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1、BEC PreliminaryModule 44.1 International business 国际商务国际商务vFocus 学习重点学习重点v熟悉有关国际商务话题的词汇v掌握关于国际贸易方面的话题v练习在听力和阅读过程中寻找具体信息v掌握情态动词 can, could, should 的用法New words & Expressionsvimport n. vi. & vt. 进口vexport n. vi. & vt. 出口vcompetitor n. 竞争对手vwholesaler n. 批发商vwarehouse n. 仓库vaudio product 音响产品vban n. &

2、vt. 禁令vfashion industry crisis 服装行业危机New words & Expressionsvcommissioner n. 委员vspokeswoman n. 女发言人vhuge losses 巨大损失vresign n. vi. & vt. 辞职vgarment n. 服装(成衣)vclothing blockade 服装封锁vin favour of 支持、赞成vdisastrous adj. 损失惨重的,灾难的New words & Expressionsvimport control 进口控制vimport quotas 进口配额vcompromise n

3、. 妥协,折中,让步vstock exchange 证券交易所vappeal to sb. 对有吸引力vavailable adj. 有空的,能得到的vdossier n. 档案,卷宗vflat adj. 没电的,平面的New words & Expressionsvembarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的vin-house magazine 内部杂志vparticipant n. 参加者vstressful adj. 有压力的,紧迫的vmoderator n. 会议主持人vpress the mute button 按下静音键vreflect on 有损声誉,招来非议vteleconf

4、erence n. 远程电话会议New words & Expressionsvproducer n. 生产商 wholesaler n. 批发商 customer n. 顾客 retailer n. 零售商 warehouse n. 仓库 consumer n. 消费者 competitor n. 竞争对手 customs n. 海关 port n. 港口 clothing n. 服装Reading: Fashion industry crisis after EU import ban vBackground Knowledgev1. What is EU?vEU 是European Un

5、ion的缩写,由欧洲共同体(European Communities)发展而来,是一个集政治实体和经济实体于一身、在世界上具有重要影响的区域一体化组织。欧盟的统一货币为欧元(Euro),2002年1月1日零时欧元正式流通。截止2008年1月1日,欧元区成员国有15个。Background Knowledgev2. What is Christmas season?v圣诞季节通常指从12月初到第二年的元月6号这段时间,商家会利用这段时间进行商品促销活动,相当于我国的传统节日春节。Background Knowledgev3. H&M. H&M. 是全球时装零售连锁巨头,来自瑞典的连锁服装店Hem

6、mes & Mauritz的缩写。公司成立于1947年,总部设在斯德哥尔摩,是欧洲最大的服装零售商。v4. Zara Zara:成立于1975年,目前在全球排名第三,西班牙排名第一的服装零售商。在全球56个国家拥有超过两千家以上的服装连锁店。Background KnowledgevC&A C&A:著名连锁平价时装零售品牌,公司于1841年在荷兰成立。C&A 提供“时尚你选择”(Fashion you choose) 引领时尚潮流,满足不同生活方式的目标消费群的特殊需求。Reading: Fashion industry crisis after EU import banTopic sent

7、enceThe Fashion industry in Europe is facing its biggest crisis in recent history.Causes The introduction of import controls in June by the European Trade CommissionerEffects 1. many small companies are suffering 2. some European countries are in favour of the import restrictions.3. Mr. Mandelson is

8、 in dilemma (a difficult position).Text Structure AnalysisListening : Views on import controls 对控制进口的看法对控制进口的看法vPros and Cons: 赞成与反对的理由赞成与反对的理由v1. pros: be for the import controlsv2. cons: be against import controlsSpeaking : Imported goods 进口商品进口商品vDiscussion vWhy does the European company, H&M imp

9、ort clothing and shoes from China?Imported goods 进口商品进口商品vSupported ideasvThe quality of the goods is better.vIts difficult to find European manufacturers.vThe price is lower.vForeign designs appeal to Europeans.vThe goods are made very quickly.vOther countries can supply in large quantities.Grammar

10、: Modal verbs: can/could and shouldvFunctions of Modal verbs:can/could and shouldv1. abilityv2. possibilityv3. assertionv4. permission v5. offerv6. requestv7. recommendationv8. adviceReading : Business 2 business: global communication 商务之间:全球通讯商务之间:全球通讯vNew Words and ExpressionsvTeleconference n. 电话

11、会议vface-to-face meeting 见面会vvirtual meeting 虚拟会议vparticipant n. 参加者vstressful adj. 有压力的vagenda n. 日程vdocument n. 文件vmoderator n. (会议等)主持人vtip n. 技巧;小费Text Structure AnalysisTopic SentenceTeleconferencing is a great way to connect people who work in different parts of the world.Reasons 1. cheaper, 2.

12、 quicker, 3. more informalPreparation1. find a date, 2. specify the local time 3. limit the number of participants 4. send out agenda and documentsTips1. be moderator, 2. always say your name3. press the mute button while listening to others talking4.2 Business communications 商务沟商务沟通通vFocus 学习重点学习重点

13、v熟悉与商务沟通相关的话题v学习掌握如何进行商务沟通的相关技能v练习在听力过程中寻找具体信息v学习掌握 will 的用法v掌握回复投诉信的写法New words & Expressionsvprinter cartridges 打印墨盒vdescription n. 种类;性质;描述vpass the message on to 把留言给vcomplaint n. 投诉vcancel vt. 取消vextension number 分机号码vpharmaceuticals n. 医药用品New words & Expressionsvbudget n. 预算vplasma screen TV

14、等离子电视vfreight forwarder 货运商vdistributor n. 发行人,销售商vcontainer n. 集装箱vproduction manager 生产经理,厂长vMadrid 马德里(西班牙首都)Speaking: On the phone 打电话打电话 CallingvThis is ,ofvIts ofvHello, Id like to speak to vId like to speak to ,please.vCan I leave him a message?vIll call back later.vIll give it (the number) t

15、o you.Speaking: On the phonevResponsev Can I help you?vWhos calling, please?vWould you like to leave a message?vIm afraid is not in her office at the moment.vCan I take a message?vIll ask him to call you when he/she gets back.vDoes he/she have your number?vIll pass your message on toSpeaking:Office

16、Supplies 办公用品办公用品vpencil n. 铅笔veraser n. 橡皮vruler n. 尺子vrubber band 橡皮筋vpen n. 钢笔vball-pen n. 圆珠笔venvelope n. 信封vstationery n. 信纸,文具vpaper 纸Office Supplies 办公用品办公用品vcalculator n. 计算器vdiary n. 记事簿vstaple n. 订书钉vstapler n. 订书机vscissors n. 剪刀vpin n. 大头针vclip n. 回形针vtape n. 胶带vglue n. 胶水vpaste n. 浆糊Offi

17、ce Supplies 办公用品办公用品vcomputer n. 电脑/ laptop n. 笔记本电脑vprinter n. 打印机vprinter cartridge n. 打印墨盒vfax machine n. 传真机vphotocopy machine n. 复印机vshredder n. 碎纸机vprojector n. 投影仪vtelephone n. 电话Writing: Dealing with complaints 处理顾客投诉处理顾客投诉vUseful languagevI apologise forvPlease accept my apologies forvI wou

18、ld like to apologiese for vUnfortunately vThe problem was due to Dealing with complaintsvWe had a problem with vI would like to offer vI can offervPlease accept Sample vDear Mr Paxman,vI apologise for the fact that your order has not arrived yet. Unfortunately, this is a period of very high demand, and our usual supplier is causing us some problems. However, we now ha


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