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1、Dont eat in class!Unit 4且末县中学-刘洁Section A1.学会使用祈使句。2. 能熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家规等)的看法。教学目标Step1Words and expressionsrule 规则 ,规章arrive 到达(be) on time 准时hallway 走廊,过道hall 大厅,礼堂dining hall 餐厅listen 听,倾听listen to 听fight 打架,战斗 sorry 抱歉的,难过的 outside 在外面,外面的wear 穿,戴important重要的bring 带来,取来uniform 校服,制服quiet 安

2、静的Step2 SCHOOL RULES1. Dont arrive late for class. You must be on time.2. Dont run in the hallways.3. Dont eat in the classroom. You must eat in the dining hall.4. Dont listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.5. Dont fight.1a. Write the number of the rule next to the student.2354=The rules

3、 of the school情态动词准时fight with sb 与打架_Step3Peter _ Amy _Mike _1b. Listen. What rules are these students breaking? Write the numbers after the names.2342342a. Listen. Check the activities Alanand Cindy talk about.Activity1. _ listen to music in the classrooms or hallwayscancant2. _ listen to music in

4、 the music roomcancant3. _ listen to music outside cancant4. _ eat in the classrooms cancant5. _ eat in the dinning hallcancant6. _ eat outside cancant7. _ wear a hat cancant8. _ fight cancantStep42b. Listen again. Can Alax and Cindy do these activities? Circle “can” or “cant” above.Activity1. _ lis

5、ten to music in the classrooms or hallwayscancant2. _ listen to music in the music roomcancant3. _ listen to music outside cancant4. _ eat in the classrooms cancant5. _ eat in the dinning hallcancant6. _ eat outside cancant7. _ wear a hat cancant8. _ fight cancantCheck your answers!2d. Role-play the

6、 conversation.John: Hi, my names John. Its my first day at school.Alice: Hi, John. Im Alice. This is a great school, but there are a lot of rules.John: Really? What are some of the rules?Alice: Well, dont be late for the class. This is very important. John: OK, so we must be on time. Can we bring mu

7、sic players to school?有,存在Step6Practice:In pairs. Can we ? Yes ,we can . No, we in classeat in the dining halllisten to music outsidewear hats in schoolfightspeak loudly in the library.你能用祈使句表示下面句子吗?Step5I am a good teenager!我是好少年I am a good student!I am a good child!I am a good citizen(市民)

8、!What can/cant we do to be a good student?Can we?Yes, we can.(No, we cant.)( ) do homework in the classroom( ) play computer games every day( ) listen to the teachers in class(在课堂上) ( ) run in the hallways( ) read English books in English class( ) wear hats in class( ) listen to music in the classro

9、om( ) eat in class( ) draw on the wall( ) fight ( ) eat in the dinning hall Can you list more? Can Cant.5.6.A:Can we?B:No, we cant. Yes we can.B:So, dont .Pair work:What rules they are breaking ? (他们违反了哪些规章制度)Dont eat in class.Dont arrive late for classDont sleep in class.Dont run in the clas

10、sroom.Dont talk .Dont play soccer in the classroom.Dont fight.Dont listen to music in the rulesReportThere are many in our school. Dont ; dont . We cant , but we can . We cant , but we can . We can keep these rules and make our school better (使我们的学校更好).rulesrun in the hallwaysarrive

11、 late for classeat in classeat in the dining roomStep7C: What are the , Alex?A: We cant in the classrooms or . But we can listen to it in the music room.C: Uh-huh.A: And we in the classrooms, but we can eat in the .C: Oh. And can we wear hats ?A: No, we . What else? Oh, you with anyone. That makes o

12、ur teachers unhappy.C: I ruleslisten to musichallwayscant eatdining hallin classcant fightreallycant wear hatsTalk what you can do and cant do at home.List your family rules.(说说你的家规)I am a good child!See which group can say the most family rules.Competition(小组比赛,看哪组说出更多的家规)Group 1Group 2G

13、roup 3Group 4Talk what you can do and cant do to make our city better.(说说我们能为创建文明城市做些什么)I am a good citizen!Better city , better life!We canWe cantDontDont walk.Walk. Ride horses._ ride horses .Dont 想想 你能行Run._ run.Dont_ right._ right.Turn Dont turn这次 你更能行HomeworkCollect much more signs you see in your daily life and try to describe them in English.(搜集更多你在生活中遇到的标志,试试用


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