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1、MODULE 11 GROUP B张丽娜 林童 田曦 陈傲1Third Plenary SessionWhat is theThird Plenary Session?2Reform and Opening3Reform and Opening4Great Achievement in FDIFDI-Foreign Direct InvestmentWith the great development in China,more and more overseas companies invest in China. The total foreign investment in China

2、is following behind of America,in 2008。5Peaceful environmentAbundant natural and labor resourcesTax incentivesLegislation Advantage6Peaceful environmentThe stability of policy offers foreign company a peaceful environment. This attract a lot of campanies to invest in china.7Abundant natural and labo

3、r resourceChina are rich in oil,natural gas,coal, water and mineral resources,these advantages creat a good condition to foreign company.8Tax incentivesChina implement the low tax policy on foreign investment enterprises,foreign invested enterprises can enjoy from the profit-making year for two year

4、s ,and three years exemption from half of the income tax .企业所得税实行“二免三减半的优惠,即自获利年度起,两年免征,三年减半征收。9Legislation Our country also established a series of laws, regulations, rules,which formed a set of completely system of laws and regulations,all of these create a sound investment climate.10Nop 1 中华牙膏荷兰联

5、合利华公司控股Nop 2 个别城市水务 法国威立雅公司控制了很多城市的水厂Nop 3 双汇2006年就卖给美国高盛集团“外资企业”11Nop 4 娃哈哈法国达能已经控股51%以上了Nop 5 金龙鱼属于新加坡郭兄弟粮油私人有限公司Nop 6大宝2007年4月美国强生就已经收购了大宝“外资企业”12Nop 8 汇源可口可乐179亿元收购汇源Nop 9 白加黑2006年10月德国拜耳医药收购东盛白加黑“感冒药片Nop7 苏泊尔2006年8月法国著名小家电企业SEB收购国内烹饪炊具第一品牌苏泊尔“外资企业”13Economic Issues China, as a developing countr

6、y in the world, its economic strength and comprehensive national strength have been increased a lot in recent decades. However, at the same time, a lot of problems appeared in China.Leading inMain Issues in ChinaThe macro-control ability in national economy need to be improved(国民经济的宏观调控能力有待提高)Severe

7、 energy consumption, the waste of resources and environmental problems(能源消耗严重,资源浪费与环境污染问题)Per capita GDP still at a low level(人均GDP水平较低)Irrational industrial structure (产业结构不合理)The livelihood issues(民生问题)we pay more attention to?Livelihood IssuesEmployment issueIncome gapHealth care systemSocial Sec

8、urity issuesEducationHousing problemEmployment and Income GapAs we all know, finding job is really difficult in china, especially for people in rural areas,because they dont have high education level. Its really shameful. I think the government still have to take more effort to increase employment r

9、ate.For income part, a small number of rich people are satisfied. However, some families just have 5000 personal annual income. Government still can not solve this problem.EducationExam-oriented education -Chinese education does not teach a student how to study.Education industry issues-Education fe

10、es is also high for the poor people.Education Corruption-school charge for student by various reasons. Housing problem Our ancestors,Du Fu, said: 安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜,风雨不动安如山。 呜呼!何时眼前突兀见此屋,吾庐独破受冻死亦足。 If we want to achieve our chinese dream, the most fundamental thing is to make people have their place

11、live and work. The housing problem is one of the basic problem of harmonious society.Health Care System and Social SecurityNowadays, it is difficult in china to see a doctor. The expense is too high that general people can not afford it although we has taken a lot measures.Social security issue affe

12、cting peoples daily life, is the essence of all issues. Luckily, our social security level increased consistently.Japanese economiccrisisinthe1990s anditsinspirationto China 3Economysboom and bust of Japan anditsinspirationto China2The similarities between Chinas situation and Japans during the econ

13、omic crisis1Postwareconomysboom and bust of Japan1Postwareconomysboom and bust of Japan4 stages of Japanese economic situation二战毁灭了日本42%的国民财富,经济混乱,物价飞涨,大量失业,通货膨胀。借助占领军的巨大力量,日本政府提出了“增加生产以平息通货膨胀,稳定国民生活”的政策,进行了经济和社会的民主化改革。1949年基本稳定了通货膨胀,经济开始恢复,1953年经济接近战前水平。Recovery(经济恢复期)1945-195518年间国民生产总值(GDP)增加了12.

14、5倍,人均国民收入增长10倍多,年均增长10倍多,年增长9.8%。1966年追超英国,1967年追超法国,1968年追超西德,在资本主义国家中仅次于美国,成为亚洲新巨人,引起全球经济界的注目,被称为“世界经济奇迹”。Rapidgrowth (高速增长期)1955-1973 受两次石油危机的打击,日本经济进入中速增长期。靠贸易立国的日本经济被迫加快产业经济的重组和调整,重工化结构转向知识密集型产品结构。这一时期GDP年增长4.3%,比高速增长期下降一半。 SONY耗巨资34亿美元购买“美国的灵魂”的好莱坞哥伦比亚公司; 松下斥资61亿美元购买环球电影公司; 三菱重工出资8.5亿美元“美利坚标志”

15、之称的纽约洛克菲勒中心51%的股份 。19861991泡沫经济的膨胀(inflation)Moderate growth(中速增长期)1974-199120世纪90年代初以来,随着泡沫经济的破灭,日本经济陷入严重的衰退之中。个人消费欲振乏力,金融改革沉疴不起,经济增长停滞不前,复苏时间遥遥无期。有专家认为,与60、70年代富有活力的日本经济相比,90年代以来的日本经济堪称患了“日本病” 。1991泡沫经济破灭(burst)downturn (经济持续低靡)1991-now 日本病(Japanese sickness ),又称经济日本化,国际上把日本在上世纪80年代初赶超美国经济时逐步染上的、严

16、重的经济结构不合理和体制老化僵化等的病症称为日本病。Will China make the same mistake of Japan?泡沫经济( Bubble Economic ) 泡沫经济,是指资产价值超越实体经济,极易丧失持续开展能力的宏观经济状态。泡沫经济经常由大量投机活动(speculative activity)支撑。由于缺乏实体经济的支撑,其资产犹如泡沫一般容易破裂,因此经济学上称之为“泡沫经济。 日本GDP、房地产、股票价格走势图泡沫经济0.

17、11993199519971999200120031975年末 = 1.00GDP房地产日经股价指数1987年底,日本股票市值竟然占到全球股市总市值的41.7%,并赶超了美国,成为世界第一。1989年底,股票总市值继续膨胀至896万亿日元,占当年国民生产总值的60%。若以1955年为100,到1965年则上涨超过了1000,到1988年则超过了10000,也就是说,日本城市房地产价格在33年间上涨了100倍 。据统计, 90年代的日本整个东京的地价竟然比当时美国全部领土的地价还多3倍。2the similarities between Chinas situation and Japans d

18、uring the economic crisisThe Similarities Between Chinese Situation and Japans During the Economic CrisisMonetary policyFinancial marketThe stock marketReal estateConsumptionExport oriented economyThe outflow of funds(货币政策)(金融市场)(股市)(房地产)(消费)(出口导向型经济)(资金外流)1.Real estateJapanese land priceChinese hou

19、se price房价重回30年前2. Consumption 通货膨胀,国内货币相对贬值,会导致民众购置力下降,消费下降。对经济产生不良影响。我国和日本同样出现过这种状况。 同时,货币政策改变,利率下调时,民众把钱存在银行已是不合算。更愿意把钱拿出来购置实物(比方说黄金),这样就会导致在某一方面消费过热,物价上涨。不利于经济维稳。中国最近的黄金热和当时的日本如出一辙。 A. low consumption rateB.speculative consumption 图为2013年4月22日,杭州某首饰有限公司黄金展厅内,一位带着耳塞防止干扰的工作人员躲避疯狂的顾客。3. The stock m

20、arket investment has certain risks, be wised with your decisioneconomicprosperityeconomic recession 3economysboom and bust of Japan anditsinspirationto Chinaeconomicprosperity Accurately grasp the international situation, take the time to develop准确把握好国际形势,抓紧时间开展 Governmentcontribution政府的奉献Developing

21、 the country by relying on science and education 科教兴国Technology introduction , encourage innovation技术引进、鼓励创新新幹線economic recession Avoid over-investment防止过度投资To transform economic development mode, and ensure that the real economy continues to grow转变经济开展方式应确保实体经济持续增长To ensure a flexible exchange rate

22、 policy应确保灵活的汇率政策reform of the financial system ,establish a sound financial system进行金融体制改革, 建立健全的金融市场Establish a housing policy with the situation of China制定符合我国国情的住房政策Whether Chinese economy has a bubble ? Ifeveryoneis doing speculative investments inthe real estate and stock market andaddicting t

23、o thegame,there will be abubble. Ifwe do notdream of becoming rich overnight, more and more peoplework hard diligently, the economywill continuegrowing steadily in the future. Thanks!Philanthropy慈善事业44Quotation The gap in economy is between what we have and what we think we ought to have and that is

24、 a moral problem, not an economic one. Paul Heyne, Economics lecturer45George Soros George Soros ( born August 12, 1930) is a Hungarian(匈牙利籍) American speculator, investor, and philanthropist(慈善家).He is known as The Man Who Broke the Bank of England because of his US$1 billion in investment profits

25、during the 1992 Black Wednesday UK currency crisis.46Black Wednesday (黑色星期三)The Asian financial crisis (亚洲金融危机)Philanthropy (慈善事业)47Main StoryBlack Wednesday On September 15, 1992, Soros decided to sell huge number of pounds. Then the value of pound jumped against the mark(马克). Although the British

26、government even spent $ 26.9 billion foreign exchange reserves(外汇储藏), they completely failed until September 16 and withdrew from the European Exchange Rate System(欧洲汇率体系). British called this day Black Wednesday. 48 Finally, Soros became the biggest winner in this action, his picture posted on the

27、top of major magazines. The Economist (经济学人)called him the man who broke the Bank of England. 49Main StoryThe Asian financial crisis 1997,Soros and other hedge fund(对冲基金) managers start to sell baht(泰铢) in large quantities. The foreign exchange markets in Thailand immediately become turbulent(动乱不安)

28、and the value of Baht continues to drop. Meanwhile, Thai government spent $ 30 billion foreign exchange reserves and $ 15 billion international loans attempting to turn the situation. 50 However, $ 45billion was in vain. This strom swept soon to Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia and other countri

29、es,leading to factory closures, bank failures, inflation and so on. This crisis robbed $ 10 billion from Southeast Asia and the economic growth in these countries for decades turn to ashes. All Asians remember this terrible day and remember this horrible person, people started calling him “financial predators“(金融大鳄).51Main StoryPhilanthropy Soros has been active as a philanthropist since the 1970s. The bulk of his enormous winnings is now devoted to providing opportunities for students in backward countries


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