1、前 言,词汇是摆在所有考生面前的第一道难关。对于入学的所有如果词汇关不能顺利通过,那么整个也许就没有成功的可能了。故而在有失。淡定之后,我结合词汇编著本伊始,我感觉如履薄冰,规律以及多年的应试及辅导经验,选择以同根,形近和近义等多条主线同时展开,在难度和深度上逐渐跟进,并最终实现攻克数千词汇的目标。数载之间著成的本不但凝聚了我而且涵盖了很多这个时代的应试辅导精英对词汇的感悟。本整理了笔者多年对于词汇的手记,并且吸取了,等著名辅导宝贵的建议,由我于 2010年在TOE数十个省市试讲取得了惊人的效果。大学时代的笔者在四级,六级,RE 等各类英文均取得过优异的成绩,掌握取得英文高分的精髓,并且经过大
3、珍惜好年华,踌躇而白了少年头,放下包袱与我轻装上路。路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索!另外,在本同时还要感谢编写过程中,笔者得到了太奇校长的全方位的支持。,张,等老师给与的巨大帮助。最后,我祝愿全天下的太奇学员在新的一年马到成功!邵宁 于1 / 46词汇方法介绍构词法(根据前缀,词根和后缀来比如:单词的方法)-able, -ible:形容词后缀,表示“能够。的”,如: readable, drinkable, respectable, responsible, movableim-, in-, il-, ir-:形容词前缀, 表示“ 不,非”,否定后面根词的意义, 如: imsible, imm
4、oral, improper, inappropriate, inconsiderable,parable, illegal, illogical, irregular, illiterate, irrational,irrelevanten-, -en:动词前或后缀,表示“使 ”, 如 : enlarge, encourage. enable; widen, threaten,redden-ship:抽象名词后缀,表示“性质或状态”,如 friendship, hardship, sesmanship, leadership常用构词法的词根、词缀供大家学习,以利单词:2 / 46astro-
5、 星的astronomy(天文学),astrology(占星术)audi- 听auditorium(礼堂),audible (能听到的)bio- 生物的biochemistry(生物化学),biology(生物学)cent- 臼centimeter(厘米),centigram(厘克)claim-,clam- 叫喊proclaim(宣布,),exclaim(呼喊,惊叫)cosm- 宇宙,世界cosmos(宇宙),cosmic(宇宙的)cycl- 圆,环bicycle(自行车),cyclone()geo- 地球,土地geography(地理学),geology(地质学)hydra- 水的hydra
6、ulic(水力的),hydrant(消防栓)lingu- 语言的linguist(语言学家),bilingual(双语的)liter- 文字,字母literate(识字的),literature(文学)-phone 声音microphone(麦克风), ephone()psych- 心理的,的psychology(心理学),psychoysis(心理分析)scend-, scent- 爬,蹬ascend(攀登,上升),descend(下降)e- 远escope(望远镜), egram(电报)therm- 热的thermal(热的),thermometer(温度计)前缀anti- 反抗,orru
7、ption(败的),anti-war(、反战的)auto- 自己的,自动的automation (自动),autobiography (自传)bi- 双的bilateral(双边的),bikly(双)counter-,对应counterclaim(反诉),counteract(抵消,中和)dis- 相反dislike(不喜欢),disbe f(不相信)en-,-en 使dishearten(气馁),enforce(强迫,执行)ex- 向外external(外部的),export(出口)3 / 46im- (动词前缀)向内import(进口),imprison(),implant(灌输)im-,
8、in- (形容词前缀)不imal 个人的),immortal(不朽的),immature(不成),immodest(不谦虚的)er- 相互,在内ernational(国际的), ertwine(纠缠,交织)mal- 坏,不良maltreat(),malnutrition(营养不良)micro- 微,微小的microphone(麦克风),microscope(显微镜)mini- 小的minibus(小公巴),minimum(最小)mis- 错的mistake(错误),mispronounce(发音错误)multi- 多的multinational(多国的),multilingual(多语的)no
9、n- 否定non-smoking(不抽烟的),nonstop(不断的)out- 超过,过度outgrow(过大而不适于),outweigh(过重),outnumber(人数上超过)over- 过度,超overwork(过劳),overdo(过度,夸张)t- 在后twar(战后的),tmodernism(后现代主义)pre-pre-war(战前的),pre-liberation(前的)Re- 再,重re-read(再读),re-fill(再装,再填)semi- 半semi-hemisphere(半球),semiconductor(半导体)sub- 次的,亚,低于substandard(次标准,亚
10、标准),submarine(潜艇) submerge(下沉,淹没)subcontinent(次大陆)trans- 转换,横过transcontinental(横跨大陆的),transform(变化), tans-(横跨的)tri- 三倍的triangle,(三角形)un- 否定unknown(无名的),unstable(不稳固的),un(不高兴的,忧郁的),unrest(不安的)under- 在下,不足underground(的),unday(少付工资), underdevelop(欠发达),undersized(不够大的)uni- 单一的unilateral(单边的),uniform(),u
11、nique(唯一的,独特的),unison(调和,和谐,一致,)后缀-able, -ible 有能力的controllable(可控制的),sensible(明智的,有判断力的),changeable(多变的)-age 表示状态,性质wreckage(遭难),shortage(缺乏,不足),leakage(泄漏)-ant, -ent (能动的)人,物assistant(助手)agent()accountant(会计)-arian 表示派别,主义的人utilitarian(实用主义),librarian(馆员),humanitarian(人道主义者)-dom 性质,状态,行为kingdom(王国
12、)freedom()boredom(厌倦)-ee 表示动作的接受者addressee(受话人),refugee(难民),examinee(应试者)形近义近词法(通过对形近或义近词进行比较的方法)1)分属于两个不同词根的词:compla(抱怨,申诉);compliant(顺从的) venerable(令人起敬的);vulnerable(易受 effect(效果);affect(影响);effort(努力)的)amiable(和蔼可亲的);amicable(友善的,和平的) break(破坏,碎裂);brake(刹车,制动装置) insistently(坚持地,强求地);consistently(
13、一贯地) retain(保持,保留);remain(保持)release(,发布);re ve(缓解,缓和)rare(稀罕珍贵的);rear(n. 后部;v饲养) scare(惊吓,害怕);scarce(缺乏的,不足的) serve(服务);server(切断,断绝)2)由同源动词或名词派生出来,其意义分别不同。affection: affection(友爱,爱情);affecion(假装,做作)4 / 46-er, -or 执行动作的人writer(作家),actor(演员),survivor(生还者)-ess 表示,雌性tigress(母),authoress(女作家),hostess(女
14、主人)-hood 表示,性质neighborhood(邻里),manhood(成人)-ify 使化simplify(简化)ify(拟人化)beautify(美化)-ish 似的childish(孩子气的),girlish(姑娘似的),selfish(自私的)-ism 表示:主义,学说modernism(现代化),tourism(旅游业),fatalism(宿命论)-ize, -ise, -yze .化modernize(现代化)yze(分析)realize(实现)-less 不,无,没有useless(无用)doubtless(无疑)careless(粗心)-like 有性质的dreamlik
15、e(做梦似的)-ogy 学科biology(生物学),technology(技术)-ness 表示性质,状态friendliness(友好),kindness(仁慈),selfishness(自私)-ous, -eous, -ious 充满的dangerous(的),hazardous(的),courteous(有礼貌的)-ward (s) 表示方向seawards(向海边的),eastward(向东的),nward(向内的)consider: considerable(相当多的);considerate(体贴他人的) continue: continuous(连续不断的);continual
16、(断断续续的)credit: credible(的,可靠的;credulous(轻信的)deceive: deceitful(的);deceptive(性的)differ(有区别);differentiate(区分)economy: economic(经济的,经济学的);economical(节俭的) history: historic(历史上著名的);historical(有关历史的)respect: respectable(可敬的,体面的);respectful(尊重人的);respective(各个的)sense: sensitive(敏感的); sensible(明智的,有判断力的)5
17、/46课堂精讲部分词汇更深刻的方法就是好方法!方法总论能使方法举例一构词法:汉语中的偏旁部首变成了英文中的前缀,词根和后缀。原理:派生词的构词方法主要有以 3 种1、 前缀 + 词根:imsible 不可能的 =im- 不 +sible 可能的rebuild 重建 = re-重、再 + build 建设 prospect 展望 = pro-向前 + spect 看 export 输出 = ex- 出 + port 运2、词根 + 后缀reader 读者 = read 读 + -er 人hopeless 无希望的 = hope 希望 +less 无的 dentist 牙科医生 = dent 牙齿
18、 + -ist 从事某种职业者 urban 城市的 =urb 城市 + -an的3、前缀 + 词根 + 后缀fortable 不舒服的 = un- 不 + comfort 舒服 + -able 能的ernational 国际的 =er- 在之间 + nation 国家 + -al的progressive 前进的 = pro-向前+ gress 行走 +ive的contemporary 同时代的 = con- 同 + tempor 时代 + -ary的举例:利用构词法词汇群记住 ced 为“走,行走”的意思,ceed,s 可以视为 ced 的变形,所以也具有行走的意思。recede re 反回,
19、 ced 行走 后退,退却exceed ex 以外, ceed 行 超过,越过,胜过3exs ex 超出,s 行 超过,越过,过分,分度precede pre 先, 前, ced 行 先行,领先,居先,优先proceed pro 向前, ceed 行 前进,进行6pros pro 向前,s 行 过程,进程,程序7procedurepro 向前, ure 名词后缀 过程,步骤,手续8propro,s, ion 名词后缀 行进,行进的行列,队伍precedent pre, ced,ent 名词后缀 前例,先例unprecedented un 无 无先例的,空前的sucsucsor suc 后面,s
20、 行, or 者 后行者,suc 后面,s 行, ion 名词后缀 相继,接续,继承6/46方法举例二联想法:理性可以帮助把抽象单词形象化或逻辑化。比如串联记法第一组:1名字叫 snail(蜗牛)4没想到 fail(失败)2要去发(邮件)3正翻过 rail(栏杆)5脚绊上 nail(钉子)6被tail()7捉进了 jail()8交许多 bail(保释金) 9放出后 hail(欢呼)注意:用这样的方法记单词通常只能记住这个单词比较浅显的意思,很难达到入学的要求,所以这些词汇的相关知识也需要掌握。相关知识如下:1n邮件 electronic(电子邮件), registered(挂号信),邮政, 盔
21、甲;vt邮寄,给穿盔甲;adj.邮政的 atrain(铁路邮车),书信的后加 box 变为box n邮筒,邮箱派生词:在2rail n横杆,围栏,扶手,铁轨;vt以围栏,铺铁轨;vi.责骂,抱怨;习语as thin as a rail(骨瘦如柴)by rail(乘火车,由铁路)派生词:在 rail 后加 way 变为:railway, n铁道fail vi.失败,不及格,忘记;vt.使失望,舍弃,辜负,不及格 n不及格,不及格者习语 without fail(必定,务必),fail to(没有做某事,疏忽,忘记)派生词:在 fail 后加 ure 变为failure n失败nail n指甲 t
22、oe-nail(脚指甲),钉,钉子;vt.钉,将钉牢习语 on the nail(立即,当场),hit the nail on the head(做得对,正中要害)。tail n.尾部,尾状物,辫子 wear ones hair in a tail(留辫子),adj.在后面的 a tail wind(顺风),vi .,船尾搁浅习语 turn tail(退走,逃走)派生词:在 tail 后加or 变为:tailor n裁缝衣匠6jail ngo to jail(),jailbreak(),监禁,关押;vt.监禁bail n.保释,保证金,保证人;v保释,舀水习语 be bail for(为做保释
23、人),accept bail(允许保释)hail n冰雹,致敬,招呼,一阵 a hail of bullets (弹雨); vt.向欢呼,致敬,招呼,使象下雹样落下 hail blows down on sb(给习语hail from(来自,在某地生长)一顿痛打),猛发;vi.招呼,下雹派生词:在 hail 后加 stone 变为:hailstone n冰雹第二组:1见到 street(街道)可以联想起:bicycle, truck, car, vehicle, bus, traffic (jam, light), rush hours, highway, freeway, zebra lin
24、es,cement. sidewalk, undass, fine, road, passenger, shops, fence 等等。7/462见到 hospital(医院)能想到: doctor, nurse, ward, cough, too等等。che, medicine, cure, treatment, injection, illness, clinic再比如谐音联想法:frugal fru:gl发音:腐乳够 意解:吃腐乳就够了agonygni发音:爱过你 意解:爱过你的感觉 adj. 节俭的,朴素的n痛苦,创痛ambitionmbin发音:俺必胜 意解:俺做什么都必胜slaug
25、htersl:t发音:死老多意解:死了老多人的事 5curse k:s 发音: 克死 意解:把他克死n雄心,抱负n/v,屠宰 n,例子:6.virgin发音 我 紧 7.vanish发音“哇,你 8.sting发音“死叮”词义词义 词义蛰,咬词义夫妇,配偶词义背叛;泄露()词义叛徒;贼()词义鬼词义裂开;分离的 词义词义害虫了”9.spouse发音“死抱死”一死都抱在一起 10.betray发音 必捶(他)traitor发音 捶他ghost发音 勾死他(把魂给勾走) 13.split 发音 撕破裂它(撕破裂开了) 14.warfare发音 我烦15.pest 发音 拍死它注意:这种记法是笔者多
26、年总结出来的词汇的范围(会在后面的课程中详细讲解),不可以并且这些单词的相关知识也必须记下来才能达到范例,适用于这种记法的单词有一定,否则弊大于利!希望大家注意。要求。课堂精讲笔记:请大家注意:每一组单词都蕴含着一个庞大的词汇知识体系!请大家坚信:千锤百炼方可修成正果!第一单元-开同根词1. come ex笔记:eimeproe disesupe ope8/462. abstract笔记:contractextractdistractsubtractract3. compress笔记:depressexpressimpressoppresssuppress4. passport笔记:ovass
27、compassbypasrpass5.exhibit笔记 :inhibitprohibit6. preserve笔记:conservereservedeserveobserve7. attribute笔记:contributedistribute9/468. induce笔记:deducereduceproduce形近词1. a笔记:reensurereareinsuresecure2. confine笔记:confirmconformconfront3. bold笔记:foldmoldscoldwithholdthreshold4.diffuse笔记:discountdismaydisrup
28、t5cautious笔记:consciousconscientiouscurious10/46近义词:1 coarse笔记:roughcrude2 bald笔记:bareblvacant3.笔记:diplomaqualification licenseguarantee4.笔记:eallowancepenbonus5meeting笔记:conferenceconvention第二单元-渐入佳境同根词:1evolve笔记:involverevolve11/462.insistpersistresistconsistassist笔记:3. conformuniform笔记:informreform
29、performtransform4.brupt笔记:corruptdisrupterupterrupt5. describe笔记:inscribeprescribesubscribemanuscript6.a笔记:mepresumeresumeconsume7. conclude笔记:includeexclude8. respectful笔记:respectablerespective12/46形近词1collaborate笔记:cooperatecoordinate2derive笔记:deprive3domestic笔记:dramaticdynamic4imie笔记:imatesimulat
30、estimulate5destiny笔记:dignity近义词1. flock笔记:swarmherdpackcrowd13/492. glance笔记:glimpseglarepeeppeer3fragile笔记:delicatefeeblevulnerable4 despise笔记:scorndiscriminatedefy5. drawbackhandicapdefectbder笔记:第三单元-循序渐进同根词:1. distinguish笔记:extinguishdistinctextinctinstinct2. avert笔记:convertdivertinvert14 / 463.
31、claim笔记:acclaimexclaimreclaimproclaim4. attain obtain笔记:entertainretaincontainsustaindetainmaain5. concede笔记:precederecede6. incur笔记:occurrecur7. perfect笔记:defectinfectaffecteffect8passport笔记:ovasscompassbypasssurpass15/46形近词1. densetense笔记:enseensiveextensive2. adapt笔记:adjustadopt3. acs笔记:assessass
32、et4. outbreak笔记:outputeoutset5. latitude笔记:longitudegratitudealtitudemagnitude近义词1. mark笔记:signsymbollabelstainsignalspot2. disturberrupterfere16/46笔记:3. restrain笔记:restrictrefrain4. reserve笔记:bookordersubscribe5. arrest笔记:captureconvictcondemn第四单元-一往无前同根词1. aspect respect笔记:inspectretrospectprospec
33、tspeculate2. vivid笔记:revivesurvivevitalvigorous17/463dissolve笔记:resolveabsoluteresolute4concise笔记:precisedecidesuicide5torture笔记:distortretorttorment6ascend笔记:descendtranscend7.headlineguidelinedeadlineoutlineunderline笔记 :8.advisedeviserevisesupervise笔记 :形近词1.latelaylaterlatter笔记:18 / 462mortal笔记:mu
34、tualmaritalmanual3consent笔记:contentcontestcontend4compensate笔记:compromisecomprehend5delicate笔记:deliberatedesperate近义词1continual笔记:continuousconstantconsistent2. economic commerl笔记:economicalfinanlfiscal19 / 463decline笔记:denyrefusereject4sensible笔记:sensitive5insulate笔记:isolatesegregate第五单元-上下求索同根词1co
35、nceive笔记:deceiveperceivereceive2commit笔记:admitpermitsubmittransmit3confer笔记:offerpreferdiffer20 / 464insult笔记:resultconsultassault5expel笔记:repelcompel6evoke笔记:provoke形近词1 external笔记:ernal2crash笔记:crushclashsmash3overtake笔记:overlookoverworkoverdraft21 / 464complement笔记:compliment5sucs笔记:sucsfulsucsiv
36、e6efficient笔记:sufficientproficient近义词1artifil笔记:counterfeitfake2sometime笔记:sometimessome time3besides笔记:except22 / 464futile笔记:vainvoid5alternative笔记:alternate-韬光养晦同根词1. sign笔记:assigndesignresign2. attend笔记:contendendextendpretend3. generate笔记:generousgeneticgenuine4. reject笔记:injectprojectsubjectob
37、ject23 / 465. assert笔记:desertinsert形近词1. arise笔记:riseraisearouse2. retreat笔记:reproachrehearsalre3. exsive笔记:extensiveexclusive4.confident笔记:5. sue笔记:sussute6. scrap笔记:scrscratchstretch24 / 46近义词1amplify笔记:magnifyenlargeexpand2equipment笔记:instrumentapplianceapparatus3. biology笔记:ecologygeologypsychol
38、ogyphysiology8. ignore笔记:neglectoverlook5. replace笔记:substitute6. remember笔记:remindrecall25 / 46第七单元-融会贯通长难词法1.inevitable2.indispensable3.incredible4.plausible5.spontaneous6.undermine7.aggravate8.accumulate9.modate10.deliberate11.elaborate12.ricate26 / 4613.found24.sophomore25.sophisticated27 / 4626
39、. conglomerate27. massacre28. submarine29. subordinate30. unanimous31. obligation32. liability33. hypothesis34. synthesis35dilemma36. paradox37. simulate38. eliminate28 / 4639. preliminary40. notorious41. obsolete42. discriminate43. privilege44. persecute45. prosecute46. wholesome47. contaminate48.
40、evacuate49. explosive50. ingredient51. humiliate29 / 4652. compatible53. comparable54. indignant56. prejudice56. contemporary57. countart58commute59. equivalent60. negligible第八单元-精益求精动词短语break:1. break down(机器)坏了;(,健康)夸了My car/ The machine/ The equipment/ The bridge has broken down. She broke down w
41、hen she heard the news.2. break off(忽然)中断,停下 ; 与人断交He broke offhe middle of his speech.break off (relations) with somebody He has broken off with Tom.3. break up驱散,散开30 / 46break up the meeting/ crowdWhen do you break up?何时放假?4. breako 破门而入5. break out 爆发bring:bring about带来;造成 cause What brought abo
42、ut the quarrel ?bring up培养长大;提出 bring up somebodyShe has brought up five children.Sb be well/ badly brought upHe is well brought up.Call:call for要求; 接人(取物)This sort of work calls for a lot of patience. call for sbthe package/ the dressIll call for you at 7 0clock.call off取消The meeting was called off
43、.3call oncall on sb;请求I calle He callehim the other day.me to dance with him. call (ring) sb upcall on sb to do4. call up给。打come:come about 发生(常与how 连用)How did sth come about? How did the accident come about?come across偶遇run o run across I came across an old friend last e up(意外)出现,发生 come up with 提出
44、,发现t worry if anything comes up?come up wicome to 苏醒,恢复知觉come outsuggestion/solution6. come over 从远处过来 Please come over and see us if you1. cut down 减少(消费) 2cut in 插嘴 3cut off 切断e timecut:get:1. get along相处;进展get onHow are you getting along with your get along well with sb2. get through完成,通过; 接通get
45、through the examination/ work/ studies/ task/ news?It is hard to imagine how people will get through the wer withou The operator finally got me through.3. get over克服; 恢复 get over ones cold /illnessectricity4. get away 离开,脱身6. get down 写下,记下5. get in 到达;收割7. get up 起床31 / 46give:1. give away 泄露3. giv
46、e up 放弃,停止2. give in 屈服,让步give up smoking4give off 散发出(气体,气味等) The water gives o1. let alone 更不用说,更别提bad smelllet:2. let sb down 使失望let go of 放开,松手let off放过,宽恕let out发出,泄露1. look down on/upon 看不起,轻视 2.look up to 尊敬3. look forward to 期望,盼望look:4. look oHe promised to looko the matter.look out 当心,注意 L
47、ook out, a train is coming!look after 照料 look after the babylook up 查(字典) make out理解 I cant make out what he means.figure out 算出,理解 I tried to figure out whats in his mind.make up 虚构No one be ves the story. He made it up.make up (for)弥补make:How can I make up for the time I1. pass away逝世e lost?pass:T
48、he old man passed away in his sleep.2. pass out晕倒He passed oua meeting.put:put offput on推迟put off the meeting/ party穿上,戴上;增加He has put on a lot of weight recently. 3put up 举起;提供食宿If I visit you at thekend , will you be able to put me up for one night?4.put up withIf I were you , I wouldnt put up wit
49、h his bad temper any longer.1. take intake:He took me in with his story.2. take over接管He was nicely taken in.He will take over my job while I am on holiday. take to喜欢I took to him at once, and weve been friends ever since.take up开始从事; 占去 Now many young people take up writing.32 / 46Im sorry foring t
50、aken up a lot of your time.The desk takes up too much room.5. take off起飞;脱下The plane will take off on timeturn:1. turn down(音量)调低;The company turned down his request.2. turn out生产;结果是The weather turn out to be fineturn to求助于 You can turn to me if you are turn up出现rouble.I waited half an hour for my
51、friend, but he didnt turn up.33 / 46动词短语精练:1. Wee invited Mr and Mrs Brown to dinner. But We wille to because of thebaby sickness.A. took upB. made upC. gave upD. put off2. The actress who had been thought highly of to be a great disappoment.A. turned up B. turned out C. turned downD. turned in3. -
52、It s a good idea. But who s going to the plan? - I think Tom willA. carry outB. get throughC. take inD. set aside4. Without proper lessons, you could a lot of bad habits when playing thano.A. give upB. catch upC. keep upD. pick up5. The computer system suddenly while he was searching for information
53、 on theernet.A. broke downB. broke outC. broke upD. broke in6. -Thes said we haly three days to finish the work.e already two thirds of it.t worry. WeA. got down7. For all these years I business someday.A. turn upB. got throughC. given inD. given awaye been working for others. Im hoIll my ownB. fix
54、upC. set upD. make up8. With no one to in such a frightening situation. she felt very helpless.A. turn to9. SheJapaA. picked outB, turn onC. turn offD. turn overwhen she was in Japan. Now she can speak it freely.B. made outC. made upD. picked up10. Its already 10 0clock I wonder how ittrip.t she was
55、 two hours late on such a shortA. came overB. came outC. came aboutD. came upare now the11. The building around the corner caught fire last night. Thematter.A. seeing throughB. working outC. lookingoD. watchiner12. After he retired from office, Rogers paing for a while, but soon losterest.A. took up
56、B. saved upC. kept up D. drew up13. If youany problems when you arrive at the airport, give me a ring.A. come up withB. set aboutC. runoD. put aside14. The final examination is coming up soon. Its time for us to our studies.A. get down toB. get outC. get back forD. get over15. Before building a hous
57、e, you wille totheemments permis,A. get from16. His idea ofB. followC. receiveD. ask foringkly family meals together, which seemed difficul, has34 / 49 many good changesheir lives.A. got throughB. resulted fromC. turnedoD. brought about17. I couldnt .The line was busy.A. go by18. TheB. go aroundC. g
58、et inD. get throughspoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without_ his notes.A. bringing upB. referring toC. looking forD. trying on19. The dictionary is being pred and it will soon .A. turn outB. come outC. start outD. go out20. I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson .A. cut inB. cut
59、 downC. cut outD. cut up21. His mother had thought it would be good for his character tofrom home and earnsome money on his own.A. run awayB. take awayC. keep awayD. get away22. He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was from the outside world.A. cut outB. cut offC. cut upD.cut through2
60、3. It was not a serious illness, and she soon it.A. got over24. It is certaA. take overB. got on withC. got roundD. got out ofhat he will his business to his son when he gets old.B. think overC. hand overD. go over25. Its ten years since the scientist _on his lifes work of discovering the valuablech
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