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1、20212022学年度下期高2022届高考适应性考试(一)英语试卷说明:本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第n卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分。考试时间120分钟。第I卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到 答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每 段对话仅读一遍。1. Where are the two speakers?A. I

2、n a clothing store.B. At a laundry.C. In a printing shop.2. What is the man probably going to do after the lesson?A. Go shopping.B. Go to the post office.C. Have a cup of coffee.3. How much will the woman get back?A. 140 dollars.B. 110 dollars.C. 30 dollars.4. What does the man mean?A. Their appoint

3、ment is at ten o'clock.B. They should postpone the meeting.C. They should call tomorrow.5. Why did the woman get a high score on the test?A. Because of exercising a lot.B. Because of attending every lecture.C. Because of using test-taking skills.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分225分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,

4、从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选 出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时同阅读各个小题,每小题5秒 钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6-8题。6. When does the conversation take place?A. Before the woman goes on the stage.B. After the woman finished her performance.C. Before the woman goes to an interview.7. What is the man's s

5、uggestion to the woman?A. Being confident. B. Being persuasive.C. Being modest.第1页共9页命题、审题:高2022届英语备课组20212022学年度下期高2022届高考适应性考试英语参考答案(含解析)第一部分听力1-5BCCCB 6-10 CAABB 11-15 AABAA 16-20 BCABC第二部分阅读理解A 篇 21 23 BBC本文是一篇应用文,介绍了四本各有特色的有声书。21. B推理判断题 根据第四段的最后一句"perfect for those looking to get their mo

6、ney's worth.”可知,有些有 声书是要付费的。所以B选项正确。22. B 细节理解题 根据第三段"bringing us his funniest and most memorable work”以及"which is almost impossible to read without laughing.”可知,The Best of Me 这本书的内容是有趣幽默的。23. C 细节理解题 根据最后一the audio one makes easy work of distinguishing between varied characters with

7、their distinctive voices."可知这本有声书可以通过朗诵者不同的声音帮助读者将众多的人物角色辨别开 来。B 篇 24-27 BBDC本文是一篇说明文,介绍了津巴布韦是如何控制流行病的。24. B 根据第段第三、四句'"There was a lack of clean drinking water in the overcrowded urban areas. Garbage and chemicals got into the public water supplies and poisoned them.”得知津巴布韦流行病爆发的原因是因为

8、在 人口众多的城区缺乏干净的饮用水。A选项不正确是因为垃圾和化学品进入了公共供水系统,并非充斥在 整个城市。C选项不正确是因为城区人口众多,但并非是流行病爆发的原因。D选项不正确是垃圾和化学 品污染了供水,但并非是有人故意为之,污染水源。25. B 根据第三段第一句"However, the government of Zimbabwe was unable to provide help to its people.”得知 政府没有能力提供帮助。26. D 根据最后一段的内容,尤其是最后一句"Hopefully, future instances of cholera w

9、ill be treated before they start deadly epidemics.”得知将来乐观的形势。27. C全文阐述了流行病爆发从发生到失控到问题解决的全过程。因此C为文章的写作目的。A、B、D都 比较片面。C 篇 28-31 CBCD本文是一篇说明文。文章围绕撒谎这一普遍现象展开,深入分析了人们为什么会撒谎,说谎者又是怎 么通过肢体动作以及声音来暴露撒谎行为的,最后文章指出也不存在指认一个说谎者的绝对依据。28. C细解题。根据第二段最后一句话可知"hardly worth mentioning”这一类谎言的特点,以及第三段最 后一句话可知C选项属于“big

10、 lies”谎言类别。29. B 细节理解题。根据第四段"A more recent study, . found that liars may unconsciously mimic the body language of those around them while their brains are otherwise engaged in telling lies”可矢口 B 为正确选项。D 不 是肢体动作。30. C推理判断题。根据第四段描写的可以用来推测说谎者的一些Common behaviors"中的 "overcompensating by ge

11、sturing with both hands”可知 C 为正确选项。31. D推理判断题。根据最后一段可知没有可以用来判断一个人是否说谎的绝对依据,可知D选项正确。D 篇 BCBA本文是一篇说明文,向读者介绍了几种数据备份的策略。32. B 细节理解题。根据第二段的第四句 "All you have to do is download the app for service you want to use to your computer or phone.”可知,所以 B 项正确。33. C 细节理解题。根据第四段倒数第二句"The only thing conside

12、red undesirable is that a decent NAS tends to start at around £300, and that excludes the price of the hard disks themselves.可知即使不含硬盘,NAS 也很 贵,所以C项正确。34. B 词义猜测题。根据第四段倒数第三句".you still have a perfectly functioning mirror copy with all your files safely stored on it”可以推断出这里的kaput是“损坏”的意思。按照常

13、理来说,驱动器不太可能会“丢失;不 见”,所以不应该是lost,因此B项正确。35. A主旨大意题。本文主要就是向读者介几种数据备份的策略,所以A项正确。36-40 EFACD本文是一篇说明文,介绍了全球性人口数量增多所导致的资源短缺问题以及如何应对。36. E本段主要阐述全球性人口过多的问题。该空描述了人口过多、大量人口涌入城镇的情况,所以E项 符合题意。37. F本段主要讲述人们担忧资源短缺,并对其进行原因分析,有原因一"One major reason for this is that wasting resources and polluting have become ha

14、bitual behaviors. 故选F项,用 “Also”阐述出另一个原因“cars and machines waste important natural resources like oil and water.38. A该空是第三段的主题句,根据该段最后一句" In 50 years, many experts worry that huge numbers of people will starve to death.”可以判断 A 项正确。39. C 第四段 39 题前有"Many car companies already have patents for

15、 very efficient cars.",故选 C 项“Such cars waste no resources and produce no pollution. 这样的车会更节能。40. D 最后一段 40 题的后面“And these ideas will help to support the growing population.根据 “these ideas” 可对应到D项中的“ideas”,故选D项。第三部分英语知识运用完形填空41-50 BDBDC BCABD 51-60 CBDAA CADACBo根据上下文可知爸爸正在读晚报,所以当他听到我的提问时,他放下了手中

16、的报纸。42. Do为什么你想发财啊?43. Bo从后文的新宝马BMW可知是开车。44. Do从后半句我们未被邀请的转折可知他带了另外三个孩子去度假。45. Co从宝马,以及后文多次出现的rich, poor等词可知道作者是穷孩子。46. B°did指代邀请了其他孩子而未邀请作者的这种行为。这句话其实是They did so的缩写。相当于Did they really do so?47. Co从上下文可知作者觉得自尊心很受伤,所以是a hurt voice。48. Ao根据上下文可知父亲当时沉默,什么也没说只是摇了摇头,其实他也很无语。49. Bo往上推了推鼻梁上的镜架,若有所思。5

17、0. Do根据上下文可知作者还在等待父亲对于如何富有起来的问题的答案。后文也多次出现了 answer。51. Co attend the school 固定搭配,上学。52. Bo街道的一侧属于这个学区,对面的另一侧读另外一个学校。如果选an end of the street指我住在某条 路的尽头所以读一个学校,不符合常理。53. Do前半句Had I lived on the other side of the street意思是如果我住在路的另一侧,是省略了 if的虚拟语 气。54. Ao while表示对比,“然而”。55. Ao tell意为“判断,知道”Co use your he

18、ad意为动脑筋,自己想。56. Ao meant意思是,指的是。57. Do爸爸意为我也不知道,不要问我,让我难堪,尴尬。58. Ao Think for yourself意为独立思考。前一句已经说了不要指望我给你答案。59. Co end“终点,目的”,这句话意思是“金钱不是目的,只是达到目的的一种手段。”语法填空61. addictive62. addictive63. since66. a67. Burdened64. popularity64. for65. sold68. including 69. HoweverA"et/Nevertheless70. what第一节短文

19、改错6. of后面加a7. free-freedom8. it-them9. and-or10. whatwhatever11. of后面加a12. free-freedom13. it-them14. and-or15. whatwhatever16. of后面加a17. free-freedom18. it-them19. and-or20. whatwhatever1. buildbuildingabout-to3 natural-naturally. toldtells4 .删掉for第二节作文(参考范文)Dear Mr. Smith,I am Li Hua. At this mome

20、nt, I'm honored to express our sincere thanks to you on behalf of my classmates.We have been very lucky to have you as our English teacher in the past years, during which we learned English with great pleasure while making great progress thanks to your enlightening teaching. Meanwhile, you also

21、guided us in our school life with humorous stories, big smiles and encouraging words, enabling us to get through difficult times. You are not only a respectable teacher who we can rely on, turn to and share everything with, but also a lifetime friend we ought to cherish.We do appreciate everything t

22、hat you have done for us. Since you will leave soon, we wish you a pleasant journey back home and a happy life there. We will miss you. Thanks again, Mr. Smith.听力部分录音文稿:听力材料Text 1W: rd like to leave these shirts to be cleaned and pressed. Could I have them by Saturday?M: Yes. That will be OK.W: See

23、you then.Text 2W: What are you going to do after this lesson?M: I'm probably going to have a cup of coffee, what about you?W: Oh, Tm going to the post office.Text 3W: Excuse me, I would like to change this purple sweater which I bought here yesterday for the white one.M: Well, lefs see. The purp

24、le one is 140 dollars, but the white one is 30 dollars cheaper.Text 4W: It's ten o'clock. Is that too late for us to call Professor Brown about the student council meeting?M: Lef s hold off till tomorrow.Text 5M: It's really amazing that you got an "A" on the test. You didn'

25、;t seem to have done a lot of preparation or exercise before the test.W: Now you know why I never missed a lecture.Text 6W: Tve never done anything like this before, you know.M: Don't think like that! If you first persuade yourself that you've been doing the same thing every day for years, y

26、ou won' t be nervous any more.W: It's easy to say that, but I've always been the shy type. I can never pretend to be what I'm not.M: Well, now you must be a bit of an actress. If they ask you something you don't understand, pretend it doesn't matter and promise to find out fo

27、r them when you have time. Above all, don't give them the idea that they Ye doing a favor in giving you the job. They need you as much as you need them.Text 7W: The government is going to organize a folk-custom activity at the end of the month. And our community is supposed to put on a performan

28、ce.M: What kind of performance? A lion dance?W: Stuff like that but I think the lion dance is a bit too difficult and dangerous.M: Sure, you'll be dancing with lions. What do you expect? Then what about Yangge Dance which we did before. W: Good idea. Shall we get everyone in the community?M: May

29、be not. I think we should just focus on the retired people.W: I know that they already have a Yangge Dance team, and then what we need is just to do some rehearsals.M: What about the costumes?W: We can raise money in the community. You know each family 10 Yuan maybe.M: Try something new. Wc can find

30、 a supporting agency.W: Great idea. There is a travel agency nearby who would love to be our sponsor. It's a perfect chance for them to promote ethnic tourism.M: Let's go for it.W: Maybe we should take part in the Yangge Dance, too. Good exercise to lose weight.M: Oh, my work-out card is abo

31、ut to expire.W: Good timing.Text 8M: Jane, lefs go swimming at the Student Center.W: I'd like to, Tom, but I have a paper due on Friday, and I haven't even started it yet.M: Just an hour. Eve got a test tomorrow, so I won't be able to stay very long.W: I need the exercise, but I just can

32、't spare the time.M: Okay, how about dinner at the Grill7 You have to eat something, and ifs right by the library. I'll go over there with you after dinner, and you can do your research while I study for my test.W: Well, but.M: Come on. Youll probably want to stay late, and you shouldn't

33、 walk home after dark. Til stay until you're ready to go.W: That would be nice, but.M: Look, we really wouldn't be wasting any time. We'd just be doing everything we need to do, but we'd be doing it together. I just want to spend time with you.W: Me too. Okay. I need to go home first

34、, then ril meet you at the Grill about six. Is that all right7M: That's great. We'll get everything done. You'll see.Text 9W: Good morning.M: Good morning. Do take a seat. Now, what can I do for you?W: Well, Tve been getting a lot of headaches recently.M: I see. And do you normally suffe

35、r from headaches?W: No, not normally.M: And are there any other symptoms? I mean, do you feel sick, or anything like that?W: No just a headache.M: When do you get these headaches?W: It's usually when Fve been reading or watching TV.M: Mmm. Do you wear glasses?W: No, I don't.M. Well. Cover yo

36、ur left eye. Now, can you read the letters on the chart over there? "Try the third line from the bottom.W: Er. H, T, P. er, or is it R. and then it's E, isn91 it? Thafs all I can read.M: Hmm. Well, I think that's probably the problem. So as a first step, I'd like you to have your ey

37、es tested. Til give you a letter, and you need to take this to the optician's for an appointment.W: Oh, right, OK.M: Vm sure glasses will clear up the headaches, but if they don't, then come back and see me again.W: Thank you, doctor. Goodbye.M: Goodbye.Text 10Condoleezza Rice is used to sta

38、nding out. After all, she was the US Secretary of State -a very public position. But that is not the only reason she gets noticed. Her youth, gender and skin color have attracted a lot of attention throughout her political career.Rice was born in 1954 in Birmingham. Her parents told her that she cou

39、ld become whatever she wanted. In fact, Rice's first love was classical piano. She started college at age 15, intending to major in music. But she quickly realized that while she was very good, she would never be great. So she gave up this dream for another a career in politics. She went on to g

40、et a master's and a doctoral degree in political science. By the age of 26, she was a professor at Stanford University. From there her career developed quickly. She moved to Washington in 1989 to serve on George H. W. Bush's National Security Council. In 1991 she returned to Stanford and two

41、 years later became its youngest, first female and first black dean.She re-entered the political world in 2001, becoming George W. Bush's National Security Advisor. Rice attracted international attention in this position and has been called one of the most powerful national security advisors in

42、American history. She held this position until 2005, when appointed Secretary of State.C. She is good at performance.C. Early next month.C. Children.C. Attend a lecture.C. Go swimming.C. Stomachaches.C. Her office.C. To be a politician.C. At 30.C. Her family life.8. Which is true about the woman?A.

43、She is shy.B. She is excited.听第7段材料,回答第9至U题。9. When will the folk-custom activity be organized?A. This weekend.B. At the end of this month.10. How will the two speakers get the money for costumes?A. By collecting 10 Yuan from each family.B. By getting sponsorship from a travel agency.C. By letting e

44、ach participant prepare their own costumes.11. Who are the members of the Yangge Dance team?A. Retired people.B. Young people.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12. What will the man do tomorrow?A. Take an exam.B. Hand in a paper.13. What does the man suggest that they do after dinner?A. Go to the Grill.B. Go to the

45、library.14. What do we know about the man?A. He will be at the Grill at about 6:00.B. He will help Jane do her paper.C. He will go swimming after class.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15. What's the woman suffering from?A. Headaches.B. Dizziness.16. Where should the woman go next?A. The chemisf s.B. The optici

46、an's.17. What do we know about the woman?A. She feels dizzy when reading or watching TV.B. She suffers headache due to a bad cold.C. She doesn't wear glasses.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. What was Rice's first dream?A. To be a musician.B. To be a professor.19. When did Rice become a professor at

47、 Stanford University?A. At 23.B. At 26.20. Which of the following is not mentioned in the talk?A. Her education.B. Her political career.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在题卡上将 该项涂黑。第2页共9页命题、审题:高2022届英语备课组A4 Books that Work Better on AudioStrained eyes from

48、staring at a screen all day? Give your eyes a break and dive into these audiobooks instead. Listening to an audiobook stimulates the same parts of the brain as reading does, and it is also helpful if you're feeling anxious or depressed. Here are a few examples:A Short History of Nearly Everythin

49、g by Bill BrysonBryson's genius lies in his ability to write about hard subjectsfrom Shakespeare to the human bodywhile making them seem so easy. Listening to it will teach you about everything from the Big Bang to particle physics, without ever feeling like a lesson.The Best of Me by David Seda

50、risNow, fbr the first time, David Sedaris reads his autobiographical stories on Radio 4, bringing us his funniest and most memorable work. It opens our eyes to what is at absurd and moving about our daily existence, which is almost impossible to read without laughing.Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien

51、There's no shortage of LOTR audiobooks knocking around on Audible, as they have broad appeal across all age groups, being an ideal company for family car journeys. These are complete and clock in at a full 22 hours and 38 minutes, perfect for those looking to get their money's worth.Lincoln

52、in the Bardo by George SaundersThis tale of Abraham Lincoln mourning his son in a graveyard full of ghosts is the winner of the 2017 Booker prize. The book has no less than 166 different narrators-the result being that some readers complained of getting lost. But the audio one makes easy work of dis

53、tinguishing between varied characters with their distinctive voices.21. Which is not an advantage of an audiobook?A. Reduction in anxiety.B. Easy access without pay.C. Protection for eyes.D. Activation of the brain.22. Which audiobook best suits people who prefer humorous content?A. A Short History

54、of Nearly Everything.B. The Best of Me.C. Lord of the Rings.D. Lincoln in the Bardo.23. What's special about the audio version of Lincoln in the Bardo!A. It makes the story more attractive.B. It suits people of all ages.C. It tells the characters apart.D. It helps the author win a prize.BIn Augu

55、st of 2008, a deadly epidemic manifested itself in Zimbabwe. A severe health hazard triggered the outbreak. There was a lack of clean drinking water in the overcrowded urban areas. Garbage and chemicals got into the public water supplies and poisoned them. Since people did not have access to other s

56、ources, they had to drink the dirty water.The outbreak spread rapidly and infected almost 16,000 people. The illness caused extreme pain in people's intestines. It also caused a deficiency of important fluids in sick people's bodies. Without the proper fluids and minerals, their bodies stopp

57、ed working correctly. People were unable to digest food properly or replenish their lost nutrients. Without viable treatment, they would die. It was imperative to reserve the situation.第3页共9页命题、审题:高2022届英语备课组However, the government of Zimbabwe was unable to provide help to its people. The government

58、 didn't have a plan to stop the spread of cholera. In addition, the country was too poor to get clean water or medication for the sick. The people seemed to be doomed.Luckily, many other countries recognized the need to contain the outbreak. Dozens of voluntary practitioners from Britain, France

59、, the United States, and other countries went to Zimbabwe to treat the disease. Through the provision of sterile drinking water and medication, people finally got the treatment they badly needed. The compassionate doctors were able to save the lives of thousands. By January of 2009, the epidemic was almost completely contained.Today, the Zimbabwean government is investing in measures to avoid fu


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