



1、托福写作指导:分对象讨论法不同于综合写作,托福独立写作需要小伙伴们解决写什么的问题,怎样设计内容和思路,尤其重要。今天为大家介绍一种实用的写作方法分对象讨论法。首先,什么是分对象讨论法?分对象讨论,就是以写作题目中涉及的不同利益人群为基础,从这些人群的角度去分析写作题目的问题。什么样的写作题目适合使用分对象讨论法?一般来说,写作题目中的问题如果事关多个利益人群,问题也会对这些人群造成积极或者消极的影响时,可以考虑使用分对象讨论法,但是还是要具体问题具体分析。下面,我们以一道教育类的独立写作题目为例,来看一下分对象讨论法是如何实现的。Do you agree or disagree the fo

2、llowing statement?The main role of a university professor is to educate students rather than to do research.这道题目问的是“你是否同意以下陈述:大学教授的主要任务是教书而不是做研究。”该题目涉及多个利益人群,首先是教授本身,其次是学生,还有学校、社会等。那么,我们可以尝试选择合适的对象作为写作角度。首先,我们应确定立场。假如我们选择同意这一观点。那么,就应该讨论教授专注于育人对于学校、学生、社会、甚至是个人来讲有什么益处。对于学校,教授多花时间教育学生会提升学生素质,扩大学校声誉。对于社


4、学生会提升学生素质,扩大学校声誉。论据:从事教学的教授会关注学生质量,为学校带来更多生源。许多名校都是因为有很多在一线教学的教授吸引学生申请。论点3论点:在教学的过程中可以积攒很多实践经验,用于科学研究论据:教授可以利用教学提升自己的理论研究水平,用在教学过程中获得的经验指导科学研究。范文(472 words)University is a place where students can learn more about their subject of study. Students can benefit a lot from the professors classes. As an

5、old saying goes, “Teachers are the lights who illuminate in the road of study”, so professors, the authority figures in many fields, can provide students with some useful advice about their study as well as their personal lives. For this reason, professors should spend more time educating students i

6、nstead of doing research.Firstly, by spending more time teaching, professors will allow more students to fulfill their potential. Take my classmate John for example; he only took writing course for the professor read his essay every time. Although Johns essays were not very good, the professor revis

7、ed his assignments carefully and gave him compliments in the class. As a result, John won the university writing competition. We can induce from this example that without the professors remarkable instruction or revision, John could not have won such an outstanding achievement.Secondly, professors c

8、an give students valuable career advice. Many students feel in a daze about their future and have no idea of how to choose a career. Professors have a wealth of precious experience and comprehension about life so that they can guide students to make correct decisions. For example, I did not know wha

9、t kind of job was the best-suited for me when I was a junior student. I felt desperate and helpless about my future. Then my professor asked me what my ideal job was and whether I could get it. He told me that what I should do first was to find my strengths as well as weaknesses, and then explore wh

10、at I am interested in. By taking his advice, I became more confident about myself and have not worried about my future anymore.Thirdly, extracting information from classes will contribute to professors scientific research. They can implement theoretical result into teaching and receive feedback from

11、 students to check whether their research is meaningful or not. For instance, a psychological professor carried out a project about peoples reaction if they only had five days to live. In order to collect data, he did the investigation during his classes by discussing with the students, as the stude

12、nts could be a part of this project and who were willing to discuss such as academic issue with the professor. As a result, not only did the professor finish his class, but also completed his research at the same time.In conclusion, there are three clear advantages if university professors pay more attention to education. Cultivating successful undergraduates also benefits the professors research in the long -term via student recommendations for promotion and an increased quali


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