1、 丽声快乐自然拼读教程(第四级)Unit 5 Alternatives: ee, ea and e_e 教学设计一、教学目标 Students will be able to understand ee, ea and e_e can make /ee/ sound.Students will be able to identify the sound of ee, ea, and e_e in words. Students will be able to write ee, ea, e_e.Students will be able to recognize and read the al
2、phabet and tricky wordsStudents will be able to blend and understand the meaning of words in the context.Students will be able to read and write the target words and sentences.二、教学重点 能够知道ee,ea,e_e的发音。能够进行ee,ea,e_e及单词的正确书写。能够对ee,ea,e_e进行辨音。能够认读Tricky words。能够在老师的辅助下朗读及书写单词和句子。三、教学难点 能够在老师的辅助下朗读及书写单词和
3、句子。 四、教学用具教材课件彩笔教学过程Step 1 Flashcard Review Revise some of the basic 42 sounds and some of the alternative letters sound spellings taught so far, including ph, soft c and soft g.设计意图:带领学生复习旧知,为新知的学习做准备。Step 2 Alternatives: the /ee/ soundRemind the children of the three main ways to write the /ee/ so
4、und: ee, ea and e_e.Remind the children that the e_e spelling is not used very often.The children look at the /ee/ words on their pages.Read these words with the children.The words are as follows:speed, sneeze, toffee, indeed,teacher, peanut, peach, seat belt,eve, theme, these, Pete.ee, e_e or ea?Re
5、ad the first /ee/ word, “feet”, and ask the children whether the /ee/ sound is spelt ee, e_e or ea in this word.They should say ee.Using an orange pencil, the children circle the letters making the /ee/ sound in the word “feet”.设计意图:导入/ee/音,通过小游戏和活动进行/ee/音和形(ee,ea,e_e)的学习和练习。引入带/ee/的单词,以图片的形式完成音形义结合
6、。Step 3 Tricky wordsUse the flash cards to revise some of the tricky words taught so far, including any, many, more, before, other, were, want and because.Introduce the two new tricky words: put and saw.The children look at the words in pink flowers at the top of the page: put and saw.Teach the chil
7、dren to use the say it as it sounds technique, when spelling the word “put”. When writing “put”, the children should try to say it with /u/ sound in the middle, as though the word rhymes with “shut”.The children write inside the words “put” and “saw” using a pink pencil.Filling in the gapsThe childr
8、en trace inside the outline letters in the word “put”, saying the letter names as they do so.Then the children cover up all instances of the word “put” on their page and try to complete a line of this word, by tracing over the dotted letters and filling in the missing letters.The children repeat the
9、se steps for the word saw.Complete the sentencesRead the first sentence, pausing at the gap: I _ my drum back in the toy box.Ask the children whether they think they should write “put” or “saw” in this gap.Read the sentence back to the children, including their chosen word, and ask them if they thin
10、k the sentence makes sense with this word. The children write the correct word in the gap in their Phonics Pupil Books.The children read the next sentence by themselves and decide which of the tricky words completes the sentence. They write this tricky word on the line in the sentence.Dictation sent
11、encesDictate the following sentences:Put the map in the car.We saw some frogs in the pond.The children write these sentences on the lines in their Phonics Pupil Books.Tricky word flowersThe children look at the tricky words flowers at the bottom of their page.Read each tricky word with the children.
12、The words are as follows:more, before, other, were, want, because.The children color the flowers green.设计意图:通过全班认读、互动游戏、完成单词、句子、听写等小练习训练学生认读视觉词的能力。Step 4 Blending practicesheep, clean, creepy, asleep, teabag, evening, teaspoons, street, athlete, mean, teeth设计意图:训练学生拼读能力,为读单词、句子做准备。Step 5 Reading sen
13、tencesWrite the following sentences on the board, pointing out the tricky words and blending any unknown words with the children. (Teacher can choose 4-5 sentences each time.)1. I got up because I had a bad dream.2. The circus performers swing on the trapeze.3. Do you want to stay for tea?4. The sea
14、gulls fly close to the beach.5. Are there more elephants than before?6. You must finish your lunch before you can have an ice-cream.7. I saw the man put the ladder away.8. Please put the ice back in the freezer.9. We saw that little girl win the race.10. I can put this nice lace on her dress.11. One
15、 kitten is black and the other is ginger.12. The elephants at the circus were very large.13. He wants to come to the baseball game.14. I need to go now because I am late.15. The goalkeeper has the ball.16. They played on the seesaw at the park.17. I saw her jump on the haystacks in the barn.18. We c
16、ompleted the jigsaw in no time at all.19. Put the clean socks in here.20. He put the peas by the sink.设计意图:训练读句子的能力,为阅读句子和短文做准备。Step 6 Words and sentencesWrite the title on the board, “My Best Dinner”.Read the title with the children.Ask a child to say one sentence about his or her favorite meal. Fo
17、r example, I like cheese sandwiches. My favorite food is rice and peas. and I like to eat chicken curry for dinner.You may need to stop the child at the end of their sentence, as most children will try to carry on.Ask some other children to say a sentence about the foods they like most. Encourage th
18、e children to say a different sentence each.WritingThe children copy the title “My Best Dinner” onto the top line.They write as much as they can about their favorite meal on the remaining lines.PictureThe children draw a picture of their favorite meal in the picture frame.Note 1: spellingAt this sta
19、ge, the childrens spelling will not always be accurate, but their work will be readable.Note 2: titleTeachers should feel free to set their own writing subject. The title of the writing exercise does appear on the childrens pages, but the picture frame is empty and the lines are blank. It may be that the children would like to write about a recent holiday they have celebrated, or a story they have heard. If this is the case, tea
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