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1、必备知识夯基固本案Unit 2The Olympic Games英 语2022高考总复习优化设计GAO KAO ZONG FU XI YOU HUA SHE JI内容索引.课标单词.常用短语.主题词汇积累体育竞赛.重点句型.主题语篇演练.课标单词必背写作词汇1.vi.比赛;竞争2.n.志愿者;志愿兵adj.志愿的;义务的vt.& vi.自愿3.n.祖国;本国4.adj.规则的;定期的;常规的5.vt.& vi.容许;承认;接纳6.vt.做东;主办;招待n.主人competevolunteerhomelandregularadmithost7. n.责任;职责8.vt.取代;替换;代替9.vt.

2、& vi.收费;控诉n.费用;主管10.vt.& vi.做广告;登广告11.vi.讨价还价;讲条件n.便宜货12.vi.& vt.应受(报答或惩罚);值得responsibilityreplacechargeadvertisebargaindeserve识记阅读词汇1.ancient petitor n.3.medal n. 4.Greece n.5.Greek adj. n. 6.magical adj. 7.basis n.8.athlete n. 9.slave n. 古代的;古老的竞争者奖章;勋章;纪念章希腊希腊(人)的;希腊语的希腊人;希腊语巫术的;魔术的;有魔力的基础;根据运动员;

3、运动选手奴隶10.nowadays adv.11.gymnastics n.(pl.) 12.stadium n.(pl. stadiums or stadia) 13.gymnasium n.(gym) 14.motto n. 15.swift adj.16.physical adj. 17.fine vt.现今;现在体操;体能训练 (露天大型)体育场 体育馆;健身房座右铭;格言;警句快的;迅速的物理的;身体的罚款18.poster n.19.glory n.20.hopeless adj. 21.foolish adj.22.pain n.海报;招贴光荣;荣誉 没有希望的;绝望的愚蠢的;傻

4、的疼痛;痛苦构织连脉词汇pete n.比赛;竞争 adj.有竞争性的 n.竞争者2.magical adj.有魔力的;不可思议的 n.魔法;魔术 n.魔术师3.volunteer adj.自愿的;自发的4.regular adv.有规律地;按时 n.规则;制度 v.规定;管理;控制5.host n.女主人;女主持人6.responsibility adj.有责任的;对负责的competitioncompetitivecompetitormagicmagicianvoluntaryregularlyregulationregulatehostessresponsible7.hope adj.没有

5、希望的;绝望的 adj.充满希望的8.admit n.承认;容许9.advertise n.广告 n.广告客户;刊登广告的人10.replace n.代替 adj.可代替的hopelesshopefuladmissionadvertisementadvertiserreplacementreplaceable语境活用1.Eating properly and exercising (regular) can make one enjoy a healthier and longer life.2.She is in a situation,and she that someone will c

6、ome and help her get through.(hope)3.Well be for your safety and you need to take for your actions.(responsible)4. are supposed to be honest about the .If you your goods in a dishonest way,you will be fined.(advertise)regularlyhopelesshopesresponsibleresponsibilityAdvertisersadvertisementsadvertise5

7、.在比赛中,所有相对具有竞争力的激动的运动员都在争取在比赛中获得金牌。很多来自大学的志愿者自愿在赛事中提供服务。他们的志愿者工作值得赞扬。All the excited who are relatively are for the honor of winning the gold medal in the .A large number of from the university to serve in the events.Their work is well worth petitorscompetitivecompetingcompetitionvolunteersvolunteer

8、voluntary.常用短语1.take part in参加;参与2.as well也;又;还3.play a role in在中起作用4.as a matter of fact事实上5.in charge of主管;看管;负责6.take the place of代替7.apart from除了8.make a bargain with与达成协议9.reach the standard达到标准10.work out计算出;解决;锻炼身体语境活用1.A large number of students (参加) the school sports meeting,and even some t

9、eachers joined in the activity (也).The sports meeting was a great success. (事实上),headteachers and monitors who were (负责) the activity (在中起重要作用) it.2.In order to (达标),I take an active part in the English corner and other after-class English activities (除了) English classes,which benefit me a lot.Besid

10、es,I make it a rule to (锻炼身体) at the gym after school every day.As a result of my performance,I was made monitor of our class to (代替) Li Hua.took part inas wellAs a matter of factin charge ofplayed an important role inreach the standardapart fromwork outtake the place of.主题词汇积累体育竞赛单词1.cancel v.取消2.c

11、hampion n.冠军3.championship n.锦标赛4.cheer v.欢呼;喝彩5.courage n.勇气;胆略6.defeat v.击败;战胜7.delay v.延误;延迟;耽搁8.event n.事件;大事9.fitness n.健康10.participate v.参加;参与11.relax v.(使)放松;轻松12.tournament n.锦标赛;联赛13.track n.轨道;田径14.winner n.获胜者15.professional n.职业运动员16.amateur n.业余爱好者17.referee n.裁判;仲裁;调解员18.confidence n.

12、自信心19.influence n.影响20.golf n.高尔夫球21.marathon n.马拉松22.shooting n.射击23.victory n.胜利24.hono(u)r n.荣誉;光荣;尊敬;给予荣誉25.final n.决赛26.match n.比赛词块1.record holder纪录保持者2.cut the record打破纪录3.record breaker打破纪录者4.set a new record创造新纪录5.runner-up/the 2nd place亚军6.gold medalist金牌获得者7.silver medalist银牌获得者;亚军8.bronz

13、e medalist铜牌获得者;季军9.final result决赛成绩10.total points总分11.placement/ranking名次,排名12.final placing决赛名次13.win title夺魁14.go for gold夺取金牌15.defend title卫冕16.victory and ceremony/awarding ceremony颁奖仪式17.prize money奖金18.prize/trophy/award奖品19.awarding/ to present prize颁发奖品.重点句型领悟教材语境1.I lived in what you cal

14、l “Ancient Greece” and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago.(Page 9)【考点凝练】what引导名词性从句,可表示 “的地方,的东西或事情,的人或样子”等意思。2.No other countries could join in,nor could slaves or women!(Page 10)【考点凝练】“nor/neither+情态动词/助动词/系动词be+主语”构成倒装句型。3.Theres as much competition among countries to host th

15、e Olympics as to win Olympic medals.(Page 10)【考点凝练】as+形容词/much/many+a(n)+单数可数名词+as结构。4.This is important because the more you speak English,the better your English will become.(Page 16)【考点凝练】“the+比较级,the+比较级”,意为“越,就越”。高考情境仿写1.经过许多天的航行之后,他们到达了如今被称为非洲的地方。2.她不会说这种语言,也不会写这种语言。3.人们普遍认为,教学是一种科学,也是一门艺术。4.你

16、对我们传统文化的了解越多,你就对它越感兴趣。After many days voyage,they arrived in what is called Africa now.She couldnt speak the language,neither/nor could she write it.Its generally believed that teaching is as much an art as it is a science.The more you know about our traditional culture,the more you are interested i

17、n it.主题语篇演练语篇填空There are certain similarities and many significant 1.(differ) between the modern 2. ancient Olympics.The similarities are:both are held every four years;they have 3.(run) races;also there is no prize money for winners.However,there are differences between them.In ancient Olympics,the

18、re was only one set of Games and no women and no slaves could take part in.The4. (compete) only came from Greece.5. modern Olympics,there 6.(be) two main sets of Gamesthe Winter and the Summer Olympics.Only 7.(that) who have reached the 8.differencesandrunningcompetitorsInarethoseagreedaSwifter(agree) standard for their event will be admitted as competitors.They may come from anywhere in the world.There are over 250 sports and each one has its own standard.Women are not only allowed,but also play 9.very important role in almost all


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