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1、Unit 2 FoodHoodiaA The San live in that part of Africa called the Kalahari ka:la: ha:ri Desert.(喀拉哈里沙漠,非 洲南部)Life there is hard, and nature can be harsh ha: ?(严厉的).There are somewhere between 45,000 and 100,000 of them living in countries like Zambia z?mbi ?(赞比亚,非洲中南部) and Zimbabwe zim ba:bwei(津巴布韦,

2、非洲).They re not rich and they don t live in expensive houses. There are no roads or schools or hospitals near them. They don have many material possessions p?ze?iz(财产)like cars or computers, things that people in the developed world can t do without. In fact, they have many problems such as unemploy

3、ment and poverty (贫困) On the top of this, they also suffer from alcoholism ?lk ?h?liz?m(酗酒),drinking to forget their problems. They re the Sarib e of traditional hunter-gatherers, who used to travel in search of food for their families instead of growing it or keeping animals. They have a culture th

4、at is 20,000 years old, but their old way of life is disappearing fast and has nearly gone fore ver. So yes, they re poor, and yes, their lifestyle is not attractive to outsiders, but they do have one thing that certain people in the developed world are very very interested in and want to have, and

5、that may make them some money. It s called hoodja掌)B Many countries have basic,common crops that people plant for food, such as rice or potatoes.Potatoes are grown in many European countries as well as South America (They originated there!), and rice is a staple stepl food (主食)in Asia. But not all p

6、lants are grown just for food; some of them can also be used as medicine. A few examples are garlic (大蒜),which is said to help with colds or high blood pressure, ginger (姜)to help with headaches or toothache, or the magnolia m?g nauli ?(木兰)tree which is used in Chinese traditional medicine to treat

7、some forms ofcancer and heart disease. Hoodia ,a cactus k?kt ?s(仙人掌) -like plant, only grows in the area where the San live, and they know where to find it and the best time to use it. They have known about i t for centuries and they understand how to use it, but they don t use it for food,and theyd

8、on t use it to cure disease either. They use it to fight hunger.C In the old days when the San had to travel in search of food, they and their children sometimes had to go without food for several days. This was even longer in times of famine f?min(饥荒)or when the rains failed. They ate the hoodia pl

9、ant when they were starving, to help them survive until they found food, to stop their children from crying, and to give them the strength to continue their search. However, it didn gtve them energy like normal food would. Instead, the chemicals in the hoodia plant killed the feeling of hunger and s

10、topped them wanting food. They didn t know exatttyv it worked; the only thing they knew for certain was it did work.D Scientists have now discovered that the plant contains a substance s?bst?ns(物质)whichthey have called P57. This chemical makes the brain believe that the stomach is full and that theb

11、ody doesn rteed food. That is why people in the developed world, especially those in pharmaceutical ,fa:m ?su:tikl(制药的)companies, are extremely interested in this very promising (有前途的)plant.E Obesity ?u bi:siti(月巴胖)in the developed world is a huge and growing problem, not only among adults, but incr

12、easingly among children. It has been estimated(估计) that up to 50%ofpeople in the developed world are overweight and 20% of these are obese; at the time of writing, for example,30% of Chinese children were considered to be too heavy for their age. One cause of obesity is eating the wrong kind of food

13、. Our grandparents had the time to prepare simple yet nourishing n?ri ?(有营养的)meals, and they didn t eat as much meat or fatty foods as we donowadays,and that s one rwhyothey were slimmer and healthier than their descendants di send?nt(后代).Today we have less time to cook, and we have more money, so t

14、he easiest thing to do is to buy ready- made meals. They may be convenient and taste good, but they re often highin fat, salt and sugar. Too much of these make people unhealthy and fat. They need to lose weight, and that s where hoodia comes in.F I seems to be the perfect solution. People in the Wes

15、t want to lose weight and hoodia is ideal. Western companies pay for the right to use the secrets of the hoodia plant; by selling these rights to the West, the San make money and can then help themselves. Obese people lose weight and the San people make a profit (禾U益),so everyone is happy.4 .段意概括,将段

16、落开头A-F分别填入相对应的横线Hoodia may help people to lose weightSome children have a weight problem in the developed world . Most places have a staple food .The San can be found in Kalahari desert in Africa.Hoodia contains p575 .用下列句式开头,对本文章进行简短的总结,叙述出来。This passage is aboutIt describesThe main idea is that单选题

17、1) The San:A herd cows and collect plantsB hunt animals and grow plantsC hunt animals and collect plantsD herd cows and grow plants2)Which problem is NOT mentioned in the passage?A they can not find jobsB they have family problemsC they drink too much alcoholD they are very poor3)Examples of staple

18、foods are :A rice and potatoesB garlic and gingerC magnolia and hoodiaD all of the above4)In the old days ,the San:A ate hoodia every dayB ate hoodia when they were hungryC ate hoodia when there was a famineD ate hoodia when they wanted to diet5)In the West:A most people are overweightB 30 % of peop

19、le are overweightC 20 % people are overweightD the majority of people are not overweightC B A C A本文共有六段 A-F,哪一段包含了以下信息,请填空 .注:字母均可重复使用,不必全部使用。6) Some foods are used to cure health problem7) Many modern people do not eat well and have weight problem8) The San have something that people in the West wa

20、nt .9) The sale of hoodia from Africa to the West might help everyone .10) Hoodia was used by the San to control hunger when food was scarce .从文章中寻找答案,每道题不超过四个词11) What do the San not have that people in developed countries mostly have?12) How long have the San people known about hoodia ?13) What do

21、es hoodia have that makes it so useful for western people?14) What sort of meals does the writer say our grandparents prepared?15) What did our grandparents eat less of ,compared to people these days ?Material possessionsFor centuriesP57/a chemical /chemicals(simple yet )NourishingMeat or fatty food

22、s选词填空The San are a tribe of hunter-gatherers in the Kalahari desert whose 16)lifestyle is changing fast.They now suffer from modern problems such as alcoholism ,poverty and 17).Since ancient times they have used a cactus-like plant ,hoodia ,to help 18)hunger when food was scarce.In the West ,where 1

23、9)is becoming a major health issue ,hoodia is seen as a solution as it appears to control the 20)to eat .Traditional unemployment overcome obesity desire21)The writers main idea is that: AA The ancient practice of using hoodia when food was scarce may lead to an improvement in the Sans financial sit

24、uation.B Obesity,a growing problem all over the developed word ,is spreading to the less developed countries as well .C The ancient culture and lifestyle of the San is changing rapidly now .D The pharmaceutical companies want to get control of supplies of hoodia .6.根据提示选择对应的单词A an addiction to stron

25、g drinksB a basic item ,in widespread useC to be cruel or unkindD pleasant or looking goodE things such as mobile phones ,carsF a time when there is no foodG a lack of money ,food or possessionsH to manage to stay aliveI providing for growth and healthJ the state of being without a paying jobK a pri

26、ckly desert plantL in the old way ,not modernM the state of being overweightN a solid ,powder or liquidA alcoholismB stapleC harshD attractiveE material possessionsF famineG povertyH surviveI nourishingJ unemploymentK cactusL traditionalM obesityN substance用所给词汇补写句子:A Food that is is healthy and hel

27、ps us grow .B Hoodia looks like a,but is not actually related .C In recent times ,the San people have begun to suffer from because they drink too much .D They have few as they live simply and move around a lot .E As they also have problems such as poverty and unemployment ,the San lifestyle is not v

28、ery to outsiders .F These days ,it is difficult for the San to maintain their lifestyle and culture .G In the old days ,the San people used hoodia to help them when food was difficult tofind .H A in hoodia seems to stop people feeling hungry .I A major problem in many countries is,as people eat too much


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