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1、Chapter 1.2Management & societyBusiness Ethics andCSRYanan Song - MUSTWhats the objective of companies?companies who cant make profits are unethical ?Whats dimension of the corporate social resposibilities?Do your company conduct any CSR activities? Hows the effect?How do the gambling companies take

2、 CSR?Objectives Drivers of CSRWhere is the boundary of CSR?How to balance profits and CSR?What is business ethics?ethical dilemmas What are some of the approaches of dealing with ethics?UtilitarianismUniversalismRights Why should companies be concerned with ethics? How to make ethical decision?Yanan

3、 Song-MUSTCorporate social responsibilityCSR 企業社會責任corporate conscience,corporate citizenship,responsible business,sustainable responsible business(SRB), orcorporate social performance a built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby business would monitor and ensure its support to law, ethical standar

4、ds, and internationalnorms Yanan Song-MUSTKey Issues in CSRLabour rights: child labour forced labour right to organise safety and healthEnvironmental conditionswater & air emissionsclimate changeHuman rightscooperation with paramilitary forcescomplicity in extra-judicial killingsPoverty Alleviationj

5、ob creationpublic revenuesskills and technologyYanan Song-MUSTDrivers of CSRPressure from NGOUN Global CompactUN Principles for Responsible InvestmentUNEP Equator PrinciplesILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration)UNHCHR Busines

6、s and Human RightsUNODC Anti-corruptionUNCTAD Corporate Responsibility Reporting, World Investment ReportInternational Standard SettingIndependent Certifiers & AuditorsCSR-themed Membership AssociationsYanan Song-MUSTDrivers of CSRDiminished trust in businessFiancial crisisCorporate ethical scadlesP

7、erceptions of greedDrivers of CSRGovernment & RegulationRegulation on Social & Environmental ReportingTaxes, Penalties & SubsidiesInternational TreatiesVoluntary Regulation & Industry Codes of ConductPerceived Government FailureGlobal Governance Challenges & Political ConflictDrivers of CSRTechnolog

8、y & MediaSocial AwarenessIncreased Public ExpectationsCSR & Ethics EducationYanan Song-MUSTCSR VS ProfitsWhere is the boundary of CSR?How to balance profits and CSR?the boundary of CSRPeter Druker(彼得 德鲁克)1939经济人的末日(The End of Economic Man), 1942工业人的未来(The Future of Industrial Man), 199921世纪的管理挑战(Man

9、agement Challenges for the 21st Century)Social resposibility:the impact on the society + what the company can do for the societyWhen is the time to say no:out of compaies capacitiesBPs viewA companys primary responsibility is to its shareholders, to its owners. A company is not a government. It is n

10、ot elected. It has no popular mandate. It mustnt confuse its role with the role of others. A company has limited resources, limited expertise and limited reach. A company is not a panacea, a cure-all. The boundaries are influenced by self-interest. Business thrives if the society in which it operate

11、s thrives. To neglect this is to put at risk the interests of our shareholders. And however you look at it the boundaries are constantly changing. What was a boundary a few years ago is now a starting point.In developing countries they tend to be drawn around alleviating poverty - in other words, ar

12、ound the notion of sustainable livelihoods. In other places, especially in Europe and North America and some parts of Asia, they tend to be drawn around opportunity issues - the boost we can offer in terms of jobs, skills training and education. GEs View Strategic CSR or “strategic philanthropy” (Ca

13、rroll, 2001, p. 200) is done to accomplish strategic business goalsgood deeds are believed to be good for business as well as for society. With strategic CSR, corporations “give back” to their constituencies because they believe it to be in their best financial interests to do so. This is “philanthr

14、opy aligned with profit motives” (Quester and Thompson, 2001)social goals might be profitable in the long run since market forces provide financial incentives for perceived socially responsible behavior. Stakeholders outside the stockholder group are viewed as means to the ends of maximizing shareho

15、lder wealth (Goodpaster, 1996)How to balance profits and CSRTriple Bottom Line (三重底线 )coined by John Elkington in 1998,Cannibals with Forks: the Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business companies should be preparing three different (and quite separate) bottom lines.“profit account”the “bottom lin

16、e” of the profit and loss account.“people account”a measure in some shape or form of how socially responsible an organisation has been throughout its operations. “planet” accounta measure of how environmentally responsible it has been.It aims to measure the financial, social and environmental perfor

17、mance of the corporation over a period of time. Only a company that produces a TBL is taking account of the full cost involved in doing business. homeworkWriting an short essay(1000-3000 words) about your opnion about “profit VS CSR”Requirement:In English or Chinesediscussion combined with real csr

18、phenomenon or problems is preferedHand in next class in printingManagement frontier:Strategic CSRtaking a strategic approach, companies can determine what activities they have the resources to devote to being socially responsible and can choose that which will strengthen their competitive advantage.

19、 Strategic CSR provides companies with solutions for: Balancing the creating of economic value with that of societal value How to manage their stakeholder relationships (especially those with competing values) Identifying and responding to threats and opportunities facing their stakeholders Developi

20、ng sustainable business practices Deciding the organizations capacity for philanthropic activities Ethics and Social Responsibility in ManagementEthics Study of morality and standards of conduct.Ethical dilemma is a complex situation that will often involve an apparent mental conflict between moral

21、imperatives, in which to obey one would result in transgressing anotherQuandary people find themselves in when they have to decide if they should act in a way that might help another person even though doing so might go against their own self-interestBusiness ethics - study of what is good and evil,

22、 right and wrong, and just and unjust in businessPrinciples and standards that guide behaviorYanan Song-MUSTSome SurveysInternational Survey of more than 300 companies worldwide top ethical issuesEmployee conflict of interest 91%,Inappropriate gifts 91%,Sexual Harassment 91%,Unauthorized Payments 85

23、% Wall Street J survey of 1400 working womenManagers lying, expense-account abuses, office nepotism, taking credit for others workYanan Song-MUSTexamplesPrisoners dilemma(囚徒困境)Two men are arrested, but the police do not possess enough information for an arrest. Following the separation of the two me

24、n, the police offer both a similar deal- if one testifies against his partner (defects), and the other stays quiet (cooperates), the betrayer goes free and the cooperator receives the full one-year sentence. If both remain silent, both are sentenced to only one month in jail for a minor charge. If e

25、ach rats out the other, each receives a three-month sentence. Each prisoner must choose to either betray or remain silent; the decision of each is kept quiet. What should they do? Abortion debate ( pro-choice movement, and the pro-life movement)Yanan Song-MUSTExamplesIn April 2004 Lucent fired its p

26、resident, COO, a marketing executive and a finance manager at its China operations for FCPA(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)violations. These violations were uncovered through internal investigations triggered by the (unrelated) US DOJ(United States Department of Justice) and SEC (Securities and Excha

27、nge Commission)probe into possible Lucents FCPA violations in Saudi Arabia. What would you do if you are in the position of COO of Lucent China to develop your business in China?Yanan Song-MUSTbusiness ethicsStakeholders重要關係人The people and groups that supply a company with its productive resources a

28、nd so have a claim on and stake in the companySocial contract a set of rules and assumptions about behavior patterns among various elements of society.The social contract between a corporation and its stakeholders is often based on implicit as well as explicit agreements.Yanan Song-MUSTTypes of Comp

29、any StakeholdersFigure 3.13-22Yanan Song-MUSTWhy should managers behave ethically?The relentless pursuit of self-interest can lead to a collective disaster when one or more people start to profit from being unethical because this encourages other people to act in the same wayWhy should managers beha

30、ve ethically?Trust Willingness of one person or group to have faith or confidence in another persons goodwill, even though this puts them at riskReputation esteem or high repute that individuals or organizations gain when they behave ethically3-24Common approaches to Business EthicsUtilitarianism ba

31、sic premise is that an action is judged as right or wrong depending on the consequences of the actionUniversalism the means justify the ends of an action, not the consequencesRights based on entitlements and unquestionable claimsUtilitarianism功利主義 Moral worth of an action is determined solely by its

32、 consequences What makes an action right or wrong is the good or evil that is produced by the act Action is right if it produces the best possible balance of good consequences over bad consequences for all parties affected It involves the consideration of alternatives and how they affect all parties

33、 concernedYanan Song-MUSTEssential FeaturesUtilitarianism is committed to the maximization of the good and minimization of harm and evil Society ought to produce the greatest balance of positive value or minimum balance of negative value for all affectedEx: Cost and benefit analysisRisk assessmentMa

34、nagement by objectives Efficiency is key thingMajor issues with utilitarianismAction that produces the greatest balance of value for the greatest number of peopleWhat about the minority?Ex: What if society decides that it is in the best interest of the public to deny health insurance to those testin

35、g positive for AIDS?Application of Kantian EthicsUniversality it counters the natural temptation to make exceptions for ourselves or to apply double standards Also provides hypothetical answers underlying the common question “What if everyone did that?” Provides a strong foundation for rightsYanan S

36、ong-MUSTRights TheoriesRights theories recognize that human beings have fundamental rights and privileges which transcend national boundaries and cultures Rights theories establish a minimum level of morally acceptable behaviorMoral theorists argue that fundamental human rights form the basis for th

37、e moral compass that managers should navigate by when making decisions which have an ethical componentYanan Song-MUSTThe importance of stakeholders美国管理协会(AMA)曾经对6000位经理进行调查Practical Decision Model of EthicsDoes my decision fall within the acceptable standards that apply in business today?Am I willin

38、g to see the decision communicated to all people and groups affected by it?Would the people with whom I have a significant personal relationship approve of the decision?Decision-Making ProcessManagers can also use a five step process to think through ethical problems: Step1: Managers identify which

39、stakeholders (the individuals or groups who have an interest, stake, or claim in the actions and overall performance of a company) a decision would affect and in what ways Internal stakeholders are people who work for or who own the business such as employees, the board of directors, and stockholder

40、s External stakeholders are the individuals or groups who have some claim on a firm such as customers, suppliers, and unionsDecision-Making ProcessStep 2: Managers determine whether a proposed decision would violate the fundamental rights of any stakeholders Step 3: Managers establish moral intent (

41、the business must resolves to place moral concerns ahead of other concerns in cases where either the fundamental rights of stakeholders or key moral principles have been violated) Yanan Song-MUSTStep 4: The company engages in ethical behavior Step 5: The business audits its decisions, reviewing them

42、 to make sure that they were consistent with ethical principlesYanan Song-MUSTCorporate Responsibility Toward Consumer StakeholdersConsumers may be the most important stakeholders of corporations.Corporations have certain responsibilities and duties toward their customers and consumers in society:Du

43、ty to informDuty not to misrepresentDuty not to force or take undue advantageDuty to take due care to prevent any unforeseeable injuriesYanan Song-MUSTCorporate Responsibility Toward employees as Stakeholdersgender discrimination(性別歧視)2004沃爾瑪(WALMART)safty in workplace(職場安全)justice & negotiation rig

44、hts(職場正義與員工集體談判權的問題)Children workers童工, Sweatshop血汗工廠:1999.Nike印尼廠之例Workers rights員工權利:equality平等、equality pay同工同酬、freedom自由等Human rights人權、work environments勞工工作環境標準Yanan Song-MUSTCase about Walmart: gender discrimination对沃尔玛的性别歧视诉讼源于2000年,当时,一名女员工向分店经理要求与男员工相同的工资,但最终只得到男工工资的一半(female employee get o

45、nly one-half salary as male ),而上级经理则说惯例如此。律师调查后发现,沃尔玛在工资、工作任务分配和升迁中都广泛而系统地歧视女性,并存在鼓励性别歧视的企业文化,例如在脱衣舞俱乐部(managers meeting at strip club)召开经理会议。原告律师还指出,沃尔玛的经理在接受培训时,要回答这样的问题:为什么不雇用女性经理?女性为何没有得到加薪?很多人的答案是类似的:女性决断能力差,女性应该在家照顾孩子,女性难以驾驭男下属。2001年,6名女员工提起对沃尔玛的性别歧视诉讼,并要求将此案列为集体诉讼案,即凡1998年后曾在沃尔玛工作的女性,无论是否离职或同

46、意参与诉讼(litigation),均为原告(plaintiff),除非其专门提出退出诉讼。2004年时,该案可能涉及的原告人数就有160万,而且还将随时间推移不断增加。沃尔玛已于6月4日作出反应,宣布将更努力提升妇女雇员,并公布了一个对小时工(hourly worker)更为公平的薪金体系,并以扣除高层管理人员薪金作为保证,表示诚意。 Yanan Song-MUSTCase about Coca cola: race discrimination2000年11月,可口可乐公司同意向起诉其种族歧视的2200名黑人员工支付1.925亿美元,并将改善其种族政策,尽管它否认自己负有法律过错。2003

47、年3月,1100名女员工在对美国之音电台及其上级单位美国新闻署的性别歧视诉讼中获得5.5亿美元的赔偿,这是当时美国民事赔偿的最高纪录。该案前后历时23年。2005年12月,美国联邦法院裁定波音公司向近1.8万名女员工支付7250万美元赔偿,这些员工起诉该公司自1997年以来对内部性别歧视持容忍态度,使女员工在报酬和升迁方面遭受不公平待遇。Yanan Song-MUSTCorporate Responsibility Toward shareholders as Stakeholders安隆案/安然案(Scandle of Enron )Protect shareholders rights保護

48、股東權益Equal treatment公平對待Information disclosure實值資訊披露Supervision of board of directors董事會的監管和問責Yanan Song-MUSTCorporate Responsibility Toward competitors as StakeholdersMonoply behavior: Microsoft(壟斷行為:微軟公司之例)反競爭行為:價格協議、操弄貨物供應、獨家代理協議、綁售、 零售價格操弄、價格歧視、併購企業對競爭者的倫理義務:遵守公平競爭市場規範、尊重競爭對手、避免貪污、尊重產權、拒絕商業間諜等Fai

49、r competitionIntellecture property rightsAgainst briberyYanan Song-MUSTThe Roots Of Unethical BehaviorThere is no clear cut reason why managers behave unethicallyThe causes of unethical behavior are complex and reflect:Personal ethicsDecision-making processesLeadershipUnrealistic performance expecta

50、tionsOrganizational cultureYanan Song-MUSTWorlds Most Admired CompaniesAppleGoogleBerkshire HathawaySouthwest AirlinesProcter & GambleCoca-ColaAFedExMicrosoftMcDonaldsDiscussion: Why these companies are admired?Whats the implication for the management?http:/ Song-MUSTthe characteristics of most desi

51、red companieshttp:/ 阿里巴巴网络有限公司 2 百度公司 3 海尔集团 4 比亚迪股份有限公司 5 联想集团有限公司 6 华为技术有限公司 7 腾讯公司 8 李宁(中国)体育用品有限公司 9 宝钢集团 10 珠海格力电器股份有限公司 http:/ Song-MUSTEthical Decision-MakingTheory of Reasoned ActionTheory of Planned BehaviorContingency Model of Ethical Decision MakingPerson-Situation Interactionist ModelIssue-Contingent ModelYanan Song-MUSTTheory of Reasoned Action理性行为理论developed by Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen (1975, 1980)TRA suggests that a persons


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