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1、.学科老师辅导讲义授课日期时 间主 题单项选择易错题+写作十大闪光句型学习目的1, 掌握并可以纯熟运用知识点;2, 提升综合才能教学内容1 语法易错易混题梳理1. Youve agreed to go. So why arent you getting ready?- But I _ that you _ me to start at once.A. didnt realize, wantedB. dont realize, wantC. havent realized, wantD. hadnt realized, wanted答案:A解析:句意“你已经容许过去,为什么没有做好准备?但是我没

2、意识到你让我如今就过去由语境可知“意识到realize是发生在过去的事情,指答复者过去没想到,“你让我如今去也是发生在过去,故用一般过去时。2.This is Sparkle Company. You are one of the lucky housewives _ to receive our free soap.A. to chooseB. chosenC. choosingD. to be choosing答案:B解析:housewives和choose之间是动宾关系,这里用过去分词做后置定语,应选B。3.Is it in that factory _ this type of car

3、s are produced?A. whichB. whereC. thatD. in which答案:C解析:本句为强调句,in that factory为被强调部分,强调句型“It is that4.Fortunately we had a map, without _ we would have got lost.A. whichB. itC. thatD. what答案:A解析:本句为which非限制性定语从句,which前可以有介词,先行词为map5. Do you think our basketballers played very well yesterday? - _.A.

4、They were not nervous at all.B. They were still young.C. They played naturally.D. They couldnt have done better.答案:D解析:D选项句意为“他们不可能做的更好了也就是说“他们做的很棒符合语境。6. Mary was badly ill; otherwise, she _ our celebration yesterday.A. would have attendedB. must have taken part inC. could join inD. would attend答案:

5、A解析:would have done表示对过去情况的推测,“本来可以做某事,而实际上没有做,表示一种遗憾之情。7. One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and _.A. the other is whiteB. another whiteC. the other whiteD. another is white答案:C解析:木板黑板的一边应该被涂成黄色,另一边涂成白色。两者中“一个另一个用“onethe other把句子复原:One of the sides of board should be painted ye

6、llow, and the other should be painted white.这里的white做宾补语,中间括号的部分省略了。8. Your coffee smells great! - Its from Mexico. Would you like _?A. itB. someC. thisD. that答案:B解析:some用在疑问句中表示一种委婉语气,同时希望得到对方肯定的答复。9. When shall I come to see you, morning or afternoon?- _. I will be in all day.A. EitherB. NeitherC.

7、 BothD. None答案:A解析:两者选其一,用either10. - _ of Hong Kong has Mr Smith covered since he came here?- About half of it, I guess.A. How manyB. How muchC. How farD. How wide答案:B解析:cover在这里是“采访、报道的意思,how much可用来询问事物的数量,后接不可数名词。11.The farmer had gone a long way in the forest _ he realized that he lost his way.

8、A. sinceB. forC. beforeD. after答案:C解析:句意为“在那个农民意识到自己迷路之前他已经在森林里走了好长一段路,before表示“在之前12. We are going to the bookstore in Johns car. You can come with us _ you can meet us there later.A. butB. andC. orD. then答案:C解析:根据句意可知,“你可以跟我们一起去或者晚点我们在书店见面表示“或者用or13. I dont think this film is _ that one.A. as good

9、 as or better thanB. good as or better thanC. as good or better thanD. as good or better as答案:A解析:asas中间加形容词、副词的原级,“比较级+than表示“前者比后者更根据句意可知“我认为这个电影没有比那部电影更好14.My friend, Lisa, is older than I _ two years.A. forB. withC. throughD. by答案:D解析:by在这里表示差距15. Marie Curie took little notice _ the honours tha

10、t were given to her in her later years.A. ofB. onC. aboutD. from答案:A解析:take little notice of 不太注重、不太注意16.He will be back in _.A. one day or twoB. a day or twoC. a day or two daysD. a or two days答案:B解析:a day or two; one or two days一两天,in+一段时间 用在将来时态中17.Many patients who _ ever got the disease can go

11、home _ now.A. has, healthy and happyB. have, healthy and happyC. has, healthily and happilyD. have, healthily and happily答案:D解析:第一个空前面主语是many patients主语是复数,所以谓语动词用复数;第二个空修饰动词go,所以用副词形式。18.The young man insisted that he _ nothing wrong and _ free.A. did, setB. had done, should be setC. do, be setD. h

12、ad done, must be set答案:B解析:整个句子意思是:那个年轻人坚持认为他没有做错事,应该被释放。 第一个,had done是过去完成时态,是指在过去某个动作之前已经完成的动作,insisted是过去时态了,自然这就用过去完成时了,表示在“坚持之前的动作。 第二个,shall的过去式should。insisted that heshould be set free。宾语从句与主句时态保持一致。19.I have solved the problem _ I will never forget.A. in a wayB. by the wayC. on the wayD. wit

13、h a way答案:A解析:in a way表示“以某种方式20.Prices of daily goods _ through a computer can be lower than store prices.A. are boughtB. boughtC. been boughtD. buying答案:B解析:过去分词做后置定语,这里bought做goods的定语21.My garden is a place which often _ me of so many friends through the plants they have given me.A. remembersB. r

14、emindsC. regardsD. considers答案:B解析:remind somebody of sth“使某人想起某物事22. It is too late to go out now. _, it is starting to rain.A. BesidesB. MeanwhileC. HoweverD. Anyhow答案:A解析:besides“除之外还根据句意可知,“如今出去太晚了,而且外面开场下雨了23.There is not much _ whether you agree or not.A. troubleB. difficultyC. differenceD. ch

15、oice答案:C解析:在这里difference“影响、作用的意思,句意“你同意与否没有多大作用24. He said he couldnt _ three weeks away from work.A. wasteB. costC. affordD. spend答案:C解析:“我忙的无法分开工作三周,can afford财力,时间上有充裕,通常用在否认句和疑问句中。25.We have no _ of winning the prize.A. qualityB. timeC. chanceD. right答案:C解析:“我们没有赢得时机have no chance of doing 没有时机

16、做某事26. Why is the road crowded?- The traffic is _ by a car accident.A. held upB. held backC. held onD. held out答案:A解析:hold up阻挡、拦截 hold back隐瞒、抑制 hold on不挂断 ,等一下 hold out坚持、提供27.How could he _ his father _ the failure?A. blame, forB. complain, ofC. punish, onD. accuse, to答案:A解析:blame sb for sth因为某事责

17、备某人blame sth on sb 把某事的责任归咎于某人be to blame for sth 对做某事应负责任put the blame on sb 把某事归咎于某人28.Modern techniques are used to make the _ of a film real.A. showsB. signsC. scenesD. sights答案:C解析:scenes场景 shows展览 signs信号 sights风景、名胜29.Johns car hit into the back of the car in front, but luckily the accident d

18、id very little _ to either car.A. damageB. injuryC. woundD. loss答案:A解析:damage伤害 injury损害 wound伤口、创伤 loss损失30.In a cafeteria people must _ food and drinks themselves.A. cookB. collectC. bringD. order答案:B解析: 句意“在自主餐厅人们自选事物而order“点餐时点、要同义句转换1. A: His father works in a school. There are more than 7000 s

19、tudents in it.B: His father works in a school 7000 students.2. A: There is only a computer in the room.B: There is _ _ a computer in the room.3. A: Lucy is taller than any other student in her class.B: Lucy is student in her class.4. A: My fathers car broke down yesterday.B: There was _ _ with my fa

20、thers car yesterday.5. A: Well start after Jim comes. B: We _ start _ Jim comes.6. A: Tom cant speak Japanese well and Jim cant, either. B: _ Tom _ Jim can speak Japanese well. 7. A: Alice has read the book and Peter has read it, too. B: _ Alice _ Peter have read the book. 8. A: This store sells men

21、s shoes, and it also sells mens clothes. B: This store sells_ _mens shoes _ _ mens clothes.9. A: Jim wants to go boating and his parents want to go boating, too. B: Jim wants to go boating, and _ _his parents. 10. A: It takes me half an hour to walk to school from my home.B: I half an hour to school

22、 from my home.11. A: I often borrow a dictionary from Bruce.B: Bruce often _ his dictionary _ me.12. A: The teacher said ,“Dont cheat in exams, children!B: The teacher told the children_ _ cheat in exams.13. A: I am surprised at the news.B: The news _ _ 14. A: The teacher always takes good care of t

23、he children in the school. B: The teacher always _ _the children well in the school. 15. A: Could you tell me how I get to the library?B: Could you tell me_ _ get to the library?16. A: Betty likes taking a bus to work. She likes taking an underground to work better.B: Betty _ taking an underground _

24、 taking a bus to work.17. A: We have studied at this school for three years. B: Three years has _ since we _ to study at this school.18. A: It is five years since he left his hometown.B: He has _ from his hometown for five years. 19. A: Come on, or well miss the early bus. B: _ we _hurry, well miss

25、the early bus. 20. A: You should put them back after you use them. B: You should put them back _ _them.答案:1. with over 2. nothing but 3. the tallest 4. something wrong5. wont until 6. Neither nor 7. Both and 8. not only but also9. so do 10. spend walking 11. lends to 12. not to13 surprises me 14 loo

26、ks after 15 how to 16. prefers to17 passed started 18 been away 19 If dont 20. after using中考英语作文十大闪光句型详解 一、根本概念闪光句型是指在正确使用的情况下,能为作文增加文采分的句型。一般来讲,复杂、地道的句式符合闪光句型的要求,但是有些句型过于复杂,对初中生来很难掌握,那就不实用了。这里我给大家分享的是10种相对简单一点的闪光句型,它们所涉及的语法可能并不简单,但是从形式上都比较容易掌握。二、详细分类1、动名词作主语:Listening to music enables us to feel re

27、laxed.听音乐可以让我们感觉放松。Doing exercise keeps us healthy.做运动让我们保持安康。批注:动名词做主语是最简单的一种闪光句型了,非常容易掌握。当然,即便如此还是有同学会用错,所以这里 提醒同学们用的时候注意最核心的一点:假如主语只有一个动作,谓语动词要用三单! 大家可能觉得上面所给出的两个例句并不是非常精彩,但是动名词作主语只要合理使用,还是会让人眼前一亮的。请看下句: Besides, taking some small sports equipment along with you can help you do exercise whenever

28、you are free.2、副词提早:Obviously, one of the best ways to keep healthy is to do sports.显然,保持安康最好的方法之一是做运动。Eventually, every child will leave home to lead his own life as a fully independent adult.最终,每一个孩子都会分开家庭去过自己的生活,成为一个完全独立地成年人。批注:假如要选一种最让人心生感触的句型,副词提早的做法即使不是最好,也是之一了。前置的副词让作者还没说出详细的事件,内心的想法已经呼之欲出。这正

29、是这种无比简单的语法现象所焕发出的魅力所在。除了提升情感效果之外,副词提早也是让文章构造明晰的一个非常好的方法。我们常用的firstly, furthermore, finally等等所谓的“逻辑词都是属于这一种类型,同学们要时刻想着去用它。使用这种句型有一个非常纯朴的本卷须知:用来提早的必须是-副词!3、强调句型:It is in recent years that people begin to realize the importance of environmental protection.最近这些年人们才开场意识到保护环境的重要性。批注:强调句型是一种规律性极强、非常好用的高级句型

30、,在做文档中使用一个非常有利于增进文章的感情色彩。强调句型的根本形式是:It is/was +一个句子要强调的部分+ that +句子中剩余的部分。例如,本来我们想写的句子是Eric found a beautiful vase in the cave.要强调主语Eric,那么为It was Eric that found a beautiful vase in the cave.要强调宾语a beautiful vase,那么为It was a beautiful vase that Eric found in the cave.那么,假如要强调状语in the cave应该怎么写呢? 4、

31、同位语或同位语从句:Beijing, the capital of China, has a great many places of interests.北京是中国的首都,有很多的旅游景点。The fact is clear that our planet is becoming warmer and warmer.很显然,地球正在变暖。批注:相比于前三种闪光句型,同位语和同位语从句就要复杂一点了,尤其是同位语从句要复杂一些。同位语和同位语从句其实在初中不要求,但当同位语从句被合理使用,尤其是和排比句一起使用的时候,所产生的效果是震撼性的。同位语从句的根本构造是:抽象名词+that+抽象名字

32、的内容从句+主句剩余部分。例如:I have just received the message that a serious earthquake struck Wenchuan yesterday. 我刚收到一个消息:昨天汶川发生了严重的地震。当然同位语从句还有更多复杂的构造,不过同学们就不太需要去学它了。5、巧用as:As winter approaches, more and more leaves fall off the trees, yellow and sad.随着冬天的降临,越来越多悲伤地黄叶从树上落下。The pollution is getting worse as th

33、e economy develops.随着经济的开展,污染正在变得更加严重。We feel obliged to regard the earth as our only home.我们感到必须把地球当成我们唯一的家园。Moms hair is not as black as it used to be.妈妈的头发不再像过去一样乌黑亮丽。批注:初中阶段我们要求同学们掌握as的5种意思或用法,在这些用法中有很多固定的用法相当精彩:1当,随着as time goes by随着时间的流逝2作为regard A as B把A当做Bas a result结果是3正如,就像as we all know/

34、as everyone knows正如我们都知道的as we had expected正如我们期待的那样as is known to all众所周知as is mentioned before正如前面所提到的as the saying goes就像谚语说的那样as it turns out正如结果所展示的那样4因为5比较as.as it used to.和过去一样6、万能句型这些句型都是经过验证的在议论文中经常使用的套话,当你用出来的时候会显得比较专业。而且经过前人的理论发现非常容易使用,只要往自己写好的句子上硬套就行,甚至对时态语态都无特殊要求,如同万金油一样。我是一把万能钥匙1. Ther

35、e is no denying that+陈述句 不可否认2. There is no doubt that+陈述句 毫无疑问3. Needless to say,陈述句 不用多说,4. It is widely accepted that+陈述句 众所周知5. As is known to all,陈述句 众所周知,6. From my point of view,陈述句 我个人认为,7. Personally,陈述句 我个人认为,8. As far as I am concerned,陈述句 我个人认为,9. As far as I know,陈述句 据我所知,10. When it co

36、mes to *,陈述句 说到*,.批注:鉴于句型太多,就不一一举例子了,大家只要把自己想说的话放到“陈述句那一部分就可以了。记住,剩余的部分一点都不要改,包括逗号!还是举个例子吧。一般我们会说:Mr. Zhang is the most handsome teacher in the world.普普统统。但是假如我们加上一点万能句型的话,就会好一点:As is known to all, Mr. Zhang is the most handsome teacher in the world.众所周知,张老师是世界上最帅的老师。As far as I am concerned, Mr. Zh

37、ang is the most handsome teacher in the world.我个人认为,张老师是世界上最帅的老师。是不是有点感觉了?7、定语从句:The man, who is called father by me, is trying to ensure us a better life with all his effort.那个被我称作父亲的人,正在竭尽全力为我们提供更好的生活。I seldom waste any time during the classes, which helps me to be highly efficient while studying.

38、在课堂上,我很少浪费任何时间,这帮助我在学习的时候更加高效。批注:在阅卷人评分的操作过程当中,一般来说,文章中只要有一个正确使用的定语从句,且没有其他的硬伤,都会给上一分的文采分。但是把定语从句不像前面一些句型,只要给个公式,同学们按着公式去套就行了。定语从句的使用千变万化,需要至少6个小时的学习以及大量练习才能根本掌握。然而我们这个专题毕竟不是语法专题,作文课也不是语法课,不可能逐条罗列它的用法。选择这种句式的原因是有一句话:你首先得告诉孩子们什么是好的,至于如何变得这么好,那是Step 2。8、倒装句:Only when I noticed the grey hairs did I rea

39、lized that Mum was getting old.只在我注意到那一丝丝白发的时候,我才意识到,妈妈已经老了。Not only do we collect information about the animals in danger, but we also post the information on the internet.我们不仅搜集濒危动物的信息,还把这些信息发布在网上。Never will I forget the days that I spent with my friends.我永远不会忘了和朋友们在一起的日子。So moved was I that I los

40、t my tongue.我太冲动了以致于说不出话来。批注:倒装句已经是“必杀级别的闪光句型了,只要能正确使用,必然能获得文采分。很多同学对倒装句有着天然的畏惧心理,以为倒装句一定很复杂。事实上倒装句浸透着英语的各个方面,我们日常生活动使用的there be句型甚至一些简单的交际用语都是倒装句。当然there be句型不算闪光句型。在这里给大家介绍4种倒装句,都是非常好用的,都有公式的。1.Only倒装公式:Only +状语+一般疑问句.例句:Only in this way can we improve our English.只有用这种方法我们才能进步英语。2.Not only. but a

41、lso倒装公式:Not only +一般疑问句,but also +陈述句.例句:Not only did we play basketball together, but we also talked for a while.我们不仅一起打了篮球,还聊了一会。3.Never和Seldom倒装公式:Never/ Seldom +一般疑问句例句:Seldom have seen him recently.我最近很少见他。4.So/Such.that倒装公式:So + adj/adv +一般疑问句+ that +陈述句;Such +名词性短语+一般疑问句+that+陈述句例句:So handsom

42、e is Jack that everyone likes him.Such a handsome man is Jack that everyone likes him.看,简单吧。请记住:在任何一篇文章中,只要你想用倒装句,你就一定能用出倒装句。9、分词作状语:Moved by the kids in Wenchuan, I decided to donate all my money to them.被汶川的孩子们感动了,我决定把我所有的钱都捐给他们。Seeing Dad working so hard, I could not help bursting into tears.看到父亲

43、工作这么辛苦,我忍不住怆然泪下。批注:分词作状语的用法如下: 当状语从句的主语与主句的主语一样时,可直接省略从句的主语,并把从句的谓语改成分词主动语态改成如今分词,被动语态改成过去分词,从而构成分词作状语构造。例如:When I see Dad working so hard, I could not help bursting into tears.变成Seeing Dad working so hard, I could not help bursting into tears.又如:Because I was moved by the kids in Wenchuan, I decide

44、d to donate all my money to them.变成Moved by the kids in Wenchuan, I decided to donate all my money to them.同学们依葫芦画瓢,多多操练即可。10、虚拟语气:If I were you, I would help my parents do more housework.假如我是你的话,我会帮我爸妈做更多的家务.If only I could stay at school forever.要是我能永远留在学校就好了批注:估计有不少同学看到“虚拟语气四个字都会被吓到。是的,虚拟语气太难了。可是

45、作为十大闪光句型的压轴之作,恐怕也只有虚拟语气能担此重任。给大家讲两个最简单的虚拟语气,同学们套用即可,等充分理解了这两句,以后再深化学习不迟。1. If I were you, I would .假如我是你的话,我就会.把你想说的话放在I would后面就行了。注意前面只能用were。2. If only I could .假如我能.就好了。这两句的I都可以换成其别人称代词当然,我想你肯定能看出来,第一句不能用you。这两句的适用范围较窄,可是不能说太多,说太多同学们该迷茫了。想要知道完好的虚拟语气的用法,需要在课堂上系统地学。再多说一句吧,虚拟语气的用法说简单也简单,无非“后退一步四个字而

46、已。二、专题精讲Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic Getting on well with friends. 以“与朋友出好关系为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否那么不予评分。短文需包含以下要点:1. Do you have good friends?2. Do you sometimes have problems with them?3. How do you deal with the problems?学生自写文章:Everyone needs frie

47、nds, and so do I. 改写成闪光句型It is widely accepted that friend plays an important part in our life.As a middle school student, I usually would like to make friends at school, and I love my friends. Certainly, I hope to get on well with my friends.改为定语从句The time we spend together always makes us happy an

48、d thankful However, sometimes, my friends and I have some problems.改为我们熟悉的it is句型 it is inevitable that we have some disagreements between us because sometimes we only insist on our own ideas. For example, we may misunderstand one another, and be angry. When this unfortunately thing happens, 参加插入语更好

49、generally, I choose to talk with my friends. We often solve the problems easily through heart to heart talking.最后结尾来句倒装句吧Only by talking by heart can we understand and get on well with each other.批注:根据范文,结合闪光句型,老师当场演练在怎么样将闪光句型灵敏套用到作文中。Writing 写作: 106. Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topi

50、c “To be a green consumer. 以“做一名环保消费者为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否那么不予评分。Sentence patterns for reference:What do you think of the environment around us?What causes pollution?How can you be a green consumer? You must introduce at least two ways.学生自写文章:参加闪光句型Theres no doubt that

51、While the world is developing quickly, the environment is getting worse and worse. 参加被动语态Personally, effective measures should be taken at once.As a teenager, I want to be a green consumer and try my best to save our priceless planet-the Earth.可改为定语从句who try his best to save our priceless planet-the

52、 Earth. In fact, it isnt difficult to be an eco-friendly person. I only buy environmentally friendly goods. I also care about the output of the carbon dioxide. 改为倒装句Not only do I buy environmentally friendly goods, but I also care about the output of the carbon dioxide. I seldom take a taxi. Instead, I take a bus.合并为一句 I take a bus instead of a taxi. Last but not the least, I


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