外研版(一起)英语一年级上册 Module5Unit2That is a yellow …(教案)_第1页
外研版(一起)英语一年级上册 Module5Unit2That is a yellow …(教案)_第2页
外研版(一起)英语一年级上册 Module5Unit2That is a yellow …(教案)_第3页
外研版(一起)英语一年级上册 Module5Unit2That is a yellow …(教案)_第4页




1、Teaching PlanNo BonesTeaching contents:All the book.Teaching aims:Knowledge aimsTo enable the students to master seven words: bone, butterfly, worm, slug, snail, jellyfish, fly.To enable the students to introduce the animals with the following sentence patterns: This is a butterfly. No bones.Ability

2、 aimsTo improve the communication abilities of talking about animals.Emotional aimsTo love animals and themselves.Key points and difficult points:Vocabulary: bone, butterfly, worm, slug, snail, jellyfish, fly.Language: This is a butterfly. No bones.Teaching methods:Communicative teaching method, Sit

3、uational teaching method, Total physicalResponse method, and Task-based Language teaching method.Teaching aids:Word cardsMulti-media playerChalkBlackboardTeaching procedure:Stepl GreetingsT: Hello!/Hi!Ss: Hello, Miss Chen!/ Hi, Miss Chen!T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, tooT: Today, we are

4、going to learn a new picture book, No bones.Read the title sometimes.Step2 PresentationLead inAsk the pupils some questions.Do you know animals?What does animal mean?Do you know Animals World?What is the Animals World?Have you ever see this TV program?T: I want to watch this TV program. Lets watch t

5、ogether, OK? Before we watch it, I have a question: What animals can you see from the video?Enjoy the video.Say some animals about the video.T: Good answers. Animals are our best friends. We saw many animals from the video just now. Look, here they are.Learn some wordsT: Look at the screen. Learn so

6、me words about the animals.Eg. bat frog bird fish fly butterfly snail wormT: Let me classify them. Why do I classify them this way?Flying animals are one of them.Sea animals are a group.These animals can swim.Reptiles are a group.Beneficial insects are one of them.Injurious insects of another.T: You

7、 all had great answers. Now, please listen to me. In fact, these animals all have bones. And these animals have no bones.Learn the bookShow a boneT: Look, this is a bone. Read after me. (Bb)Which animals do you know that have bones?Dog.Cat.T: Yes, they all have bones. Some animals have bones, but ot

8、hers have no bones. Lets learn it one by one. butterflyT: This is a butterfly. It has no bones.(Bb) The butterflies like flowers very much.wormT: Next animal likes the soil very much. It usually lives in the soil. Lets guess. What is it? Look at the worm.slugT: Look at the screen. Have you ever seen

9、 an animal? Lets watch the video.Enjoy the video.T: This kind of animal lives in the wet place. Next animal looks like a slug, but it has a shell on its back. What is this?snailT: Look, this is a snail. Read after me. What is the difference between a slug and a snail?SI: Snails have a shell on its b

10、ack.T: Yes, so the slug moves fast, but the snail moves slowly, because it has a shell on its back. What is the similarities between a slug and a snail?They all have tentacles.They are reptiles.They have no bones.T: Wonderful. They have no bones.(6) jellyfishT: Look, whafs this? Jelly. I like jelly.

11、 Do you like jelly? OK, I like jelly and I like fish, too. Fish, read after me. Look, they can make a new word. Jellyfish, this animal looks like jelly and lives in the water like a fish, can you guess the meaning?SI:水母。T: Youre so clever.flyT: Listen carefully, what animal is it?SI: Fly.T: Yes, do

12、you like it? Why dont you like it?Theyre very dirty.Theyre very smelly.Read carefullyLook at your book, lets listen, point and repeat. Then read after the teacher.Read together.Retell the bookLook at the mind map, lets review.Retell the book together.Work in groupsT: Four students work in a group. T

13、ry to retell this book.Look and tickT: Look at the screen. Lets tick.Check the answers.Step3 ExtendTalk about the other animals that have no bones.T: The animals in this book dont have bones. Who are they?Have a review.T: Do you know any other animals that have no bones?Ant.Centipde.Octopus.Cuttlefi

14、sh.Bee.T: So many good answers. Look, a bee. Can you use this structures to say it?Ss: This is a bee. No bones.Step4 SummaryAsk the pupils some questions.Do you have bones?Why do we have bones?T: Some animals have bones, some animals have no bones. What about you? Do you have bones? The answer is ye

15、s. We all have bones. For example we have head bones, neck bones.and so on. Human bones are to support the body, if there is no bones, people would be paralyzed. Bones also have hematopoietic functions. Now, here is an interesting video. Lefs enjoy it.Enjoy the video.T: In a word, bones are very imp

16、ortant to human beings, so we should take good care of ourselves.Step5 HomeworkMake the animal cards.Retell the article to your parents.Blackboard design:No bones.This is a butterfly.No BonesAfter lesson reflection:我所执教的是外语教学与研究出版社出版的科林英语一年级No bones 一课。在执教结束后,我进行了深刻的反思。从整体而言,教学设计符合一年级 学生的学情,学生较成功地完成了教学任务。学生通过学习,掌握这些动物的英 文表达,懂得区分有骨头的动物和无骨头的动物,会用英语介绍这是某种动物


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