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1、 英语教学课件系列必修 5Unit 5 考点提要 单词回闪 words Flashbackinjury slightlychokesymptompoisonvitalorganpourvarietyfirmlyswellceremonyunbearable apply损伤 n.窒息 vt使中毒 vt/n.器官 n.变化 n使膨胀 vt.难以忍受的 adj.轻微的 adj.症状 n.倒 vt.至关重要的 adj.坚定地 adv典礼 n申请;应用 vi.Discovering useful words and expressions:VerbNounAdjectiveinjureinjuredpo

2、isonpoisonburnburnswellingdamagedamagetreattreatablewoundwoundinfecttreatmentinjurypoisonousburntswelldamagedwoundedinfectioninfectedswollen单词拼写练习:Liang Chaowei invited him to attend their wedding c_, but he refused.2. He slowed the bleeding by a_ pressure to the wounds.3. Heart is one of the o_ of

3、our bodies.4. Wu Dalang was p_ to death by his wife.5. It is v_ that we should learn English well in the 21st century.6. He is well prepared for the mid-exam, so he _ (坚定地) believes that he will win the first.eremonypplyingrgansoisoneditalfirmly7. She is lying in her front garden b_ very heavily.8.

4、The a_ took the patient to the near hospital.9. The patient with mental disease is under t_ in No.7 hospital.10. He took off his wet clothes and s_ the water out.leedingmbulancereatmentqueezed短语回闪 Phrases Flashbackfall ill in placeget injured present sb with stha variety of a number ofthe moment be

5、proud ofstick to make a difference have/acquire a knowledge of 生病 在适当的位置受伤把赠与某人各种各样许多一就以为豪坚持精通,具有知识起作用, 有影响There is no doubt thatelectric shock squeeze outsense of touch apply to sb for sthput ones hands on毫无疑问触电触感向申请找到挤出over and over again反复,不断Translation. 1. 对进行急救 give off/do first aid (to sb) car

6、ry out/perform first aid (on sb)2. 病倒 fall ill3. 保护某人免于 protect sb/sth from/against sth4. 坚持某人的信念 stick to ones belief5. 遭电击 get an electric shock/electrouted6. 一件珠宝 a piece of jewelly7. 挤出橙子的汁 squeeze the juice out of an orange8. 反复, 再三 over and over again/ again and again/repeatedly9. 引起感染 cause i

7、nfection10. 施压于 apply pressure to sth11. 毫无疑问 There is no doubt that12. get burned 烫伤13. sense of touch 触觉14. for a moment/the moment 一会儿/当的时候15. reduce the swelling 减轻肿胀16. in place 在该在/适当的位置17. knock sth over 撞翻18. present sb with sth/present sth to sb 颁发/赠送给19. put ones hands on sth 找到20. a numbe

8、r of/the number of 许多;的数量21. dress/bandage (an injury) 包扎伤口22. make a/no difference 有/没有差别; 有影响(作用)/没有 影响(作用)短语实际应用:His leg _ when playing basketball.2. _ Mr White met Miss Lee, he fell in love with her.3. When you finish reading, put the books on the shelves _.4. Once a decision has been made, you

9、have to _ it.5. On sports meeting, our class was _ a golden medal for relay race.got injuredThe moment in placestick topresented with6. Have you won _ medals in sports meeting?7. He _ his success (为而自豪)8. We should acquire _ English as a student in 21st century.9. You should recite the words and phr

10、ases _, so you can remember them.10. Having a good knowledge of English _ in global business.a number ofwas proud ofa good knowledge ofover and over againmakes a difference11. 毫无疑问地球围绕太阳转。 _ that the earth travels around the sun.12. 我正要出去正在这时电话响了。 I _ the phone rang.13. We held sports meeting this week. (用强调句的特殊疑问句) When was


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