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1、Dexing Copper Recovery PlantTraining德兴铜回收厂生产培训ChemSulphide Process化学硫化工艺 Introduction 简介The Dexing Chemsulphide Copper Recovery Plant is designed with a hydraulic capacity of 24,000 m3/day recovering approximately 12,000 lbs. of copper. The plant will treat acidic drainage from the following sources

2、德兴化学硫化法铜回收厂的设计能力为每天处理24,000立方米水,回收12,000磅铜。回收厂处理的含铜水来自于以下来源:Yangtaowu acid drainage 杨桃坞酸性水 Zhujia raffinate 祝家萃余液 Zhujia pregnant leach solution (PLS) during wet seasons 雨季期间祝家堆浸液 Underground stream from an adit at Fujiawu 富家坞地下矿井废水 Fujiawu open pit and other water sources at JCCLs Dexing Copper Min

3、e. 富家坞采矿场废水和其他来源Basic Plant Flow 基本工艺流程PLANT AREAS 厂区分布Feed Loop 进水区Ferric Removal Loop 除铁区Copper Recovery Loop 沉铜区Dewatering Loop 脱水区Reagent Loop 药剂区Service Loop 辅助服务区Plant Components 厂区组成要素Reagents 药剂Lime 石灰NaHS 硫氢化钠Flocculent 絮凝剂Sulfuric Acid 硫酸Nitrogen 氮气Soda Ash 碳酸钠Equipment 设备Tanks 反应罐Agitator

4、s 搅拌机 Clarifiers 浓密池 Pumps 泵 Valves 阀门 Instrumentation 仪表Filter press 压滤机Reagents 药剂Lime 石灰NaHS 硫氢化钠Flocculent 絮凝剂Sulfuric Acid 硫酸Nitrogen 氮气Soda Ash 碳酸钠 Hydrated Lime 熟石灰Hydrated Lime熟石灰- Ca(OH)2 氢氧化钙Alkaline碱性, Slight earthy odor轻微的泥质气味,fine whitish powder白色细粉末. Mainly used for neutralization.通常用于

5、中和酸性 Used on site to increase pH & precipitate Ferric iron from PLS在回收厂的用途为提高酸性水的pH值,沉淀3价铁离子Health Hazards 健康危害Skin Contact,may cause severe irritation, removes natural skin oils. 皮肤接触:引起刺激性,使皮肤表面脱油Brush away excess and remove contaminated clothing, wash with soap & water 紧急措施:抹去多余粉末,脱下污染的衣服,用肥皂和清水清

6、洗Eye Contact, Severe irritation and burning.眼睛接触:严重刺激和灼伤紧急措施: Flush with water 15 - 20 minutes 用清水冲洗15-20分钟Inhalation, irritation to breathing passages, coughing, sneezing.吸入:刺激呼吸道、咳嗽、打喷嚏紧急措施: Move to source of fresh air 转移到空气流通处Refer to MSDS 参考化学品安全说明First Aid 急救常识Skin Contact, 皮肤接触Brush away exces

7、s and remove contaminated clothing, wash with soap & water 抹去多余粉末,脱下污染的衣服,用肥皂和清水洗Eye Contact, 眼睛接触 Flush with water 15 - 20 minutes 用清水冲洗15-20分钟Inhalation, 吸入Move to source of fresh air 转移到空气流通处Refer to MSDS 参考化学品安全说明Required PPE for Hydrated lime必备个人安全装备Dry Gloves 手套Long sleeve shirt 长袖外衣Dust Mask

8、防尘口罩Eye Protection 防护眼镜Steel toe Boots 铁头工作鞋Hard hat 安全帽Release Action 泄漏事故时的措施Small Spill 小泄漏: i.e. a spill resulting from the pipe failure 例如:管道破裂引起泄漏Action措施: Wash the solution into the nearest sump with plenty of water 大量清水冲洗泄漏液进最近的污水坑.Release Action Continued 泄漏事故时的措施续Large Spill 大泄漏: i.e. a sp

9、ill resulting from the tank failure 例如:储存罐破裂引起泄漏Action措施: Add a very weak acid (i.e. acetic acid) 加入弱酸,如醋酸; Wash the neutralized solution into the nearest sump with plenty of water 大量清水冲洗中和后的泄漏液进最近的污水坑; Excavate the contaminated soil and add the weak acid ; move the soil to waste stockpile 挖出被污染的泥土,

10、加入弱酸;将中和后的泥土堆放到废石场Sodium Hydrosulfide 硫氢化钠(NaHS)NaHS- Very alkaline, pH 11.5-12.5. 弱碱性 Solution is typically yellow to dark green with a strong hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg) odor.黄色到深绿色的液体,带有强烈的硫化氢气味(臭鸡蛋味)Precipitates copper at optimum pH levels 在适应的pH条件下沉淀铜离子 Vapor space over NaHS solution contains

11、 toxic hydrogen sulfide (H2S). This gas is colorless and heavier than air.The level of H2S above the solution is increased by solution contact with acidic materials (PLS).硫化氢钠溶液的挥发气体含有有毒的硫化氢气体,该气体是无色的,比空气比重大。当硫氢化钠溶液和酸性水接触后,硫化氢气体的浓度将增加。Health Hazards 健康危害Inhalation of H2S vapors is very dangerous. Ex

12、posure to 100-200 PPM of gas causes loss of sense of smell, coughing, choking, eye irritation, headache, dizziness. Continued low exposure or to more than 700 PPM will result in unconsciousness, respiratory paralysis and death.硫化氢气体的吸入市非常危险的。吸入100-200微克/升浓度的气体将会是人失去嗅觉、咳嗽、窒息、刺激眼睛、头疼和晕眩。持续接触低浓度或接触高于70

13、0毫克/升浓度的硫化氢气体,会导致失去知觉、呼吸紊乱、死亡Health Hazards 健康危害Skin & Eye Contact can result in 2nd & 3rd degree burns and potentially severe corneal eye injury.皮肤和眼睛接触:导致2级和3级烫伤,可能引起严重的眼角膜损伤First Aid 急救常识 Inhalation吸入: Get victim to fresh air 转移至空气流通处Eye Contact 眼睛接触: Flush entire eye thoroughly for 15 minutes. G

14、et immediate medical help. 清水冲洗15分钟,立即采取医护措施Skin Contact 皮肤接触: Flush exposed area with lots of water,remove contaminated clothing. 大量清水冲洗,脱去被污染衣物Ingestion误食: DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING, Drink 2-4 glasses of water. 不用催吐,立即喝2-4杯清水Required PPE for NaHS必备个人防护装备Neoprene Gloves & apron 氯丁橡胶手套和防护板Chemical boot

15、s 防化学品的工作靴Chemical goggles & full face shield防化学品的护目镜和护脸罩Hard hat 安全帽Greater Exposure 高浓度接触SCBA or Air supplied respirator自携式呼吸器Release Action 泄漏事故时的措施Small Spill 小泄漏: i.e. a spill resulting from the pipe failure 例如:管道破裂引起泄漏Action措施: Add the diluted hydrogen peroxide (3-5%) or weak sodium hypochlori

16、te 加入稀释的过氧化氢(3-5%)或次氯酸钠; Wash the neutralized solution into the nearest sump with plenty of water 大量清水冲洗中和后的泄漏液进最近的污水坑.Release Action Continued 泄漏事故时的措施续Large Spill 大泄漏: i.e. a spill resulting from the tank failure 例如:储存罐破裂引起泄漏Action措施: Add the diluted hydrogen peroxide (3-5%) or weak sodium hypochl

17、orite 加入稀释的过氧化氢(3-5%)或次氯酸钠; Add a very weak acid (i.e. acetic acid) 加入弱酸,如醋酸; Wash the neutralized solution into the nearest sump with plenty of water 大量清水冲洗中和后的泄漏液进最近的污水坑; Excavate the contaminated soil and add the diluted hydrogen peroxide (3-5%) or weak sodium hypochlorite; move the soil to waste

18、 stockpile 挖出被污染的泥土,加入稀释的过氧化氢(3-5%)或次氯酸钠;将氧化后的泥土堆放到废石场Flocculent 絮凝剂White granular powder, slight odor. 白色颗粒状,轻微气味Very slippery when it becomes wet. 潮湿时非常粘滑Causes suspended particles in liquids to aggregate, forming a floc to increase precipitation and clarity of overflow. 使溶液中的悬浮颗粒聚集,形成絮凝体以提高颗粒沉降性和

19、出水澄清度Health Hazards 健康危害Inhalation吸入- May cause irritation of mucous membranes 可能刺激呼吸道粘膜Skin Contact皮肤接触- May cause irritation with prolonged contact.长时间接触可能引起刺激性Eye Contact眼睛接触- Can cause mild irritation可能引起轻度刺激Refer to MSDS参考化学品安全说明First Aid 急救常识Inhalation吸入- Remove to fresh air, obtain medical at

20、tention 转移至空气流通处,采取医护措施Skin Contact皮肤接触- Remove excess powder and contaminated clothing, wash with soap and plenty of water.抹去多余颗粒,脱去污染衣物,用大量清水和肥皂冲洗Eye Contact眼睛接触- Immediately gently flush with water for 15 minutes keeping the eyelids wide open and apart. Obtain medical attention立即用清水冲洗15分钟,冲洗时要保持睁

21、开眼睑,采取医护措施Refer to MSDS参考化学品安全说明Required PPE for Flocculent必备个人防护装备Dry Gloves 手套Long sleeve shirt 长袖外衣Dust Mask 防尘口罩Eye Protection 防护眼镜Steel toe Boots 铁头工作鞋Hard hat 安全帽Release Action 泄漏事故时的措施Small Spill 小泄漏: i.e. a spill resulting from the pipe failure 例如:管道破裂引起泄漏Large Spill 大泄漏: i.e. a spill result

22、ing from the tank failure 例如:储存罐破裂引起泄漏Action措施: Wash the solution into the nearest sump with plenty of water 大量清水冲洗泄漏液进最近的污水坑.Sulfuric Acid硫酸H2SO4Oily, Colorless to light yellow, causes severe skin & eye burns. 油状,无色到单黄色,接触后会引起严重的皮肤和眼睛烧伤Can be added with NaHS in the Contactor to obtain optimal H2S p

23、roduction 在铜回收罐中加入硫氢化钠和硫酸,以获得最佳的硫化氢产量Health Hazards 健康危害Inhalation吸入- May cause corrosive burns to upper respiratory system可能引起上呼吸道的烫伤Skin Contact皮肤接触- Causes Severe burns引起严重烫伤Eye Contact眼睛接触- Can cause irritation, corneal burns, may result in permanent damage刺激眼睛,灼伤眼结膜,可能引起长远损害Refer to MSDS参考化学品安全

24、说明First Aid急救常识Inhalation吸入-Remove to fresh air, obtain medical attention转移至空气流通处,采取医护措施Skin Contact皮肤接触-Flush with plenty of water for 15 minutes, remove contaminated clothing during flushing, obtain medical help 用大量清水冲洗15分钟,脱去污染的衣物,采取医护措施Eye Contact眼睛接触-Flush eyes with plenty of water for 15 minut

25、es, obtain immediate medical help用大量清水冲洗15分钟,采取医护措施Refer to MSDS参考化学品安全说明Required PPE for Sulfuric Acid必备个人防护装备Neoprene Gloves & apron 氯丁橡胶手套和防护板Chemical boots 防化学品的工作靴Chemical goggles & full face shield防化学品的护目镜和护脸罩Hard hat 安全帽Greater Exposure 高浓度接触SCBA or Air supplied respirator自携式呼吸器Release Action

26、 泄漏事故时的措施Small Spill 小泄漏: i.e. a spill resulting from the pipe failure 例如:管道破裂引起泄漏Action措施: Wash the solution into the nearest sump with plenty of water 大量清水冲洗泄漏液进最近的污水坑.Release Action Continued 泄漏事故时的措施续Large Spill 大泄漏: i.e. a spill resulting from the tank failure 例如:储存罐破裂引起泄漏Action措施: Add 10% soda

27、 ash solution 加入10%碳酸钠溶液; Wash the neutralized solution into the nearest sump with plenty of water 大量清水冲洗中和后的泄漏液进最近的污水坑; Excavate the contaminated soil and mix with limestone, soda ash, or lime ; move the soil to waste stockpile 挖出被污染的泥土,混入石灰石、碳酸钠或石灰;将中和后的泥土堆放到废石场Soda Ash 碳酸钠Sodium carbonate 碳酸钠(Na2

28、CO3), is an alkali chemical 碱性化学品Used to scrub H2S gas produced from NaHS before entering the atmosphere 用于吸收工艺中产生的硫化氢气体Health Hazards 健康危害Skin & Eye Contact- Mild to Moderate Irritation 皮肤和眼睛的接触:轻度到中度的刺激性Inhalation- May irritate nose, throat & lungs 吸入:刺激鼻子,喉咙和肺部Refer to MSDS参考化学品安全说明First Aid 急救常识

29、Skin Contact-Wash with plenty of water and non-abrasive soap. 皮肤接触-用清水和肥皂清洗Eye Contact- Flush with plenty of water and seek medical attention. 眼睛接触-用大量清水清洗,医护护理Slight Inhalation- Allow victim to rest in a well ventilated area. 轻微吸入-在通风处休息Refer to MSDS.参考化学品安全说明Required PPE for Soda Ash必备个人安全装备Dry Gl

30、oves 手套Long sleeve shirt 长袖外衣Dust Mask 防尘口罩Eye Protection 防护眼镜Steel toe Boots 铁头工作鞋Hard hat 安全帽Release Action 泄漏事故时的措施Small Spill 小泄漏: i.e. a spill resulting from the pipe failure 例如:管道破裂引起泄漏Action措施: Wash the solution into the nearest sump with plenty of water 大量清水冲洗泄漏液进最近的污水坑.EQUIPMENT TAGS 设备标记Tanks (TK) 反映罐Agitators (AG) 搅拌机Air Dryer (AD) 空气干燥器Pumps (P) 泵Valves (V) 阀门Filter Press (FP) 压滤机General Process Equipment (EQ) 其它工艺设备Instrumentation Tags 仪表标记Pressure (P)压力Level (L)液位Flow (F)流量pH (pH)Indication (I)显示Control(C)控制Alarm (A)警报ORP (oxidation reduction potential) 氧化还原


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