



1、Unit 4 词汇学案1.Which of the following words can be used when talking about a disaster? Command shake graduate ruin injure survivor shortcoming crack destroy identity rescue trap damage judge 2.Complete the sentences with the words given in the box, pay attention to the correct forms.shock injure destr

2、oy rise shake bury frighten trap(1.) The balloon _up slowly into the air.(2.) There were dozens of people _in the fire.(3.) We were _when we heard of the news that they would get married soon.(4.)He _his diary in the ground.(5.)When asked if he wanted anything else, he just _his head. (6.)The city w

3、as completely _by the earthquake.(7.)Twenty miners were _underground.(8.) He drove at a speed which _ Lara to death. 3. Complete the words according to the first letter and the meaning of the sentences.(1.)As a result of the accident, the e_ has to be cut off. (2.)They built a s_ for the homeless ch

4、ildren.(3.)It is u_ talking with him.He wont listen to you.(4.)A c_ is a very long water way for boats.(5.)Earthquake is the most terrible d_ in the world.4.Fill in the blanks. (1.)_ _ (三分之二)of the class _ (喜欢) playing football.(2.)China lies _ _ _ (东部) of Asia.(3.)Suddenly, he felt his world was _

5、_ _.(世界末日)(4.)Hearing the news, his father _ _ crying. (burst)(5.)When he noticed the danger, he called the policeman_ _. (立即)(6.)After the flood, _ _ _ _people lost their homes. (大量)(7.)If you get high scores in the exam, your parents will _ _ _ you. (proud)(8.)_ _ _the students in the school is mo

6、re than 5,000. (数量)(9.)He _ _ a box of money under the tree. (挖出)(10.) _ _ _ _ (数十万)people were helped.(11.)It was the most_experience of my life. (frightened; frightening)(12.)He _from his chair when the door bell rang.(rise;raise)(13.)Her job is _chickens. (rise;raise)(14.)Her temperature is still

7、_.(rise;raise)(15.)He _in rank recently. (rise;raise)5. Translation: 1. 这个地区的五分之三被森林覆盖。 280%的工厂和建筑物在这次地震中消失了。 3死伤的人数达到40多万。4最后,那位老人向他表达了感激之情。(express) 5别害怕,我们不会伤害你的。(frighten) 6. 他像平常一样起床很早。7很多矿工从矿井中被救出。Key:1. shake ruin injure survivor crack destroy rescue trap damage 2. rose;injured;shocked;buried

8、;shook;destroyed;trapped;frightened3.electrity;shelter;useless;cannal;disaster4.(1.)Two thirds;like(2.)in the east(3.)at an end(4.)burst(5.)right away (6.)a large/great number of(7.)be proud of(8.)The number of(9.)dug out (10.) Tens of thousands of(11.)frightening (12.)rose (13.) raising (14.) rising (15.) has risen5. (1.)Three-fifths of the area is covered by forests. (2.)80% of the factories and buildings were gone in the earthquake. (3.)The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than400,000. (4.)Finally the old man expressed his thanks to him. (5.)


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