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1、TELEPHONE ETIQUETTE礼仪.Why Do We Have This Training为什么进展礼仪培训 The customers first contact with our hotel is often a telephone call.客人通常是经过打与酒店进展最初联络的。Their first impression of the hotel could depend entirely on how you conduct that telephone conversation.他的礼仪完全决议了客人对酒店的第一印象.TELEPHONE ETIQUETTE OBJECTI

2、VE培训目的By the end of the session you will be able to: 经过本次培训使他可以:Demonstrate the correct answering phraseology. 运用正确的应对言语。List the key points for using telephones and why they are important. 知道运用的要点及其重要性。 . Lesson Outlines 课程构造Answering Calls接听Putting Calls on hold请致电者等候Transferring Calls转接Taking A M

3、assage留言Courtesy Phrases礼貌用语Telephone Rules原那么.Answering Calls接听All Calls Must Be Answered Within 3 Rings or Less.一切必需在3次振铃之内接起。.For Operators对于总机话务员Answering in-coming external calls 接听打进的外线: 早上/下午/晚上好,汇宝大酒店 Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening, Harbor Hotel.Answering in-coming internal calls 接听打进的内线: 他好

4、,总机。Operator, Mary speaking. .Put caller on hold 让来电者等候: 请稍候! One moment please!To end the conversation 终了通话时: 谢谢您的来电! Thank you for calling!.For Department 对于部门 Calls from within the hotel内线:Greeting First先问好Identify the Department报本部门称号Give Your Name, and Ask “How May I Help You? 报上本人的姓名并问 “How Ma

5、y I Help You? .Putting Callers On Hold 请对方等候Offer the caller a choice: to hold or leave a message 给对方选择:等候或是留言Check back frequently 频繁察看Give the caller a choice again 再次请对方选择.Transferring Calls转Tell the caller that you are transferring the call 通知对方他要转Tell the caller who you are transferring the cal

6、l to 通知对方他在把转给谁Always try to handle a service request yourself 尽能够本人处置来电人要求.Taking A Message记录留言Write Legibly 字迹清楚Be complete 内容完好 -Date and time of call 时间 -Name of the caller对方姓名 -Name of the person being called欲找人姓名 -Callers phone number对方号码 -Brief message简要信息 -Your own name or initials记录者姓名.Taki

7、ng A Message记录留言Be accuraterepeat the message to the caller准确向对方反复留言内容.Close The Loop终了Deliver messages and complete service requests 将信息送达,落实客人要求的效力.Confidentiality/Security严密/平安Never give out room numbers of guests to callers 决不能将客人的房号通知对方.Suggestive Selling建立性销售Listen to the needs of the caller 仔

8、细听取对方需求Offer services to meet those needs that may not be known by the customer 自动提供效力以满足客人没有认识到的需求.Telephone Rules原那么P=Pleasant Voice 愉悦的嗓音O=Offering Help 提供协助L=Listen 倾听I=Interest by Name尽量运用姓名T=Take Notes做记录E=Efficient高效.Courtesy Phrases礼貌用语Thank you for your reservation 谢谢您的预定Thank you for the i

9、nformation 谢谢您的信息Please call again 请再打过来.Courtesy Phrases礼貌用语May I take a message 我可以为您留言吗?I am sorry the line is busy 对不起,此刻正占线。Thank you for calling 谢谢您的来电.Courtesy Phrases礼貌用语Sorry to keep you waiting对不起,让您久等了!Wait one moment please请稍等I will transfer your call now我如今就为您转接I am sorry Mr. Li is not here at the moment对不起,李先生此刻不在.TELEPNONE SKILLS CHECK技艺检查When should we answer the telephone? 我们该当什么时间应对?2. What is the standard for answering telephones? 应对的规范是什么? 3. What are the courteous phrases? 礼貌用语是什么?4. How do we transfer a call? 我们如何转接 .TELEPNONE SKILLS CHECK技艺检查How do we take a message?


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