1、Continuous ImprovementGMS继续改良员工参与规范化制造质量缩短制造周期继续改良32 GMSContinuous ImprovementBuilt-InQualityShort LeadTimePeopleInvolvementStandardizationContinuous ImprovementHealth andSafety PriorityQualified PeopleTeam ConceptPeopleInvolvementOpenCommunicationProcessControlledExternal TransportationManufacturin
2、gProcess ValidationProductQualityStandardsQualitySystemManagementScheduledShipping /ReceivingLevel VehicleOrder SchedulesSupplyChainManagementValuesVision/MissionShop FloorManagementInternal Pull /DeliveryAndonConceptProblemSolvingSimpleProcessFlowIn-ProcessControl &VerificationStandardizedWorkSmall
3、 LotPackagingTemporaryMaterialStorageQualityFeedback/Feed-forwardVisualManagementManagementby TAKT TimeWork-placeOrganizationEarly Mfg. and DesignIntegration (DFM / DFA)ContinuousImprovementProcessLean Design of Facilities, Equipment,Tooling and LayoutBusiness PlanDeploymentTotal ProductiveMaintenan
4、ce Fixed Period Ordering System/ Order PartsContinuous Improvement Company继续改良的公司Small, steadyimprovements toconstantly improveThe Standard! 从细小、稳定的改良到规范的不断提高No Company Today Can Survive Without Having All Employees Focused on Continuous Improvement 没有改良就难以生存Continuous ImprovementWhat Is Absolutely
5、Necessary Before Continuous Improvement Can Occur?在可以进展继续改良前什么任务是绝对必要的?Stability Through Standardization!经过规范化获得稳定开展StandardizationImprovement改良StandardizationStandardizationStandardizationImprovement改良Improvement改良Continuous ImprovementStandardization Before Continuous Improvement! 在进展继续改良前的规范规范化规范
6、化规范化规范化Plan 方案Do 实施Check 检查Action 运作 Grasp the Situation掌握情况The PDCA CyclePDCAThe PDCA Cycle is One Of The Most Important Concepts In A CompanyPDREACTPPoor companies do little planning, mostly doing, do not check their status and then react to everything没有远见的公司很少做方案,大多数情况是直接实施,从不检查实施情况,以后对每件事都是如此 DC
7、AWorld-Class companies do excellent planning, always perform checks that enable to take corrective action and stay on schedule 世界级的大公司会做非常周详的方案,对每件任务进展跟踪检查以便及时采取纠正措施并按进度表运转BADGOODLets go to Kyong Ju! Plan 方案Prepare for the tripTwo days before leaving, check engine OIL LEAK!Fix oil leak & leave on ti
8、meOur Family Has Not Had A Vacation In A Long Time!PDCA Can Be Used For AnythingDo 实施Grasp the Situation掌握情况Check 检查Action 运作ManufacturingProcess ValidationProductQualityStandardsQualitySystemManagementIn-ProcessControl &VerificationQualityFeedback/Feed-forwardStandardizedWorkVisualManagementManagem
9、entby TAKT TimeWork-placeOrganizationControlledExternal TransportationScheduledShipping /ReceivingLevel VehicleOrder SchedulesSupplyChainManagementInternal Pull /DeliverySimpleProcessFlowSmall LotPackagingTemporaryMaterialStorage Fixed Period Ordering System/ Order PartsHealth andSafety PriorityQual
10、ified PeopleTeam ConceptPeopleInvolvementOpenCommunicationProcessValuesVisionShop FloorManagementContinuous ImprovementAndonConceptProblemSolvingEarly Mfg. and DesignIntegration (DFM / DFA)ContinuousImprovementProcessLean Design of Facilities, Equipment,Tooling and LayoutBusiness PlanDeploymentTotal
11、 ProductiveMaintenanceAndonConceptProblemSolvingEarly Mfg. and DesignIntegration (DFM/DFA)ContinuousImprovementProcessLean Design of Facilities, Equipment,Tooling and LayoutBusiness Plan DeploymentTotal ProductiveMaintenance暗灯概念TPM业务方案实施处理问题继续改良的过程早期管理及综合设计(DFM/DFA)厂房,设备,工具及布置的精益化设计ManufacturingProc
12、ess ValidationIn-ProcessControl andVerificationProductQuality StandardsQualityFeedback/Feed-forwardStandardizedWorkVisualManagementManagementby TAKT TimeWork-placeOrganizationAndonConceptProblemSolvingContinuousImprovementProcessBusiness PlanDeploymentTotal ProductiveMaintenanceControlledExternal Tr
13、ansportationScheduledShipping /ReceivingLevel VehicleOrder SchedulesSupplyChainManagementInternal Pull /DeliverySimpleProcessFlowSmall LotPackagingTemporaryMaterialStorage Fixed Period Ordering System/ Order PartsHealth andSafety PriorityQualified PeopleTeam ConceptPeopleInvolvementOpenCommunication
14、ProcessValuesVisionShop FloorManagementContinuous ImprovementBusiness PlanDeployment业务方案实施QualitySystemManagementEarly Mfg. and DesignIntegration (DFM / DFA)Lean Design of Facilities, Equipment,Tooling and LayoutA common process which enables our Global Organization made up of multiple parts, to act
15、 in unison to achieve company wide goals in five key categories:DefinitionBusiness Plan Deployment定 义Safety People Quality Responsiveness CostBPD是一种共有的方法,它能使多个部分组成我们的全球团队,经过五个中心范畴一致行动以到达公司的总体目的:平安员工质量 呼应本钱?Division Director?different directionsno ownershipconflicting goals MISSION?duplicationBefore
16、BPD部门主管经过不同的途径没有落实责任目的向冲突义务反复ONLY HE KNOWS THE GOALS MISSIONTRACK PERFORMANCEDEPLOY RESOURCESGME-BPD GuideFOCUSTARGETSCLEAR DIRECTIONCOMMON GOALS义务对任务进展跟踪调动资源关注目的思绪明晰共同目的Division Director部门主管EVERYONE KNOWS THE GOALSAfter BPDConcrete GOALSRegular and Consistent ReviewsCoordinationVision/MissionAchiev
17、ing Our VisionIn Order for GMDAT/DIMC to Achieve Its VISION, we have to achieve our goalsSPECIFIC OBJECTIVESCLEAR & MEASURABLE TARGETSA METHOD TO RESEARCH THE TARGETS为了实现GMDAT/DIMC的目的,我们必需实现我们的目的目的/义务定期坚持审议协调详细目的明确目的明晰的,可量化的目的有搜索目的的方法我们的目的Safe working environment for all employeesRegular and Consist
18、ent ReviewsCoordinationVision/MissionAchieving Our VisionIn Order for GMDAT/DIMC to Achieve Its VISION, we have to achieve our goalsNo safety incidents零事故 Lost Work Day没有损失任务日事故Increase Compliance of PPE添加对PPE的运用定期坚持审议协调我们的目的目的 / 义务为一切员工发明平安的任务环境为了实现GMDAT/DIMC的目的,我们必需实现我们的目的Why Engage the Workforce?
19、 为何要雇佣工人?Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?1-66-1010-2020-4040-10050%40%30%20%10% of People Involvement% of Possible Improvement 员工的参与率参与的能够性为什么?为什么?为什么?为什么?为什么?Who is involved in BPD? Everyone! 那些人与BPD有关?每个人!Division ManagersMission/StrategyGoals & ObjectivesClear TargetsAction Plans Review Process义务/对策目的实施方
20、案The Cascading Process(catch balling 抓住要点)Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 1Detailed Action Plans and CountermeasuresCascading Strategies and Objectives详细的实施方案及应急措施层层实施方案并实现目的Group LeaderAction PlansClear TargetsReview Process实施方案目的明晰TeamClear TargetsReview Process目的明晰回想流程层层递进的流程Department ManagerGoals &
21、ObjectivesClear TargetsAction PlansReview Process目的目的明晰实施方案Each Level of Leadership Must Hand Down Targets to Their TeamBupyung 100Press - 10Body - 30Paint - 15G.A. - 45For Example, Defects Per Hundred Vehicles (DPHV)Trim 1 - 10Trim 2 - 15Trim 3 - 10Trim 4 - 10Production DirectorShop ManagerPlantSho
22、pGroupTeamTeamsGroup LeaderTeamsTeamsBut The Targets Dont Always Have To Measure The Same Thing, But Something That Will Affect the Next Level Up对于同一目的中一样的事情不需求都量化,但有些事情却会影响到下一层次的改良 S.M.A.R.T. Targets: Specific, Measurable, Aligned, Realistic & Timed 目的是:特定的, 可丈量的, 校正的, 现实的 定时的Targets Have To Have M
23、eaning To People!目的对员工必需有意义! Team LeaderI have to achieve 0.000 Hours/Vehicle?GMDAT/DIMCCost per VehicleTEAM - COCKPIT INSTALLTop Scrap Item (# of Gloves Consumed)GROUP LEADER TRIM 1Top 3 ScrapSHOP MANAGER G.A.Budget AccountsCHANGWON PLANTTotal Manufacturing CostI understand my piece of the pie?我知道本
24、人应得的馅饼有多大班组驾驶座安装主要耗材手套GMDAT/DIMC每辆车的本钱大宇昌原整车厂总制造本钱总装车间主任预算调整一工段工段长三种主要耗材Target Cascade - ExampleEveryone Gets A Piece Of The Pie That Is Easy To Bite Into!S.M.A.R.T. Targets: Specific, Measurable, Aligned, Realistic & Timed 指定的, 可丈量的, 校正的, 现实的 定时的Targets Are A Good Start, But We Need Good Methods To
25、 Achieve Them目的是个好开端,但需求好方法才干到达。GOAL = Lead a Healthy Lifestyle 以一种安康的生活方式生活OBJECTIVE Maintain a Light Weight 坚持苗条TARGET 65 kgMETHODS - Exercise Regularly (3x/week) 有方案地锻炼 (每周3次) - Cut Down On Fast Food (1x/week) 减少吃快餐的次数每周1次The Concept Can Be Applied To Anything In Life!GOAL =OBJECTIVE =TARGET =MET
26、HOD(S) =BPD Exercise Think of an example at work or at home where you can establish a Goal, Objective, Target and at least one Method 想想任务或生活中设立的目的及实现方法。 Discuss as a team and report Take 10 minutes 团队讨论及汇报-非常钟Plan 方案Do 实施Check 检查Action 运作 Grasp the Situation了解情况PDCA is the foundation of BPDPDCA是 BP
27、D的根底Below ExpectationsNeeds ImprovementMeets ExpectationHow does it work?ActionsAnnual Business PlanX Activities行动 PLANDOPROBLEM SOLVING问题处理CHECKACTPDCA如何运作?未完成需求改良完成Regular ReviewsGoals, Objectives, Targets, MethodsCountermeasures对策 Open, Team Discussion Coaching & Learning Get Support & Resources
28、Go To SeeBPD We Will Be Successful When Everyone Focuses On What They Can Control! 当每个人都集中力量做事,我们就一定能胜利做到BPD。Why cant they design better cars?What can I do in my area to improve?Ask Not What Others Can Do Ask What Can You Do On Your B.P.D.! 不诘问他人做的,关键在他的本人BPD能做的。Visual Management Status at a Glance
29、可视化管理让信息容易读取 - Makes out of standard condition highly visible. 突出超标的情况。Open Communication/Team Concept - Enables all to focus on action plan/countermeasures and discuss as a team. 让一切人像一个团队一样共同关注某个行动的方案或对策并参与讨论。KEY BPD CONCEPTSBPD的中心思念BPD a critical tool to achieve Continuous Improvement. BPD是评定能否获得
30、继续改良的工具 - Achieve targets and then “raise the bar. 到达了目的,接着制定更高的目的。PDCA - Discipline & Follow-up 一种规那么并需求继续进展“Go-To-See Leadership Style “Go-To-See 指点方式 - Dont just sit at desk and receive reports. 不要只是坐在办公室等待他人来汇报。ManufacturingProcess ValidationQualitySystemManagementQualityFeedback/Feed-forwardSta
31、ndardizedWorkVisualManagementManagementby TAKT TimeWork-placeOrganizationAndonConceptProblemSolvingEarly Mfg. and DesignIntegration (DFM / DFA)ContinuousImprovementProcessBusiness PlanDeploymentTotal ProductiveMaintenanceControlledExternal TransportationScheduledShipping /ReceivingLevel VehicleOrder
32、 SchedulesSupplyChainManagementInternal Pull /DeliverySimpleProcessFlowSmall LotPackagingTemporaryMaterialStorage Fixed Period Ordering System/ Order PartsHealth andSafety PriorityQualified PeopleTeam ConceptPeopleInvolvementOpenCommunicationProcessValuesVision/MissionShop FloorManagementContinuous
33、ImprovementAndonConcept暗灯概念Lean Design of Facilities, Equipment,Tooling and LayoutIn-ProcessControl andVerificationProductQuality StandardsWhat is an Andon System? 什么是暗灯系统?The ANDON System allows team members to pull the cord and call for help when there is a problem or out of standard situation.The
34、 ANDON System is an enabler to control quality while keeping the line running by pulling in support to address problems before they stop the line暗灯系统允许员工在出现问题或有超标情况时拉绳索以寻求协助暗灯系统可以在坚持流水线继续运转的情况下,员工拉下绳索寻求支持人员在停线前到出现问题的工位处理问题,以满足对质量的控制。Always Remember The PrioritiesSafety (平安)People (员工)Quality (质量)Res
35、ponsiveness (呼应)Cost (本钱)Importance重要性For Example, Sometimes We Have To Sacrifice Responsiveness to Achieve Quality比如,有时我们为了到达质量要求而不得不放弃呼应10131211FPSFPSFPSZone 2Step 1 - Andon cord is pulled, station light goes on and music begins第一步:拉暗灯控制绳索, 工位的指示灯会亮起并伴随着音乐When there is a problem or out of standard
36、 situation which can not be fixed by the team member, then 当员工不能单独处理出现的问题或超标的情况时Andon StepsAndon Steps (Contd)Step 2 - Zone light on main Andon board turns yellow, Team Leader responds to the Andon第二步: 在暗灯系统主看板上相应区域的指示灯变成黄色,班组长对暗灯系统的信号做出反响Step 3 - Help comes immediately and problem solving begins. T
37、eam Leader takes the Andon responsibility第三步:支持人员立刻到达并开场处理问题,班组长对此担任Andon Steps (Contd)Step 4 - Line continues to move to fixed position stop第四步:消费线继续运转直到定点停10131211FPSFPSFPSFPSZone 2Andon Steps (Contd)Step 5 - Problem is addressed, Andon is deactivated by Team Leader to keep the line running.第五步:问题
38、处理,班组长解除暗灯信号以坚持消费线继续运转。SHORTCONVEQUIPFULL54123TRIM 1EQUIPQ1Q2Q3Andon Steps (Contd)Step 6 If Andon is not deactivated by Team Leader when vehicle reaches FPS, line stops and board flashes red - Downtime clock begins第六步:假设车辆到达定点停时班组长依然没有解除暗灯信号,消费线停顿并且主看板上红灯开场闪烁,停线铃开场响起Downtime ClockSHORTCONVEQUIPFULL5
39、4123TRIM 1EQUIPQ1Q2Q3Andon Steps (Contd)FPSFPSFPSSet Line at 70% of Takt or Cycle Time & Relate to Specific Step in Standardized WorkPull the Andon as Early As Possible (at or before 70% Line) to Address Problems Before They Stop the Line! 在线停之前,尽早拉动暗灯线宣告出现问题。在70%线位或之前,Purpose of “70% Line70% LineRe
40、action TimeMgrGroup LeaderTeam LeaderTeam MemberDecisionDecisionDecisionPull AndonSupportSupportSupportNeeds helpFunction of everyone including managers and staff is to support production team members.主管及一切人员都有职责支持消费一线的员工班组成员班组长工段长主管寻求协助支持支持支持决议决议决议拉下暗灯拉索Andon ConceptRole of Team MemberFollow Standa
41、rdized WorkActively Watch for Out-of-Standard SituationsIf an Abnormality or Defect Is Discovered That Cannot Be Immediately Corrected, Pull the Andon, and Continue With Rest of Cycle Until Support Arrives.Support Team Leader With Problem Solving As Required. 班组成员的职责按照规范化要求作业自动查找超标情况假设发现了异常情况或缺陷但无法及
42、时处理,拉下暗灯拉索,并继续做本人的任务直到支持人员到达。支持的班组长按要求处理问题Focus On Standardized Work!Andon ConceptRole of Team Leader:Team Leader goes immediately to area of Andon call to investigate and support.Team Leader begins immediate correction of the problem.Team Leader releases the Andon when TL has determined a correctio
43、n can be made. TL begins problem solving with support of TM.Team Leader manages the Andon system 班组长职责在暗灯信号发出后立刻赶到发生问题的区域查明缘由并实施支持到达问题区域后立刻开场处理问题当班组长以为可以把问题处理时解除暗灯信号。班组长与班组成员共同开场处理问题。班组长管理暗灯系统Address Non-StandardConditions!Andon ConceptRole of Group LeaderSupport Team Leader if (s)he is not able to
44、countermeasure the problem, and get the line running as soon as possible.Call additional support as needed (i.e. maintenance, quality, etc.)Work with team leader to make sure root cause is identified and countermeasures implemented.Monitor downtime, identify problem areas and work with all available
45、 resources to eliminate problems. 工段长职责当班组长不能处理问题时要提供支持并尽快让消费先运转起来假设需求可以寻求外部支持如:维修,质量等部门人员与班组长一同确定问题的原因能否曾经被确认出来并且保证处理措施得到实施在停线时进展监控,确定问题区域并调动一切可利用资源处理问题Support The Team!Andon ConceptTeam ConceptSmall Team SizeStandardized WorkClear Quality StandardsProblem Solving ProcessEmployee TrainingMutual Tru
46、st/RespectConstant Takt TimeFixed Position StopDecouplers/BuffersProcess CapabilityENABLERSIrreversible correction actionQuality in stationInspection and FeedbackOpen CommunicationTeamworkImproved ProductivityBENEFITSMotionCorrectionWaiting5 1 2 3456PROCESS NO.33O.D. Reference 4团队概念减少团队规模任务规范化(FPS)明
47、确质量规范职员培训互置信任/尊重坚持单件工时停线点缓冲架加工才干益处实施的纠正措施不能复原在工位控制质量检查和反响开放式交流团队协作提高消费力Why is Andon Part of C.I.?Use Andon Data to Continuously Improve by Identifying Bottlenecks and Issues Affecting Throughput运用暗灯数据经过确定瓶颈及影响产出的问题来到达继续改良TRIM 1 GROUP Andon Report 2003/1/24Station 001R 10Station 003L 4Station 004R 2A
48、nalyze Reports分析报告Discuss Countermeasures讨论对策Improve!改良Andon Is Not Just a System Of Wires and Lights暗灯系统不仅仅是一个由电线和灯泡组成的系统It is a Concept of Calling For Help它是一种寻求协助的理念Pull Your Andon!在需求协助时拉下拉索!EVERYONE HAS AN “ANDON CORD每个人都有一根“暗灯拉索ManufacturingProcess ValidationProductQualityStandardsQualitySyste
49、mManagementIn-ProcessControl &VerificationQualityFeedback/Feed-forwardStandardizedWorkVisualManagementManagementby TAKT TimeWork-placeOrganizationAndonConceptProblemSolvingEarly Mfg. and DesignIntegration (DFM / DFA)ContinuousImprovementProcessLean Design of Facilities, Equipment,Tooling and LayoutB
50、usiness PlanDeploymentTotal ProductiveMaintenanceControlledExternal TransportationScheduledShipping /ReceivingLevel VehicleOrder SchedulesSupplyChainManagementInternal Pull /DeliverySimpleProcessFlowSmall LotPackagingTemporaryMaterialStorage Fixed Period Ordering System/ Order PartsHealth andSafety
51、PriorityQualified PeopleTeam ConceptPeopleInvolvementOpenCommunicationProcessValuesVision/MissionShop FloorManagementContinuous ImprovementProblemSolving问题处理What Is a Problem? 什么可称为问题?A Problem Is Defined As a Discrepancy Between an Existing Standard or Expectation and the Actual Situation问题定义为现行的规范
52、或期望与实践情况之间的差别StandardActualDiscrepancyTIMELEVEL规范实践差别程度时间Problem Solving问题处理Problem Solving问题处理Problems Are the Seeds for Improvement! 问题是进展改良的萌芽!Problems Are Positive Opportunities! 问题绝对是改良的时机!If There Are No Problems, Then Something Is Wrong! 没有问题才是最大的问题!生长GrowingProblems Are Not About Blaming Peo
53、ple! Blame The Process Not the People! 需求指摘的是工艺,不是员工! Problems Occur Because of Failures in the System. Problem Solving问题有问题不意味这要指摘员工!由于系统失效才产生问题。Guiding PrinciplesEveryone is responsible for Problem Solving每个人都对处理问题负有责任TeamMemberTeamLeaderGroupLeaderMaterialEngineerManagerSectionLeader指点原那么班组成员班组长工
54、段长部门指点物流工程师主管5-Phase Problem Solving问题处理的五个阶段12345ProblemDefinitionImmediate FixRoot CauseAnalysisCorrective Action Follow-UpVerification跟踪确认确定问题立刻维修纠正措施分析根源5-Phase Problem Solving54Direct CauseCauseCauseCauseRootCauseBasic Cause /EffectInvestigation5 Why Investigationto Root CauseProblem Definition
55、/Initial Problem Perception1Immediate Fix(Containment)RootCauseAnalysis 23Corrective ActionFollow -UpVerificationWhere the problem first occurs?问题处理的五个阶段确定问题/最初对问题的了解立刻维修CauseInvestigation原因调查问题根源纠正措施继续确认分析问题根源直接缘由原因原因原因问题首先在哪发生?根本原因/结果的调查对问题根源调查的5个为什么Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?为什么为什么为什么为什么为什么Grasp the Sit
56、uation掌握情况5-Phase Problem SolvingWhen is Problem Solving appropriate 什么时候需求处理问题- Safety Incident 平安事故- Major Quality Issue 主要的质量问题- Major Downtime Occurrence 呵斥停线的主要缘由- Reoccurring Downtime 反复呵斥停线and any other abnormal situations at anywhere 无论何处只需发生了异常情况都需求进展问题处理问题处理的五个阶段15-Phase Problem SolvingPro
57、blem Definition 问题的定义A Statement which describes the current status or situation. 对现状的一段描画Grasp the Situation掌握情况State the problem that is occurring (Break down the problem into smaller ones & specifically define the situation) 陈说曾经发生的问题将大问题化为小问题并明确指明情况Deviation and standard 偏向的大小与规范Quantity of occu
58、rrence 数量与发生的问题Frequency and percentage 发生的频率及百分率The time period 发生的时间Worker or machine related to 与此相关的员工或设备Point of occurrence 问题的起点点1Problem Definition(cont.) 问题的定义 (续)Locate Point of Cause/ Point of Occurrence (Where is the problem first observed) 查找出现问题的起点/问题的起点哪里首先出现问题 5-Phase Problem SolvingP
59、rocess 3 Is the Point of Cause!Observation:Go Back to 3654321Problem in 6Can SeeCan SeeCan SeeCan Not SeeStart backtrackProcess flow direction第3道工艺呵斥出现问题!察看 :第 3 阶段工艺流程方向在第6道工艺发现问题可以看见可以看见可以看见不能看见开场追溯Apollo 13阿波罗13号What is Problem Description/Initial Problem Perception? 问题的描画/初期对问题的了解是什么?What is the
60、 Point of Cause? 什么是出现问题的起点?Problem Solving Exercise25-Phase Problem Solving Immediate Fix (Containment) 立刻维修Immediate fix is the action taken to contain the problem spread立刻维修措施是为了防止问题分散Immediate fix is any extraordinary action as following examples to prevent passing on problem to the next custome
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