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1、第8页 共8页商务知识导读教学大纲 商务知识导读 教学大纲 一、课程根本信息 开课单位:翻译学院 课程名称:商务知识导读 课程编号:2220_ 英文名称:Introduction to Business 课程类型 :请按我校教学方案安排表中的课程类型进展标准填写,即公共根底课、学科根底课、专业根底课、教育理论与技能根底课、专业方向限选课、专业任选课、综合素质公选课等七类总 学 时:36 理论学时:36 实验学时:学 分:2 开设专业:商务英语 先修课程:无 二、课程任务目的一课程任务 本项编写要求:写明该课程的性质和任务本课程是一门商务英语专业根底必修课程,也是进展下一阶段商务英语专业课的入门

2、课程。本课程的任务是将语言学习放在商务语境环境下,将英语语言和商务领域知识相结合,并使学生在案例分析p 和小组研讨等练习中进步学生的分析p 和解决问题的才能。二课程目的 本项编写要求:写明学生在知识和才能方面应到达的目的要求在学完本课程之后,学生可以:1.理解国际商务知识; 2.能熟悉在商务语境中的英语语言及文化知识;3.对市场经济及现代工商企业的运作有一个总体印象; 4.熟悉相关领域的根底知识和有关的英译词汇和用语,为下一步学习更微观更深化的专业课程打下根底。三、教学内容和要求一理论教学的内容及要求 本项编写要求:以根本内容为主线,对各知识点分按“理解”、“理解”、“掌握”三个层次提出要求,

3、并说明教学重点及难点Unit One The Foundations of Business Chapter One Wants and Needs 1.理解 business activities that are used for products and services 2.理解 how limited resources relate to wants 3.掌握 the differences between wants and needs; 教学重点 1.The differences between wants and needs 2.The steps in a decisio

4、n-making process 教学难点 1.how does business affect you as a consumer and as a wage earner Chapter Two Economic Resources and Systems 1.理解 what is economics? 2.理解 the differences between market and mand economies 3.掌握 four factors of production 教学重点 1.Four factors of production 教学难点: 1.the differences

5、between market and mand economies Chapter Three Economic Activity and business cycle 1.理解 the historical basis of economic systems 2.理解 how economic activity is measured 3.掌握 how inflation and deflation work; business cycle 教学重点 1.how inflation and deflation work 2.Business cycle 教学难点 1.how economic

6、 activity is measured Chapter Four Business Ethics and Social Responsibility 1.理解 social responsibilities 2.理解 why ethical behavior is good for business 3.掌握 business ethics 教学重点 1.Business ethics,2.Making decisions on ethical issues 教学难点 1.Making decisions on ethical issues Unit Two Owning and Oper

7、ating a Business Chapter Five Entrepreneurship 1.理解 the ins and outs of an entrepreneurship 2.理解 advantages and disadvantages of an entrepreneurship3.掌握 how to prepare for your own business 教学重点 1.Advantages and disadvantages of an entrepreneurship 2.How to prepare for your own business 教学难点 1.How t

8、o prepare for your own business Chapter Si_ Business ownership and operations 1.理解 alternative ways to do business 2.理解 types of businesses 3.掌握 different business ownerships 教学重点 1.different business ownerships 教学难点 1.different business ownerships Chapter Seven Organization Structure 1.理解 evaluatio

9、n of oneself for a managerial position 2.理解 four functions of management 3.掌握 three levels of management and pare their responsibilities 教学重点 1.three levels of management and pare their responsibilities 2.four functions of management 教学难点 1.three levels of management and pare their responsibilities

10、Chapter Eight Leadership in Management1.理解 illustrate the advantages of working in teams 2.理解 qualities needed to be a leader 3.掌握 three types of leadership 教学重点 1.three types of leadership 2.differences between a manager and a leader 教学难点 1.three types of leadership Unit Three Managing Resources Ch

11、apter Nine Human Resources Management 1.理解 the ways an employeersquo;s status might change 2.理解 ways employees are oriented, trained and evaluated 3.掌握 how business find new employees 教学重点 1.how business find new employees 2.ways employees are oriented, trained and evaluated 教学难点 1.how business find

12、 new employees Chapter Ten Culture and Diversity in Business 1.理解 ways in which government and business deal with diversity 2.理解 how cultural differences affect doing business internationally 3.掌握 the characteristics of a corporate culture 教学重点 1.the characteristics of a corporate culture 2.how cult

13、ural differences affect doing business internationally 教学难点 1.how cultural differences affect doing business internationally Chapter Eleven1.理解 the types of financial records businesses use 2.理解 different types of budget for managing business finances 3.掌握 three important aspects of financial planni

14、ng 教学重点 1.three important aspects of financial planning 教学难点 1.different types of budget for managing business finances 2.the types of financial records businesses use 四、学时分配 本项编写要求:按章节简要编写各教学环节的学时分配章 次 各教学环节学时分配 小计 讲授 实验 上机 习题 讨论 课外 备 注 Introduction2 2Chapter One Wants and Needs 2 2Chapter Two Econ

15、omic resources2 2Chapter Three Economic activity 4 4Chapter Four Business ethics 4 4Chapter Five Entrepreneurship 2 2Chapter Si_ Business ownership 4 4Chapter Seven organizational structure 2 2Chapter Eight Leadership4 4Chapter Nine human resources2 2Chapter Ten Culture and Diversity 4 4Chapter Eleven Managing business Finances 2 2合计36 36五、考核说明 本项编写要求:说明本课程所采用的考核方法,如闭卷、开卷、考试、考察等;说明本课程成绩评定的方法,如期末考试与平时成绩的在总评成绩中的百分比例等1.定期课外阅读检查。2.课堂报告 2.每学期进展终结性考试,总成绩为百分制


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