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1、湖 休 节 招 待 晚 宴2019 DONG QIAN LAKE FEAST大 禾 文 化 创 意 私 定活动概述EVENT SUMMRISE时间:6月初地点:东钱湖恒元温泉酒店恒元厅 与会:各级领导特约嘉宾、国内外湖泊代表、国内外旅 行商代表、国内外媒体代表约300人IDEAS PRESENT活 动 主 题B对全球50,000多名游客进行采访的数据显示超过6/10(61%)的游客表示他们会因为美味的餐饮而选择一个旅游目的地全球超过1/3(34%)的游客,在2018年找时间进行一次专门的美食之旅在巴黎,中国游客平均花费66欧用于当地美食在巴塞罗那,平均每名韩国游客的美食支出在50欧在澳门,旅客

2、人均消费达228美元,其中,美食占了35%一次美食体验,让旅途变得毕生难忘一次故地重游,又会唤起深层味蕾的记忆活动目的:以美食,寻美景此时此刻,2019湖休节招待晚宴盛装重启此食此客,来自远方的宾客,来赴美食之约中东欧美食节暨国际休闲湖泊论坛招待晚宴 此食 此客 IDEAS PRESENT活 动 布 置Panton是世界最具权威的色彩机构,2019,Panton流行色-TEAL BLUE我们选择大自然本色,从科技和现代生活中脱离,自然与湖水的颜色,Teal Bule2019色系选择色系选择布置方向-自然、生态、旅游东钱湖萨尔茨堡哈尔施塔特捷克克鲁姆洛夫方 向 一 东 钱 湖 乐 活 小 镇TH

3、EME IDENTITY布 置 风 格以乐活小镇为主元素,配合公园景区式的装饰元素打造入 口桌 位 图休 息 区 内 场餐 桌THEME IDENTITY布 置 风 格方 向 二 中 东 欧 复 古 乡 村 以绿植草皮、仿真石块、复古木栏、农庄小品作为氛围营造元素THEME IDENTITY布 置 细 节 主 桌弱化舞台部分,主桌跃然于舞台之上,打造温馨团圆寓意中东欧与我国圆圆满满,湖休节在11届归一统With the translation by the bilingual host,guests will have a future understanding of Chinese foo

4、d and the European food.THEME IDENTITY布 置 细 节 主 桌提前定制感谢信,放置在对应座位上的嘉宾餐盘上,并伴以特有的东钱湖信物With the translation by the bilingual host,guests will have a future understanding of Chinese food and the European food.THEME IDENTITY布 置 细 节 主桌桌牌每桌以中东欧湖泊名称与各国景点作为桌牌With the translation by the bilingual host,guests w

5、ill have a future understanding of Chinese food and the European food.THEME IDENTITY布 置 细 节 主桌布置主桌造景铺设成造景,在甜品环节,由甜品师现场放置甜品,供来宾拍照取用With the translation by the bilingual host,guests will have a future understanding of Chinese foodTHEME IDENTITY布 置 细 节 主桌摆件以欧式复古小镇风格的摆件作为主桌装饰With the translation by the

6、bilingual host,guests will have a future understanding of Chinese food and the European food.THEME IDENTITY布 置 细 节 圆桌摆件除主桌外其他宾客用餐桌上摆件推荐With the translation by the bilingual host,guests will have a future understanding of Chinese food and the European food.THEME IDENTITY布 置 细 节 控 台结合整体调性,定制复古酒吧风格围挡Wi

7、th the translation by the bilingual host,guests will have a future understanding of Chinese food and the European food.IDEAS PRESENT活 动 流 程 & 内 容PAST NOW FUTURE品 菜/赏 景KEY WORD切入元素菜品设计设计文案氛围营造 CHAPTER ONE菜品设计以绿色生态的元素植入每个菜品,与现场布置相融合For the past,we will sever the traditional DongQian food as the first

8、chapter for the guests将美食与旅游目的地进行结合,用味觉环游中东欧For the past,we will sever the traditional DongQian food as the first chapter for the guestsCHAPTER ONE第一篇章 天 四季变迁春/夏/秋/冬 一年四季的美食元素For the past,we will sever the traditional DongQian food as the first chapter for the guests东/南/西/北 来自世界各地的美食The second chapt

9、er is for those dishes from the Central Eastern European food tastingCHAPTER TWO第二篇章 地 东南西北CHAPTER ONE第三篇章 山水 自然的馈赠山/湖/海 山:松茸/笋/盐 湖:藕/鱼 海:深海鱼/海参Using DongQian style and the CEE style food ,creative the new kind of dishes 将每道菜通过中英文文案进行串联描述,由双语主持人进行介绍For the past,we will sever the traditional DongQian

10、 food设计文案BILINGUAL HOST双 语 主 持 人将主桌的美食以艺术品的高度进行设计及中英文文案配合With the translation by the bilingual host,guests will have a future understanding of Chinese food andBILINGUAL HOST双 语 主 持 人通过双语主持人的讲解,将东钱湖与中东欧的美食在语言上进行融合,加深来宾对两者的理解With the translation by the bilingual host,guests will have a future understa

11、nding of Chinese food and the European food.CHAPTER ONE氛围营造将各个篇章的元素通过屏幕素材与情景走秀进行呈现For the past,we will sever the traditional DongQian food as the first chapter for the guestsATOMOSPHERE冰 屏运用冰屏,沉浸式布置,根据菜品变换素材Use the new technology to make guests deeply into this tasting ceremony, change the materials

12、 when serving the new dishTHEME IDENTITY物 料 细 节 冰 屏 TASTING CEREMONY菜 品 呈 现每道菜菜品根据地域元素区别配合走秀进行演艺TASTING CEREMONY菜 品 呈 现每道菜菜品根据地域元素区别配合走秀进行演艺MATERIAL USING整 场 素 材配合着菜品,每道菜用不同的VJ素材进行环幕与全息的投影,做到沉浸式的感官体验Every dish will choose the VJ effect to make the dish alive,make the guests deeply impressedIDEAS PRE

13、SENT活 动 亮 点BILINGUAL HOST保加利亚三宝莫 斯 利 安原汁原味的莫斯利安长寿村秘方,作为本次招待晚宴制定酸奶With the translation by the bilingual host,guests will have a future understanding of Chinese food and the European food.BILINGUAL HOST米 其 林米其林宝典星级主厨莅临现场,为来宾定制甜品台With the translation by the bilingual host,guests will have a future understanding of Chinese food and the European food.BILINGUAL HOST米 其 林 星 级 主 厨Quentin Giudicelli,法国米其林三星烘焙行政总厨With the translation by the bilingual host,guests will have a future understanding of Chinese food and the European food.Quentin G


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