1、 2022优秀学生名校留学申请书 如果没有找到您想要的内容,点击“申请书格式”察看更多 2022优秀学生名校留学申请书 Dear _, My initial interest in the petroleum industry and geosciences stemmed from an epiphany I had whilst engaged in conversation with a young, successful Dutchman in Dubai. This man was a friend of my Fathers who was discussing with me t
2、he terms of a Shell sponsorship through University, and essentially who I would aspire to become. I had always known about the attractiveness of the industry which my Father has been involved in for close to forty years and knew that it was where I would be destined to pursue a career; the only ques
3、tion was, in which field of work? I have always been fascinated by and excelled in Geography and Physics. Having achieved the Geography prize in both Higher and Standard Grade, as well as merits in Physics. I have chosen to study Petroleum Geology Geosciences as it is a unique combination that will
4、satisfy my interest and ability in both subjects and develop and nurture my skills to further aid my entry into the industry. My love of the Earths natural Geography has long affected my ambitions outside of school. Skiing, scuba diving and fell running have taken me to some of the most awe inspirin
5、g places on the planet in pursuit of experiencing and seeing new things, as well as excelling my passion for travel. I have visited the Alps, Caucus mountains, Cancun and Dubai pursuing these activities. I also play Volleyball with the Bon Accord mens team and attend weekly training sessions. I have
6、 also captained my schools volleyball team. Another of my interests I adopted at an early age was athletics. I was dedicated to my training for five years and won many prized awards, including a Gold medal in high jump at the Scottish East District Championships, and fifteenth place in the Scottish
7、Cross Country Championships. My completion of The Duke of Edinburgh Award to the extent of Gold Award is one of my most prided achievements. It has matured me and taught me many invaluable life skills such as the importance of respect, responsibility, dedication and team work. As part of my award I
8、was nominated after application and interview by Laurencekirk and District Rotary Club to be their representative for the 2022 R.Y.L.A young leaders camp. This involved me spending one week with 60 other nominated young leaders at the Abernethy Outdoor centre participating in an abundance of team ba
9、sed activities ranging from kayaking to rock climbing. This greatly improved my abilities in leadership as well as operating as part of a group in stressful situations. Another of my achievements I pride myself upon is my position as senior prefect and my awards as both prefect of the term and year.
10、 This position involves me along with my partner leading a team of 18 prefects and helping the senior management team by representing the school in various areas of the school system. My varied record of work experiences has taught me a lot about myself and the real world. Being a silver service wai
11、ter and barman at Drumtochty Castle, one of Scotlands most prestigious wedding venues has greatly improved my communication and social skills, and my seasonal job as a potato roager has taught me the ethic of hard work and persistence. Yours sincerely, 出国留学美国大学预科申请条件和流程 一、美国大学预科申请条件 1. 年龄:美国大学预科对于年龄
12、的限制是16周岁,但是也有很多大的学校是没有年龄限制的。 2. 资金充足,美国预科的费用是相对昂贵的,因为读完语言班以后就需要进入本科或者硕士的专业课程学习,资金准备要充足。 3. 语言成绩,虽然仅仅是申请美国预科,但是对于语言成绩也是有一定要求的,对于语言成绩的本科秋季最低52分,春季63分,还有部分学校有分数限制(73分),硕士预科的成绩最低托福61分,雅思5分。 4. GPA,对于GPA的要求,申请的学校不同,GPA分数不同,大体在2.0-3.5。对于美国顶尖学校的预科,GPA要求仍然是在3.5+。 5. 学历要求,申请美国本科留学的预科需要有高中毕业证,硕士预科申请需要大学学历学位。
13、二、美国预科申请流程 1. 选择学校,考虑语言以后要进入大学学习专业课程,所以在考虑哪些学校提供预科课程的同时,还要看一下申请人心仪专业的学校课程设置,学校专业排名,可以参考US NEWS等排名,也可以咨询专业人士。 2. 登录心仪院校的官网,查询申请截止日期或者对于录取的各项条件及要求。 3. 参加考试,因为申请美国预科也需要一定的语言成绩,所以托福,雅思成绩也要提供。 4. 在读证明,如果是仍然在读的学生申请预科需要学校开具的在读证明,盖上学校的章,放在学校的官方信封里。 5. 毕业证,如果是已经毕业的学生申请预科,美国本科预科需要提交高中毕业证;如果是美国硕士预科申请需要大学本科毕业证。
14、 6. 准备材料,除了在读证明和毕业证等,还需要的材料是美国留学存款证明,简历,个人陈述,推荐信。成绩单和语言成绩单等需要由学校或者是机构直接寄送到学校。 7. 填写申请表:填写申请学校的网申申请表格,主要以个人信息和资料提交为主。 8. 体检: 学校一般提供定点体检机构,支付一定费用进行体检,需要2寸照片。 9. 证件办理:护照,签证等证件的办理,注意时间规划,准备齐全资料。 10. 准备出国:在offer 通过以后,可以购买机票,明确住宿,打包行李,准备出国读美国预科。 出国留学硕士申请材料一览 1、学位证和毕业证 毕业生需要提供毕业证和学位证。要求也是中英文对照,装入信封封好,加盖公章。
15、 2、标准化考试成绩寄送 大多数学校还是会要求官方寄送的标准化考试成绩单(TOEFLGREGMATLSAT),但现在也有部分学校可以经受在网申表格中上传,录取后再补寄。 3、推荐信和推荐表格 一般美国大学要求三封推荐信。目前推荐信的提交有两种方式:网推和纸推。纸推就是推荐信是由老师写好之后签字,和推荐表格一起密封在信封里,然后在信封封口处签字。网推就是在网申表格中登记推荐老师的电子邮件联系方式,推荐老师会收到学校发过来的网推地址和用户名密码,推荐老师登陆进去后直接在线填写提交。目前,越来越多的学校采取网推的方式。 4、个人简历(Resume) 如实写出自己的经历就可以了,要注意突出自己的闪光点
16、。另外就是不要超过两页。 5、PS(Personal Statement) PS也就是自述,它在申请材料中占有重要地位。通过PS,教授可以看到你这个人是不是就是他所需要的。如果我们可以把申请比作找工作,把教授比作老板,那么申请文书就是你的工作能力证明。如果不能够在申请文书中充分展示,而且这种展示没能投教授之所好的话,你的申请就注定是失败的。一篇合格的、出色的PS的出炉需要经过1、2个月甚至更多时间的重复修改、沟通、再修改的过程。可以说这样的PS是字字珠玑,没有一句废话,紧密的为你的申请目标而服务。 6、论文、获奖证明 如果你发表过学术论文,可以把论文的Abstract(摘要)附在申请材料中,如果论文级别较高且是英文的,也可以作为附加材料寄过去。另外如果你获得过或者国际竞赛的奖项,那么也可以作为附加材料寄过去。 7、财力证明 现在一般学校都不会在申请的时候要求学生提供资金证明,大部分是录取后申请I20的时候才需要。对于自费的学生来说,这是证明你有能力负担几
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