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1、石油英语学习整理-王洪威1.  DRILLING  ENGINEERING  钻井工程1.1  THE COMPENTS OF THE ROTARY DRILLING RIG钻机系统的组成1.1.1  Hoisting System   提升系统sub structure    井架底座,底部结构derrick (mask)   井架crown block      天车traveling block

2、60; 游动滑车wire line (drill line)  钢丝绳,钻井大绳deadline           死绳air hoist          气压提升机,气压提升绞车drilling rig (drilling machine)   钻机drawwork        &

3、#160; 绞车drum                 滚筒brake crank (handle, bar)       刹把hydraulic brake  水刹车electric brake  电磁刹车mechanical friction device      机械磨擦装置ca

4、thead                                         猫头elevator       &#

5、160;                                吊卡 slip type casing elevator            

6、0;        卡瓦型套管吊卡        pipe elevator                                 

7、; 钻杆吊卡     slip                                            

8、卡瓦       safety slip                                    安全卡瓦      

9、0;  collar rotary slip                          环形钻铤转盘卡瓦  drill pipe rotary slips              

10、        环形钻杆转盘卡瓦links                                        

11、0;   连杆 hook                                           大钩  hook load &

12、#160;                                 大钩负荷  hook speed             

13、60;                    大钩速度  hook weight                          

14、0;      大钩悬重DF (drill floor)                                   钻台monkey board    

15、0;                              二层台1.1.2  Circulating & Solids Control System       循环及固控系统drilling mud (drilling fl

16、uid)                    钻井泥浆,钻井液      water mud                       

17、            淡水泥浆  water-base mud                               水基泥浆  salt mud &#

18、160;                                   盐水泥浆  salt-base mud           &

19、#160;                    盐水基泥浆  oil-base mud                          

20、        油基泥浆  oilemuision                              油包水泥浆,石油乳浊液  mud property     

21、                            泥浆性能   mud weight out/in                 &

22、#160;        泥浆密度 进/出   mud density out/in                          泥浆密度 进/出    mud viscosity    

23、60;                           泥浆粘度     mud conductivity                

24、0;           泥浆电导率   mud resistivity                               泥浆电阻   PH-val

25、ue                                     PH值    water loss         

26、                            失水   sand content                  &#

27、160;               含砂量     gel strength                             &#

28、160;     静切力  mud cake                                      泥饼     mud cake

29、 effect                               泥饼效应  mud filtrate               

30、;                   泥浆滤液   mud loss                            &#

31、160;        泥浆漏失   mud column                                  泥浆液柱  mud sample  

32、;                                泥浆试样    mud stability             

33、60;                  泥浆稳定性   mud pump (pump)                           

34、0;  泥浆泵       pump body                                     泵体   pump capacity (disch

35、arge)                   泵排量(泵容量)  pump displacement                         

36、0;    泵排量  pump output                                   泵排量  pump efficiency    

37、0;                            泵效率  pump stroke                   

38、                泵冲程   pump cylinder                               

39、;   缸套   mud pump rod                               泥浆泵拉杆  piston           

40、;                              活塞mud room                   

41、                    泵房 mud line                             

42、         泥浆管线choke line                                     地面管汇high pressure li

43、ne                              高压管线standpipe                  &#

44、160;                    立管  standpipe valve                          &

45、#160;   立管闸门hose                                           水龙带swivel  

46、                                       水龙头  swivel bail        &#

47、160;                         水龙头吊环  swivel sub (joint)                    &

48、#160;       水龙头接头  swivel stem                                水龙头中心管gooseneck     

49、60;                                鹅颈管wash pipe                &#

50、160;                      冲管wash pipe swivel                         &

51、#160;    冲管旋转接头   kelly                                          方钻杆 k

52、elly cock                                  方钻杆上旋塞kelly dog nut            &

53、#160;                   方钻杆下旋塞HWDP height weight drillpipe                    加重钻杆DP drillpipe   

54、60;                                钻杆DC drill collar               

55、60;                  钻铤  spiral collar                            

56、0;   螺旋钻铤  pony DC (collar)                             短钻铤  NMDC  non-monel collar        

57、0;           无磁钻铤tool joint                                    钻具接头  s

58、ub (joint)                                   接头  tool joint box          &#

59、160;                   接头母扣  tool joint pin                           

60、   接头公扣  X-O (crossover) subs                      配合接头(转换接头)  shock sub                 &

61、#160;               减震接头  bumper sub                              缓冲器接头  bi

62、t sub                                   钻头接头 flex sub            

63、                        柔性短接  string stabilizer (pin ×box)                 钻具扶正器(公扣对母扣)  n

64、ear bit stabilizer (box ×box)               扶正器(母扣对母扣)  centrallizer                         &#

65、160;     扶正器bumpers (shock absorber)                     减震器 drilling junk basket                

66、60;       随钻打捞杯drilling jar                                随钻震击器jar        

67、                                震击器BHA bottomhole assembly              

68、60;   下部钻具总成HDRT high data rate tool                   高速数据传输钻具(MWD用)drill stem (drill string)                 

69、0;       钻柱bit                                         钻头  drag b

70、it (blade bit)                       刮刀钻头  cone bit (roller bit)                    &

71、#160;  牙轮钻头   tri-cone bit                            三牙轮钻头  jet bit             

72、;                     喷射式牙轮钻头  core drilling bit                        

73、60; 取心钻头  milled tooth bit                          铣齿钻头  insert bit                &

74、#160;               镶齿钻头  gauge insert bit                          保径镶齿钻头  diamond bit &#

75、160;                          金刚石钻头   bit cone                    

76、0;           钻头牙轮  bit size                                 钻头尺寸  bit cost 

77、                               钻头成本  bit record                &#

78、160;             钻头记录  bit type                                钻头类型  bit je

79、ts                                 钻头水眼  bit nozzle              

80、                钻头喷嘴  TFA  total flow area                    钻头水眼总流量面积  bit consumption    

81、60;                    钻头用量  bit footage                          

82、0;  钻头进尺  bit factor                              钻头因素  bit grading            &

83、#160;               钻头磨损等级  bit-tooth dullness                       钻头牙齿磨钝程度   bit life   

84、0;                            钻头寿命  bit HHP hydraulic horsepower           钻头水马力hole opener   &

85、#160;                          扩眼器underreamer                     

86、0;       管下扩眼器 annular                                  环空 wellhead      &#

87、160;                          井口flowline                      

88、60;           架空管线 shale shaker                              震动筛mud tank (mud pits)   

89、0;                   泥浆罐suction pit                             &

90、#160;  进口罐setting pit                                沉砂罐waste pit            

91、60;                    泥浆坑 desander                            &#

92、160;    除砂器 desilter                                   除泥器degasser        &

93、#160;                         除气器mud cleaner                      

94、0;       清洁器centrifuge                                离心机agitator        &#

95、160;                         搅拌机1.1.3  Rotary System                    

96、60;   旋转系统     prime mover                               原动机     diesel engine   

97、0;                            柴油机      engine                

98、0;                    引擎     rotary table                        

99、         转盘       rotary base                               转盘底座  

100、0;    rotary chain                              转盘传动链条      KB kelly bushing       &#

101、160;                    方钻杆补心     roller type bushing                      

102、    滚子方补心     master bushing                             转盘补心     slip type casing spider  

103、0;                    卡瓦型套管卡盘                     tongs         &

104、#160;                           大钳,吊钳       lead tongs              &#

105、160;                 内钳       back-up tongs                        

106、60;    外钳       hydraulic tongs                           液压大钳       chain tongs  

107、60;                            链钳       pipe tongs (spanner)            

108、60;           管钳         spinning chain                             旋链 

109、;      power tongs                               动力大钳       spanning wrench   &#

110、160;                       旋转扳手  1.1.4  Blowout Prevention System                 防喷系统  &#

111、160;    kick                                         井涌      

112、;     blowout                                       井喷      

113、 blowout control                                井控        blowout control equipment     &#

114、160;               井控设备       blowout hookup                          

115、    防喷装置       BOP  blowout prevention                      防喷器         annular ram prevention  

116、;                (万能)环形防喷器         pipe rams                       

117、60;      (半封)闸板防喷器         blind rams                               盲板全封式防喷器 

118、60;       shear rams                               剪切闸板式全封防喷器       blowout plug 

119、0;                                防喷塞       blowout preventer of three stage packer     &#

120、160;  三级密封式防喷器       control console                                 控制台     

121、60; remote control console                         远程控制台       conductor line            &

122、#160;                     导管        choke line manifold                   &

123、#160;        节流管线       fill line                                 

124、0;    灌浆管线       kill line                                      压井管线&#

125、160;      emergency line                              紧急压井管线       chokes    

126、60;                                   节流阀       hydraulic valve      &

127、#160;                          液压阀       gas buster               

128、0;                   泥气分离器       poor boy                       &

129、#160;            泥气分离器       choke pressure                            

130、0;   节流压力       blowout prevention procedure                    防喷措施 1.1.5  Motion Compensation System         

131、0;     运动补偿系统       offshore floating rigs                         海上浮式钻机       drillstring compensa

132、tor                        钻柱补偿器       sea level                  

133、;                     海平面       sea floor                     

134、60;                  海底       deck                         &

135、#160;                 甲板       air pressure vessels                       &

136、#160;   空气压力容器        hydraulic cylinder assembles                    液压缸总成       piston rod       &

137、#160;                             活塞杆       standard hook assembles          

138、60;           标准大钩总成       riser                               &#

139、160;         隔水导管       guideline tensioner                           导索拉紧装置    

140、   control panel                                  控制盘       guide base    &

141、#160;                              导引底盘       marine riser           &

142、#160;                    海中隔水导管      moon pool                      &#

143、160;              月形开口                            riser tensioner      

144、0;                          隔水导管拉紧装置  1.2  WELLS & DRILLING CRAFT      井与钻井工艺流程      well, drilling well &

145、#160;                             井,钻井      wildcat well             &

146、#160;                    预探,初探井       delineation well                     

147、            探边井      development well                             生产井,开发井 &

148、#160;       satellite well                                    丛式井      inje

149、ction well                                   注水井      direction well      &

150、#160;                            定向井      deviation well              

151、                      斜井      COST continental offshore stratigraphic test well(美)大陆近海地层探井        to rig up     

152、60;                              安装(钻机)      to install the equipment          &

153、#160;              安装设备       to get drill pipes in order                         排钻具 

154、;     to measure & inspect drillstring                  仗量,检查钻具       to measure the length of drill pipes &drill collars    量钻杆,量钻铤  

155、60;   to nipple up BOP                                装封井器      to spud in      

156、                                开钻      to turn on the pumps          

157、                   开泵      to circulate, circulation                      &

158、#160;    循环        circulate to the bottom up                     完全循环        reserve circulation   

159、                         反循环      bit break-in procedure                

160、60;         磨合钻头      reaming                                  &#

161、160;    扩眼      drilling                                        钻

162、进        coring drilling                               取心钻进       rough drilling (bou

163、ncing of drilling tool)             跳钻       bit bouncing                         

164、60;         蹩钻       reverse rotation (running)                       打倒车       correct dr

165、ift                                   纠斜       lost circulation      &

166、#160;                          井漏       slough (cave-in)               

167、;                 井塌      to stop the pump                         

168、60;      停泵       PC pipe connection                             接单根       

169、  make a joint                                接单根      wire line survey       &#

170、160;                         吊测      deviation survey                 

171、                测斜      to change the shaker screen                       换筛布  &

172、#160;   to repair the pump                               修泵      to break down a joint     

173、;                       卸一个单根      to slug the pipe                   

174、               往钻杆内打重泥浆       POOH to pull out of hole                         &

175、#160;  起钻        to trip out the hole                               起钻      

176、0; touch sticking                                   遇卡        pulling a piston   

177、;                              拔活塞      to lubricate rig (drawwork)          

178、60;              保养钻机(绞车)      to repair rig                           

179、0;          维修钻机      to cut & slip the drillline                           倒大绳   

180、;   to clean the mud tank                              清罐      well logging, E-log      &#

181、160;                          电测      SWC sidewall coring               

182、60;             井壁取心           DST drill stem test                        &

183、#160;     钻杆中途测试      to running casing, casing                           下套管        surfa

184、ce casing                                表层套管        intermediate casing      &#

185、160;                     技术套管        liner                    

186、60;                     尾管      to running cementing                    

187、60;          固井      to squeeze cement                                挤水泥&#

188、160;     WOC wait on cement                              侯凝      to nipple up BOP     

189、;                          换装封井器      to install the BOP               

190、0;               装封井器      to test BOP                            

191、;        封井器试压      to change bit, bit change                          换钻头      RIH 

192、run in hole                                下钻        to trip in        

193、;                             下钻        touchdown, touching resistance         &

194、#160;         遇阻      RTO round trip operation                       起下钻作业        short tr

195、ipping                                短起下钻      reaming           

196、;                            划眼      to cement plug , plug back             

197、;          打水泥塞      side tracking                                

198、0;  侧钻      to kick off                                     造斜    

199、0;   KOD kick off depth                          造斜深度        KOP kick off point        

200、60;                  造斜点      to hang up                         

201、           意外停机      to survey the flowout                           监测溢流   

202、0;  flow check                                    溢流检查      WOO wait on order   

203、                         等指令      WOW wait on weather                 

204、        等天气      WOL  wait on logging                         等测井      WOE  wait on e

205、quipment                      等设备      WOFT wait on fishing tools                 

206、60;   等打捞工具      to finish drilling                                完钻      to running

207、 the liner                            挂尾管        to plug-back            &#

208、160;                     填井      final testing                     

209、60;             完井测试      to install the Chirstmas tree (production)          装采油树      well completion       

210、                         完井      to prevent sticking                 &

211、#160;            防卡      to prevent caving                             

212、0; 防塌      to prevent loss of circulation                      防漏      to prevent blowout         &#

213、160;                    防喷1.3  SPECIAL ENGINEERING OPERATION  特殊工程施工     Coring                

214、                取心1.3.1.1  Coring Equipment                  取心及岩心分析设备      coring drill   

215、0;                            取心钻具          core drilling bit          

216、0;                  取心钻头       core bit                         &

217、#160;          取心钻头      coring crown                               金刚石取心钻头 

218、;     core cone bit                               牙轮取心钻头      core basket     &#

219、160;                           岩心爪      core barrel catcher              &#

220、160;           岩心抓取器      core catcher                               &

221、#160; 岩心爪      core catcher case                            岩心爪外套      core gripper     &#

222、160;                          岩心爪      core-gripper with slip               

223、;         卡瓦式岩心爪      core-gripper with slipcollar                   卡箍式岩心爪       core-gripper with slipspring 

224、0;                 卡簧式岩心爪      core spring                         

225、60;        岩心卡簧      core barrel                                   岩心筒

226、      core container                                内岩心筒       core chamber   &#

227、160;                            岩心室      core barrel head              

228、;                岩心筒上盖      core barrel ring                          

229、     取心筒垫圈      core shoe                                   (压力式)取心筒鞋      core plunger                                 岩心推取杆      core pusher  


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