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1、Unit 3 Moneytalk about money budgeting;Teaching Proceduresask for and give advice on money understand and make a budget sheetLook at the picture and discuss:l1 Where did your money go in the first few months at college?l2 Do you have a spending plan for each month?Discuss if it is a waste of money t

2、obuy a tabletbuy a smartphonebuy skincare productsget an expensive haircuteat out with friendsget gym membership 1. Time is money. 时间就是金钱。 2. Money talks. 钱能通神。 3. Money isnt everything. 钱不是万能的。 4.Money makes the mare go. 有钱能使鬼推磨. 5. Money is the root of all evil 金钱是万恶之源。 Oral Practice (1 ) Brainstr

3、omingBrainstorm proverbs related to money 以其人之道还至其人之身。以其人之道还至其人之身。Pay somebody back in his / her coin.事物都有两面性。事物都有两面性。Every coin has two sides. 冤家路窄。冤家路窄。 He turned up like a bad penny.她嫁给了有钱人。她嫁给了有钱人。She married money. Try to translate the idiomatic use concerning money. 白手起家白手起家 to start from scra

4、tch攀比攀比 to keep up with the Joneses挥金如土挥金如土to spend money like waterto squeeze ones dollar节省开支节省开支to make a fortune赚大钱赚大钱to tighten ones belt节衣缩食节衣缩食 to have money to burn有很多钱有很多钱to be heavily in debt 负债累累负债累累to tight purse strings手头紧手头紧Brainstorm as a class words related to money Currency 货币 Wage工资

5、 Salary薪水 Income(总)收入 Fee小费 Cash现金Note钞票Earnings(劳动、投资)收入Bonus奖金红利,津贴 Change 零钱Coin硬币Cheque支票Brainstorm as a class words related to money Now the cost of living is much higher than before.2. How much postage do I need to send this package?3. The tuition for my schooling is 1,240 a term.4. John gave

6、the waiter a fat tip.Try to come up with some relevant adjectives Affluent 富裕的 Broke 没有钱的/破了产的 Generous 慷慨的 Hard-up 缺钱的/手头紧 Mean 小气的 Poor 穷的 Prosperous 繁荣的 Rich 富有的 Stingy 小气的 Wealthy有钱的 Well off 经济上过得好Oral practice(2) Crazy idea Exert your creative thinking on the topic “what can we do with ten yua

7、n” the crazier your idea is ,the better, Then work in groups and share your ideas with your group members . Each group choose the craziest one to share with the class. The class vote for the craziest idea in our class.Reference 1. buy five roses to the beloved girl 2. buy a KFC hambruger to the baby

8、 beggar 3. provide a semesters tuition for an orphan 4. make a paper plane 5. Cover a small ant 6. Decorate the house 7. Change it into one hundred coins; and then use coins to build a mini-castel;Oral practice (2)Discussion Do you find it easy to save money? How much money do you usually spend in a

9、 month? Arrangement of total money for this monthTotal amount (_ RMB)Clothes Books Food Daily expenses Make a budget and a saving plan(basic and indispensable-不可缺少的) Curb(控制) your spending Get out of debt (think twice) Stop using credit cards (convenient but overdraft-透支) Make a budget and a saving

10、plan budget、example、varies、plan Set a goal and then reach it! Curb our spending(advice)Eat out less school canteen(学校食堂)Buy discounted products Try more online shopping physical shop(实体店) Eliminate unnecessary expense necessity(必需品) Get out of debt Dont buy thing we cant afford! Dont consumption exc

11、eed your budget scaredunbearable Stop using credit cardsoverspend unconsciously Summarized in one sentence: make a budget and consumption within it Wish: what you need to consider is how to spent money rather than how to save money Wish: what you need to consider is how to spent money rather than ho

12、w to save money Do you know the currencies in different countries and their symbols?Countries Currencies Symbols China Hong Kong港元India卢比Australia澳大利亚元 European Union欧元Russian卢布 German马克 Switzerland瑞士法郎 UKCanada加元America HK/HKD RMB/¥/CNY Hong Kong DollarsRenminbi/ Yuan Indian Rupee RE/INR Australian

13、 Dollar A. /AUDEuroEUR Russian Ruble Rbl./SUR Deutsche Mark DM./DEM Swiss Franc SF./CHF Pound Canadian Dollar Can./CAD U.S. Dollar U.S./USD In-class Activities 1 cent5 cents10 cents25 cents50 cents1 dollarpenny便士便士 nickel美、加)的五分硬币美、加)的五分硬币 dime一角一角 quarterhalf dollarusu. paper form1 penny5 pence 10

14、pence20 pence50 pence1 pound1 fen5 fen1 jiao2 jiao5 jiao1 yuanGet to know something about the coins of the American and English money. Compare them with the Chinese coins that you know.American Coins General names English Coins Chinese CoinsOral pratice 4 video time(reptition) Can you guess why the

15、two look to be so happy?Jack and Joy get a drunken marriage in Las Vegas. They are here to talk about the divorce. But something happensThey have won a jackpot of 3 million dollars.(click here for the jackpot.rmvbvideo)Warming-up ActivitiesThats for repetitionB:No, I dont know you, and I got a feeli

16、ng that neither do you.B: You know what? Ill call you about the annulment.G:How about this? Why dont you just e-mail me?G: What, you think this is all yours? God!B: Yes, its mine, I put the quarter in the machine and I pulled the lever.Boy: Thats right! Now if youll excuse me, I have a giant colorfu

17、l check to deposit! Oral practice (5)Group Discussion If you won the lottery and became a billionaire, how would you spend your money? go traveling all around the world build an orphanage help the poor and the homeless establish a school , set up a fund buy large house with a garden donate the money

18、 to the Hope ProjectReference As everyone knows, money is not everything, but without money we could do nothing. I have dreamed of being a millionaire. If I were a millionaire one day, I would do three great things. If I were a millionaire, first of all, I would purchase a big and beautiful house fo

19、r my parents and make them live comfortably and happily, because no one can deny that parents love for their children is the greatest love in the world. Its my parents who give me the most precious giftmy life. Its my parents who have sacrificed most in bringing me up and educating me, never expecti

20、ng for any return. So it is not surprising that I would think of their needs first if I became a millionaire. One day if I were a millionaire, I would travel around the world. Experiencing is believing. I have been dreaming of seeing other parts of the world since my childhood. Foreign cultures and customs are always appealing to me. My traveling experiences will certainly help me broaden my horizons and sharpen my language skills. Last but not least, if I were a millionaire, I would establish a scholarship in my name. Nowadays some of my


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