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1、 2022艺术生美国留学申请书 艺术生美国留学申请书 Dear _, I can not recall a single day of my life when I havent enjoyed the pleasures of literature; whether reading one of Blakes poems or, Ken Keseys novels I have always felt enthusiasm for the English language. I developed this interest further during my study of AS-lev

2、el English where I particularly enjoyed exploring language acquisition and investigating the linguistic difference of British and American sports commentary. As a result of reading books such as Brave new world and The Da Vinci code I have been inspired to write a novel, and I would ultimately hope

3、to see this published. I would also like to study the classics, such as Shakespeare, Chaucer, Fitzgerald and Hemingway; I believe that a thorough investigation of the way the English language is used in literature is, apart from being fascinating in its own right, a sound grounding for later life. I

4、 believe that the experience of university is principally a beneficial life lesson: a necessary tool to broaden my reading and intellectual horizons. I trust the stimuli I shall receive from university will be extremely important; in particular being in the company of other writers and like minded p

5、eople is an environment I would thrive in. I feel this would lead to a constructive atmosphere and consequently, the perfect challenge for me. Having spent over a year in full time employment as a Legal Advisor I have learnt many things: most notably time management on account of being required to o

6、rganise the workday schedule for me and others. Also in my area of work there is a need for fast turnover which has taught me to thrive under pressure, yet the daily challenge of uncooperative clients means I have to alter my approach to suit, consequently my communication skills are essential and h

7、elp me adapt with ease. During my time in sixth form I enhanced my diplomatic skills - such as analytical debate and cooperation with people of different opinions - whilst serving as my schools representative to the Stafford collegiate forum. Another significant influence has been a trip I made to R

8、omania; there I worked with deprived communities and taught disadvantaged children to play the guitar - whilst delivering various donated musical instruments to several churches. This was a very valuable experience for me, as a result I would like to be in a position, within my chosen career, to hel

9、p others in a similar position in the future. In my spare time I take pleasure in various hobbies: I enjoy attending my local book club where we read a diverse collection of literature from Allen Ginsberg and William Borroughs to Danny Scheinmann. My favourite authors are Aldous Huxley, Jim Morrison

10、 and - the pioneers of the creative non-fiction movement in particular - Hunter S Thompson: their innovative approach to writing is appealing to me. With regard to other interests, I like to think of myself as someone who is helpful and interesting to talk too; I have enrolled on the level one Couns

11、elling course at my local college. Since finishing my A-levels I have had time to consider whether going to university was definitely what I want to do. As a result I am now sure it is the right path for me and therefore I am determined to succeed. Having the experience of full time employment I now

12、 feel more responsible, disciplined and dedicated to my goals. After concluding my studies I would consider postgraduate as an option; however, my intended outcome of studying at university is to pursue a career in journalism which I have aspired to for many years. In particular I would like to trav

13、el as a foreign correspondent or similar role in order to see the world. I would also continue to concentrate on the development of my novel concurrently; whichever route I take I believe studying a university will help me become a more erudite individual. Yours sincerely, 艺术生美国留学申请费用与条件 一、艺术生美国留学申请

14、费用 美国艺术生留学花费除了正常的学费每年三至四万美元外,生活费至少应该估算到3万美元年,因为大型城市的艺术发展自然更好,地域选择上无形中晋升了生活费的成本支出,基本上每年的花费在6-7万美元,算是留学成本比较高的专业。 二、美国艺术留学条件 1、申请条件 中国艺术类高考招生有提前录取。艺术类考生专业比如美术、舞蹈、绘画、音乐、表演等专业的考生除了要达到规定的高考分数要求外,还会有专业课考试。在国外,艺术类专业没有提前招生。在报考国外艺术类院校时,学校要求申请艺术类院校者除了有某项专长外,要求有某项专长,还要提供作品集。 2、申请材料要求 去美国学艺术类专业对申请艺术类院校者外语的要求没有商科

15、高。外语成绩和个人的作品相比,前者不是很重要。艺术类学生非常是学习纯艺术专业(如钢琴、舞蹈、绘画等专业,不含设计类及艺术教育类)的学生,对外语的要求比其它学科低。但是波及到与人交流和沟通多的专业,比如表演类专业,要求申请者的语言成绩会比其他专业高些。同时,学艺术还需要有些艺术气质,这不是指要长相漂亮,而是在说话、举手投足中体现出良好的自身修养,这一点在签证或者学校面试时可能会有很大帮助。 美国艺术留学对申请者的要求体现在作品集。作品集要表现本人的创意和可塑造的潜力,即使申请者的技巧不是很完美,但能体现出独特的创意的学生还是特别受校方青睐的。 3、艺术类院校的申请要求 美国大学艺术专业留学门槛不

16、高,对申请人语言能力的要求不如其他专业严格,只要具有基本的沟通能力,就可边学专业课,边攻语言关。申请艺术类院校则只需通过学校的专业考试,有时甚至只需提供相关作品即可。 三、美国艺术留学就业前景 艺术类留学可以大致分为“应用艺术类”和“传统艺术类”两大类,前者囊括各种设计和制作类专业,后者则指传统意义上的声乐、舞蹈、美术类专业。从当前留学生的总体情况来看,应用艺术类留学生的比率较高,因为现在留学生更注重毕业后的就业问题,对于专业而言更看重实用性,而传统艺术类的留学比率稍低。 但这种差异在不同留学国家情况也不一样,主要由各国艺术类院校的不同课程设置和学科优势情况决定。在俄罗斯、乌克兰、白俄罗斯院校

17、设置中,应用艺术类比传统艺术类要少,遵照比率,应用艺术占30%,传统艺术占70%。这主要是由于三个国家艺术院校的传统专业即古典学院派专业在世界地位更高,认可度更高,师资力量和教学传统更具优势。在就业情况上,应用艺术类与传统艺术类也不一样。应用艺术类学生就业较吃香,传统艺术类学生就业较个人情况而定,因为是不同的艺术熏陶,各个领域都各有差异。 四、美国艺术生奖学金申请 广播教育协会基金会 这个奖学金提供者就要求学生提供成绩单,并提交工作经历,还提交相关作品,要用书信的方式来证明你是一个品德良好的公民,并有着极强的责任心。还需要有3份推荐信以此证明你在广播上有着寻与别人的特长。 国际动画协会 美国艺

18、术奖学金都有哪些种类?这个奖学金提供者需申请者提供一小短关于动画的比赛稿,并且这个动画稿必须是与世界和平有关的。如果你不是用动漫的方式提供的话,可以用动画方式提供,只要主题是与世界和平有关,就可以申请此奖学金了。 世界工作室基金会 这个奖学金提供者提供的奖学金波及领域特别广泛,囊括广告,卡通制作,工艺品,陶瓷,电影,电视等。但是,这个提供者,也需要申请者证明在此方面有所特长或是兴趣,以及未来能方面有所建树。这奖学金提供者需要申请者提供成绩单,简历,财政证明,作品等资料。申请时候,申请者看清楚他们不的要求。 五、美国艺术留学院校推荐 1、lee College Music伯克利音乐学院 音乐专业在麻省算特别牛的了,不过能修完课程拿到学位的人也很少,理论编曲JAZZ都不错,做音乐的同学可以参考。 2、Center College of Design美国艺术中心设计学院 和加州理工在帕萨迪纳的山上, 和OXY Caltech可以互相注册课程旁听,工业设计,交通工具设计特别出名。 3、iard Music Academy 音乐谱曲和某些方面在美国属一属二,但是很多都是


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