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1、2014年3月11日10时03分郧阳医学院护理学院 黄 敏护 理 科 研 选 题 内 容1、科研程序2、选题原则3、选题范围4、如何选题5、如何确立创新点 1、构思阶段 2、设计阶段 3、实施阶段 4、分析阶段 5、传播阶段 一、护理科研的基本程序 提出研究问题是第一步:选题就是确定研究的主攻方向;选题是一个严密的科学思维过程,集中体现了研究者的理论水平、科学思维和逻辑推理等能力;选题在一定程度上反映了科研工作的水平和研究成果的价值,同时也决定了最后撰写论文的水平。 选题是科研的第一步,是战略性决策, 是贯穿科学研究全过程的主线。(一)创新性(二)科学性(三)需要性(四)实用性(五)可行性(六

2、)经济性和效益性 二、选题原则 创 新 性 原 则 原始、整合、再创新 创新是医学科研的灵魂,任何成果贵在创新 “创”是指前人或他人没有研究过的题目,而不是重复别人的工作 “新”是指研究项目有独到之处,而不是公知公用、模仿抄袭的低水平重复 创新程度可有不同,但一定要有创新。对于国外引进项目,必须具有填补国内空白的价值评价:独具匠心,前所未有;问题?鼓膜再生能力很强,用一小块包香烟的纸贴上就可使其自行修复;从材料来源、手术易行性和安全性考虑,如此创新的课题大可不必要。创新的核心优于原有成果例:新生儿脐带静脉修补鼓膜穿孔的研究科学性原则有一定的事实根据和科学的理论依据;要符合客观规律;科研设计必须

3、符合逻辑,既要周密、严谨、科学及合理。研究结果能否为以后的护理实践所证实,能否切实回答和解决有关的护理问题。需要性原则国家或本地区经济建设和社会发展的需要护理科学发展的需要在医疗护理中有重要意义或迫切需要解决的关键问题。目的性原则目的明确,内容清楚,指标具体准备研究什么问题解决什么问题如何去解决这些问题期望得到什么结果哪些应作为研究重点 实用性:是医学研究的“价值”体现 1. 有明确的研究目的 2. 解决特定的医学问题 3. 具有理论意义或应用价值 4. 社会效益和经济效益实用性原则可行性原则可行性是指研究课题的主要技术指标实现的可能性。正确评价研究者的知识结构和水平、研究能力、思维能力及个人

4、综合素质;正确评价客观条件是否具备,包括研究手段、经费支持、研究时间、研究对象来源、伦理问题、协作条件等。经济性与效益性原则经济性主要指研究成本和将来成果推广应用时的投入大小。效益性主要指预计成果的学术价值、社会效益和经济效益。总的原则是:尽可能做到投入少,成本低,见效快,收效大。(一)以人为本的研究(二)服务领域拓展的研究(三)护理方法更新的研究 三、选题范围 慢性疾病心脏起搏器安装术后卧床时间,一般教科书和权威专科书都描述,术后需绝对卧床37d。卧床时间长病人生活不便,心理压力大,病人能否术后24h内起床?用固定带固定术侧上肢,病人术后6h起床,24h下床活动,无1例发生电极移位。文章刊登

5、于中华护理杂志1998年第5期,并获得上海铁路局优秀科技成果奖。研究墙式氧气固定装置连接口是怎样消毒的?拆卸不便,消毒有困难。进行细菌培养根据培养结果用聚维酮碘气雾剂喷雾消毒有效率达81.82%。研究 测腋温是否需擦干腋汗? 文献 获取科研选题信息的最佳途径,费时少,信息量大。启发选题、提供研究方向、文献中不一致性、尚存在争议性问题、结论部分(缺陷、局限性、有待解决问题)。 教科书 腋温测量时间的探讨(6-7min? 10min?) 保留灌肠肛管插入深度(15-20cm? 20-25cm?)(李天艳) 剖宫产孕妇尿管插入长度(4-6cm? 8-10cm?)(刘优珍) 术前禁食禁饮对成人非胃肠择

6、期全麻患者Mendelson 综合征的网状Meta分析阅 读 四、如何选题如何在大量文献中发现课题发展的脉络?Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many import

7、ant cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many imp

8、ortant cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many

9、important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of ma

10、ny important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of

11、 many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis

12、 of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthe

13、sis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the syn

14、thesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the

15、synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for t

16、he synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points fo

17、r the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points

18、 for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting poi

19、nts for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting

20、points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starti

21、ng points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as sta

22、rting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as

23、starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also

24、as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but al

25、so as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but

26、 also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins

27、but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for protei

28、ns but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for pro

29、teins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for

30、proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks f

31、or proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.Synthesis of Amino AcidsSynthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or


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