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1、Mass Media ReadingCourse Information 课程名称Mass Media Reading学 时34 学 分2开课学期第1学期(共1学期)课程类别选修Aims of the courseGive a systematic understanding of the features of news English reading.Offer an insight into the latest international news focus . Testing and Evaluation序号项目分值评 分 标 准1平时作业+学习态度100分缺勤一次扣5分,缺勤三次

2、取消选修分(课堂进行不定时点名)3期中测试100分课堂测试(约第9周)4期末考试100分课堂测试(约第16周)总 评成绩100分平时(60%)+期中测试(20%)+ 期末测试(20%)Hard news / soft news按照事件的性质分类,新闻可分为“硬新闻(hard news)和“软新闻”(soft news)两大类;硬新闻也就是“纯新闻消息报道”,指题材严肃,具有一定时效性的客观事实报道;软新闻是指情感味浓,写作方法诙谐,轻松幽默的社会新闻,不注重时效性。新闻英语中常见的体裁主要有三大类:消息(news)、特写(features)和新闻评论(commentaries and colu

3、mns)。新闻写作由于记者写作风格不同,文体结构无定格。但大体上说新闻文体的主体结构是由标题、导语、正文三部分组成。标题(headline):浓缩概括全文的中心实质问题。导语(1ead):通常为文章的第一段。文章的第一段提供主要话题和最主要的事实。正文(body):在导语的基础上,引入更多的与主题相关的事实,使之更加详实、具体,并展开评论,进而得出结论。News LeadIntroduction News story is aimed at transmitting the latest information with rapidly and accuracy. Its structure

4、is quite different from that of literary works. News reporters organize news stories exactly opposite from the way fiction writers organize short stories.Introduction A short story writer will typically tell his tale in a manner similar to how it actually occurred. He will probably organize the stor

5、y in the same way that it happened in time, from beginning to end or climax. He will likely begin with the minor facts and build his story to the climax. Here is a diagram of the organization of the typical short story.Introduction IntroductionFactsClimax Short story StructureIntroduction Lead or Cl

6、imaxImportant FactsUnimportant FactsShort story Structure of Inverted pyramid Introduction Lead or ClimaxImportant FactsUnimportant FactsShort story Structure of Inverted pyramid 美国的新闻学大师Melvin Mencher把导语分成两种基本类型:直接式导语与延迟式导语。直接式导语在文章开头直接告诉读者最重要的信息,通常用于突发新闻的写作。延迟式导语通过暗示的手法吸引受众阅读正文,通常用于特稿的写作。他还认为,在内容上

7、,导语需要满足两个要求,一是抓住基本事实,二是吸引读者在此文停留片刻;在形式上,好的导语通常只包含一个中心意思,只包含一个主谓宾结构,并且不超过35个单词。导语写作不超过35个单词的要求可能也只适用于消息写作,新闻导语的写作在本质上强调直入主题,但这并非说所有的导语都只能是千篇一律的“开门见山”。美英报刊所载文章的导语的确演绎了多样的精彩,或许对我们的导语写作有所助益。新闻导语(news lead) 位于第一段或第一、二段。通过它点出新闻的主题,这是消息类新闻文体区别于其它文体的一个重要特征。新闻的开头,用最简明扼要的文字,写出消息中最重要、最新鲜、最吸引人的事实,或是新闻事实中最主要的思想及

8、意义,以便读者迅速了解主要内容,并吸引他们进一步读完全篇。 牵引主题的作用,使读者看了导语就知道这条消息的大体信息,从而引出主题以及阐述这个主题的主体。逗引读者的阅读兴趣,使读者在阅读导语的过程中,产生阅读兴趣,情不自禁地把新闻读下去。 FunctionClassification从新闻内容的展开方式上分类:直接式导语(direct lead) -概括性导语(summary lead)-主要事实导语(main-fact lead)延缓式导语(delayed lead) -描写式导语(descriptive lead)- detail -引语式导语(quote lead)- like “.” s

9、aid sb. -悬念式导语 (suspense lead) give an answer later -人称式导语(personal lead)or 直呼式导语 (Direct-address lead) use “you” or “I” -问句式导语(Question lead) -对比式导语(Contrast lead) -轶事式导语(anecdotal lead) Features of News LeadNews leads refer to the beginning paragraphsof a news report, delivering the most important

10、or relevant information of a news event. The lead is the most distinctive feature of news discourse.News lead often includes six elements ofjournalism, which are what, when, who, where,why and how (time, location, participants,event or action and circumstances). Eleven people were killed and four mi

11、ssing yesterday after Typhoon Chanchu pummelled Guangdong and Fujian Provinces. (China Daily, May 19, 2006) Who (eleven people and four ) Why (Typhoon Chanchu) When (yesterday) Where (Guangdong and Fujian Provinces) How (eleven people were killed and four missing)A lead is the key to any successful

12、story.It is an invitation and it also must beappropriate for the news and clear to readers. Lead might contain only one sentence or two ormore. A lead should be as economical as possible inwording while providing information as rich aspossible.Classification of News Lead1. Direct lead which tells th

13、e most important elements of news directly to the readers.2. Delayed lead freely applies literary methods to arouse the interest of readers rather than the timeliness of an event.Direct Lead Direct lead which is often used in hard news, also called summary lead, reveals immediately what the story is

14、 about. It is the summary or statement of the most important facts contained in the story. It is the climax, the result of the investigation,the theme. It usually contains one sentence, but sometimes two. It answers immediately, in almost thirty - five words or less, the main questions of who, what,

15、 when, where. It is used at the top of most stories. The best direct leads start with a compelling noun and a strong verb, not with a prepositional phrase.Direct lead the simplest and most common styleIt should: - a single paragraph of a single sentence- no more than 30 words- Summarize most newswor

16、thy info.-i.e. “what”, “where” and “when” of the news (sometimes also “why” and “how”, only if theres room)e.g.: Fire destroyed a house on Main Street early Monday morning.w what: Fire destroyed a house w where: on Main Streetw when: early Monday morningIf there is more spaceThe lead should summariz

17、e the “why” and “how” (also “who” if it is involved in the story)E.g.: An elderly man died early Monday morning when fire sparked by faulty wiring raged through his Main Street home.who: An elderly man why: fireraged through his Main Street homehow: sparked by faulty wiring E.g President Obama arriv

18、ed in Oslo on Thursday morning to formally accept the Nobel Peace Prize and to attend a daylong series of events to commemorate the award.who: President Obama what: arrived (in Oslo) when: on Thursday morning where: in Oslo why: to formally accept the Nobel Peace Prize and to attend a daylong series

19、 of events to commemorate the award E,g As the leaders of 34 nations wrapped up negotiations for an All-Americas free trade zone yesterday, police braced for more protests and the streets remained littered with debris(垃圾) from previous clashes.昨天,34国领导人致力于全美洲自由贸易圈的各项谈判之时,警察却穷于应付越来越多的示威者。街道由于之前的冲突而一片

20、狼藉。这是一个典型的直接式导语,它将时间、人物、事件、结果四个最重要的要素作了直接交待,地点和原因却没有当成重点放在导语里。E.g. LISBON, Dec 29 (AFP) Three armed men wearing wigs held up a Portuguese bank yesterday and made off with an undisclosed sum in Euros, the countys first such robbery, the daily 24 hours said on Saturday.2) Delayed Lead It usually sets

21、a scene or evokes a mood with an incident, anecdote or example. The writer may foreshadow(预示)events to come or create a sense of foreboding(预感的) or anticipated surprise. Essential information is temporarily withheld(隐瞒).Delayed lead延缓式导语又被称为间接式导语,它最为突出的特点是将新闻中最关键的信息并不直接告诉给读者,而是用情节、细节、故事的精彩片段,激发读者的兴趣

22、、好奇心、探知欲,借此引领读者进入新闻事件的核心所在。故而这种导语主要用于故事性、趣味性强的新闻、新闻特稿及各类软新闻的写作。Oscar statuettes stolen from Calif. loading dock LOS ANGELES, March 17 ( Reuters)It sounds like the plot of a Hollywood thriller but its true: Just nine days before this years Academy Awards, Oscar has disappeared, the FBI is hunting for

23、 him and a reward of 50,000 has been offered for his return.什么被偷了?英王皇冠上的珠宝?比尔盖茨的财产?都不是。被盗的是对洛杉矶市民来说要重要得多的东西:奥斯卡金像奖不见了! Delayed lead is often used in soft news, can be short, perhaps two sentences, or it can be longer, up to four paragraphs. It still must fulfill the two roles of the lead: it must ca

24、pture the essence of the whole news story and do so in a way that encourages the reader to continue. Like the direct lead, it leads the reader straight to the heart of the story. Good leads are like good headlines: they shine a flashlight down into the story.E.gIts a balmy evening as couples stroll

25、the Nile River, clasping each other at the waist, young lovers whisper sweet nothing into their partners ears and sometimes even sneak kisses. Direct lead or delayed lead?E.g. Rudolph Almarazs patients came fromKentucky, Connecticut, South Carolina andmany other states, seeking the best possiblecare

26、 for the breast cancer that threatenedtheir lives. Now the hundreds of women hetreated are calling The Johns Hospital eachday to find out if the man who performedbreast surgery on them might have giventhem AIDS. Principles of News LeadA good news story, unlike the novel or play, isbased on one main

27、idea. It gives the reader asense of completeness. The lead functions as abaited hook that lures the reader into the story.It should capture the essence of the whole newsstory and do so in a way that encourages thereader to continue.In another word, it is the journalists promise to the reader of what

28、 is to come. After reading the lead, the reader makes a critical decision on whether he or she should read on. According to Donald Murray, author of Writing for Readers, “Three seconds and the reader decides to read or move on to the next story.”(Jim Hall, 2007) That is all the time the lead has to

29、catch the readers glance and hold it; all the time the lead has to entice (吸引)and inform readers. Its importance is self-evident.1) SuccinctTo fulfill its functions, the lead tries to tell the main points and outline the story in the most economical way. Some journalists even maximize it into a sing

30、le sentence; some news agencies limit the number of words in the lead2) Informative The lead should tell the readers the essence of the event. In fact the main factors, that are, the “five Ws and H (who, what, when, where, why and how)” are usually being told in the lead paragraph. These words conve

31、y what we call “ news values”, which guide us to put the most newsworthy elements at the beginning not the end of the paragraph.3) Intriguing Lead is also called “grabber”, which comes from the function of the first paragraph of our news story. How to achieve the purpose of luring or attracting is a

32、 problem deserving to study. Stereotyped lead is the biggest enemy for a journalist to avoid. 4. Language features of News Lead Writer John McPhee once said, “A lead should not be cheap, flashy(华而不实的), blaring a great fanfare of trumpets(大吹喇叭), and then a mouse comes out of its hole.” So the words s

33、elected in a news lead must be honest to the fact, and the lead should never promise what does not follow the story. plain and common-used words to replace or concisely explain special terms that are difficult for common readers to understand. In an age of information explosion, journalists, in face

34、 of increasing specialization and complex technology, are called upon to write about many highly specialized subjects, and they write for readers who are mostly generalists (兴趣广泛的人), not specialists. It is held in western journalism that if newspapers are to hold the readers, news stories must be cl

35、ear and easy to understand. Hough once remarked, “Newspaper seeks to appeal to the largest possible audience. News stories must be written clearly, explain facts precisely, define terms carefully.Beijing,Jan.23 Asia Pulse-Siemens, the German company which sliced 20% of the Chinese telecommunications

36、 market last year, expects to continue being bullish about the worlds biggest market.亚洲动态1月23日北京讯去年在中国电信市场已经占有20%市场份额的西门子公司,目前仍然看好这个世界上最大的市场。E.g. The Clinton administration proposed today to reduce the governments role as traffic cop for the Internet, a medium born as a research tool that has grown

37、into a freewheeling means of mass communication.今天克林顿政府建议减少政府在因特网上充当交通警察的作用; 这一媒体本来作为研究工具而诞生,现在已经发展成为随心所欲的大众传播手段。WASGING (Reuters) -The United States has dropped drug sanctions against Columbia but stopped short of certifying (承认)the cocaine-producing country as a fully ally in the war against traff

38、icking.路透社华盛顿讯美国已取消对哥伦比亚的制裁,但不承认这个可卡因生产国在反毒走私斗争中具备全面合作的伙伴资格。1.Suspense lead先在导语中给读者以某些惊人的或戏剧性的细节,作为“引子”,调动读者思维,驱使他们迫不及待地一口气看完整篇报道。 It sounds like the plot of a Hollywood thriller but its true: Just nine days before this year s Academy Awards, Oscar has disappeared, the FBI is hunting for him and a r

39、eward of 50,000 has been offered for his return. 一切就好像是好莱坞编造出来的惊险故事一样,但一切又都是真真切切发生的事实:就在离举行奥斯卡仪式还剩9天时,奥斯卡金像突然不翼而飞。为了侦破这起神秘的盗窃案,联邦调查局被请来了,悬赏破案的赏金是5万美元。导语中只交待了“事件”这一个新闻要素,时间要素虽然交待了,但也是间接交待的“离举行奥斯卡仪式还剩90”,其余要素根本就没交待了。而其语言却极富文学色彩,读者的胃口被吊了起来,让人欲罢不能。2.Question lead这是修辞中设问方法的移用,即先简短直率地提出人们广为关心的问题,以引起读者思考,然

40、后用事实去回答。这种写法能适应和调动读者急欲了解答案的急迫心情,使之有兴趣读下去。Whatever happened to the East Asian Crisis? After Thailand devalued the baht on July 2,1997,capital rushed out of the regions economies, and in rapid succession most of them collapsed.The Economist 2002东亚金融危机究竟出现了什么情况?1997年7月2日泰铢贬值后,资金从该地区迅速流失,大多数国家的经济接连崩溃。Qu

41、estion leadWhat do corrupt officials do when they end up behind bars? Maybe write books if the conditions are right. Quite a number of them have had their books published even while serving their terms. (Source: Being knowledgeable being, China Daily Dec. 9, 2009 )Quote lead- allows a personality to

42、 enter the stage, complete with enthusiasms, opinions, and other influences that you couldnt allow in straight news lead. - there are people and not just ideas in this story. 引用消息中主要人物关键性或有针对性、有代表性或有新意的谈话,以增强消息的真实性、可信性与权威性。Quote lead“Now we were in a Clash of Civilizations, with rational Islam replacing fascism and Soviet communism as the wests global enemy”(Source: Global Politics in the Decade of Radicalism, the Guardian Oct.17, 2009)Direct-address lead / Personal lead 用一种与读者直接交谈的方式入手,以第一或第二人称的笔调撰写出消息的导语,从而给人


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