily容易地。_13 the world can happen anywhere and anyone can do it.()13. A. Protecting B. Changing C. Controlling D. Connecting【点拨】考查动词的辨析。句意为“任何人在任何地方都能改变世界”。protect保护;change改变;control控制;connect联系。BI

18、 can make sure that it doesnt matter whether I ever _14 a day in uniform.()14. A. rose B. risked C. served D. celebrated【点拨】考查动词辨析。句意为“我确信我是否在军队服过役并不重要”。rise 上升;risk冒险;serve服务;celebrate庆祝。CIn general, if you want to change the world, _15off by making your bed. ()15. A. start B. run C. get D. take【点拨】考查动词辨析。句意为“总之,如果你想改变世界,那就从整理你的床铺开始”。start开始;run跑;get得到;take从事。A三、阅读理解()1. If youre interested in art under the sea, you may go to_. A. Sweet MuseumB. Cancun Under


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