1、International trade practice主讲:刘伟良主讲:刘伟良TelTel:1392243943713922439437QQQQ:10472051221047205122Chapter 6 Payment Terms1. Payment Instruments of Intl Trade2. Methods of Payment1/85P118-1. Payment Instruments Bill of exchange / Draft Promissory note Check / Cheque22/85P118-2. Methods of Payment Cash in
2、 Advance Letters of Credit Documentary Collection Open Account 预收货款 信用证 跟单托收 赊帐22/85P115-n Long distance and more procedures are involved.n Longer time is needed in settling an intl payment.n Different regulations and systems of law are applied.n Different monetary and financial matters are used.n D
3、ifferent settling methods are used.Chapter 6 Payment TermsWhy intl trade settlements are more complicated and difficult?2/85A draft (also called bill of exchange) is an unconditional order in writing signed by one party (drawer) requesting a second party (drawee/payer) to make payment in lawful mone
4、y immediately or at a determinable future time to a third party (payee).1) Draft 汇票1. Payment Instruments of Intl TradeP115-汇票由一人签发给另一人的无条件书面命令,要求受票人见票时或于将来某一规定的或可以确定的时间,将一定的金额的款项支付给某一特定的人或其指定人,或持票人。n Date and place of issuen Time of paymentn Name of payeen Currency and amountn Credit reference (L/C
5、 / invoice No.)n Name of drawee/payern Drawers name and signaturen Basic contents of a draft3/85Bill of ExchangeNo._(汇票号码)Drawn under(出票依据)_ L/C No ._Dated _Payable with interest _% _(付款利息)Exchange for USD100,000.00 (汇票金额) Beijing, China 06/10/2008 (出票时间地点)At(见票)_Sight of this FIRST of Exchange (Sec
6、ond of Exchange being unpaid )(付一不付二)Pay to the order of BANK OF CHINA,GUANGZHOU BRANCH (收款人) the sum of (金额 US DOLLARS ONE HUNDRED THOUSAN ONLYTo(致付款人) _ABC_or order_EFG_Drawer (出票人) (Signature)(签字)Sample of Commercial Draft5/85P116- 以出票人不同n Commercial Draft (商业汇票)one that is drawn by a firm or an
7、exporter. The drawer can be a firm, an exporter. n Bankers Draft (银行汇票)a draft that is drawn by one bank on another bank. 按付款时间不同n Sight Draft (即期汇票) a draft that is payable on presentation, i.e., the drawee should immediately pay the amount on the draft drawn on him. n Time/usance Draft (远期汇票) a dr
8、aft that is payable in a specified number of days after its date of issue / acceptance, the date of B/L or at a fixed future date. 按在流通中是否附有货运单据n Clean Draft (光票)a draft that is paid without the presentation of any other documents attached. n Documentary Draft (跟单汇票)a draft that should be paid only
9、when certain documents have been attached to and presented together with the draft.Types of Draft4/85Use of Draftn ISSUANCEn PRESENTATIONn ACCEPTANCEn PAYMENTn Endorsementn Discount n Dishonorn Recoursen SightP116-n 出票出票n 提示提示n 承兑承兑n 付款付款n 背书n 贴现n 拒付/兑n 追索n 见票6/85Parties to a draftn Drawer / Maker:出
10、票人n Drawee / Payer:受票人/付款人n Acceptor:承兑人n Payee:受款人n Transferee:受让人n 出票人:开出汇票的人。国际贸易中,通常是卖方或出口商。n 受票人:汇票上的付款人。国际贸易中,通常是买方或其指定银行。n 承兑人:承诺兑现远期汇票的人。国际贸易中,通常是买方指定银行。n 受款人:受领汇票上所规定款项人。国际贸易中,通常是卖方或其指定银行。n Endorser:背书人n Endorsee:被背书人n Holder / Bearer:持票人n Prior Party:前手n Subsequent Party:后手7/85出票以法定款式作成汇票并
11、将其交付受款人的票据行为。只有当出票人将其作成的汇票交付给受款人以后方为出票。ISSUANCE 出票出票汇票的法律效力汇票的法律效力n 对出票人的效力。汇票经出票后,出票人对汇票必须承担两项责任,即担保承兑和担保付款。n 对受票人的效力。汇票出票行为对受票人不产生效力,只有当受票人承兑(远期)汇票后,才对该汇票负付款责任。若受票人拒绝承兑,即不对汇票负担任何责任。n 对受款人的效力。受款人依法接受汇票后,即得到该汇票的完整权利,可依该汇票所记载的文义,在法定期限内按有关法律规定行使付款请求权或追索权。Issuance is the process in which a negotiable i
12、nstrument is issued in a legal format and delivered to the payee.P116-8/85Presentation means the holder of the draft lets the drawee sight the draft for payment or acceptance. P117-PRESENTATION 提示提示 Presentation for Acceptance (承兑提示)the holder presents a usance draft to the drawee for acceptance. Pr
13、esentation for Payment (付款提示)the holder presents a sight draft or a due usance draft to the drawee for payment.提示持票人向付款人实际出示汇票,请求承兑或付款的行为。汇票提示,包括:承兑提示和付款提示。付款人看到汇票,即为见票。9/85P117-ACCEPTANCE 承兑承兑n 远期汇票持票人必须向受票人作承兑提示。即期汇票毋需承兑提示。n 承兑的作用在于确定付款人对汇票金额的付款义务。n 付款人承兑汇票后,就成为该汇票的主债务人,负到期付款的责任。n 在付款人承兑汇票之前,汇票的主债
14、务人是出票人而不是付款人。n 若持票人遭付款人拒绝承兑或付款,他不能起诉付款人,而只能向其前手背书人或出票人行使追索权。If a usance draft is presented, the drawee takes up the obligation of payment when it becomes due, by putting the word “ACCEPTED”, his signature and the date of acceptance on the face of the draft.承兑指汇票付款人承诺在汇票到期日支付汇票金额的票据行为。 10/85P117-付款汇票
15、付款人向持票人支付汇票金额以消灭票据关系的行为。PAYMENT 付款付款n The drawee must pay for a sight draft when he sights it.n The drawee will pay for a usance draft upon presentation when it becomes due.For a sight draft, the drawee pays the amount on the draft immediately when it is presented. For a usance draft, the drawee wil
16、l pay when it is due.11/85背书是指在票据背面或粘单上记载有关事项经签章后交付给受让人的票据行为。其目的是将汇票权利转让给受让人或将一定的汇票权利授予受让人行使。Endorsement - 背书背书n 汇票经背书,收款的权利就转让给受让人,被背书人取得汇票的权利。n 经背书的汇票到期前,受让人可再背书进行转让。n “前手”对“后手”必须保证汇票必然被承兑或付款。Ones signature, instructions and etc placed on the reverse of a negotiable commercial instrument (or attac
17、hed to it) for the purpose of transferring the legal rights, which are stated on the instrument, to the transferee.12/85Usance draft amount USD11000$10000Payee/Payer/DraweeBank/Discounting company贴现远期商业票据到期前,以低于票面价值的价格支款购入该票据。$11000TodayDue DateDiscount 贴现贴现Purchase or prompt payment for a negotiabl
18、e instrument not yet due at a lower price than its face value.13/85拒付/兑汇票受票人拒绝对即期汇票付款或拒绝对远期汇票进行承兑。Dishonor 拒付拒付/兑兑n 在付款人或者承兑人死亡、藏匿、被依法宣告破产或因违法被责令停止业务活动等情况下,在事实上已经不可能付款时,也作为拒付。n 在付款人对汇票虽然不明示拒付,但是迟迟不付款或者承兑时,也可以认为是被拒付。 The drawees failure or refusal to pay or accept a negotiable instrument, e.g. a draf
19、t, when it is presented. 14/85追索汇票被付款人或承兑人拒付后,按票据法,持票人有权要求其前手包括背书人直止出票人承担付款责任。持票人的这种票据权利叫“追索权”(Right of Recourse)。Recourse 追索追索Legal right of a negotiable instrument holder to demand payment from the drawer, maker, or endorser if the instrument such as a check, draft, promissory note is dishonored.持
20、票人须先从公证行等机构取得“拒绝证书”(Certificate of Protest),然后凭此才可行使追索权。15/85A promissory note is an unconditional promise in writing made and signed by one person to another (the payee / the holder) to pay on demand or at the fixed or determinable future time a sum of money to or to the order of a specified person
21、 or bearer.P117-2) Promissory note 本票本票本票是由出票人签发的,承诺自己在见票时或定期或在可以确定的将来时间向收款人无条件支付一定金额的票据。16/85P118-Types of promissory noten 我国不允许个人开立本票。我国票据法第73条规定:本法所称本票,是指银行本票。n 按我国票据法第79条规定,我国只允许开立自出票日起,付款期限不超过2个月的银行本票。n General promissory note (一般本票/商业本票): issued by a firm or a person. It can be divided into S
22、ight promissory note and usance one.n Bankers promissory note / Cashiers order (银行本票): issued by a bank. It has only one type, the sight promissory note. 17/85Sample of promissory note60,000.00 London, 15th May 2006 Three months after date I promise to pay John Tracy or order the sum of SIXTY THOUSA
23、ND POUNDS for value received. William TaylorASIA INTERNATIONAL BANK, LTD18 Queens Road, Hong KongCASHERS ORDER HONG KONG, 8th Aug 2006 Pay to the order of Dockfield & Co.,.the sum of Hong Kong Dollars EIGHTY THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED ONLY. . For Asia International Bank, Ltd HK$80,000.00 ManagerGeneral
24、promissory noteBankers promissory note / Cashiers order18/85支票是由出票人签发,委托办理支票存款业务的银行或者其他金融机构在见票时无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。3) Check / Cheque - 支票支票A check is an unconditional order in writing addressed to a bank and signed by the customer, authorizing the bank to pay on demand a specified sum of money to
25、 or to the order of a named person or to bearer.P118-19/85Types of chequen Open Cheque(普通支票):a cheque which has not been crossed or marked not negotiable, which can be cashed at the bank. n Cross Cheque(划线支票):a cheque which is crossed with 2 parallel lines for account deposit only. (只能转账,不能提现。)n Cer
26、tified Cheque(保付支票):a cheque which is marked by a bank as “certified,” thereby unconditionally promising that the bank will pay the cheque upon its presentation by the payee.n 支票没有远期的,只有即期的,即,见票即付款。n 若出票人出票时不希望受款人马上取款,可以在支票上将签发日期填成未来支款时的日期。P118-20/8531st Jan.,2009 Cheque London, 31st Jan., 2009 No.3
27、52876 BANK OF EUROPE4 LondonTianjin Economic & Development Pay to Tianjin Economic & Development Corp.Corp. or order the sum of four hundred and fifty pounds For Sino-British Trading Co., London signature 352876 352876 602386 02211125 0000450000银行编码 支票编号 付款行代号 出票人在付款 根据支票 磁性编码 磁性编码 行的支票专户 面额加编 账户磁码
28、的磁码Sample of Cheque21/85P118-2. Methods of Payment Cash in Advance Letters of Credit Documentary Collection Open AccountRanked by preference of the exporter from the least to the most risk. 预收货款 信用证 跟单托收 赊帐22/85P119-The terms are used in the following situations: n Business relationships are new.n T
29、ransactions are small.n Goods are in the sellers market.n Goods are in heavy demand (most sought-after).n Goods are custom-made to the buyers specification.1) Cash in AdvanceThere are two sub-terms under cash in advance: Cash with order; Cash payment before shipment.23/85P119- Cash with order Cash p
30、ayment before shipmentSub-terms under Cash in AdvanceUnder cash in advance terms, the buyer can ask the seller to arrange a down payment guarantee (预付款保函) or a standby L/C (备用信用证) in the buyers favor so as to guarantee the seller surely ships the goods to him.24/85P120-Remittance means the transfer
31、of money from one party to another party through banks.Remittance汇付交易的一方按合同约定的条件和时间,委托银行用一定的汇兑工具把款项汇寄给交易另一方的商业信用支付方式。25/85P120-Methods of remittanceTelegraphic transfer T/T ( (电汇)电汇)由汇款人委托汇出行用电报、电传(by telex or cable)或环球银行间金融电信网络(by SWIFT)等电讯手段发出付款委托书给收款人所在地汇入行,委托它将款项解付给指定收款人。Remittance by bankers de
32、mand draft ( (票汇)票汇)汇出行应汇款人申请,开立以其代理行或其他来往银行为付款人的银行即期汇票,交由付款人寄交收款人。收款人凭票向付款人(当地银行)收款。 Mail transfer M/T(信汇)(信汇)以信汇委托书或支付通知书作为结算工具,通过邮政航空信件方式寄发给汇入行。汇入行收到汇出行邮寄来的委托书或通知书后首先要核对汇出行的签字或印鉴无误后,付款给收款人。26/85Documentary Letter of Credit (跟单信用证) L/C is a written undertaking by a bank given to the beneficiary (t
33、he seller) at the request, and in accordance with the instructions, of the applicant (the buyer) to effect payment up to a stated sum of money, within a prescribed time limit and against stipulated documents.P120-信用证,又称信用状,是银行根据申请人(常为买方)的要求和指示,以自身名义向受益人(常为卖方)开立的,承诺在规定时限内收到符合要求的文件后,向受益人支付规定金额的书面文件。2)
34、 Documentary Letter of Credit L/C27/85n 国际贸易中买卖双方都面临较大的商业信用风险。对于卖方,一旦将货物交给了买方,有可能无法收到货款;对于买方,一旦将将货款付给卖方,有可能无法取得货物。n 信用证结算方式以“银行信用”代替了“商业信用”,通过银行的信用担保,减少贸易各方所承担的“商业信用风险”,很大程度上保证卖方安全收到货款及买方按时收到符合要求的货物,解决了双方在付款和交货环节的矛盾。n 采用信用证结算,还可以通过票据贴现及“打包放款”等银行业务为贸易双方提供资金融通的便利。P120-Advantages of L/C settlement28/85
35、L/C RulesUCP600 (P146)n1933年,国际商会制定商业跟单信用证统一惯例,此后对该惯例进行了三次修订。1983年对该惯例再次修订,称为跟单信用证统一惯例(Uniform Customs & Practice for Documentary Credit),因其是国际商会第400号出版物,故又称为UCP400。n1993年,国际商会对UCP400进行修订,修订版称为国际商会第500号出版物,简称UCP500,并于1994年1月1日起实施。n根据新形势需要,国际商会又对UCP500作了修改,出台了国际商会第600号出版物,简称UCP600,于2007年7月1日起正式生效。目前,
36、信用证操作基本都按UCP600进行。所以,信用证中一般注明:本证依国际商会跟单信用证统一惯例(UCP600)办理。29/85UCP600(中文)Please be well up onUCP600(English)30/85General flow chart of L/C settlementApplicant (Importer)Beneficiary(Exporter)Issuing/reimbursing bankAdvising / Negotiating bank合同申请开证开证通知信用证交单议付垫付票款索偿偿付通知付款付款赎单39/85General flow chart of
37、ACCEPTANCE L/C settlementApplicant (Importer)Beneficiary(Exporter)Issuing/reimbursing bankAdvising / Negotiating bank合同申请开证开证通知信用证交单议付承兑承兑提示承兑通知付款付款赎单39/85P122-n 开证申请人开证申请人n 受益人受益人n 开证行开证行n 保兑行n 通知行n 付款行n 承兑行n 议付行n 偿付行n 寄单行n 转让行n 第二受益人Parties to a creditn APPLICANT / OPENERn BENEFICIARYn ISSUING BAN
38、K / OPENING BANKn Confirming bankn Advising bank / Notifying Bankn Paying bank / Drawee Bankn Accepting bankn Negotiating bankn Reimbursing bankn Remitting bankn Transferring bankn Second beneficiary31/85P122-Applicant / Opener: the party on whose request the credit is issued. It is usually the buye
39、r i.e. the importer (申请人,向银行提出申请开立信用证的人,一般为贸易合同的买方,即,进口人)。开证申请人与开证行之间的权利和义务以开证申请书及有关协议为准。 Issuing bank: the bank that issues a credit at the request of the applicant (开证行,根据申请人的请求而开立信用证的银行,一般是进口地的银行)。信用证一经开立,开证行承担付款责任。Beneficiary: the party in whose favor a credit is issued. It is usually the seller
40、 i.e. the exporter (受益人,信用证上所指定的有权使用该信用证的人,一般为贸易合同的卖方,即,出口人)。受益人有权向开证行索取价款的权利。32/85Parties to a creditP122-Advising bank: the bank that advises the credit at the request of the issuing bank without any undertaking to honor or negotiate (通知行,根据开证行的请求,向受益人通知信用证的银行,一般为出口人所在地的银行)。通知行对信用证项下的单据没有必然的议付责任,但
41、对所通知的信用证的真实性负责,若无法鉴别真实性而又通知该信用证,则须向受益人告知情况。Confirming bank: the bank that adds its definite undertaking, in addition to that of the issuing bank, to honor or negotiate a complying presentation (保兑行,应开证行的请求或授权对信用证加具保兑的银行。保兑行在信用证上加具保兑后,即对受益人独立承担责任)。保兑行对已加具保兑的信用证有必然的议付、承兑、付款的责任,而且对议付款没有追索权。33/85Parties
42、 to a creditP122-Paying bank: the bank that makes payment to the beneficiary against presentation of stipulated documents (付款行,开证行授权进行信用证项下付款的银行。付款行可以是开证行,也可以是开证行指定的银行,但多数情况下,付款行就是开证行自己)。付款行一经付款,对受益人没有追索权。Accepting bank: the bank nominated in the credit to accept a usance bill of exchange drawn on i
43、t (承兑行,对承兑信用证项下的远期汇票,经审单确认其与信用证规定相符时,承诺到期付款的银行)。承兑行付款后,对受益人没有追索权。若承兑行承兑汇票后倒闭或丧失支付能力,开证行承担付款责任。34/85Parties to a creditP122-Remitting bank: the bank which sends the documents to the issuing bank (寄单行,或托收行,负责把单据寄给开证行)。寄单行不审查单据,不负单证不符之责。 Negotiating bank: the bank that negotiates or discount the benefi
44、ciarys bill of exchange (根据开证行的授权买入或贴现受益人开立和提交的符合信用证规定的汇票及/或单据的银行)。议付行通常是受益人的指定人和汇票的善意持票人,对作为出票人的信用证受益人的议付(贴现)有追索权。35/85Parties to a credit转让行应受益人的委托,将可转让信用证转让给信用证的受让人(第二受益人)的银行。转开行不对其转开的信用证承担付款责任。只要不禁止分批装运/分批支取,可转让信用证可分为若干部分,分别转让给不同的几个第二受益人。 第二受益人是接受转让的可转让信用证的受益人,又称信用证的受让人或被转让人。第二受益人受让信用证后,不能再转让给其他
45、人使用;原证可以转让给多个第二受益人。P122-36/85Parties to a creditGeneral flow chart of L/C settlementApplicant (Importer)Beneficiary(Exporter)Issuing/reimbursing bankAdvising / Negotiating bank合同申请开证开证通知信用证交单议付垫付票款索偿偿付通知付款付款赎单39/85P123- The trading parties sign a contract stipulating payment by L/C. The buyer reques
46、ts a local bank for L/C establishment. The issuing bank opens an L/C. The L/C is advised by the advising bank to the beneficiary (seller). The beneficiary (seller) examines the L/C clauses The beneficiary (seller) presents the documents for negotiation The negotiating bank asks the issuing/paying ba
47、nk for reimbursement . The issuing/paying bank reimburses the negotiating bank. The applicant (buyer) retires the documents from the issuing bank.General procedure of using an L/C40/85(E.G. Sight negotiable L/C)P123- The buyer requests a local bank for L/C establishmentn 买方与银行签订开证协议(交纳押金等);n 买方向开证行递
48、交开证申请书,列明信用证条款;n 如何开好信用证? Trading parties sign a contract stipulating payment by L/Cn 双方确定信用证相关条款。n 为及时落实货源,卖方应在合同明确买方开证期限,并约定:若买方不依时开证,卖方可以撤销合同并要求买方支付一定数额的罚金。 The issuing bank opens an L/Cn 开证行按申请人的指示和要求开立信用证。n 信用证一经开立,开证行承担付款责任。41/85General procedure of using an L/CP123- The beneficiary presents t
49、he documents for negotiationn申请人(出口人)缮制单据;n向银行交单办理议付;n议付:银行在获得偿付的银行日或之前,购买相符交单项下的汇票及单据,并向受益人预付或同意预付款项。 The beneficiary examines the L/C clausesn信用证条款与合同条款;n信用证本身的可操作性。 The L/C is advised by the advising bank to the beneficiaryn通知行所通知的信用证的真实性负责;n若无法鉴别真实性而又通知该信用证,则须向受益人告知情况。42/85General procedure of u
50、sing an L/CP124- The applicant retires the documents from the issuing bank.n 开证申请人(买方)向开证行付款,取得单据,凭以提货。 The issuing/paying bank reimburses the negotiating bank.n 若信用证未声明是否按照国际商会有关银行间偿付的规则办理,则开证行不应要求索偿行向偿付行提供证实单据与信用证条款相符的证明。n 若偿付行未能按信用证条款在首次索偿时即行偿付,则开证行应对索偿行的利息损失以及产生的费用负责。 The negotiating bank asks t
51、he issuing/paying bank for reimbursementn 银行办理信用证结算向受益人支付了票款后,即寄单向开证银行索回其已付给受益人的票款。n 出口人可要求(即期)信用证列明“电报索偿”条款,规定在议付行审单后认为单证相符,即可电告开证行索偿。43/85General procedure of using an L/CCharacteristics of L/C An L/C is a bankers credit - 信用证是一种银行信用信用证是一种银行信用n An L/C is issued by a bank under its own name. The is
52、suing bank is the payer. n The issuing bank has no recourse against the beneficiary. An L/C is a self-sufficient instrument - 信用证是一项自足文件信用证是一项自足文件n An L/C is not bound by any contracts, regulations, or laws that it may relate to.n If there is any contradiction between L/C and the UCP600, the L/C cla
53、uses override the UCP regulations. An L/C is concerned with documents only -信用证业务是纯单据买卖信用证业务是纯单据买卖n In L/C operations, all parties concerned deal with documents only, rather than goods, or services to which it may relate.n Banks exam the documents under the doctrines of “apparent compliance” and “st
54、rict conformity”.37/85P123-n 信用证本身的说明:信用证本身的说明:编号、开证日期、到期日/地点、交单期n 兑付方式:兑付方式:即期付款、延期付款、承兑、议付n 信用证的种类信用证的种类n 信用证的当事人信用证的当事人(见前述)n 汇票条款:汇票条款:出票人、受票人、付款期、出票条款、出票日期n 货物条款:货物条款:名称、规格、数量、包装、价格、唛头n 支付货币和信用证金额支付货币和信用证金额n 装运与保险条款:装运与保险条款:装运/目的/转运港、装运期、转运/分批n 单据条款:单据条款:发票、运输单据、保险单据、检验证书等n 其他规定:其他规定:对提单出单人的限制、
55、对航线的限制信用证样本Basic items of L/C38/85P124-n Revocable L/Cn Irrevocable L/Cn Confirmed L/Cn Unconfirmed L/Cn Sight L/C Sight payment L/C Sight negotiation L/C n Term / Time L/C Acceptance L/C Negotiation L/C with a usance draft Deferred payment L/CTypes of L/C (1)n 可撤销信用证n 不可撤销信用证n 保兑信用证n 非保兑信用证n 即期信用证
56、即期付款信用证 即期议付信用证n 远期信用证 承兑信用证 远期议付信用证 延期付款信用证44/85P124-Types of L/C (2)n Transferable L/Cn Untransferable L/Cn Back-to-back L/Cn Revolving L/Cn Red Clause L/Cn Standby L/Cn 可转让信用证n 不可转让信用证n 背对背信用证n 循环信用证n 红条款信用证n 备用信用证45/85P124-Revocable L/C:one that may be amended or cancelled by the issuing bank at
57、 any time without prior notice to the beneficiary before the documents have been paid, accepted, or negotiated. Its normally marked with “Revocable” or a clause like - This credit is subject to cancellation or amendment at any time without prior notice to you. Irrevocable L/C:one that can not be ame
58、nded or cancelled by the issuing bank unilaterally(单方面). Its normally marked with “Irrevocable” or a clause like “We hereby engage with the drawers, endorsers and bona fide holders of drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit that such drafts will be honored on presentation.
59、”n Under UCP400, if an L/C does not say it is irrevocable, it is then revocable;n Under UCP500/600, if an L/C does not say it is revocable, it is then irrevocable. 46/85Types of L/CP125-Confirmed L/Ca credit with which a confirmation is added by the advising bank (or any other bank rather than the i
60、ssuing bank) to undertake to honor the drafts/documents upon complying presentation.Unconfirmed L/Ca credit with which no confirmed undertaking is added by any other bank (指未经开证行以外的银行保兑的信用证)。n 保兑行对经本身保兑的信用证负必然议付、承兑、付款的第一责任。n 保兑信用证对受益人最有保障。 保兑信用证开立后,由开证行以外的另一家银行(通常是通知行) 附加兑付保证的信用证。开证行在开立信用证时加列委托保兑文句,
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