1、人教版(2019版)高中英语选择性必修第二册第一单元学案【词汇语法等】UNIT ONE1. have/develop cholera klr: 染上霍乱2.severe sv(r):adj. 极为恶劣的; 十分严重的; 严厉的severely: adv.严重地; 严厉地; 严格地; 苛刻地serious srs: adj. 严重的; 危险的; 严肃的; 认真的; 重要的seriously: adv. 严重地; 严肃/认真地; 非常be serious about: 对认真strict strkt: adj. 严格的; 严厉的be strict with sb: 对某人严格be strict i
2、n sth: 对某事严格3.diarrhoea/ diarrheadar:n.腹泻 (the runs: 腹泻)have/getdiarrhoea/the runs: 腹泻; 拉肚子4. frustratedfrstretd: adj. 懊恼的; 沮丧的; 失意的frustrating: adj.令人焦虑不安的;令人沮丧的annoyed: adj. 生气的; 恼怒的; 烦闷的bored bd:adj. 厌倦的; 厌烦的; 烦闷的; 不感兴趣的upset pset: adj. 不高兴的; 失望的; 心烦意乱的; 不安的; 沮丧的5. once and for all: 最终地; 彻底地compl
3、etely:adv. 完全地; 彻底地entirely: adv. 全部地; 完整地; 完全地6. infection nfekn: n. 感染;传染infect nfekt : v. 感染;传染7. germ dm: n 微生物; 细菌; 病菌virus vars : n. 病毒; 病毒性疾病; 毒素bacterium bktrm: n. 细菌 (复数: bacteria bktri)versus vss: prep.与相对/对阵/相比8. subscribe sbskrab:v.认购(股份); 定期订购; 定期缴纳(会费)subscribe for.: 认购(股份)subscribe to
4、.: 定期订购/缴纳/捐款; 赞助order: v. 点餐; 叫菜; 订购; 订货book/reserve: 预定/预约(座位/席位/房间/票等)9. subscribe to.: 同意; 赞同agree to do: 同意做 agree to sth: 同意什么agree with sb/what: 同意 agree on/upon: 对达成一致10. proof pruf: n.证据; 证明; 检验 (可数名词或者不可数名词) (复数: proofs) (roof - roofs chief - chiefs)evidence evdns: n. 证据; 证物; 证词 (不可数名词)11.
5、 multiple mltpl: adj. 数量多的; 多种多样的various vers:adj. 不同的; 各种各样的differentdfrnt: adj. 不同的diverse davs: adj. 不同的; 多种多样的all kinds/sorts of .: 各种各样12. household hashld:n.一家人; 家庭; 同住一套(所)房子的人familyfml:n. 家庭; 家族We are family. 我们是一家人。13. suspect sspekt: v. 怀疑; 疑有; 不信任; 认为 sspekt: n. 犯罪嫌疑人; 可疑对象doubt dat: v. 怀
6、疑; 不相信; 不信任14. blame blem: v. 把归咎于.; 责怪; 指责 n. 责备; 指责scold skld: v. 责备; 责骂; 训斥blame sb for: 因责备be to blame for (不好的事): 对负责任be responsible for: 对.负责 【对人/对事(含不好的事)】only have oneself to blame: 只能怪自己; 是自己的错pin the blame on.: 向.甩锅take/get the blame for.: 为.背锅lay/put the blame for sth on sb: 把某事归咎于某人15. h
7、andle hndl:n. 把手; 拉手; 柄v. 处理; 搬动; 操纵(车辆/动物/工具等)run operate work: v. 操作tackle: v. 应付; 解决; 处理do with.: 处理 deal with.: 处理; 解决16. intervention ntvenn: n.介入; 出面; 干涉intervene ntvin: v. 介入; 出面; 干涉17. linklk: n.联系; 纽带; 链接 v. 把.连接起来; 相关联link. to/with/and .: 把.连接/联系起来join . to.: 把和连接或联结起来18. rawr: adj.未煮的; 生的
8、; 未经处理的; 原始的roar r: v. / n. 吼叫;咆哮raw material: 原材料get a raw deal: 受到不公正的对待; 得到不公平的待遇19. pure pj(r):adj. 干净的; 纯的; 纯粹的a bottle of pure water: 一瓶纯净水20. substantial sbstnl: adj.大量的; 价值巨大的; 重大的substance sbstns : n. 物质;材料21. decrease dkris: v. 减少; 减小; 降低dikris: n. 减少; 降低: 减少量reduce: v. 减少 fall: v. 减少;下降;
9、减小 drop: v. 降低; 减少increase: v. 增加 rise: v. 上升; 增长【by: 表示增减的幅度。to: 增减到】22. thanks to.: 幸亏; 由于; 因为(状)owing to. : 由于; 因为(状) due to: 由于; 因为(表、状)as a result of.: 由于; 因为(状) because of what/名词:因为(状)because/since/as/for + 陈述句:由于; 因为given that + 陈述句: 鉴于; 考虑到23. statistic sttstk: n. (复数)统计数字; 统计资料; 统计学number
10、nmb(r): n. 数字; 数量; 编号figure f(r): n. 数字; 身材numerous njumrs: adj. 无数的; 很多的24. transform trnsfm: v. 使改观; 使改变形态; 改变; 转变change: v. 变化; 改变; 更换; 替换exchange: v. 交换; 互换; 交流; 掉换exchange/change/swapfor: 用换transform/change into:把.变成.25. epidemiology epdimildi:n. 流行病学medicine medsn: n. 药; 医学illness - sickness -
11、 disease26. microscope makrskp: n. 显微镜binoculars bnkjlz: n. 双筒望远镜telescope telskp: n. 望远镜glasses: 眼镜27. thinkingk: n. 思想; 思维; 见解thought: n. 想法; 看法; 主意; 记忆; 思想; 思考; 思维think: v.认为; 思考; 思索; 思想think - thought - thought28. protein prtin: n. 蛋白质nutritional: adj. 营养(物)的nutritious : adj. 有营养的; 营养丰富的nutritio
12、n: n. 营养; 滋养29. cellsel: n. 细胞; 小房间; 单间牢房cellphone: n. 手机prison: n. 监狱room: n. 房间30. finding fand: n.发现; 调查结果; (法律)判决discover: v. - discovery:n. (发现)31. initial nl: adj. 最初的; 开始的; 第一的 (用于名词前)initially: adv. 开始; 最初32. vaccine vksin: n. 疫苗take a vaccine (against.): 接种/注射疫苗take/get/receive/accept/refus
13、e a COVID-19 vaccine: 接种/拒绝新冠疫苗33. theoretical framework: 理论框架theory r: n. 理论; 学说34. solid sld: adj.可靠的; 固体的; 坚实的n. 固体solid(固体) - liquid(液体) - gas(气体)35. castkst:v.投射; 投掷; 向.投以(视线/笑容等)cast - cast - castcost - cost - cost: 花费/值(多少钱)throw - threw - thrown: 投掷; 抛; 丢36. shadowd: n. 阴影; 影子; 背光处shade: n.
14、阴凉处; (画的)阴暗部分cast a shadow on.: 在某处投下/留下影子; 给.蒙上阴影37. pour p(r): v.倒出; 倾泻; 斟(饮料)pour down: 倾盆而下: 下大雨rain hard/heavily/cats and dogs: 下大雨38. concretekkrit: n.混凝土adj. 混凝土制的; 确实的; 具体的concrete evidence/proposals: 确凿的证据/具体的建议39. plasma plzm: n. 血浆blood bld: n. 血; 血统bleed blid: v. 流血; 失血(bled)40. aerospac
15、e erspes: n. 航空航天工业aero- : 空气的; 空中的; 飞行器的aeroplane/airplane/plane: n.飞机THE FATHER OF CHINAS AEROSPACE41. mechanical mknkl:adj. 机械的; 发动机的; 机器的machine min: n. 机器;机械; 机械般的人engine endn: n. 发动机; 引擎; 火车头42. mechanic mknk: n.机械师; 机械修理工engineer ,endn: 工程师; 设计师; 机修工repair: v. 修理 (repaired)fix: v. 修理 (fixed)m
16、end: v. 修理 (mended)43. aviationevien:n.航空制造业; 航空; 飞行fly (flew, flown): v.飞;飞行; 驾驶; 操作; 飘扬; 放(风筝)flight flat: n. 飞行; 航行; 航程; 航班44. defend dfend:v.保卫; 防守; 辩解defence/defense: n. 防御; 国防45. in charge of.: 主管; 掌管be in charge of: 主管; 掌管be in the charge of: 由主管; 掌管take charge of: 主管; 掌管46. leadership lidp:
17、n. 领导; 领导地位; 领导才能lead (led) lid: v. 领导; 率领; 带领leader lid:n. 领袖; 领导; 首领under the leadership of.= under ones leadership: 在.的领导下with the help of. = with ones help: 在.的帮助下47. trace tres: v.追溯; 追踪; 查出n. 痕迹; 遗迹; 踪迹track trk:n. 足迹; 踪迹; 轨道; 铁路; 小路; 跑道 v. 追踪; 跟踪 trace sth (back) to.: 追溯什么到.date back to/from.
18、: 始于; 追溯到go back to.: 追溯到48. outstanding atstnd: adj. 优秀的; 杰出的; 明显的excellent ekslnt:adj. 优秀的; 好极了striking: adj. 显著的; 引人注目的brilliant brlint: adj. 杰出的; 很好的;明亮的; 很成功的stand out: 突出; 显眼; 出色49. gifted ftd: adj.有天赋的; 有天才的; 天资聪颖的giftft:n. 礼物; 天赋have a gift for: 对有天赋be gifted with.: 具有(令人愉快的东西)50. come/go do
19、wn with.: 患(病); 染上(小病)suffer from.: 患(病)develop: v. 患(病)illness/sickness/disease: n. 病; 疾病51. abstractbstrkt:adj. 抽象的; 理性的 n. (文献等的)摘要digest dadest: vt./vi. 消化; 领会; 领悟 dadest: n. 摘要; 文摘 extract ekstrkt : n. 提取物; 摘录 kstrkt: vt. 提取; 提炼; 摘录; (用力)拔出52. steady stedi: adj.稳定的; 平稳的; 稳步的steadily: adv. 稳定地;
20、坚定地; 坚固地; 不断地a steady job/income: 稳定的工作/收入a steady boyfriend/girlfriend: 关系稳定的男朋友/女朋友a steady relationship: 稳定的关系Ready, steady, go! = Ready, set, go ! (赛跑口令)各就各位,预备,跑!53. conceptknsept:n. 概念; 观念New Concept English: 新概念英语54. besides bsadz: prep. 除之外(还)adv. 而且; 此外besidebsad:prep. 在旁/附近Whats more. 而且Wh
21、ats worse. 更糟的是in addition: 而且; 此外besides: 除了. (还) 【包含。常和other, else, more连用】but /except/except for: 除了【不包含。常和all, every, no- 连用】apart/aside from: 除了 (包含, 不包含)other than: 除了 (包含, 不包含)(不包含常与no,not,never, nothing,hardly等连用)1)Besides cancer, smoking can lead to other diseases.2)What other language does
22、 the girl speak besides English?3)Besides working as a doctor, he also writes novels in his spare time.4)She can answer all the questions except (for) /but the third one.55. brilliantbrljnt: adj.聪颖的; 绝妙的; 明亮的brilliantly: adv. 光彩夺目地; 出色地; 精彩地; 高明地bright: adj. 明亮的; 发亮的clever: adj. 聪明的; 熟练的; 灵巧的bright:
23、 adj. 聪明的 (通常指年轻人或小孩)smart: adj. 聪颖的; 机灵的wise: adj. 明智的; 英明的; 充满智慧的intelligent: adj. 有才智的; 聪明的56. furthermorefm(r):adv. 此外; 再者moreover mrv(r): adv. 而且;此外 what is more besides in addition furthermore57. above all: 最重要的是; 尤其是 all in all: 总而言之 after all: 毕竟 in all/total:总共 first of all:首先 last of all:最
24、后 at all:根本; 完全 not at all:没关系; 一点也不58. fault flt: n.弱点; 过错falsefls:错误的; 人造的; 假的; 不真诚的find fault with.: 找.岔子; 挑剔It is ones fault that.: .是某人的过错。It is ones fault for.: .是某人的过错。error er: n. 错误; 谬误 (可指任何错误, 常可与 mistake 换用)shortcoming: n. 缺点; 短处59. shift ft: n. 改变; 转换; 轮班v. 转移; 挪动; 转向be on the day/night
25、 shift (at.): (在某单位)上白班/夜班60. vivid vvd: adj. 生动的; 鲜明的; 丰富的vividly: adv. 生动地lively: adj. 生动的; 逼真的(普通用词,指形象、描述等生动而逼真的,可与 vivid 换用)61. Cambridge kembrd: 剑桥(英国城市)at Cambridge: 在剑桥大学 in Cambridge: 在剑桥城62. in the (early/late) 19th century: 在19世纪(初/末)in 1990: 在1990年in the (early/late)1990s/1990s:在20世纪90年代
26、(初/末)in the mid-1990s/1990s:在20世纪90年代中期in the (early/late) 1900s:在20世纪(初/末)63. die of: 因而死 die from: 因而死die for: 为而死64. Last Thursday a strong earthquake hit/struck Japan.65. rise to do.: 发迹; 地位提高; 变得更成功/强大/重要In time, he rose to become a famous doctor. 66. attend to.: 处理; 对付; 接待; 照料; 专心于attend on/up
27、on sb.: 照料attend (to) sb: 照料take (good) care of.: 照料(好)look after.: 照料attend school: 上学; 读书attend Harvard University: 上哈佛大学 67. These people worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge Street.68. Whats more. 而且; 另外; 更重要的是Whats worse. 更糟的是69. a household name: 家喻户晓的名字70. have a/no side effect: 有/无副作用71. have +
28、宾语 + 过去分词: 叫/让/请某人做什么have + sb. + do .: 叫/让/使某人做什么 (强调一次性动作)have + sb + doing.: 叫/让/使某人一直/不停/反复地做什么1)Accordingly, John Snow had the handle of the water pump removed so that it could not be used.2)I had Mary and Betty clean my office yesterday.3)Dont have the baby crying in bed all the time. 4)We alw
29、ays have the fire burning day and night in the winter.5)We will have much homework to do at the weekend.72. stop . in ones tracks: 突然停止/止步Covid-19 was stopped in its tracks with the help of millions of doctors and nurses.73. see: v. 经历; 有什么的发生; 为发生的时间/地点 (常常时间或者地方作主语)1)Through his tireless efforts,
30、the threat of cholera around the world saw a substantial decrease.2)This year has seen a big decrease/rise in the global economy.3)The year 1949 saw the end of the old government.4)The past 43 years have seen the greatest changes in Chinese history5)The Birds Nest saw a lot of exciting games last ye
31、ar.74. in the first/second place: 起初; 开始; 第一; 首先75. get down to (doing)sth: 开始做.76. a graduate student: 研究生77. have an/no impact/effect/influence on/upon.: 对.有/无影响78. in/during/over the course of: 在的过程中79. do/make/conduct research/researches (in/into/on): 做()研究(an) expert at/in/on: 方面的专家/高手80.receiv
32、e a heros welcome (from.): 受到英雄般的欢迎81. in this field/area: 在这个领域82. discourage sb from doing.: 阻止/阻碍某人做什么prevent/stop(from) doing.:防止/阻止做prevent/stop/keepfrom being done: 防止被keepfrom doing.: 防止/阻止做83. when + 过去分词: 当被什么的时候when doing.: 当做什么的时候when to do.: 什么时候做什么1)When taken according to the direction
33、s, the drug has no side effect.2)When crossing the road, you cant be careful enough.3)I dont know when to build the international airport.84. the sense of wonder and awe: 好奇和敬畏感85. think aloud = think out loud: 自言自语86. get a better understanding of.: 更好地了解.87. the same. as.: 与.一样 (表示同一类, 即相同的另外的物。定语
34、从句为省略结构时要用as; the same后无名词时要用as)the same. that.: (表示同一, 即原人/原物)1)He lives in the same village as his uncle and aunt. (没有定语从句)2)Your answer is the same as hers. (没有定语从句)3)They have made the same mistake as last time. (没有定语从句) 4)They have made the same mistake that they madelast time. 5)She is wearing
35、 the same sweater as I lost last winter.6)She is wearing the same sweater that I lost last winter. 7)This is the (same) monkey that I saw in the forest20 minutes ago.8)This is the (same) girl that we met in the forest 20minutes ago.88. think outside the box: 跳出框框思考/想问题;另辟蹊径read between the lines: 领悟
36、隐含意义; 看出言外之意89. 本单元语法: 表语从句表语从句的结构是:主语 + 系动词 + 连词 +陈述句 表语从句 可以接表语从句的系动词有:be, look, sound, seem, appear, feel, smell,taste等。主句 be(.) that + 陈述句主句 be(.) whether + 陈述句主句 be(.) 特殊疑问词 + 陈述句This/That/It is/was because句子: 这/那是因为.This/That/It is/was why句子: 那/这就是的原因; 那/这就是为什么.;所以; 因此表语从句不缺意思, 连词用that (通常不可以省去); 表语从句表示 “是否”, 连词用whether,不可用if。下列结构的后句也是表语从句:It seems that/as if + 陈述句.It/Sb sounds as if + 陈述句. I
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