1、 2022教育学专业留学申请书 如果没有找到您想要的内容,点击“申请书专题”察看更多 2022教育学专业留学申请书范文 Dear _, In China as in the US, one can easily give up the career of a language teacher to become a lawyer or a businessman. I, however, gave up a promising legal and business career to become a language teacher, but I have never regretted i
2、t. In fact, the more I teach, the more committed I am to teaching. But not just teaching. Having battled with Chinas traditional mode of teaching for several years, I now would like to help improve teaching in China by introducing new and more effective instructional technology and media into the co
3、untry. For that, I would like to pursue an advanced degree in education in your country. Now an English teacher at the training center of the China National Container Corporation, I graduated in 1995 from the Capital University of Economics and Business in Beijing, where I majored in business law. A
4、t this highly respected higher-learning institution, I received broad training that was both rigorous and vigorous. After four years of undergraduate studies, the strong logic inherent in law translated into strong logic in my thinking. With the knowledge and skills I attained in the law program, I
5、boast the kind of intellectual maturity that would help me whatever I do. But law was never my first choice for a profession. Starting from my high school days, I always dreamed of becoming a teacher. In the second year of high school, we once had to write an essay on the topic “what do you want to
6、do when you grow up”. I proudly wrote, “I want to be a teacher!” But my parents shattered my dream by insisting that I pursue another profession. My father, an engineer with a Ph. D. degree, and my mother, a university teacher of English, had their reasons. Chinese teachers, particularly those teach
7、ing at the primary and secondary levels, are poorly paid and begrudgingly respected. Being young and inexperienced in the world, I acceded to their wishes when I was choosing my major for the university. But my passion for teaching was not to be stifled forever. Giver any opportunity, it would burst
8、 out. Upon graduation with an LL. B. Degree, I first took up the position of a supervisor with the China National Container Corporation in charge of its Overseas Sales Department. As the job entailed frequent translation and interpretation between Chinese and English, I persisted in improving my Eng
9、lish proficiency by attending various training courses and learning it on my own. My command of the foreign tongue became so good that, after about one year, I began to teach it to my colleagues on a full-time basis at the companys training center. After a huge detour, my career finally got back on
10、track. What makes teaching so enjoyable to me is that it is a learning experience. I enjoy it the most when my students ask difficult questions, particularly questions that I have to think long and hard to answer. I also enjoy posing questions to students, but my questions are never intended to inti
11、midate the students or even test their knowledge but rather designed to stimulate their minds. In the constant exchange of questions and answers, students and teachers improve themselves alike to the credit of the old Chinese saying: To teach is to learn. In my three years of teaching, I really have
12、 learned a great deal. One of the things I have learned is the ability to not only deal with but also strike an accord with people of different backgrounds. My students at the training center are all adults accomplished in a variety of roles and professions. In most cases, they are older than I am.
13、While I stand as their equals, I have served as their mentors and role models the same way as most teachers do their students. By so doing, I have won their trust and confidence in what I teach, which has helped to make my teaching powerful and effective. To take full advantage of my teaching skills
14、, I started in October 1996 to teach English and other subjects at the primary school I attended when I was a child. As the children I teach are at the age when I studied here, I am particularly sensitive to their needs and appreciative of their potential. Together with other teachers, I designed va
15、rious training programs in calligraphy, art, writing, mental calculation, and English, programs that combine learning with entertainment. The kids n my class are now learning more and faster thanks to the fun they find everyday in my programs. Entertainment is, however, by no means just a ploy I use
16、 to sweeten the bitter pill of learning for the children, but rather has its own intrinsic value. While kids can hardly learn well without being able to have fun, the lack of fun hurts more than the kids ability to learn. It can impair the kids emotional and psychological health to an extent that no
17、 amount of knowledge and skills drab teaching force-feeds into them can make up. Entertainment is therefore part and parcel of what we teachers have to provide to children if we are to help them grow up into productive members of the society. The way I see entertainment, it should be considered an e
18、nd in education. As Chinas education is oriented overwhelmingly towards helping kids pass exams, entertainment is about the least on the mind of an average teacher or principal. In the rush to produce super kids as measured by the grades out of exams, the purpose of education is lost all too often.
19、The curriculum is limited to subjects covered by mandatory exams. Students are seldom encouraged to come up with original ideas. Interaction between teachers and students is kept at a minimum in the classroom. The teachers compete to heap homework on the students, as do the parents. While everybody
20、is tired to death, few kids get armed with the ability to take initiatives or solve real-world problems. It is high time that fresh approaches were brought in. One of the ways to make a change to the Chinese classroom is to utilize new technologies and media of teaching. School authorities in China,
21、 as those elsewhere, increasingly realize the importance of computerization, and many of the better-off schools in China are already stacked with state-of-the-art computers. But reports say only a tiny fraction of those computers are adequately utilized. The situation with other educational technolo
22、gies and media is no better. They are either absent from the school sitting or vastly under-used. Few Chinese teachers have acquired the know-how or the drive to make use of these modern facilities. I therefore would like to pursue first a masters degree and then a Ph. D. degree in instructional tec
23、hnology and media in the United States, where the use of modern educational facilities is undoubtedly the most advanced in the world. Judging by the information I have culled from your, website I think your institution is an American leader in the research and studies of this field. I am anxious to
24、study under the seasoned guidance of your distinguished faculty. I hope that, after I complete my advanced training in your program, I can be a much more effective teacher in China, one that sets an example for all other Chinese teachers. Yours sincerely, 挪威留学有什么优点 1.不要雅思成绩:我们都知道,申报去挪威读大学或者读研都是要求要有雅
25、思成绩的,而且至少在5.0分以上才有资格申报。但是申报读高中是没有这样严格的语言条件的。 2.语言环境:在挪威普遍是用挪威语的,并且英文的运用范畴也特别广,不仅有利于孩子生早早地学习好英文和挪威语,还可以培养孩子的独立性和生活自理性。 3.有更大的机会读到挪威的大学:因为已经在挪威读高中了,三年下来,挪威语基本已经是达到了能能本地人随便交流的状态,而挪威大学对于挪威语的要求也是特别的严格的。 4.北欧风情 海岸线曲折,近海岛屿达15万多个。首都是奥斯陆,港湾海景,个性雕塑,神圣教堂等等。无不洋溢着北欧人特有的直爽豪放。那里有的海盗船博物馆,有两艘世界上保障得的建于公元9世纪的木制海盗船,感兴趣
26、的朋友可一定要去看看。 5.国富民安 挪威是世界上公认的富国,人均年收入接近4万美元。据联合国有关机构公布的材料,挪威的富裕程度在世界上排名第三。在联合国最近一次进行的全球最适宜居住国家的调查中,挪威位居榜首。 联合国的这份调查报告称,挪威无论从人均寿命、教育水平还是国内生产指数都高居首位。挪威首相斯托尔滕贝格说:“这是对挪威的肯定。挪威将会更引人注目。”的确,一个富裕,和平,民主的国家是让人憧憬的。 6.签证容易 北欧人特有的爽朗性格也印证在签证上。签证官几乎不太会为难你,95%以上的签证率足以说明挪威是一个开放的国度。 出国留学要注意的常识 1、永远记住:你出国是读书的! 不是买买买,不是
27、搞代购,不是学厨师,不是和有车的朋友每天出去浪发一堆朋友圈。你可以周末做做自己想吃的菜,和朋友出去看个电影,在床上赖到中午,看剧看到半夜。但永远不要忘了你是上学,和国内一样,要有计划,要写作业,要准备考试,weekday要有weekday的样子。要静得下心来。 2、挂科=耽误时间+浪费金钱 如果有人告诉你学习不重要或者及格就行,请一定不要相信他!“分分学生的命根”这种国内成绩观请一起带到国外吧。很多留学生挂科不是学不会,而是不努力。挂科浪费的不只是时间,交重修费的时候更让人无比心疼。 3、充分利用学校一切资源 毕竟花了那么多钱,图书馆里的藏书使劲看,校园同窗、死党那都是之后进入社会的人脉,还有优秀师资也要利用好。 4、珍惜留学时光 国外留学的时光是个向外开拓眼界的好机会,同时也是向内更好地认识自己的机会。请珍惜在学生时代能有一个这么好的机会。 5、不要害怕困难 遇到困难,不要轻易否认自己,也不要轻易逃避。不要脑补别人的一帆风顺,进而陷入自怨自艾的地步。所有你认为光鲜亮丽的前辈们
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