外研版(一起)英语二年级上册 Unit 2 I don’t like ging…(教案)_第1页
外研版(一起)英语二年级上册 Unit 2 I don’t like ging…(教案)_第2页
外研版(一起)英语二年级上册 Unit 2 I don’t like ging…(教案)_第3页
外研版(一起)英语二年级上册 Unit 2 I don’t like ging…(教案)_第4页
外研版(一起)英语二年级上册 Unit 2 I don’t like ging…(教案)_第5页
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1、课题:外研社一年级起点二年级上册(NSE) Module 2 Unit 2I dont like ginger.课时数:1课时学情分析:本课执教对象是二年级学生。由于学生年龄小,生性活泼 好动,更喜欢直观形象思维,富有感情色彩的情境教学和体验式教学 更能激起学生的学习情绪。此前,学生通过对第一、二模块的学习, 能够理解并初步运用I like./I dont like表达自己的喜好,同时在两 年的英语学习中已经掌握了一些简单、常见的各类名词。因此学生可 以在已有的语言知识结构的基础上,在新的文本载体中将旧知与本课 新增加学习的内容进行有机串联,整合运用,提高综合语言运用能力。 教学目标:在真实语

2、境下通过闻一闻,尝一尝,识别并能正确说出ginger,onion的语义。通过自然拼读,正确读出nice, ice cream中字母i的读音,并在情境中识记词义。通过观察Sam表情变化,以及听读课文,了解在不同生活情景中的真实感受及其原因,运用语句:Hike.; I dont like.表达喜 好。通过自制与本课教学有关的微课,学生可以了解到姜和洋葱的好处,从而知道姜和洋葱对身体是有益的。巧妙借助本课的最终评价,学生能够基本准确的读出ABCD四个字母的读音,为下一课的书写做准备。措施,圆满完成教学任务,落实教学目标。同时,教师对学生关心, 也会激起学生学习的动力。对学生鼓励,会引发学生学习信心。

3、老师 更要多表扬和鼓励那些成绩不太理想的学生要多肯定他们做的好的 地方,及时发现他们的闪光点,增强他们的信心,教师可以在课堂上 给学生一个舞台,鼓励他们走上讲台,尽情地来表现自我。重点:在语境中学习、理解并运用语词:nice, ice cream; 了解ginger, onion语义。能运用I like和I dont like表达自己的喜好。难点:在不同的生活情境中,能清楚地判断并选择I like.和I dont like表达自己的喜好。关键:通过所设计的三个练习活动:Passing Game,对比美美和胖胖 的饮食习惯以及不同季节对食物、穿着、运动及颜色的喜好夯实本课 学习的重点,并在此基础

4、上运用之前学生学过的词汇扩充学生综合语 言运用的渠道,达到语言的迁移创新。预习任务:1.试着在书中自己临摹ABCD四个字母;2.自己制作调 查表,了解你的好朋友或家人喜欢和不喜欢的(食物、衣服、颜色、 运动.)o课程资源:CD-ROM、点读笔、电子白板、卡片,微视频,实物。教学内容与过程:一、热身启动(preparation)Greetings between teacher and students.Say the chant of M1.First, lefs say a chant, OK? (CD-ROM)Revision.a. Balloon gameDo you like game

5、s? OK, lefs do it. Id like invite one student to come here from each teams. Team A.You please help me to stick the picture. I break the balloons. You do actions. And you say the sentence, are you clear? Ready? Go!(过程中奖励 T: Team A.) The first balloon: I like. (cats, swimming, noodles, dogs, shoes) Wo

6、w, good children. Lets break the second balloon: I dont like. (monsters, spiders, snakes, tigers, black)Congratulations children. Thank you, go back to your seat. Now, lets have quickly say. Stand up and say I like or I dont like according to your facts. ( birds, sweets, basketball, meat, ABC song,

7、red)B. Say in pairs.T: Wow, children you did the good job! Look, so many delicious food for you. Are you happy? Now its your turn to share what do you like and what dont you like with your partner.二、课文呈现(presentation)1. Lead-inJust now you share what do you like with your partner, do you know what d

8、oes Doris like?让学生先说说Look.(电子白板画图:noodles, rice)You like noodles and rice.Yes. Do you know why? Lets watch the CD-ROM.T: Why do I like noodles and rice?S: They are very, very nice.教师讲授新词“nice”。1)语音教学通过PPT图片展示和教师的动作猜测句子:Hike rice.让学生感知和 体会三个词中i的读音相同,因而学会nice的读音。T:这三个单词里面都有什么字母,他们都发什么音? Irice-how to r

9、ead this word?Ss: Nice.2)创设真实情境:a.(人)好心的,友好的:She is a girl.b.(天气) 宜人的:Look out of the window, today is a day.c. Do you remember what food are very, very ?(播放 CD-ROM) Repeat.Task: Today were going to learn Module 2 Unit 2.(板书题目)Lets read the task together:学习I like 和I dont like表达自己的喜好。 并能在不同的生活情境中正确运用

10、及表达。New TeachingListen and answerT: Look, who is he? (PPT 出示 Sam 头像)S: He is Sam.T: Yes. Look.(电子白板聚光灯Sam) Is Sam happy?Ss: Yes, he is.T: And then Is Sam happy?Ss: No, he isnt.T: Why is he happy?(电子白板聚光灯meat, ice cream)Watch the CD ROM.If youre Sam, what do you like?(板书)S1:1 like meat.(板书)S2:1 like

11、ice creams.(板书)教师讲授新词“icecream”。PPT 出示单词 niceT:Ice creams are nice. Lets delete the first letter. If s - ice.通过PPT出示图片,分别让学生了解ice和cream的语义, 从而感知ice cream的语义。并通过图片直观感受和句型填空练习感 知an ice cream和ice creams在不同语境中的不同用法。Listen and underlineT: Just now, Sam saidSs: I like meat. I like ice creams.T: look at Sa

12、m now.(电子白板聚光灯Sam) This time, is Samhappy?T: Do you want to know why? This time, open your books. Underline why Sam isnt happy.T:(板书)What did Sam say?SI: I don、like ginger. I don、like onions.(板书)教师通过简笔画向学 生直观展示姜和洋葱的语义。T: Children, do you like ginger and onions? Now, show me your gingerand onions, pl

13、ease. There are three steps: 1. Smell; 2. Lick; 3. Eat.(choose 4 children to show eating and talk about feeling)T: Some children dont like ginger and onions. But they are good fbr you.Lets enjoy a video. (微视频The benefits of ginger and onions)T: Doris wants to say.From now on, will you try to eat gin

14、ger and onions ?(情感培养)Reading trainingListen and repeat 品艮读模仿 (e-pen)read by yourself 自 读listen and imitateBL:Role play (头饰)表演三、三、三、巩固操练(practice)Passing game.SI: I don,t like.Ss: Sorry.SI: Hike.Ss: . for you.SI: Thank you.Pangpang and MeimeiT: Do you like making friends? I have two friends to intro

15、duce to you Pangpang and Meimei.T: If you are Pangpang, what do you like? What dont you like?(图片支 撑)Talk in pairs.Ss: Im Pangpang. I like. /1 dont like.T: If you are Meimei, what do you like? What dont you like? Talk in groups.Ss: Fm Meimei. I like. /1 dont like.T: Who do you like? Because she has g

16、ood habits.四、任务完成(production)T: Boy and girls, different seasons, we have different habits. For me : In summer I like ice creams , I don5t like noodles/此时指着PPT 中的 tips). Now lets discuss different seasons, different likes. Here are four parts: food and fruits, clothes, sports and colour.每个小组四个人分别选择一

17、 类来描述,Understand? Now lets talk in groups.五、总结及作业(Summary and homework)SummaryT: What did you learn today?课堂评价T: Look, you all did good job! Team A got an apple. A is for apple.Team B got a bat. B is for bat. Team C got a car. C is for car. Team D got a dog. D is for dog. Lets stand up and say this

18、chant.Todays homework.a、向家人或小伙伴说说你对身边东西的喜好;b、向家人宣传姜和圆葱的好处,养成不挑食的好习惯。六、板书设计七、教学评价这节课,我认为处理比较好的地方:1、在备课之前,梳理已学过的前三册教材,对学生已学知识进行整 理、归类。创设各种真实的生活情境,将新旧单词结合本课句型进行 串联,真正做到知识的迁移。2、新单词的教授上有亮点。在教授nice的时候,边做动作边分别出 示I, like, rice这三个单词,让学生体会单词中i的读音,从而感知nice 的读音,再此基础之上,通过创设真实情景,让学生了解nice除了 可以表达食物的美味,还可以表达天气的晴朗和人的友好,做到了以 旧带新。在单词ice cream的教授上,通过nice感知ice中i的读音, 再通过图片分


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