or declininga job offer面试成功或谢绝职务_第1页
or declininga job offer面试成功或谢绝职务_第2页
or declininga job offer面试成功或谢绝职务_第3页
or declininga job offer面试成功或谢绝职务_第4页




1、Unit 40Sucsful Application or Declining a Job Offer职务 2面试成Key Sentence Patterns1I wont acceptt job until I know exactly what it involves. 在未确实了解工作的要求之前,我是不会接受那项工作的。2Im sorry,but I just dont see the good in a step sideways. 很抱歉,我认为转换到同样的职位对我没好处。3No, I dont thinkts the job I want.不,我不想接受这种工作4I really

2、appre绝这份工作te your offer,but I must decline it. 非常感谢贵公司的录用,但我不得不拒5I have been thinkingt theition is not fit for me after theerview.面试后我一直认为这个职位不适合我。6合7I really thinkt教育背景ition suits my education back ground better.的觉得那个职位更适I have to say Ill try othla.我不得不说我要到其他地方试试了8nks,but Im very happy where I am.多

3、谢,但是我很喜欢我现在的工作I have accepted the other offer.我已经接受了另一家公司的聘用。Please give me a couple of days.请给我几天时间I would like for you to wait about ak.我希望你能给我一周时间I need some more time to make a deciI have to say I cant offer you the job.我不得不说我无法把这项工作给你We dont need a typispresent. 我需要一点时间来决定目前不需要打字员。Pop Conversat

4、ionsA Sucsfulerview面试成功Conversation01A: What would it take to get you to join our company? B: Im very happy where I am.A: Well, but we can make you happier. Youll have a good increase in pay, and the full benefitspackage if you join us.B:tseresting, but like I said, Im very happy where I am.A: Well,

5、 with the way weve been expanding, it wont be long before youre in aition to moveup.B:ts not what I want. I have good cnts Im working with, and the most important, I like thework environment.ts something you cant buy me out of.A: All fight. I think I understand you.A:要怎么做,你才会加入的团队呢?B:我很喜欢我现在的工作。A:嗯,

6、但利津贴。可以让你更满意。你是要加入公司,你可以有更高的薪水以及完整的红B:很有意思,不过我说过了,我很喜欢我目前的工作。A:嗯,以扩张的速度,你距离升迁的日子不会太久的。B:我要的不是那种。我拥有合作关系良好的客户,而且最重要的是我很喜欢现在的工作环境。这些是你无法让我跳槽的。A:好吧,我了解你的意思了。Conversation02A: Take a seat, please, Ms. Du. We have received your letter and resume in answer to our adhe newspr. What qualifications do you hav

7、e for department store administrative work?B: Ive worked in a big department store during the Christmas shop in business administration at college.A: Do you know anything about secretarial work?season, and Im majoringB: Well. I have a degree in literature and took a course to become a secretary. Ifq

8、ualification, I wouldnt mind working as a secretary.ts anyA: We like our people to beerestedheir job as well as acquaed with it. But before weemploy him or her, wed like to investigate thes character quite thoroughly. Secretarialwork seems to be the only thing available for you at present.B: I was a

9、 secretary at NEC for two years before I gave up my job thing or another.he company due to oneA: How soon would you be able to start work? Youre expected to fillhe application form rightaway. Youll startwodred dollars ak and report here at nine-thirty. Now Miss Chenwill take care of you. I hope youl

10、l enjoy working with US.A:请坐,作你小组。你应聘资历吗?报上的来函及简历已收到了。对于百货公司的管理工B:在圣诞节购物季节中我曾在一家大的百货公司工作过,而且在大学里我读的就是商务管理。A:你了解工作吗?B:嗯。我有文科学位,学过课程。如果那也算资历的话,我不在乎去做工作。A:要求从业对他们的工作既要熟悉,又要有。在录用之前,对他的性格要作全面的了解。目前最适合你的就是工作了。B:我曾作为在NEC公司工作过两年,后来由于这样那样的原因离开了那家公司。A:最快你能从什么时候开始工作? 请你马上填一下表格。你每周的是200,每天早上9点30分上班,会关照你的。祝你在这里工

11、作愉快。Conversation03A: Mom, Ive been offered a new job. Is good pay, but is some challenges. I donveany experience with this kind of work, but I passed theerview.B:ts great. If you think you should take this job, were behind you.A: Morn, you support me?B: Of course! Whatever you think is right for you

12、 is right for me.A:nk you very much, Mom!B: No problem. Were a family.A:,我找到一份新的工作。收入很可观,但是,有些性。对于这种工作,我没有经验,但是,我却通过了面试。B:这太好了。如果你认为你能胜任这份工作, A:妈,支持我?(全家)做你的后盾。B:当然了! 只要你认为对你合适的,当然对我也合适。A:妈,非常感谢你!B:没问题。是一家人!Conversation04A: Well, were there any vacanciesS: Yes, there were a few.he firm?A: Did you fi

13、ll out an application form?S: Yes, it only took me about 10 minutes to fill out the form. It was the shortest application form Id ever seen!A: Did you get anerview?S: Actually, they gave me anA: Really? How did it go?erview right away.S: It went pretty well. I thought it would be a disaster, because

14、 I wasnt prepared for anerview,n anbut it turned out to be really good. It felt like more of a conversation win old frienderview wistranger.A:ts excellent! When will you find out if you got the job or not?S: She saidt shed contact me within a few days.A: When would they want you to start? S: On Mond

15、ay.A: If they offered you the job, would you be free to johem so soon?S: You know me, Ive been jobless for ages! If they offer me the job, Id start immediato!y if I hadA: What is theitiont theyre hiring for?S: They need someone to create music for educational pures.A:S:t sounds fantastic! Youd be gr

16、eanks. Cross your fingers for me.t!A:嗯,咱们公司有职务空缺吗? S:有几个。 A:你填申请表了吗?S:我只花了10分钟就把表填完了。这是我填过的最短的申请表。 A:你面试了吗?S:实际上他们当场就面试我了。A:真的吗? 情况如何?S:非常顺利。我本来以为一定会考砸了,因为我根本就没准备面试,不过结果却很好。不像是跟陌生人说话,而更像在和一位聊天。A:真是好极了! 你什么时候能确定是不是被录用了? S:她当时跟我说过几天再跟我联系。A:那他们希望你什么时候能开始上班?S:一。A:如果他们聘用你了,你会马上有时间去上班吗? S:你知道的,我已经好久没有工作了。

17、如果他们聘我,我会马上就去上班。 A:他们让你做什么工作?S:他们需要一个人为教学目的创作音乐。A:听起来真好! 你会做得很好的!S:。祝福我吧Few Tips for Jobting士February 22, 2008Dear Ms. ,Just a note tonk you for theerview at your office on February 20. I enjoyed talking with youand learning the details about theition of Mediayst with your company.However, as I mentionedheerview, my primaryerest is in editing. Although my jobduring the past 3 years required me toto establish myself as an editor.eract with the media and variousani


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