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1、Dr.Feng小学英语介词专题Review介词定义介词是一种虚词,不能单独在句中作成分。是表示名词、代词和句中其他词之间关系的词,主要表示、地点、等小学英语介词专题一.表示时间介词二.表示方位介词三.表示地点介词四.表示方法、手段介词小学英语介词专题Look at the following sentences1.Millie has breakfast at seven oclock.2.Children in China start school at 6 years old.3. We eat bread and drink milk at breakfast.某一具体的时间点年龄三餐小

2、学英语介词专题Look at the sentences below1.My parents watch TV in the evening.2.We plant trees in March every year.3.In Hainan, it never snows in winter.4.The 22nd World Cup is in 2022.一天中的早、中、晚月份季节年小学英语介词专题06Look at the sentences below1. We do not go to school on Saturday.2.Our summer holiday starts on 1

3、July.3.Amy goes swimming on Sunday morning.4.They have lots of fun on Childrens Day.星期日期特定一天的早、中、晚节日小学英语介词专题lead inin年、月、季节及时间段(早、午、晚)on具体某一天,星期、节日at时间点,年龄,三餐注意:at noon 在中午 at night 在夜间 in the morning 在早上 on the morning of July 1st 在七月一日的早上 on a rainy day 在雨天小学英语介词专题Presentation1. Mary is flying to

4、France soon. She will arrive in Paris _ the morning of July 9. A. on B. in C. at2. The twins were born _ a Friday evening. A. in B. on C. at3. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived _5 oclock _ the morning. A. on, in B. at, in C. at, in4. We finish our lessons _ 11:30 and then have a rest _ noo

5、n. A. in , in B. at ,at C. in, at小学英语介词专题方位介词方位是什么?有哪些方位?上,下,左,右,里,外小学英语介词专题In English英语中有哪些介词可以表示方位?表示上面,下面,里面:on, under, in, over表示前,后,中间:in front of, behind, between表示相邻,旁边: near, beside, next to小学英语介词专题on, under, in, overon:在上面over:在上方under:在下面in:在里面二.方位介词above:在上方小学英语介词专题in front of, behind, be

6、tweenin front of:在前面behind:在后面between:在两者之间注意:between表示在之间,但仅仅是两者之间。in the front of:在内部的前面小学英语介词专题near, beside, next tonear:在附近(有距离)beside:与紧挨着(通常是左右)Next to:与相邻(通常有顺序关系)我的座位在门旁边。My seat is near the door.那条公路紧挨着河流。The road is beside the river.小学英语介词专题 in + 大地方 at + 小地 方 on +门牌,某层楼1.My uncle live _ F

7、12 street _the fifth floor. A.at, on B. in,on C.on, at2.They arrived _Beijing at 12:00 and waited for a bus _ the station to the hotel. A.at, in B. in, on C. in, at小学英语介词专题方位介词in/to/on 区别to the east 在.之外(不紧密相邻)的东部on the east 和.相邻的东部 上海in the east 在.之内的东部拓展小学英语介词专题 Taiwan is the southeast of China. 台

8、湾省位于中国的东南部。(在中国以内) Japan lies the east of China. 日本位于中国的东方。(在中国之外)North Korea is the east of China. 朝鲜紧邻中国的东部。(与中国相邻) intoon小学英语介词专题练习读一读,圈出合适的介词1. Christmas is (at, on, in) the 25th of December.2. Look at those birds (on, in) the tree.3. We are going to meet (at, on, in) the bus stop (at, on, in) h

9、alf past ten.4. There is a bridge (on, over, in) the river.5. Tom is (between, behind, in front of) Jack and David.小学英语介词专题介词with的用法吴一凡和他的朋友一起踢足球。Wu Yifan plays football with his friends.with+人=和在一起用刀切。 Cut with the knife.with+物=用某种工具或方法play+ with +物=玩什么play with computer小学英语介词专题 介词in除了表示“在里面”还有什么用法

10、?in+某种语言你知道那些语言?English, French, Japanese, Chinese, in+颜色 表示“穿颜色的衣服”用“in+颜色”描述小学英语介词专题练习2读一读,选一选I water the sprout and put it _ the sun.under B. on C. in D. atLook at that girl _ red.in B. for C. of D. withWe have music class _ Monday morning.A. for B. on C. in D. atPlease go to the cinema _ us.A. for B. of C. to D. with5. I go to school _ foot. He goes to school _ bike.A. in, by B. on, b


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