1、大作文:注:A 类 G 类可以通用。重点题:1、Some uldpeoplethink planning future is a waste of time and peopleshofocus on thepresent. To whatextentdo you agree or disagree?(命中 430 澳洲区 A 类大作文,430 澳洲和国内大作文不一样)1、 Today, the qualities of life of people in big cities are worse. What are the causes of this problem? Any measur
2、es should be taken to solve it?(国内 613A 类考了由于城市交通和住房问题鼓励企业搬往郊区,与此题相通)2、Nowadays, there and emergencies it is harmfulis a trendtreports of mediaitivedevelopments.focus Somewhaton problems people thinkextentdo yourathernto individualsand tosociety. Toagree or disagree?3、Some people thinkt robots are v
3、ery important to humans future development.Others thinkt they are dangerous and have negative effects on society. Discussboth opinions and give youral view.4、Do you think how important it is for peopleto want sucs in life ? Is ambitionaitive or negativecharacteristic?5、odern world, it is no longer n
4、esary to use animals for food or use animalproducts, for instance, clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree?/Some people think it is nesary to use animals for testing medicinesended forhuman use. Others, however, think it is cruel to dot. Discuss both of these views andgive yo
5、u own opinion.6、In somecountries old people are highly valued, while in somecultures young peopleare highly valued. Discuss both views and giveyouropinion.(1.10A 类考了年轻人和老年人谁当,4.11A 类大作文考了老年人和年轻人竞争产生的问题和解决办法,6.18 澳洲 A 类考了是否应该回归家庭和社区的老传统价值观)7、Manypeopevet teachersshould takethe responsibility forthe s
6、tudents tojudge what is right and wrong and behave well, othersbothfeelviewstandteachersshouldonlyteach academic subjects. Discussgive yourownopinion.8、Newsmediaareimportantinfluenoderngenerallysociety.itiveWhy are they so importanor negative?(命中欧洲考区t? Are their4.25A 类大作文原题,一字不差)9、hefuture,be a high
7、there willroportionof oldeoplen youngeople.Is itaitive or negativedevelopment?/any countries, theproportion of old people is steadily increasing. Does this have morenegative effects on the society?itive or10、Some countries and individuals try to deal with the problem of animal extinction. Others thi
8、nk it is more important to deal with problems of human beings.Discuss bothviews and give your own opinion.(命中欧洲区 4.18A 类大作文原题,一字不差)10、Somepeop ompulsoryimprovinge partthevet someunpaid community servihould be a cof highschoolrelationshipofprogrammes (e.g. working in a charity, neighbourhood or teach
9、ing sportsto cagree or disagree?hildren)To whatextent do you11、 Nowadays,full-timeuniversitystudents tend tofocus on their studying. Somepeoplethinkit isessential for universitystudents to be involvedinother activities. To whatextent do you agree or disagree?12、Somepeople ke the life you agreethink
10、the technology makes lifecomplex, so we shouldma simpler without using the technology. To what extent door disagree?(2.7G 类考了电脑对生活的利弊分析,3.28 考了电脑和对青少年读写能力的影响)12、 Peoplefewtoaim to achieve thebalance betn their work Whatare the causesof the雅思 A 类大作文原题一字不差)and lives.Butproblems? Howpeopleeachieve it.i
11、t?(命中 32112、As gDopartofeducation ,students should spendriodof timestudyinand livingin adifferent county to learn language and culture .youagree or disagree?13、The spread of multinational companies and resultingincrease ofwhat extentglobalto yoizationproduitive effects for everyone. Tou agree or dis
12、agree?14、Somepeoplethinktyoung peopleshouldfollowtraditions oftheirsociety,andothersthink young people shouldbe free to behaveas theywill. Discuss both viewsand giveyouropinion.(6.18 澳洲 A 类考了是否应该回归家庭和社区的老传统价值观)15、 Nowadays, not enough students choose scienubjects in universityanycountries. What are
13、the reasons for this problem? What are the effects on the society?(3.23 变更)16、Mostof the urgentproblems can only be extent do you agree组织的影响)solvedwithernational cooperation.To whator disagree?(3.21 雅思A 类大作文考了名人名流帮助国际17、Somepeople alifications.thinkTo whattsol skillsareas important asacademicquexten
14、t do youagree or disagree?18、Somepeop g publicof moneyeveternmentsshouldmake investmentwhile others think itin buildinis a wastelibrariesbecauseinweevery town,haveacsto information viaown opinion.ernet. Discuss boththese views andgive your19、Somepeoplethink develocountries shouldinvite foreign compa
15、niesand factories to promote their economies.to openOtherssaybranches, offittheyshould keepthe foreign companies outand deand givpendmoreon their owne youropinion.local companies.Describe bothviews20、anycountries, thereare 24-hour TV programs.Isit aitiveornegativedevelopment?21、 Someavepeoplesaylang
16、uagesternmentsshould spend moneyfew speakers, whileonmeasuresto sve itare used byothers bets a waste of finanlresourr opinion. Discuss bothviews and giveyou22、ostcountries,prison is an effective solutionto the problem ofsolution to providecrime.Somepeoplethink it isa more effectiveeducation for thos
17、e who violategreeor disagree?/Some people thinkthe law.To what extentdo you at all the lawbreakers should be takenothe prison, while others bevet there are better alternatives, (for example,ng some work or learning some skillsgive your opinion.he community).Discuss both views and23、Individuals can d
18、o nothing to improve the environment. Onlyernments and largecompanies can makea difference. To what extent do youagree or disagreewith thisopinion?(6.6污染的费用,近似命中)A 类大作文公司应该支付24、goodSome people say watchinis bad for children in all ways, others say it isfor children to get knowledge.Discuss both view
19、s and give your opinion.25、Some people thinkt older school children should learn wide range subjectsand develop knowledge, but otheople thinkt they should only learn a smallnumber of subjects in details. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(命中欧洲 613A 类大作文原题)26、 Some children thinkt some subject
20、ch as mathematics and philosophy aretoo difficult for them to study at school, so they should be made optional rathern compulsory. To what extent do you agree or disagree?27、In countries where thereis a highrate of unemployment, primary education.There is notothose who haveno hope ofmostpupilsshould
21、beoffered onlypoin offeringsecondary educationfinding ajob.To whatextent do you agree or disagreewiththissement?/A large number of young people are leaving shool and can not find a job. what problemswill youtbe taken toemployment cause in individual and for society?what measures shouldreduce the lev
22、el of unemploymentamong youngpeople?28、he last, lecture lectureswere with thereyouused the isagreeas a waydevelopmentof teachinglargeof technologyfornumbers of education,g lectures.student,but nowmanypeople thinkTo what extent dono justification for attendinor disagree?(命中 530 欧洲区 A类大作文原题,一字不差!530 澳
23、洲A 类考的是学校教学重要还是网络教学重要,近似命中。)28、 Some ore,ablepeoplethinktmen and women havedifferent qualities.Therefsomeforcertainwomen.Tojobsare suitablefor menwhat extentdo you agreeand some jobsare suitor disagree?(6.1 新增)29、 carsyouMore andthinkand morepeople wantto buy famousbrandsDowith clothes,other items.i
24、t is awhat are the reasons?itive or negativedevelopment?30、Withtheincreasehe use of mobilephonesthinkandtcomputers, fewerthe traditional speopleare writingletters.Somepeoplekillof writing letters will you agree or disagree? How?disappear compleimportant do youy. To whatextent dothink is letter-writi
25、ng31、 Some people thinkt parents have a great influence on their children, othersis a bigger influence. Discuss both views and give yourbevet the mediaopinion.32、 Withthepeopleincreasinguse ofettermobilephone andcomputer, the number ofa result, letterwritingwhowrihasdecreased.Aswilldisappear soon.Do
26、 you agree or disagree? ant?Howdo youthinkletterwriting is import33、Somepeoplethinktschoolsshouldselectvepupilstitaccording to theiis betterto havr academicabilities, while othersbee pupils withdifferent abilities studyand give yourown opinion.(6.15 新增)together. Discuss bothviews次重点题:说明:绿色部分降低重视,时间不
27、够的话可以不用看。1、Some people claimt public museums and art galleries will not be neededbecause people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer. Doyou agree or disagree with this opinion?2、Peoplecontinueto commit crimeseven after being punished for it. Why do you thinkthishappens? Ho
28、w can crime be stopped?(命中 5.16澳洲 A 类加试大作文原题,一字不差)2、Moreand morecompanies are allowing employees to workat home.Do you think this is aitive or negativedevelopment?3、 Some animal speciech as dinosaurs and dodose extinct because of naturalproses. So, it is not nesary to try and prevent this from happe
29、ning. Do you agree ordisagree?There are many extinct specieshe world nowadays. Some people say weshould protect these animals from dying out,while others say we should concentrate more onproblems of human beings. Discuss both opinions and give your人类过于保护动物,近似命中议题)al view. (1.31 考了3、any countries pri
30、of airplane tickets have dropped. Is ititive or negative situation? Writethese days,t airfare should Discuss both views and giveal experience or knowledge.Air travel is cheapabout yourallowing ordinary people to travel further. Some people say be increased because this leads to environmental problem
31、s.your own opinion.4、Schools dont giveproper healtheducation to young people. Do you agree or disagreewiththissement? Giveyour own opinion and examplesbasedon yourexperience.(命中 430 澳洲区G 类大作文,430 澳洲和国内大作文不一样)4、 Nowadays the trend of human beings to copy from one another is shownhepopularity oshion i
32、n clothes and other consumer goods. To what extend do youagree or disagree?5、Manydevelocountries are currently expanding their tourist industries Why is thisthecase? Is it aitivedevelopment?6、Young people who commit serious crimes, such as a rubbery or a violentack should bepunishedhe same way as ad
33、ults. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (命中 4.25雅思A 类大作文原题,而且本题在 4.24 晚 10 点于哥的新浪加试国内A 类考的是青少年的原因和处罚)人人网雅思哥 作为突击题发布,6.187、Nowadaysmanyparents are sending their kidsabroad to acquire goodeducation.Discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of thistrend. Giveyour own opinion.8、Team activities
34、can teaore skillsfor lifen those activitieswhich are playedalone.To whatextentdo you agree or disagree?9、In some countries boarding schools are getting more popular. Is it aitiveor negative development? What are the reasons管孩子还是家人照顾孩子,与本题相通)behind it?(3.14A 类大作文考了是托10、anycities, planners have separa
35、tedschools, separatedoverweighhomes, shops,offi from eachother. Dodisadvantages to thein specificareaswhich werewidelyyou think advantages ofcityresidents?this policy11、It is bevedt secondary school children shouldstudyernational newsas one of their school subjects. Others thinkt this is a waste of
36、valuable schooltime.Discuss both views and give your opinions.12、Someisbeve advertisement is usefuland informative. Others think itfalse and onlyhelpstoraise pri.Discussbothviewsandgive your opinion.13、In some adultsuntriest allowcountries and can donit. Whatyoungdrivepeopleatvoteofgeteighteen are c
37、onsideredmarried, while other coacar,andage doyouthinkistheyourbestto be consideredan adult? Givereasons andexamples fromownknowledgeandexperience.(2.12A 类考了是否认同提高底限来让驾驶更安全,近似命中)14、Somepeop; others,. Discuss域禁烟一样evet feelandss yourshouldbe foraluseforonlyworkhowever,bothviewsshouldbe used mostlygive
38、opinion.(2.14A 类考了像在某些特定区使用,近似命中)13、A tendencyof news nsociety.reportedhe media about problems and emergenciesualratherand toitive developments is moreharmful to the individDo youagree or disagree?14、Somepeoplethink newshas no connection to peoples lives, so it is a waste of timetoread the news on t
39、he newspr and watch televinewsprograms. To what extentdo you agree or disagree?15、 Some people think the main benefit ofernational cooperation is in protection of theenvironment, while others thinkt the main benefit ishe world business. Discussboth views and give your opinion.Solving environmental p
40、roblems should beresponsibility of oneernationalanization instead of se or nationalernments.Do you agree or disagree?16、Nowadayscompanies and other s to wear auniform.Think Whatare the advantages andanizations areabout jobs where disadvantages ofrequiring their employeeuniform is important. wearing
41、a uniform?17、Tourism brings benefits to a country but it also may have harmful effects. How can acountry ensuret tourism benefits its development?(命中 530 国内雅思A 类原题变形)18、Advertisingindustryhas a hugeinfluence on the society. Do you thieffects ofadvertising outweighnegative effects?nkitive19、Profescon
42、tributional workers like doctors, nurses and teachers make a greaterto society and so should be paid moren sports and entertaentalities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?20、Some people think we should keep all the moneyarn and not pay tax to these. To whatextent do you agree or disagree?21、ev
43、iTo what extenthas had a significant influence on the culture of many societies.do you think isitively or negatively affected culturaldevelopment?(4.11G 类大作文电视是否让生活变得有趣,近似命中)22、The number of people who watch foreign fiis muoren people who watch localfi, describ the reasons and should theernment prov
44、ide finanl support to the localfilm industries?23、Somepeoplegivemore importanceto artistsly develo preferarts(paer,writers, musins)hecurrentage of ratechnology and science.to technology in your vWhatdo you think? Do peopleiew?24、Somepeoplethink parents shouldread orlstories to their children,otherss
45、ay it isnot important and can be replaced by watchinand moviesinstead. Discuss both views and give your opinion.、petition versus cooperation and group work for students. Do the disadvantagesoutweigh thepetitiveness is seen as aitive feature bymanymodern societies. What impact does it have on an indi
46、vidual? Is it aegative quality?itive or a n26、More and more people areing seriously overweight. Some people saytthe price increase ottening foods will solve this problem. To what extent doyou agree or disagree?27、People are eating a variety of foods these days which encourages the flow of foodfrom e
47、very corner of the world to a local supermarket. Do you think this is negative oritive development? Why?28、 Most of the schools are planning to replaports and exercise classes withmore academic sess. What is your opinion on this change? How is this changewill affect childrens life in your view?29、 S
48、ports help to a greater extent to build peace in world. Do you agree ordisagree? Give some examples and include relevant experienin your response.30、Nowadays, children play less with others and this has an impact on their development.What are the reasons for this? Does ive a good or a bad effect on
49、children?31、Consumers are faced with increasing numbers of advertisements from competing companies. To what extent do you think are consumers influenced by advertisements? Whatmeasures can be taken to protect them?32、Some people think the foreign visitors should be charged moren the local visitorswh
50、en they visit the cultural and historical attractions in another country. To what extent doyou agree or disagree?(2.7A 类考了景点吸引外地游客而非当地居民的原因和解决办法)33、Since money fortgraduate research is limited, some people think finanl support fro n the research为次重点)m thefor leernment should be only provided for sci
51、entific research ratherseful subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(4.20题库补充:32、Somepeopevet theernmentspends too muoney on develospaceexploration technology. There are many othersfinanl needsttheernmentdisagree?(530should address instead.To whatextent do you agree orA 类考了太空探索影响人们的生活)33、 There are an increasing number of anti-sol behaviors in recent years; Peoplegene
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