



1、 去日本留学读本科的申请书 去日本留学读本科的申请书 Dear _, I am an inflexible girl all along, if I make my decision, I will hold on it. In my high school, I decided to become an actuary, during the seven years period, I firmly hold on my decision and approach to my aim step by step. When I got the name of actuary from the

2、newspaper, I felt that I found my foreordination. From my childhood, I was infatuated with mathematics and was sensitive to the digital, so I felt that the accurate calculation could arose my enthusiasm on self challenge, besides I has strong insight on the market tendency, strong analysis ability o

3、n the problem and I am responsible for the enterprises, only the accurate calculation can help me exert my ability and my character. So I chose _ University as my early decision to learn the accurate calculation which is the best major in _ University. In my undergraduate, besides of the courses, I

4、often browsed SOA, CAS web and got information on the latest accurate calculation tendency and these new technology ways. Such as enterprise risk management and the new development of dynamical financial analysis, and I also wrote a paper under the guidance of _x professor. Especially, when I prepar

5、ed for the exam F& P, I strengthened my basic knowledge on the accurate calculation and I not only grasped all kinds of formulas and concepts on the mathematics but also grasped the essence of the accurate calculation and the balance of the cash. After, I took part in compiling the insurance actuary

6、 science written by professor _x, my task was to tidied and sorted the knowledge , then wrote them with myself language which made me understand the accurate calculation knowledge better than before. During the learning process, I got new realization from the accurate calculation, besides the knowle

7、dge, I need have management, communication ability and computer program ability, even though I must be familiar with the whole economy environment. So that I have learned S-plus, VBA, SQL and electron form financial management and economy, etc. and applied these theories to practices. Then in my jun

8、ior holiday, I entered into an investment consulting company to practice, I took charge of compiling the daily trade analysis conclusion according to the news, enterprises financial form to carrying on the city analysis helping the stock trade activities. Until now, I took part in “College R&D outla

9、y research statistics” presided by _ professor and pre- surveys, on the basis of these investigations, I also compiled the stage research reports. During this process, I did deal with the data and analyzed the data to exercise my ability on the computer applying and data digging. I spent my three un

10、dergraduate lives in learning and practicing, but I still hope to continue my education in your esteemed university which has advanced theory and better conditions for my study. Even though the front road is filled with hardness, I will hold on until I realize my dream. Because I firmly believe that

11、 if I pay for my efforts, I will get a good result. Yours sincerely, 日本本科留学申请途径一览 1、去读语言学校 由于日本的大学都是自主招生体系的缘故,因此想去日本读好的大学好的专业必须选择去日本的语言学校去过渡。作为外国留学生必须要提交留学生考试成绩,此考试在中国没有设考场,每年6、 11月分别进行考试。 日本的语言学校出资方都是财团性质,与日本的大学都没有任何直接的关系,主要以4、10月招生为主,也有部分学校也可1、 7月入学,申请入学时间比较灵活,平均一年学费4万5万左右。 通过语言学校的日语学习与辅导的学习,参加日本统

12、一为外国留学生设置的“留考”,获取成绩后,可凭成绩报考相应等级的大学,正常情况下学校独力要求的考试科目与各学校的排名、专业、难易度有关,校考会波及到:日语、英语、小论文、文化课、面试,艺术类学生还会有专业考试,作品审查的环节等。 2、直接申请本科 日本近800所的大学,根据学校的性质及专业排名的不同,其中也有很多学校,会把某些冷门的专业直接与海外机构或中学合作招生,而且不要求必须提交留考成绩,这类学校会分为两种:一种是排名稍微好些的私立大学(而且还设置了英语授课)二种是排名较差的三四流私立大学。 学生在家长选择的时候一定要确定学校的入学制度与毕业制度,有的学校比较好进入,但由于起点要求过低,学

13、生常常会忽略到学生的个人能力及语言能力是否能跟得上相应课程因素。 3、申请读大学别科 日本的私立大学均为外国留学生提供了别科过渡的途径,一般学制为一年,申请条件难易度与各学校的排名有关,学费在4-5万左右,没有学籍,通过该校别科的课程学习,可直接参加学校的入学考试,如果通过,可直接就读大学一年级。 日本留学签证误区介绍 1.国内成绩不重要 很多申请人都误认为,反正要出国留学,国内成绩就无所谓了。其实,日本的东京、横滨等很多地方,已经强化了对留学生成绩的考核。很多院校会以留学生在国内的成绩,来判断学生的学习能力。 从递交材料方面来看,日本方面与中国教育部已达成协议,对投递者的高中生毕业成绩、会考成绩、高考成绩进行认证。成绩不同,学生申报学校的档次也会不同。 2.学了语言就有日本大学的入学资格 部分申请人还存在着在这样的误区:自认为在国内念完高中,到日本学几年的日语后,就可以直接进入日本大学就读了。 其实不然,留学日本必须有一定的语言能力以及必须达到相应的符合进入日本大学就读的入学资格,这两个条件是并列的,不可以相互取代的。 3.认为有钱就可以留学 很多申请人都认为,只要家里有钱就可以留学,这是一种不对的认识;反之,即使没有经济实力也


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