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1、会计学1外研社七年级下册外研社七年级下册M unit第一页,共54页。cooking She can _. Can she cook?She is _.cookYes, she can.第2页/共54页第二页,共54页。She can _. Can she dance?dance She is _.dancing Yes, she can.第3页/共54页第三页,共54页。sing They can _. Can they sing?singingThey are _.Yes, they can.第4页/共54页第四页,共54页。playing table tennisThey can _.

2、play table tennisThey are _.Yes, they can.Can they play table tennis?第5页/共54页第五页,共54页。playing the piano He can _. Can he play the piano?play the piano He is _.Yes, he can.第6页/共54页第六页,共54页。ride a bike He can _. Can he ride a bike?riding a bike He is _.Yes, he can.Can he fly(飞)?No, he cant.第7页/共54页第七页

3、,共54页。speak Chinese He can _. Can he speak Chinese?speaking Chinese He is _.Yes, he can.第8页/共54页第八页,共54页。第9页/共54页第九页,共54页。1.肯定句变否定句直接(zhji)在can后加not,缩写为cant。 2.陈述句变一般疑问句直接(zhji)把can提前。 如:I can read. I cant read.如: She can swim. Can she swim ? 肯定回答: Yes,主语(zhy)+can. 否定回答: No,主语(zhy)+cant.第10页/共54页第十页

4、,共54页。What can you do?I can .but I cant .第11页/共54页第十一页,共54页。There are many clubs in a school.第12页/共54页第十二页,共54页。Music Club Dance Club 第13页/共54页第十三页,共54页。Table Tennis Club 第14页/共54页第十四页,共54页。Come and join us!Food and Drink Club 第15页/共54页第十五页,共54页。Art Club Chinese Club 第16页/共54页第十六页,共54页。We can.in .cl

5、ub.Art Club艺术(ysh)俱乐部Dance Club舞蹈(wdo)俱乐部Chinese Club中文(zhngwn)俱乐部Music Club 象棋俱乐部draw dance speak Chinese sing想加入. Table Tennis Club乒乓球俱乐部饮食俱乐部cookplay table tennisFood and Drink Club第17页/共54页第十七页,共54页。2. Listen and check() the things in Activity 1 which Tonys dad can do.第18页/共54页第十八页,共54页。第19页/共54

6、页第十九页,共54页。第20页/共54页第二十页,共54页。What can Beckham do?He can play football.What can . do?. can .sing/ dance/cook/play basketball/.第21页/共54页第二十一页,共54页。第22页/共54页第二十二页,共54页。Now check () the clubs they want to join. ClubNameMusicClubDanceClubTable Tennis ClubFood and Drink ClubDamingBettyLinglingTony.wants

7、to join .第23页/共54页第二十三页,共54页。all. What about Lingling? Which club can she join?这个(zh ge)学期在布告板上仅此而已(jn c r y)第24页/共54页第二十四页,共54页。favourite club. Tony: OK then. I play table tennis, so I choose the table Tennis Club. Thats my favourite!she would我中文(zhngwn)讲得不好= teach you to study Chinese (teach sb. t

8、o do sth.)那好的第25页/共54页第二十五页,共54页。 Can CantDaming speak Chinese play the piano danceBetty speak English cook play table tennisLingling speak Chinese dance cook Tony play table tennis speak English speak Chinese well.can., but he/she cant第26页/共54页第二十六页,共54页。7. Work in pairs. Look at the information. A

9、sk and answer. can cantDamingspeak Chinese, play the piano danceBettyspeak English, cook play table tennisLinglingspeak Chinese, dance cookTonyplay table tennis, speak Englishspeak Chinese well- Can Daming speak Chinese?- Yes, he can.- Can Betty play table tennis?- No, she cant.第27页/共54页第二十七页,共54页。4

10、. Complete the passage with the correct from of the words from the box.board choose club music term Can you cook? Join the Food and Drink (1)_. Can you play the piano? Join the (2) _ Club. What about dancing? (3) _ the Dance Club. There are lots of new clubs every (4) _ . Theyre all on the (5) _ and

11、 you can choose your favourite.club music choosetermboard第28页/共54页第二十八页,共54页。 I can play piano. I cant speak Chinese very well. Can you cook?Now listen and repeat.Say the sentences aloud.第29页/共54页第二十九页,共54页。Chinese she weegg tennisEnglish第30页/共54页第三十页,共54页。一、单项选择(xunz)。1. What can you do, Lingling?

12、I can _.A. play the football B. ride bikeC. play the piano D. play a basketball2. I can sing English songs _ I can dance.A. and B. so C. or D. but第31页/共54页第三十一页,共54页。3. He can sing, _ he cant cook.A. and B. so C. or D. but4. Can Jim play basketball? _.A. Yes, I can B. Yes, he can C. No, you cant D.

13、No, he isnt.5. Can you speak English well? _. A. No, I cant B. Yes, I have C. No, I dont D. Yes, I speak 第32页/共54页第三十二页,共54页。1、Can you play _piano? A、a B、an C、the2、Can you dance? yes, I _. A、do B、can C、 cant3、Can he Write English? No,he _ A、can B、 cant C、does4、I _ ride a bike ,but I _drive a car. A、

14、can , can B、 cant , cant C、can, cant5、She can _basketball . A、play B、playing C、playsACBBC第33页/共54页第三十三页,共54页。二、完成句子(j zi)。1. Tony,你会说中文吗?_ you _, Tony?2. 这学期新的俱乐部名单在公布板上。The new clubs _ this term _.Can speak Chinese for on the board第34页/共54页第三十四页,共54页。3. 我想加入英语俱乐部,因为(yn wi)我的英语说得不好。_ the English Clu

15、b _speak English very well.4. 不用担心你儿子,我会照顾他的。_your son. I can look after him.Id like to join because I cant Dont worry about 第35页/共54页第三十五页,共54页。5. 因为(yn wi)我喜欢打乒乓球,我选择了乒乓球俱乐部。I _ the Table Tennis Club _ table tennis.6. Tom想加入音乐俱乐部,因为(yn wi)他会弹钢琴。Tom _ join the Music Club because he _. choose becaus

16、e I like playing would like to can play the piano第36页/共54页第三十六页,共54页。1. 你会打乒乓球吗? Can you _ _ _?2. 那个(n ge)男孩每天弹一个小时钢琴。 The boy spends an hour _ _ _ every day.3. 我只会讲一点英语。 I can _ _ a little.play table tennis playing the piano speak EnglishQuiz第37页/共54页第三十七页,共54页。4. 我选择我喜爱的汉语社团(shtun)。 I choose my _

17、_ _.5. 她加入了舞蹈社团(shtun)。她真的跳得很棒。 She _ the _Club. She can _ really _. 6. 我们可以教Tom中文。 We _ _ Tom Chinese. joins Dance dance well can teach favourite Chinese Club第38页/共54页第三十八页,共54页。1. I can play chess .(改为一般疑问句)2. She can speak Chinese .(改为否定句)3. Can your brother play basketball ?(作肯定回答(hud))4. Can To

18、m and Amy paint ?(作否定回答(hud))2. Can you rewrite them ?No , they cant .Can you play chess ?She cant speak Chinese .Yes , he can .第39页/共54页第三十九页,共54页。to playhavingwellthemsinging第40页/共54页第四十页,共54页。1. Id like to join the Music Club because I can play the piano. 我想加入音乐(ynyu)社团是因为我会弹钢琴。would like意为“想要(xi

19、n yo)”,其语气比用 like 婉转些。I would like =Id like 第41页/共54页第四十一页,共54页。1) +sth,表示“具体要”某样东西。例如: Id like two sweaters for my daughters. 我想给我的女儿们买两件毛衣。Would you like a cup of milk?你想要一杯牛奶吗? 2) + to do,表示“愿望(yunwng),喜爱”,常用于有礼貌地提出邀请、请求或建议。例如: I would like to be your class monitor.我想当班长(bn chn)。Would you like to

20、 come to supper?你愿意来吃晚饭吗?第42页/共54页第四十二页,共54页。play table tennis basketball volleyball football tennis cards chessplay the violin play the pianoplay the guitarplay the drumsplay和乐器(yuq)类搭配时,要用冠词 the.play Erhu 拉二胡中国传统(chuntng)乐器前不不用定冠词the play Lute, Pipa弹琵琶第43页/共54页第四十三页,共54页。1) Tina, are you going to

21、play _ chess on School Day? Yes, and Ill also play _violin that afternoon. (2012湖北孝感(xio n) A. the; the B. the; / C . / ; the D. /; /2) John can play _ guitar, but he cant play _ chess. (2011凉山) A. the; / B. / ; the C the; the第44页/共54页第四十四页,共54页。join the Music Club because join多指参加(cnji)某组织、党派或社会团体,

22、 成为其中的一个成员。第45页/共54页第四十五页,共54页。3. I can cook eggs, but thats all. 我会炒鸡蛋,但仅此而已。thats all是口语中一句非常有用的表法,其用法主要有以下三种:1) 表示仅此这些或无关紧要,意为:没别的;没事;没什么;事情(sh qing)就是这样。如:How are you feeling? 你感觉怎么样?Fine. Just a little tired. Thats all. 还好,只是有点累,没事。第46页/共54页第四十六页,共54页。2) 表示(biosh)沮丧或无可奈何,意为:“没有(别的)办法”。如:If it rains tomorrow, we shall have to stay at home, we cant play football, thats


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