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1、Attributive clausesAttributive Clause定语从句修饰、限定(modify)某一名词或代词的从句(clause)先行词(antecedent):被修饰词He is an English teacher who likes singing songs.定语从句先行词关系词relative word关系词关系代词 relative pronoun关系副词 relative adverb关系代词:指代(refer to)被修饰词,在从句中作主语、宾语、表语(predicative)、定语(attribute),放在从句句首that:指代被修饰的物、人、人和物which

2、: 指代被修饰的物who,whom (宾格): 指代被修饰的人whose + 名词: 指代“某人、某物的”关系副词:在从句中作状语(adverbial),放在从句句首where作从句的地点状语,从句修饰地点、情况、境况等名词when作从句的时间状语,从句修饰时间名词why作从句的原因状语,从句修饰reasonIn 2004, he went to Oxford University where he became interested in Chinese culture.2. Some of the cities in China which he likes most are Beijin

3、g, Shanghai, Harbin and Nanjing.Most of the students whom he taught have become his friends.4. Some of the books were gifts that he got from his Chinese friends and students.5. The paintings that David donated to the school are being shown in the exhibition room.that:指代被修饰的物The trees are behind the

4、office building.The trees have lost their leaves.在办公楼后面的树木掉了叶子。The trees _have lost their leaves.that are behind the office buildingthat在从句中作主语修饰“物”,也可用whichThe trees which are behind the office building have lost their leaves.that:指代被修饰的物The teaching building looks nice.The teaching building was bu

5、ilt last year.那幢去年建造的教学楼看上去不错。The teaching building _looks nice.that was built last year/whichthat:指代被修饰的物I loved the lessons in English Literature.She gave the lessons.我喜欢她教的英语文学课。I loved the lessons _ in English Literature. that she gavethat在从句中作宾语修饰“物”,也可用whichI loved the lessons which she gave i

6、n English Literature.that:指代被修饰的物I took the Art class. In the Art class, I made a small sculpture.在我上的艺术课上,我做了一个小雕塑。In the Art class _, I made a small sculpture.that I tookwhich I tookthat:指代被修饰的人The team are wearing green. They will play the game with us.那支穿绿色衣服的队伍将和我们比赛。The team _ will play the ga

7、me with us.that are wearing greenthat在从句中作主语;修饰“人”,也可用whoThe team who are wearing green will play the game with us.that:指代被修饰的人We saw the student just now. He is the best runner in our school.刚才我们看到的那个学生是我们学校跑得最快的。The student _ is the best runner in our school.that we saw just nowthat在从句中作宾语;修饰“人”,也

8、可用who, whom (whom更正式)The team who/whom we saw is the best runner in our school.that:指代被修饰的人和物He described the people and places in the book. The people and places are unforgettable.他在书中描述的那些人和地方令人难忘。The people and places _ are unforgettable.that he described in the bookthat在从句中作主语、宾语,同时修饰“人和物”,这时不用w

9、hich, who, whomHe talked about the teachers and schools.He visited the teachers and schools in China.He talked about the teachers and schools that he visited in China.It used to be a small town.It is no longer a small town. 它不再是(它)以前(是)的那个小镇了。It is no longer the small town _.that it used to beMike u

10、sed to be a lazy person.He is no longer a lazy person.迈克不再是(他)以前(是)的那个懒汉了。Mike is no longer the lazy person _.that he used to bethat在从句中作表语;这时不用which, who, whomThe trees _ are behind the office building have lost their leaves.The teaching building _was built last year looks nice.I loved the lessons

11、_ she gave in English Literature.In the Art class _ I took, I made a small sculpture.The team _ are wearing green will play the game with us.The student _ we saw just now is the best runner in our school.that/whichthat/whichthat/whichthat/whichthat/whothat/who/whomThe people and places _ he describe

12、d in the book are unforgettable.It is no longer the small town _ it used to be.Mike is no longer the lazy person _ he used to be.thatthatthatThe village lies in the mountain.He teaches in the village.他在那个位于山中的学校教书。He teaches in the village that/which lies in the mountain.The boys are from Senior Two

13、. The boys are playing basketball. 那些在打篮球的男生是高二年级的。The boys that/who are playing basketball are from Senior Two.1 The woman is a teacher.2 The woman lives next door.那个住在隔壁的女士是个教师。The woman that/who lives next door is a teacher.1.The young man is a famous writer. 2.You saw the young man the other day

14、. 你几天前看到的那个年轻男子是个著名作家。The young man that/who/whom you saw the other day is a famous writer.1.This is the house.2.Lu Xun once lived in the house. 这是鲁迅曾经住过的房子。This is the house that/which Lu Xun once lived in. 1. Where is the girl?2. You talked with her just now.你刚才谈话的那个女生在哪儿?Where is the girl that/wh

15、o/whom you talked with just now?that, which, who, whom在从句中作宾语时,可以省略The young man you saw yesterday is a famous writer.This is the house Lu Xun once lived in.Where is the girl you talked with just now?I sat next to a girl.The girls name was Diana.我坐在(她的)名字叫Diana的女生旁边。I sat next to a girl whose name was Diana.whose在从句中作定语,和其后的名词一起引导从句,表示“(某人或某物)的”这种所属关系,修饰人或物I know the doctor.His daughter studies abroad.我认识那个(她的)女儿在国外读书的医生。I know the doctor whose daughter studies abroad.She lives in the house. The windo


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