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1、“ Qins moon ” is Chinas first martial arts anime TV series. And it was broadcast across the country during the Spring Festival in 2007.As Chinas first large-scale martial arts 3D animation TV series, It involves in martial arts, fantasy and history . It leads the audience to experience the surging,

2、magnificent and beautiful ancient Chinese world about two thousand years ago. 第一部秦时明月之百步飞剑 第二部秦时明月之夜尽天明第三部秦时明月之诸子百家第四部秦时明月之万里长城History as bone, art as the wing; The Chinese civilization disseminating immortal.历史为骨,艺术为翼中华文明,弘扬百世故事梗概全剧从秦始皇统一六国建立中国第一帝国开始,到西楚霸王项羽攻陷咸阳结束,时间跨度30年,讲述一个体内流淌英雄之血的少年天明最终成长为盖世英雄

3、,凭一己之力改变历史进程的热血励志故事。 The story covers the historical events in a span of 30 years, from Ying Zhengs annexation of other six states to establish the first empire in Chinese history, to the collapse of the empire as a result of Xiang Yu (overlord-king of West Chu)s capturing Capital Xian Yang. It rela

4、tes an inspirational story of Tian Ming who grows from a swordsman to a peerless hero, and shapes historical course by his own efforts. story synopsis剧中,各种历史事件和民间传说纷呈迭起,仗剑游走江湖的名士侠隐和对现代中国产生深远影响的诸子百家更是在这个合纵连横的大时代中悉数登场,百家争鸣的中华古文化在此激烈冲突碰撞,大时代恢宏磅礴的战争场面在连天烽火中震撼重现,江湖儿女的侠骨柔情于动荡乱世间绽放光华 In the story appear ma

5、ny historical events and legends, famous celebrities, warriors, and masters from various schools of thought who even exerts far-reaching influence on modern China. It recaptures the fierce clash within ancient Chinese culture as represented by the contentions between different scholars from varied s

6、chools of thought, majestic warring scenes in the ancient times, as well as love of swordsmen in the social turmoil. Like a grass, Tian Ming survives in the chaotic world. Standing in opposition to tyrannical regime and evil enemies, experiencing the vicissitudes in familial affection, friendship and love, and tasting the mixture of both sadness and happiness, he develops himself into the decisive force that ends the tyranny and initiates a new era, thus making himself a romantically spectacular legend少年天明如杂草般顽强生存于时


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